
First Step [4]

In the middle of the giant assembly hall of the Academy of Heroes, all of the freshmen had gathered in front of the large stage where they knew the principal would hold his yearly attendance speech. Currently, the stage was empty, except for a small podium where the speakers would take their place when talking to the large crowd. 

The large room was filled to the brink with different kinds of emotions, all of these emotions pushing against the large windows on both sides of the room hard enough to make one surprised that they didn't break. 

Nervousness, happiness, anxiety, and excitement were just a few of the emotions present in the room, all coming from the students wearing the black school uniforms with the red adornments that symbolized the renowned academy that they had all been accepted into. 

On each of their chest, there was one red star, proof that this was their first year at the academy, while the older students who would start their term next week would have two or three stars depending on if they were 2nd-year students or 3rd-year students. 

In the crowd, one could already see how small cliques had started to form. Some groups were formed based on past bonds, with friends once again finding each other, and some cliques were formed based on completely new bonds, people who had never met but for some reason felt comfortable with each other. 

Some students, however, had a hard time fitting in and finding someone to talk to. One of these students was none other than me. 

'I hate this...'

Listening to the slow rumbling of the other students talking to each other and their feet stepping around as they were too nervous to stand still. 

I had already spent the morning trying to figure out exactly what I needed to do and where I needed to go, as well as trying to practice talking to myself to get used to the pace of speech that I would inevitably have to experience during my time in this world. Needless to say, I was pretty mentally exhausted already, so even if I knew that finding connections could be worthwhile, I just couldn't be bothered with it right now. 

Instead, I chose to inspect the "competition", trying my best to distinguish the strong from the weak. 

'That guy's pretty big... I bet he can throw some strong punches... That girl as well... Based on her calves she is probably pretty fast...'

Naturally, I understood that the signs that I could spot that would prove someone strong might not be that relevant in this world, but I also didn't have any other tools to distinguish someone's strength right now. 

'It's not like I myself fulfill those criteria either...'

Before I left my room to try and find my way here, I had, as one might expect, familiarized myself with it as I assumed I would be living there for a long time. To my surprise, I had my own bathroom where there was not only a mirror but a fully functioning shower and toilet. Although it was surprising to see the modern conveniences of my old world here, I had been more interested in the mirror. 

Unfortunately, the mirror didn't show me the image that I had wished for. 

I looked more or less the same as I had done on Earth. I was happy that I had gotten to keep my dark hair and eyes, as well as my above-average height, which I inherited from my father, but I wasn't quite so happy to see that I was still incredibly skinny and frail-looking. 

'But that's fine...! Because now I can change!'

Clenching my fist, I set my sights on the stage ahead of me on the other side of the room, trying hard to repress any insecurities that I might have. 

This world had brought with it one surprise after another, one of which was somewhat symbolized by the microphone on the podium. Yes, this wasn't a medieval world at all and it appeared to be just as developed or more if compared to Earth. 

When I had been running around on the cobblestone-paved campus, I had been able to see tall skyscrapers in the distance, as well as all kinds of cars and trucks driving around. What was weird was that these were then contrasted with some buildings, like the assembly hall that we were currently in, looking like it was built during the 1700s mainly comprised of carved stone. 

There were also a couple of shoddy-looking cottages spread out on the campus, some of which I was certain were inhabited by either witches or trolls, as I couldn't imagine anything else to live in them. 

But then again, it didn't matter what the world was like. All that mattered was that I tried my best to become stronger. I had no idea what I thought about the whole "getting cut from the cycle of reincarnation", but I did know that I didn't want to be weak. I had already had enough of that from my previous life. 


'Man, all these sounds are making me sleepy...'

Although I could see a lot of the students turn around and look at me as I released a huge yawn, I honestly couldn't care less. I wasn't here for their sake, and they weren't here for mine. So naturally we would all just let each other...be?

"Hey, shit-face! Just go home if you don't wanna be here!"

Someone hadn't got the memo that we were supposed to ignore each other and had instead opted to come to reprimand me. With his blonde-spikey hair and height that rivaled mine, as well as the well-sized muscles on his body, it wasn't hard to see why he had enough confidence to approach me. 

'It's still a bit weird though... there shouldn't be that much incentive to... Oh!'

As he was walking towards me in slow motion, my brain had already understood the logic behind his actions. Because behind him stood the group that he had left, all looking with smug faces as he was planning to make an example out of me. 

Nodding a bit, with my hand on my chin, I realized that I had been a bit too naïve. The competition had already started, and if you wanted to make something out of yourself, it wasn't a bad idea to believe that reputation creates opportunities. And the man in front of me was definitely trying to make a reputation for himself. 

"Are you listening to me?!"

A hand slowly approached me, or slow to me at least, and grabbed the collar of the uniform that I had found lying in my room, lifting me upwards with my back stuck to the wall behind me. 

'Strong... but also stupid...'

"Listen up, fucker! I am Wyll Lawson, heir of the Lawson family, so when I speak you are gonna answer me!"

But I didn't answer. Instead, I turned my head sideways, checking the sights around us. And, as one would expect, all eyes were currently on us due to the ruckus that the man named Wyll had made. 

'There sure are some interesting faces here...'

Just like one would expect, the reactions of the crowd were pretty varied. Some wore worried looks on their faces, some didn't seem to care at all, and some... 

'They are getting excited...'

One man, in particular, was looking at us with a fierce smile on his face, showing off his almost shark-looking teeth as his gray hair shook a bit with excitement. And I couldn't say that I didn't get a bit excited myself seeing his reaction, but that kind of person was still not the one I was waiting for.

"...you're not even looking at me? You motherfucker!"

'Here it comes.'

Wyll swung his left fist wildly toward my face, unable to take any more of my obvious disrespect, which I couldn't say I didn't do on purpose. Because, as his fist was firing like a comet at me, the kind of person that I had waited for finally came through. 

"Stop! What do you think you are doing?"

'Ah, there you are.'

From the crowd, a man with fiery red hair appeared. His size was very reminiscent of Wyll's build, albeit with a bit broader shoulders and a more prominent chest. It was clear to everyone that he was a strong man, not just due to his build, but due to the way he carried himself fearlessly into the situation. 

Turning his head around, Wyll looked at the sudden challenger with fire in his eyes and yelled, 

"Who the fuck are you?! Who are you to tell me..."

For some reason, the passion in his voice teetered down in an instant, indirectly telling me that he already knew about the man who had come forth. That was enough for Wyll to quickly release his grasp on my collar, allowing me to slide down the wall and onto my feet. 

In the meantime, I got to see the interesting, although very slow, interaction of two important figures in this game of strength that I was about to enter.
