
Chapter 11

"___" Text speech

'___' Internal thoughts

[___] status

(___) skills

(Great Sage:___)

{Author:___} author notes

Some things are subject to change depending on how I develop this story


This was the first time Kuroka had seen their father in years, too long ago for her sister to even remember, and now that man was clearly hurting her sister. She will NOT stand for this.

She ran to her father, conjuring her Senjutsu and threw blue fireballs at her father.

Her father, being a mostly normal human, did not have the capabilities to fight an enraged nekoshou; however, there is one thing no one accounted for.

A barrier spell spawned in between both Kuroka and her father, at which point Kuroka finally sensed the presence of another individual.

It was their master. Zeldris Naberius.

"Well well well, looks like I was right to come back, I had the feeling you would somehow mess it up you stupid human." Zeldris stated with disdain.

"I am very sorry Zeldris-sama, she snuck up on me, I will not commit the same mistake again, I'll capture them now." Her father stated with a red face from embarrassment.

"No matter, whether they're alive or not does not matter, if they die can just clone them or use their remains as a last resort." Zeldris said without care.

"B-but, Zeldris-sama, if you do that, we could risk losing our progress altogether." Her father stated with shock.

"Do. Not. Tell. Me. What. To. Do." Zeldris stated with a cold face.

"Now, where was I, ah yes, I order you to die Kuroka." Zeldris said as a huge magic circle appeared on the ground, which summoned a giant brown dog, which is the specialty of the Naberius House, Cebereon.

The Cebereon ability of the Naberius House is both weak and strong, the reason for it is that their ability relies on capturing wild Demonic Hounds of the underworld and making a contract with them, as time passing the hound will be influenced by the contractor's Demonic Power, effectively enhancing them using their contractor as their base, which means the affinities of the user will be reflected on the dog. It is said that the Ancestor of the Naberius could summon an actual Cerberus with 3 elemental affinities, one for each head, luckily Zeldris isn't very strong, just an average Mid-Rank devil.

{Author: pretty sure the Neberius power was never mentioned so I just made my own based on Kalego from Iruma-san with a few variations.}

Kuroka, seeing the unfavorable situation of fighting a 3v1 was thinking of how to get out of this mess while protecting her sister, when suddenly a boy younger than herself burst through the ceiling with a flaming red aura surrounding him, which she could detect was made up of Life Force(ki).

"Nice, it looks like I made it in time, so which one of you guys wants your ass kicked first, I have a bone to pick with the Naberius house." The boy provoked cockily.


-Scene Change-

(Meelis POV)

Well, crap, there was a slight mishap in my wording when implementing my plan.

The problem with my plans lies in two points.

First point, I did not word my skill properly, since I assumed it was working under my words and intent when making it, but apparently it only takes in my words and adjusts them to a feasible standard for the world. What this means is that I can't just make a skill that literally makes me God, if I tried, it'd adjust itself to say something like by absorbing the faith of humans the user will turn to a god. So yes, in a way my skills are working fine but I can't just make up the most absurd skills and win life.

When I upgraded my hypnosis skill, everything I stated when making the skill worked out fine, there was no mistake, my only mistake is that the skill must be actively used to keep them in a trance, which leads me to my next issue.

I did not take racial resistance into play when determining the effects of my skill. Yes, my skill still works on them, but their racial resistances to magic, or in my case Demonic Power, determines how much of my own Demonic Power I must use to keep the spell active while I am messing with their brains.

Those two factors play an important role in my ability to hypnotize others.

What was the result? Well, I managed to hypnotize Sirzechs… for about 2 seconds. The moment I realized what was going on I only managed to tell Sirzechs that he 'Unconditionally trusts me' and then my Demonic Power reserves immediately tapped out and I was really tired.

Luckily, I managed to at least prove my skill works, even if not as intended, and because of that I managed to 'convince' him to probe the Naberius House for unethical experiments and other illegal devil activities, effectively accelerating the events of Koneko and Kuroka a couple days or so before it happens. Also using his 'trust' in me, I managed to convince him to let me join in the raid for 'experience' and so he let me go under the condition I must be accompanied by Grayfia, and I can only barge into the House's side branches.

All of this leads me to my current situation, using my Life force senses, I detected someone using Life Force to fight, probably Kuroka since she's the only fighter who knows any Life Force based moves.

{Author: life force sensing is not an actual skill just a side product his techniques like touki and advanced life magic just like how mc can have bat wings without a flight skill appearing in his status}

"Kaio-Ken x 2" Using my favorite dbz technique I barge through several roofs and floors, until I come face to face with a massive dark brown dog, a scientist looking dude with black hair, and some evil looking guy with an ugly face.

"Nice, it looks like I made it in time, so which one of you guys wants your ass kicked first, I have a bone to pick with the Naberius house." I said with a smug on my face.

"Actually, never mind, I'll fight all three of you-."

Before I could react, a Karate chop smacks me into the ground.

As I get up and look at the person who smacked me, I grumbled, "That wasn't very nice Grayfia."

Grayfia simply said, "Meelis-sama, before you think about fighting a 3v1, first you have to be able to fight a 1v1 properly…."

"…" I swear I'll make her crawl one day.

"Anyways, I'll fight the giant pug, Grayfia you take care of the white-haired girl, and you, black haired girl, you'll fight him." I pointed at Zeldris. 

"Pug?"x2 both Kuroka and Zeldris were slightly baffled by my statement, not that I cared, it truly looks like a giant pug.

Not gonna lie, I am slightly excited, this is my first fight, outside of training, and its with a giant pug. My Demonic Power may be terrible but training my body with (Touki) and (Kaio-ken) has definitely helped me improve my physical strength, I don't have to rely on my Demonic Power to win fights. In terms of fighting power, I am above average among the Low-Rank devils, that is without me using clones or Kaio-ken.

I also don't have to worry about anything, that Zeldris guy is pretty average among Mid-Rank devils it seems, and his 'Cebereon' is only a bit stronger than he is, so I don't have to worry about any accidents; even if one does happen, I have The Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation on my side to back me up.


LP: 200

Devil Nobility Class: Low, Mid, High, Ultimate, Special (these are the actual cannon rankings of DxD)

Devil Strength Rank: Low(F), Mid(E), High(D), Ultimate(C), Satan(B-), Maxed Longinus(B), Dragon Kings(B+), Heavenly Dragons/Super Devils(A), Indra(A+), Ophis/Red(S+ to EX)


