
Chapter 13: Deadly Obsession

Amelia's lungs burned with each desperate gasp of air as she lay on the cold pavement, the world around her spinning in a disorienting blur. She could still feel the lingering pressure of Michael's hands on her throat, the threat of death having been mere moments away. The terror of that realization sent a shudder through her entire body, but before she could process what had just happened, the chaotic scene around her snapped into focus.

Liam was there, his face contorted with fury as he grappled with Michael, who had been thrown off of her just in time. Michael, however, wasn't backing down. He fought like a man possessed, his eyes wild with a deadly mix of rage and desperation. He lunged at Liam with a ferocity that sent them both crashing into the nearby wall, fists flying in a blur of motion.

Amelia struggled to her feet, her body shaking with adrenaline. She had to do something—she couldn't just stand there while Liam fought for their lives. But her legs felt like they might give out at any moment, her mind still reeling from the brutal attack.

Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her back from the fray. Amelia twisted around in panic, only to find herself staring into Ethan's familiar, determined eyes.

"Amelia, it's okay, I've got you," Ethan said urgently, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "You're safe now."

Amelia's heart pounded in her chest, but she nodded, the sound of his voice grounding her. "Liam… Michael—"

"Liam can handle him," Ethan reassured her, though his gaze flicked nervously towards the ongoing struggle. "But we need to get you out of here. Now."

Ethan's grip on her tightened, and he began to pull her away from the scene, towards the car that had screeched to a halt just moments before. But Amelia couldn't take her eyes off Liam, who was still locked in a brutal battle with Michael. The two men were nearly evenly matched in strength, but Michael's madness gave him a terrifying edge.

Michael's face twisted into a snarl as he slammed Liam against the wall again, his voice a low growl. "You think you can take her from me? You think you can steal what's mine?"

"Amelia doesn't belong to you!" Liam shot back, his voice filled with anger and defiance. "She's not your possession!"

The words only seemed to enrage Michael further. He lunged at Liam with renewed fury, landing a savage punch that sent Liam staggering back. But Liam recovered quickly, blocking Michael's next attack and delivering a blow of his own that sent Michael reeling.

Amelia's breath caught in her throat as she watched the two men fight. She could see the raw determination in Liam's eyes, the way he refused to back down despite the odds. He was fighting for her—for their future, for her freedom—but the outcome was far from certain.

Just when it seemed like Liam might gain the upper hand, Michael suddenly pulled a knife from his jacket, the blade catching the dim light as he brandished it with a murderous gleam in his eyes.

"Liam!" Amelia screamed, her voice breaking with terror.

But Liam was quick to react. He ducked under Michael's wild swing, narrowly avoiding the deadly blade, and then grabbed Michael's wrist, twisting it with a sharp motion that forced the knife from his grasp. The weapon clattered to the ground, skidding across the pavement as Michael howled in pain.

Amelia felt a surge of relief, but it was short-lived. Michael, now unarmed but still fueled by his deadly obsession, charged at Liam with reckless abandon, tackling him to the ground. The two men wrestled fiercely, each struggling for control, but Michael's strength was driven by a madness that made him almost unstoppable.

As they fought, Ethan finally managed to pull Amelia farther away, urging her towards the car. "We have to go, now!" he insisted, his voice tinged with urgency.

But Amelia couldn't tear her eyes away from the brutal scene unfolding before her. "I can't leave him!" she cried, her voice thick with emotion.

Ethan hesitated, torn between the need to protect Amelia and the desire to help Liam. "Amelia, if we stay, we're all in danger. We have to get you to safety."

Just as Ethan said the words, Michael managed to land a powerful blow that sent Liam sprawling to the ground. Before Liam could recover, Michael was on top of him, his hands wrapped around Liam's throat, his face twisted with a murderous rage.

"You'll never take her from me!" Michael snarled, his voice filled with a terrifying conviction. "She's mine! Do you hear me? Mine!"

Amelia's heart lurched as she watched in horror, every instinct screaming at her to do something. She couldn't let Michael win—she couldn't let him take everything from her, from Liam, from their future.

Summoning every ounce of courage she had left, Amelia broke free from Ethan's grip and ran towards the two men, her fear replaced by a surge of adrenaline and determination. She spotted the knife on the ground, gleaming faintly in the darkness, and without thinking, she grabbed it.

"Michael, stop!" she shouted, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and resolve.

Michael looked up, his eyes wild and filled with fury, but for a moment, he hesitated. Amelia stood before him, holding the knife with shaking hands, her eyes locked on his.

"Let him go," she demanded, her voice firmer now. "Let him go, or I swear to God, I'll use this."

Michael's grip on Liam's throat loosened slightly as he stared at her, a twisted smile spreading across his face. "You don't have it in you, Amelia," he sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "You're too weak. You've always been weak."

Amelia's hands trembled, but she didn't back down. "Maybe I was weak before," she said, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her. "But not anymore. I won't let you control me. Not ever again."

The intensity of her words seemed to break through Michael's madness, if only for a moment. His eyes flicked to the knife, then back to Amelia, as if weighing his options. But the wild, obsessive glint in his eyes never faded.

"You can't run from me, Amelia," he hissed, his voice filled with a deadly certainty. "I'll always find you. You're mine, and I'll never let you go."

With a sudden, desperate motion, Michael lunged at her, his eyes blazing with a terrifying resolve. But before he could reach her, Liam, still lying on the ground, grabbed Michael's ankle and yanked him back with all his remaining strength, sending him crashing to the pavement.

The impact gave Amelia just enough time to react. She raised the knife, her hands shaking violently, and took a step forward, positioning herself between Michael and Liam. She could feel the weight of the moment, the terrifying knowledge that she might have to use the weapon in her hand to save herself, to save Liam.

But before she could make a decision, Ethan was there, grabbing Michael from behind and pulling him away, his voice filled with urgency. "Amelia, get back!"

Amelia stumbled back, her heart racing, as Ethan wrestled Michael to the ground, his movements swift and precise. With a quick, decisive motion, Ethan pinned Michael's arms behind his back, holding him in place as Michael struggled and cursed, his voice a guttural snarl of rage and frustration.

"You're done, Michael," Ethan said coldly, his voice filled with a steely determination. "It's over."

But Michael's madness knew no bounds. He thrashed wildly, his voice rising to a frantic pitch as he screamed obscenities, his obsession driving him to the brink of insanity. "She's mine!" he bellowed, his voice cracking with desperation. "You can't take her from me! You can't!"

Ethan held him down with unyielding force, but it was clear that Michael's strength, fueled by his obsession, was almost impossible to contain. Amelia watched in horror, the knife still clutched in her hand, as Michael's madness seemed to consume him entirely.

But then, just as the situation seemed to spiral out of control, the sound of approaching sirens pierced the night air, their wailing echoing through the empty streets. The flashing lights of police cars appeared in the distance, growing closer with each passing second.

Amelia felt a surge of relief so overwhelming that it almost brought her to her knees. Help was finally here. The nightmare was almost over.

As the police cars screeched to a halt, officers poured out, rushing towards the scene with weapons drawn. Two of them quickly subdued Michael, pulling him off Ethan and restraining him with handcuffs as he continued to thrash and scream, his voice hoarse and broken.

"You can't do this to me!" Michael howled, his voice filled with a pitiful desperation. 
