
Bullion, Barbs, and Bickering      

Lydia scanned the area, her eyes darting left and right before she motioned for Horizon to follow her through a maze of the narrowed corridors.


"What's got you so jumpy?" Horizon asked, noticing Lydia's heightened caution.


A hood now obscured her face, casting shadows over her beautiful features.


"She's a wanted woman, remember?" Nyx chimed in casually. "Of course, she's on edge."


"SsHh!" Lydia hissed, pressing a finger to her lips, her eyes squinting. "Keep it quiet. And when we get to the underground market, I'll do the talking. Got it?"


Horizon shrugged. "No problem, as long as the goods get sold and we walk away with gil. Gil is gold. And gold's always good."


Lydia shot a glance at Horizon. His obsession with gold and treasure was just like Nyx's — then again, who wasn't obsessed with wealth? She couldn't judge. She was the same.

