
Choosing a Pokemon

Patreon: patreon.com/jaxon23


"Those who wish to follow me are to come this way." The Kanto professor of Pokémon said to the group of teenagers.

He motioned for them to follow him into a room.

Even though there were a little bit more than 5 that would accept the sponsorship. Most of them weren't sure whether they wanted to go through with this. For fuck's sake, nerds come from poor families with a very sad sob-backstory.

Nerds can't pay for all that expensive sh*t! You don't want to owe the professor Oak, half of what he invested in you because you didn't make top 16 in the indigo league. There weren't any child labor laws here so unless you don't want to be milking Miltanks for the next 50 years of your life, you better start winning.

A group of seven followed the Pokémon:

A kid with Raven hair, his most distinct feature was the pajamas he wore, it was fucking 11 in the morning, how the hell did he oversleep? The Pokémon on his pajamas were seemingly mocking him, it created some sense of insecurity among the graduates. You would wonder how the hell someone like him was among the top 12. This was Ash Ketchum!

There was the famous son of the professor, Gary Oak, and the rival of pajamas boy. He seemed to carry himself with more pride than pajamas boy despite the fact that they were "rivals". He always tried to sub-consciously create a feeling of insecurity to pajamas boy whenever they met after they had turned 10.

A teen also walked with the crowd, his whole body screaming determination and giving off some of those vibes of determination. He wore a black shirt underneath his unzipped multicolored red and white jacket coupled with blue trousers. This was top 2 of the Pokémon academy, Red Ketchum!

A teen who had the same color of hair as Gary Oak was walking behind him. His expression was very different from the smug look the other young Oak carried all the time, it was filled with excitement. He looked so happy you would think today was the day he was top 1 in the indigo league. The cousin of Gary oak and 1st place in the Pokémon Academy, Blue Oak.

Then the last important person but could he be the least? Wearing a pair of black trousers with a red shirt with white stripes. He was the top 9 in the Pokémon exam and he had no idea, Barry? Hey, no surname?

The man who was leading them was the most important person in the whole region, even more than the elite 4! The leading professor in the world and the oldest important person, Pokémon Professor Samuel Oak!

There was a young girl in the midst of mixed genders. She wore a blue shirt and a seemingly more than average skirt. The shirt went all the way past her knees! She was Leaf of Viridian city.

The others were just random people who had the potential to be good aides in the laboratory but had to get money. They were not important!!

He led them to a room that was grey and standing on the table was 12 pokémon.

There was a 1 Charmander, 2 Squirtles, 2 Bulbasaurs and other common Kanto Pokémon that were given as starters in hacks.

"You'll choose according to the rank you got in the Pokémon Academy exams." The professor informed the youngsters as he motioned for them to begin choosing.

"Blue you're up first." The professor informed one of his sons' son.

"I choose you, Squirtle!" Blue said immediately.

The professor brought out from his pocket a red and white circular ball with a button in the middle.

"Here, catch it." The professor said to the teen as he gave him the pokéball.

"Alright!" He said as he tapped Squirtle with the ball.

The Pokémon was engulfed by a red light that seemed to devour it. The ball suddenly sucked the Pokémon into it before shaking three times. It clicked shut after that, signifying that the Pokémon had been successfully caught.

Blue picked up the pokéball before pressing the button, he then threw it a little into the air. "Come out, Squirtle!"

The Pokémon came out of the ball and landed in Blue's hands.

"Red, you're next." He said handing the teen a standard pokéball.

"I choose you, Charmander!"

The same process repeated itself and the Charmander now lay in Red's arms.

The process then repeated itself several times.

"Gary." "Squirle!"

"Leaf." "Bulbasaur."

"Boy A." "I choose Eevee."

After the others had their Pokémon in their hand it only remained two people: Barry and Ash!

"Oh man, there aren't any Charmanders left." Ash groaned and would've cursed at his bad luck if not for the several people that surrounded them. "I guess I'll choose Bulbasaur then!"

"No Ash, that Bulbasaur isn't for young trainer. It's for research." The professor informed pajama boy.

"But there isn't any other Pokémon that I want here."

"That's probably for the better. The chances that you'll get along with any of the ones remaining in the lab is nil." The professor said.

'This is a really long dream." Barry thought.

For him, most dreams barely looked like they took 20 minutes and they would spend long ass 8 hours.' He thought.

The most important thing to him was the fact that he had a class at exactly 9 AM in the morning and for all he knew he could be snoozing to kingdom come.

"Well, I have a Pokémon that'll serve better for you than the ones here." The professor went to a cupboard and brought out a standard pokéball.


"What Pokémon is this?" Ash asked.

"Find out by yourself." The professor replied Ash.

"Okay… Come on out!" He commanded as he pressed the button before thowing the ball into the sky.

A Pokémon that was the color yellow with black stripes. It had a tail and reminded people of a kind of quite rodent, it was Pikachu the electric rodent Pokémon.

After a bit of explaining on the professor's side Ash got a Pikachu as his starter Pokémon.

It was finally Barry's turn.

"Here's a pokéball, choose the Pokémon you want to accompany you on your journey." He said.

"Alright." Barry replied with his voice laced with anxiety.

Chemistry was one long-ass subject and it had one long ass scheme of work for the term he was in. Physics was another matter entirely, so the thought of sleeping during one of these classes greatly scared him.

'Machop, Jigglypuff, Onix, Geodude, Zubat, Rattata, Nidoran (F), Nidoran (M).' These were the Pokémon that were present for Barry to choose from.

He knew that even if they were common Pokémon they would be very much stronger than their counterparts found in the wilderness. Yet, he didn't want to come to a complete hault before he could even get the first badge.

Either that or he was trying to see if he delayed long enough he would wake up.

After a very long decision making process Barry took a hold of the pokéball. Unlike the rare and unique starter Pokémon that the others had gotten that needed proper identification the common ones didn't.

"I choose Nidoran (M)."

He had decided that the Pokémon he would choose was Nidoran (M) for a couple of reasons:

1. Poison point would poison anyone that used physical combat against it. That would be a good way to scam people when they were miles away from the Pokémon center and their Pokémon was poisoned…

Not that he'll ever reach that part of the dream.

A/N: Me wondering how prof. Oak expects MC to enter top 16 when he got a common Pokémon as a starter… MC is off to a rough start in this journey!

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