
Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Burden of New Beginnings

The redness of his blood stained his white tee, but that was only one small part of the chaos unfolding around him. A three-against-all showdown had erupted in the basement of their Mystic Falls home. Grayson, the oldest, was methodical in his strikes, the one whom their father, James Gilbert, had trained the most. John, on the other hand, fought like a brutal force of nature, with no regard for his own body. His narrow focus, once set, was terrifying, and despite his lack of finesse, he was the one to be most cautious of.

And then there was me, Sam Gilbert, the youngest. I had been training relentlessly under Grayson, absorbing Jason's teachings, pushing my body to failure in order to turn myself into a weapon capable of surviving the supernatural world. But despite all my preparation, I was still human. And in the heat of the moment, John's claws tore through me, my work collapsing in an instant as I was brought down with a single brutal strike. However, John's triumph was short-lived as Grayson swiftly took him down, each movement precise, natural—Grayson's talent was frightening.

A month had passed since my arrival in Mystic Falls. It wasn't difficult for me to assimilate into this life, though the process had been more complex than it seemed. My soul, the original Sam Witleck, had clashed with the soul of Sam Gilbert. The system powering my transmigration had asserted dominance, absorbing the original Sam Gilbert's memories, emotions, and attachments. Now, I felt like Grayson and John were truly my brothers, like Elena and Jeremy were my niece and nephew, and like Miranda, my beloved sister-in-law, genuinely saw me as a member of the family.

It wasn't just the people who had changed in my life but the world itself. Every day, the system assigned me missions that forced me to push my body and mind further than I thought possible. Sometimes, they were physical challenges, designed to refine my body into a weapon of war. Other times, they were tests of intellect and perception, like when the system would randomly transport one of my belongings somewhere in Mystic Falls, giving me a single day to find it. The rewards for completing these missions were worth every drop of sweat—most notably, access to a mental space where time moved three times faster than in the real world. Every mission I completed awarded me an hour of this accelerated time.

In the mental space, I trained under Jason, honing my combat sense and reflexes. Though my body couldn't physically change in the mental space, it was the perfect place to gain experience. The environment could shift from the cold, desolate Arctic to the blistering heat of the Sahara or the bustling chaos of Manhattan. Jason knew the Greek gods and often spoke about their limitations. I learned that it wasn't one of them who had chosen me for this fate. Instead, it was something much older and far more terrifying—a powerful, outer god who had chosen me for its own entertainment.

I should have realized that my life had become the plaything of a Lovecraftian entity the moment I received my "beginner's gift pack - he changed my blood into a vampirism cure. I could never become a vampire, and I could never let anyone, especially my family, find out about this cure. Vampires who sought to be human again would kill to get their hands on it, on me.

The fight in the basement had been my initiation into the supernatural world. Grayson had been teaching me about vampires for weeks now—their abilities, their weaknesses, how to defend myself from their compulsions and overpowering strength. It was nothing like fighting a fire in my old life. The threats here were far more insidious, more deadly. I could no longer rely solely on brute force; I needed precision, skill, and knowledge.

It had been only a week since my graduation from high school. I had finished second in my class, a legacy that the original Sam Gilbert had worked hard to maintain. He had wanted to be a doctor like Grayson, and for a time, I had entertained the same idea. After the graduation ceremony, I spent the evening with Jenna Sommers and Mason Lockwood, two of my closest friends. We celebrated at the Lockwood mansion, drinking until we blacked out. Jenna, in her usual fashion, drank her body weight in alcohol, while Mason, ever the charmer, flirted with every girl in sight. It all felt so natural, so real, as if I had always been Sam Gilbert, always been part of this world.

But the morning after was a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked beneath the surface. Sheriff Forbes had driven us back to town, but not before informing me of my little escapade—spray painting the word "KATH" on the Salvatore Boarding House. I had come dangerously close to outing myself, nearly revealing the name "Katherine" in my drunken haze. I spent a night in jail before Elizabeth let me out, and I couldn't help but think how close I had come to making a mistake that could have cost me everything.

The days following were more peaceful. I spent a full day with Elena and Jeremy, taking them to the fair and buying them ice cream. It was a simple pleasure, something I cherished deeply. But the weight of my future never left me. I knew I couldn't stay in Mystic Falls forever, waiting for the supernatural world to come knocking at my door. I had plans—big plans. I wanted to explore the supernatural world on my own terms, not just wait for it to reach me.

In a few months, I would head to Yale for a year, where I would study pharmaceuticals—something that would undoubtedly come in handy for what was to come. After that, I had a seven-year journey mapped out, one that would take me across the globe. First, Japan, where I had heard rumors of an ancient society of vampires that ruled the island. From there, I would visit England, Italy, Spain, France, Nigeria, Egypt, Brazil, Chile, and finally, Australia. The journey would be my training ground, my preparation for the battles ahead.

I wasn't planning on staying away forever. I intended to return just before the fated death of Grayson and Miranda. I was determined to change their fate and save them from the tragedy that awaited them. And when I returned, I would be ready. Ready to face whatever Mystic Falls threw at me, ready to protect my family from the horrors I knew were coming.

My beautiful Ducati Multistrada V4 was ready, packed and waiting for the day I set off on my journey. I could feel the anticipation building inside me. The road ahead was dangerous, filled with creatures beyond my imagination, but I was ready for it.


Name: Sam Gilbert

Species: Human

Titles: [Red Hood], [Gilbert Heir]

Assimilation: 17%


Strength: 16

Speed: 17

Constitution: 16

Dexterity: 18

Intelligence: 16

(10 = average human, 20 = superhuman)

The system's daily missions had refined me. I was no longer the same Sam who had first arrived here, disoriented and confused. My body was stronger, my mind sharper, and my instincts honed for survival. I was ready for whatever the supernatural world had in store.

As I sat down for breakfast that morning, watching Elena and Jeremy chatter innocently, I couldn't shake the weight of responsibility. They were still so unaware of the horrors lurking in the shadows, of the monsters that would soon be knocking on their door. But I would be ready for them.

Man, had to deep drive into Jason Todd

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