
Chapter 13: Treasure Chest Fusion, Dual Talents, and the Fountain of Magic!

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[Detected that the host has collected a large number of treasure chests.]

[Treasure chest fusion function activated!]

[Ten low-level chests can be fused into one higher-level chest!]

Back in the dormitory, Kael suddenly heard the system's prompt in his mind.

"Chests can be fused?"

"System, Status!"

[Emotional Treasure Chest System]

[Host: Kael Mephisto]

[Race: Human (the sixth?)] (T/N: 老六 Lao Liu Literally translated as "the sixth," or a colloquial term that refers to the youngest child in a family or to address someone who ranks sixth in a group. I am Confused AF)

[Age: Eleven]

[Talents: Heart of Dark Magic, Affinity with Magical Creatures!]

[Magic: Avada Kedavra (max), Cruciatus Curse (max), Imperius Curse (max), Expelliarmus (LV8), Stupefy (LV8), Protego (LV8), etc.]

[Pets: Sun Elf, Moon Elf, ....]

[Treasure Chests: Diamond Chests x2, Gold Chests x6, Silver Chests x31, Bronze Chests x126!]

A total of 165 chests.

This is just from one day's worth of loot.

Although most are low-level and won't yield anything great.

But with the fusion system, it's different.

"System, automatically fuse all the chests!"


[120 Bronze Chests fused into 12 Silver Chests. Current Silver Chest count: 43!]

[40 Silver Chests fused into 4 Gold Chests. Current Gold Chest count: 10!]

[10 Gold Chests fused into 1 Diamond Chest. Current Diamond Chest count: 3!]

"Three Diamond Chests!"

Kael's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Generally speaking, in the world of Harry Potter, there is no clear-cut division of strength.

But based on the five levels of chests, Kael has made a rough classification for himself.

Bronze Chests correspond to young wizards, those who haven't graduated from Hogwarts yet.

Silver Chests correspond to regular adult wizards.

Gold Chests correspond to elite adult wizards, such as Aurors in the Ministry of Magic or professors at Hogwarts.

As for Diamond Chests.

They correspond to figures at the headmaster level!

The ultimate treasure chests correspond to legendary wizards like Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Grindelwald.

Of course, this is just a rough classification.

Because wizard battles, depending on their area of expertise and other factors, cannot be judged solely by level.

Kael rubbed his hands, feeling uneasy, and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

He washed his handsome face clean, then returned to his bed. (T/N: Bro is narcissist)

"System, open the three Diamond Chests!"

[Ding! Congratulations, host has opened the Diamond Chest and obtained the talent: Mastery of Herbology!]

[Ding! Congratulations, host has opened the Diamond Chest and obtained the talent: Mastery of Potions!]

[Ding! Congratulations, host has opened the Diamond Chest and obtained the item: The Fountain of Magic!]

Three consecutive prompts rang out.

[Herbology Mastery: You are a natural Herbology master. No matter what herbs are in front of you, you will quickly understand their medicinal properties and growth habits!]

[Potions Mastery: You are a natural Potions master. No matter what potion formula is in front of you, you will quickly master and improve its application!]

Looking at the two prompts before him, Kael fell into deep thought.

How should I put this?

The system seems a bit lazy...

It seems to be copying and pasting with just keyword changes.

Of course, this doesn't affect the greatness of these two talents.

Every Potions Master has a unique status in the magical world.

They are highly sought after by all factions.

Just look at Snape. In the first book, didn't Voldemort suspect Snape of betraying him?

Of course, he did!

But even after his resurrection, he pretended not to know anything and chose to employ Snape!

And the only thing that can limit a Potions Master is a Herbology Master.

Just like how Slytherin students dare only to verbally insult Hufflepuff's badger but don't really dare to bully them.


Because Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff, is a Herbology Master.

he once said that if you dare to bully my students, I'll cut off your source of herbs!

Now that Kael has both talents, becoming a master-level figure is just a matter of time.

As for the final item, the Fountain of Magic, it's even more impressive.

[Fountain of Magic: Can store three times the host's total magical power and release it when needed, while increasing the host's magic recovery speed by ten times!]

It is a treasure shaped like a sky-blue vertical pupil, worn on the forehead.

It usually hides automatically but will appear when used...

Kael placed the Fountain of Magic on his forehead, and it merged seamlessly.

Then he went to the bathroom to look in the mirror.



Very good!

From today onwards, please call me...

Kael Tsunade Mephisto!

This is essentially a variant of the Hundred-Healing Jutsu, isn't it?

Kael had previously used up a lot of magic in Knockturn Alley.

His current total magical power was roughly equivalent to a powerful elite wizard, stronger than an adult wizard.

If you account for the triple magical power...

It should definitely reach the headmaster level like the old bat (T/N: Dumbledore).

With the maximum-level three Unforgivable Curses!

Even if he were to battle Dumbledore...

Kael was confident!

He would certainly...

Spit in Dumbledore's face before getting killed!

That's how proud he was!



So how the Translation, If there is any grammar mistake or recommendation for translated content then comment, I will the make changes if the necessary.



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