
Encounters on the Island: Strategies and Hidden Truths

It was the third day on the island, and so far, my classmates and I had been doing quite well. We hadn't encountered any serious issues, though there had been a small surprise: the unexpected presence of Kaneda.

It was 10 a.m., and I had just finished my morning tasks. As I was contemplating making a visit to another class, I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to invite Kanzaki. I needed to discuss an important matter with him.

"Hey, Kanzaki, do you want to come with me to visit Class B?" I asked, and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"It's unusual for you to ask me to come along," he replied with some surprise.

"Why would it be unusual?" I countered.

"You usually do everything alone or with girls," Kanzaki said, blunt as always.

"Come on, Kanzaki, I do things with guys too. After all, I'm in the soccer club," I responded, trying to justify myself.

"True, but apart from that, I haven't seen you interact much with them," he added, not without reason.

"Maybe you're right, but what do you say? Come with me. We might discover a clue about their class leader," I suggested, trying to pique his interest.

Kanzaki thought for a moment before responding.

"Alright, let's go," he finally agreed.

With his response, we both headed towards the Class B base. I hoped that we might find something interesting that would help us progress in the exam. Something told me this visit wouldn't be just a casual one.

We arrived at the Class B base, which was located in a cave, the same one I had spotted from the boat. As we approached to investigate, a student blocked our way with a somewhat hostile expression.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his tone challenging.

"We came to take a look at your base. Where's the possession device?" Kanzaki replied bluntly.

"And you think I'm just going to tell you that? You can't hide it from us," Kanzaki insisted, keeping his composure.

"I already told you I'm not going to do that, so you better leave," the guy said, crossing his arms to signal us to go.

"We're not leaving until we see the device," Kanzaki said, eyeing the entrance to the cave, which was intentionally covered with a tarp to hide what was inside.

While Kanzaki and the green-haired guy continued their argument, I took advantage of the distraction and slipped into the cave, driven by curiosity and the belief that the possession device was probably inside.

"Hey! You can't go in there!" the guy shouted, but by then, I was already inside the cave.

Fortunately, there was no one else inside. It seemed that only the green-haired guy was responsible for guarding the place. As I surveyed the area, I was surprised to see a large quantity of supplies. There were several bottles of water, a notable amount of canned food, and the portable toilet that was outside. Additionally, the tarp covering the cave entrance was clearly meant to keep the supplies hidden.

What surprised me the most was the enormous amount of resources they had acquired. They had easily spent over 150 points on provisions, which was a lot, considering the goal of accumulating as many points as possible. It was clear that Class B had chosen to prioritize comfort over the strategy of saving, which could give us an advantage if we knew how to use this information. However, I still felt there was something odd here.

"What's going on here?" a new voice echoed from the cave entrance. It was the bald guy I had seen on the boat.

"I'm just exploring. Is there a problem with that?" I responded calmly, not letting myself be intimidated.

"You're on private property. You'd better leave," he said in a stern tone, moving closer.

"Private property? There's nothing private on this island. In any case, you're monopolizing a place that all classes have the right to access, especially since the possession device is inside," I said, maintaining my firm stance.

"I don't care. I won't repeat myself: get out of here, or I'll be forced to remove you," his tone grew harsher, and I saw other students starting to approach, slowly surrounding us.

"Forced to remove me? With force? I recall that violence is prohibited in this exam," I replied, observing how he tried to impose his authority.

"Do you see any cameras here? How would you prove that we used violence against you?" he said seriously, as his companions prepared to intimidate us.

"Well, you haven't thought that I could apply the same logic, have you?" I responded, raising an eyebrow with a touch of sarcasm.

"You're very confident, but we're many more than you. No matter how strong you are, you'll lose if you keep provoking us," his tone was filled with confidence based on their numerical superiority.

"So that's how it is? Interesting. I've never seen quantity be better than quality," I said, smiling. I wanted to see just how far he was willing to go to get me out of there.

"Is that how it's going to be?" he said, squinting his eyes as he watched me intently.

"I guess so," I replied, maintaining eye contact. I knew he was serious, but that only made me smile more.

I knew it wasn't worth pushing the situation. I could see in his eyes that he was ready to take things to the extreme, but I had no interest in provoking an unnecessary conflict. I approached him calmly, keeping my composure.

"But since I'm a person of peace, let's leave it at that. I've seen what I needed to, I have no more reason to stay," I said, walking past them calmly, showing no signs of concern.

The bald guy watched me in silence, clearly irritated by my relaxed attitude, but he didn't say anything until I was about to leave.

"I hope you don't come back," he said, his threatening tone still present.

"Don't worry, it won't be necessary," I replied, without even turning my head, as I rejoined Kanzaki.

When I came out, Kanzaki gave me an inquisitive look.

"How did it go in there?" he asked, curious.

"Interesting. They have more resources than I imagined. This could be useful," I said with a smile as we headed back.

As we returned to the base, I decided to discuss an important matter with Kanzaki that I had planned. It was necessary for him to be involved in this. After all, including him in certain plans would not only give him more confidence in me but also make things easier in the future. It was a long-term strategy, and I knew that gaining his trust would be crucial for what was to come.


In Class D, there was a student known for her leadership, someone who had gradually earned the trust and esteem of her peers. Her name was Horikita Suzune. Since the incident with Sudou Ken, which was apparently resolved thanks to her, her reputation had only grown. However, in reality, there was someone else working behind the scenes, something most people were unaware of.

That day, Horikita was heading to visit the other classes. Her first stop would be Class A, with whom her class had formed an alliance. However, Horikita wasn't entirely pleased with this alliance. She understood that the reason behind the proposal was clear: Class A did not see Class D as a real threat, which wounded her pride. Horikita was known for being extremely proud.

As she walked towards Class A's base, she wasn't alone. Accompanying her was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, a young man with a calm and reserved demeanor, who rarely spoke. Although many saw him always near Horikita, they considered him just an assistant with little relevance.

Finally, they arrived at the base of Class A, and the difference was palpable. Everything was organized impeccably, with each student engaged in various tasks. The atmosphere was relaxed and peaceful, almost as if they were not participating in a survival test, but enjoying a quiet afternoon picnic. This stood in stark contrast to Class D's situation.

—Oh, Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun! I'm glad you decided to visit us —said Ichinose Honami, the leader of Class A, with her usual friendly smile.

—You seem like an excellent leader, Ichinose-san. To have your class so well organized is truly impressive —commented Horikita, observing the students working with notable coordination.

Ichinose chuckled lightly before responding.

—Haha, I appreciate the compliment, but I'm not the only leader. Kayden is also a leader —she said, pointing to a hammock in the shade.

—Kayden Osawa, of course, you mentioned his name when proposing the alliance —replied Horikita, recalling. She had a slight interest in that guy, as under his leadership, along with Ichinose's, Class B had managed to surpass Class A on several occasions. Horikita still didn't understand how they had achieved a perfect overall score in the previous exams.

—Yes, in our class, we're both considered leaders, and Kayden is incredible at what he does —Ichinose replied, looking fondly at the hammock where Kayden was peacefully resting.

—I see, so this is what the other leader of Class A looks like —Horikita said, observing the young man sleeping carefree. It was the first time she saw him in person.

—Is this your first time seeing him? —asked Ichinose, a bit surprised.

—Yes, this is the first time I've seen him —affirmed Horikita.

—Wow, that's a surprise —commented Ichinose with a smile.

—Why does it surprise you? —asked Horikita, raising an eyebrow.

—Well, Kayden is quite popular. I thought you would have seen him before —responded Ichinose with a light laugh.

Horikita looked back at the hammock, noticing that a girl had settled next to Kayden. They both seemed so comfortable that it looked as if they were about to sleep together.

Intrigued, Horikita threw a question into the air.

—That girl, is she his girlfriend?

Ichinose, visibly surprised, quickly shook her head.

—Huh? Yuki-chan and Kayden? No, they're not a couple. They're very good friends —responded Ichinose, though a small flicker of jealousy crossed her mind at seeing the closeness between them, even though she didn't want to admit it.

—Friends? That closeness seems more typical of a couple —commented Horikita, observing the scene closely.

—You might be right… —murmured Ichinose, wondering if she could ever share a hammock with Kayden in the same way.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of another student.

—Ichinose-san, I've finished gathering firewood. What else can I help with? —asked a young man with a serious expression. It was Kaneda from Class C.

—Hmm, how about helping Chihiro-chan with fruit picking? —Ichinose suggested.

—Alright —Kaneda responded before leaving.

—You don't seem to know him very well —commented Horikita, noting some distance between Ichinose and Kaneda.

—Well, he's Kaneda-kun from Class C. His class expelled him, so we let him stay with us because he doesn't want to run into them —explained Ichinose calmly.

—I see… —Horikita didn't give the detail too much thought, but Ayanokouji continued to observe Kaneda with interest.

—Well, Horikita-san, Ayanokouji-kun, I'll leave you for now. I have some matters to attend to. Feel free to keep exploring if you'd like, and you're welcome to return if you decide to. See you later! —Ichinose said goodbye, leaving them alone at Class A's base.

Ayanokouji and Horikita were left in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. The atmosphere in Class A had given them much to think about, and it was clear that both Kayden and Ichinose were formidable leaders. Horikita knew this alliance would be crucial, but she couldn't help wondering if her class would ever reach that level of organization and tranquility.

After the visit to Class A, Horikita and Ayanokouji headed to their next destination: Class C. Although this would be their second visit, Horikita was curious about Ryuuen Kakeru's actions, the leader of the class. She knew that Ryuuen's leadership style was aggressive and, at times, chaotic, which intrigued her even more.

Upon arriving at the beach, where Class C was supposed to have their base, Horikita stopped in her tracks, surprised by what she saw. Or rather, by what she didn't see.

—It can't be... Have they all abandoned? —she wondered aloud, scanning the completely deserted area.

Ayanokouji, with his usual calm demeanor, observed the surroundings before responding.

—It seems so. Except for Kaneda, who is with Class A, and Ibuki, who is with ours —he commented, recalling that, like Kaneda, Ibuki had decided not to follow Ryuuen due to disagreements with him.

Horikita frowned, clearly dissatisfied.

—I can't believe Ryuuen isn't taking the exam seriously... Although, I suppose this plays to our advantage. Fewer rivals to deal with. —She turned on her heels, not waiting for a response, and added—: Let's go, Ayanokouji-kun. We still need to go to Class B.

Ayanokouji stayed a moment longer, observing the empty place where Class C's base once stood. It was evident that Ryuuen was not the type to withdraw from a competition without reason. This situation was particularly intriguing to him.

However, showing no emotion, Ayanokouji began to follow Horikita as they headed to their final destination: the base of Class B.


It was almost 5 in the afternoon. I had finished my morning tasks and was heading back to camp to eat and drink something. On the way, I saw a silhouette that seemed familiar, so I decided to approach out of curiosity.

As I got closer, the silhouette became clearer. It was none other than Kushida Kikyou, alone on a high part of the island, in front of a small waterfall. I sneaked up behind her, and when I was close, I softly blew in her ear.

—Kyaaa! —Kushida startled and reacted loudly.

—Hahaha —I found her reaction amusing; she ended up falling on her backside.

—Osawa! Bastard, what are you doing?! —The first thing she did was insult me. It seemed like she realized she was alone and reacted impulsively, revealing her other personality.

—Come on, it was just a joke —I said.

—A joke? You almost made my heart jump out with your joke! —She said, putting her hand over her chest.

—Alright, I'm sorry. So, what are you doing here? —I asked.

—That's none of your business —she replied curtly.

—Insulting people again? —I asked, noticing how she was looking at me.

—And if I am, what's the problem? —She retorted with disdain.

—If you were, it means you haven't learned anything from our first encounter —I commented.

—An unpleasant encounter, which now, because of that, makes my stay at this school depend on whether you decide to report me or not —She said, crossing her arms in anger.

—Don't act like you're angry. You were the one who threatened me first —I replied.

—What did you expect me to do? Say 'please, forget what you saw, thanks' and then leave? What I did was the first thing that came to my mind at that moment —She said, with a mix of frustration and resignation in her voice.

—Inculpating me for that kind of crime was the first thing that came to your mind? I think there's something wrong with your head —I said, with a biting tone.

—Are you calling me crazy? —Kushida replied, with an expression of indignation.

—Of course. Having two personalities isn't exactly the healthiest —I answered.

—Oh, really? Then go to hell —She said, flipping me off.

—You don't have to be so rude, you know? How about we talk about something? —I suggested.

—As if I want to talk about anything with you —She said, turning her head with disdain.

—So, Kushida-san, what do you think of these three days on the island? —I asked, ignoring her rejection.

—Are you deaf? Haven't I told you I don't want to talk to you? Who knows, maybe you're recording this —She said, clearly still affected by our first encounter.

—Well, I'll tell you how it's been for me. It's my first time camping, especially on a deserted island. It's exciting to experience these things, don't you think? —I commented.

—No, I hate being here —She replied disdainfully.

—Well, I like it. Although the only uncomfortable thing is bedtime; I prefer to sleep alone —I said. Although in reality, I preferred not to sleep surrounded by others, so I often fell asleep in the hammock.

—I also hate sleeping next to those bitches —Kushida said, seeming to loosen up a bit.

—Other than that, I've been getting along quite well without altercations. Well, just a small issue: there's a Class C student at our base —I mentioned, observing her closely.

—A Class C student? —She asked, interested.

—Yes, the guy was expelled and beaten up. Now he's staying with us —I explained.

—In our class, there's also a Class C student —Kushida said.

—Really? Since when? Kaneda showed up on the second afternoon —I commented.

—The same goes for the girl Ibuki —She said.

—I see. They probably had a falling out with Ryuuen at the same time —I said.

—Probably, after all, Ryuuen is a bastard —Kushida said, apparently not realizing how much she had been talking.

—I guess so. Well, since I see that my company isn't to your liking, I'll have to say goodbye —I said, turning to leave, but she grabbed my arm.

—Wait —Kushida said.

—Wow, it seems like you don't want me to leave —I joked.

—It's not that, bastard. You're not going to expel me? —She asked.

—I don't see how expelling you would benefit me in any way —I replied.

—Then, you're not going to expel me —She said, surprised.

—If I had wanted to do that, I would have done it already, don't you think? —I reminded her.

—What can I do to ensure you don't report me later? —She asked, with a tone of desperation.

—I'm not going to do it —I affirmed.

—As if I could believe you —She said, with skepticism.

—It's not about whether you believe me or not. You just have to accept it; if you don't, you'll only stress yourself more —I replied.

—But if you want to buy my silence, what could you offer me? —She asked, while I held her chin and brought my face close to hers, our lips only inches apart.

—So, you're looking for my body, huh? I knew it, all men are just as perverted —She said, though she didn't pull away from me, instead looking me in the eyes.

—I think you're the most perverted one here. After all, you were the one who took my hand and put it on your chest voluntarily —I reminded her.

—Shut up! I was desperate —She said, her breathing quickening and her pupils dilating.

—So, do you know how to buy my silence? —I asked again, while my right hand gently caressed her cheek and my left hand wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

—Aren't you after my body, like all those perverts in the school? —She said, though she didn't move away, her cheeks blushing slightly, and her body tensing at my touch.

—I never said I was after your body; you're the one assuming that —I said, bringing my face even closer until our noses touched.

—T-then, what does this situation mean? —She asked, visibly nervous. My hand descended from her cheek to her neck, feeling her pulse quicken, which made me smile.

—It means absolutely nothing. If you still don't know what to offer me, we'll postpone this conversation for later —I said, preparing to pull away. As I did, her eyes trembled slightly, which only accentuated my smile.

—I'll see you later, Kikyo~ —I said, before turning around and leaving. This time, she didn't stop me.

This encounter turned out to be quite revealing. I gathered valuable information about Class D, where there was also a Class C student in their group, as well as Kushida's behavior. Remembering my visit to Ryuuen and the details I noticed, along with the presence of Class C students in other classes, many pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. I just needed to wait until tomorrow to get news about the matter I had tasked Kanzaki with.
