

The extent of my reading wasn't exactly novel, but shocking a man to silence for five minutes… now that's a record.

We had exited the elevator, and after standing still for the passage of an array of carts, we were now making our way to the revolving doors that marked the exit.

And still, Harry was yet to utter a word. But hold on, why were we heading out? Did my reading get him so enraged that he had no option but to lead me out? And worse, with silent treatment?

Had it really gone that bad? What had I said? Without my consent, my mind started going through the words I had said in the trance of my reading, one by one. Reshuffling. Rearranging. Recycling. Separating. Rereading.

"Come on, what are you doing standing there?" Harry asked.

I hadn't even realized that I stopped. That I stood halted - right in the middle of the lobby. His question had called me back to reality, and I realized the weight of stares directed towards me.
