
Space station 10: Little Kafka

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[Observing the live stream footage...]

[Fu Xuan: Is this young Kafka?]

[Black Swan: Seems likely.]

[Fu Xuan: It's hard to imagine what Stellaron Hunters were like as children; I always felt they must have been born fully matured.]

[Silver Wolf: Ridiculous, that can't be true.]

[Silver Wolf: However (swipe of a finger) (zooming in) (careful examination)]

[Silver Wolf: This little Kafka is incredibly precious; I must take a screenshot immediately.]

[Kafka: ...]

[Firefly: @Kafka, seeing yourself in the simulation, isn't it quite fascinating?]

[Kafka: Yes, now I understand how you felt back then.]

Facing the current situation, Su Qing didn't hesitate much before choosing option D.

It seemed there were many choices available.

However, as a demon hunter, he had to constantly remember his duty. Only by promptly eliminating demons could casualties be minimized.

[Stelle: Ah, really? Aren't you going to save young Kafka? The house behind her is burning down!]

[Himeko: @Stelle, concern often clouds judgment.]

[Himeko: But professionals should handle their respective tasks; firefighters and police are already on their way. As a demon hunter, fulfilling his duty is the correct decision.]

[Kafka: Indeed, Himeko has great insight.]

[Himeko: Oh, I'm just casually analyzing the situation.]

[Stelle: Ah? (sensing something significant)]

[Stelle: Ah... oh, right, right! Himeko makes a valid point!]

[Stelle (private chat to Black Swan): Why do I feel like there's an odd tension between them?]

[Black Swan (after pondering): Seems like Kafka and Himeko had conflicts later on, either in simulations or reality? It might be a lingering effect from those incidents.]

[Black Swan: My memory is unclear, as even my own recollections were sealed.]

[Stelle (sweating): Don't seal memories that could affect the stream atmosphere!]

Su Qing assessed his direction briefly and continued towards the demon's howls.

As he passed by the girl, he gently pulled her away, ensuring she moved farther from the burning house.

"Stay clear of this area; leave quickly," Su Qing warned succinctly before resuming his pace without hesitation.

The girl stumbled slightly, then her vacant gaze fell upon Su Qing's shoulder, where a demon hunter's badge was pinned. A ripple seemed to pass through her purple eyes.

Barefoot, with pristine white feet touching the ground, the girl followed closely behind Su Qing. Despite stepping on sharp pebbles, it appeared as if she felt no discomfort whatsoever.

[March 7th: Looks painful?]

[You notice that the girl has not left but is following behind you.]

[However, there's no time to dwell on this - ahead, the scent of sulfur fills the air, indicating the presence of a powerful demon.]

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Behind the cover...

A mid-aged demon hunter was retreating, drenched in sweat, as he warily watched the rampaging Flame Demon in the field.

The crimson demon stood tall, approximately two to three meters high, with horns protruding from its head, muscular build, and a black tail swishing behind it.

This mid-aged demon hunter had served for over a decade as a low-rank hunter, considering himself already among the more experienced within his rank.

The demon before him, however, clearly required at least one level higher of expertise, suitable only for a Bronze Rank demon hunter.

Seeing Su Qing, who appeared young and wore merely a cloth badge on his shoulder, preparing to step forward, the mid-aged hunter braced himself and sternly shouted:

"Hey! Kid, are you tired of living? Quickly cover my retreat and request backup from headquarters; we need a higher-ranked demon hunter here."

[Seele: This guy's tone is just asking for a punch.]

Recognizing this familiar tone, Su Qing unconsciously clenched his fists but then looked closer.

Oh, it wasn't the senior known for claiming others' achievements; I misunderstood.

Su Qing relaxed his grip, stretching his body while saying, "Please help protect the civilians behind us."

[Stelle: Sobbing hard, he even used 'please'.]

The mid-aged demon hunter, visibly annoyed, snapped, "Kid, do you even understand? This is a Flame Demon! Even someone like me, just at the initial stage of core-level hunters, can't handle it alone. Do you think you're capable? Which branch are you from? Who has been guiding you?"

Confused, Su Qing asked, "Core-level demon hunter? What does that mean? Is there such a ranking system?"

The mid-aged demon hunter replied, "Of course, those are more experienced seniors than you. I've been one for over a decade..."

Hearing this start, Su Qing knew it was mostly pointless chatter. He ignored him and stepped out from the shelter.

The mid-aged demon hunter retreated, feeling disappointed. It was a missed opportunity; he could have claimed saving a fellow hunter and earned some bonus rewards.

He quickly devised an exit strategy, saying, "Hey, young lady, consider yourself lucky. As a core-level junior demon hunter, with my protection..."

Meanwhile, Su Qing stretched his body and began walking towards the central Flame Demon.

As for the cumbersome gun, he had already stowed it away.

During his approach, Su Qing's breathing gradually grew heavier and more audible.

Over the years, his use of Potential Unleashing had become highly proficient.

His physical appearance remained unchanged, but with each rapid heartbeat, a surge of latent energy welled up from deep within him, as if straining to break free and flood into his limbs, pounding through his veins.

Even after reaching the peak of what his body could endure, it seemed like more power could still be unleashed.

However, Su Qing exhaled sharply, knowing he must stop. Overusing this ability would only lead to self-inflicted harm.

The Flame Demon noticed the commotion and turned its towering figure towards them.

With a crack, its sinewy arm effortlessly tore off a car door and tossed it aside.

Eyeing the diminutive Su Qing, the Flame Demon snorted forcefully, flames erupting from its nostrils.

[A brief silence precedes the battle.]

[Then, with a swift leap, you charge forward like a cannonball.]

[You engage the demon in fierce combat.]

[The fight becomes intensely close and evenly matched.]

[With three punches, you defeat the demon.]

[Stelle: Intense Combat, Evenly Matched Struggle]

[Seele: Three Punches Kill]


A deafening sound, much louder than before, reverberated, causing the mid-aged demon hunter to flinch in fear and hastily turn around.

To his bewilderment, Su Qing chose not to use his gun and recklessly engaged in close combat with the demon!

Even more jaw-dropping was that after their fists collided, the robust two-meter-tall Flame Demon staggered backward several steps.

Wow, this young man!

Su Qing seemed to be gaining the upper hand against the Flame Demon, renowned for its brute strength?!

The mid-aged hunter's mouth hung open wide: "By the gold-ranked demon hunters, is this even possible?"

The Flame Demon retreated a few steps, tilted its head back with an angry roar, and charged forward again.

Su Qing grinned; he relished these brainless... traditional-style demons.

With their second punch, it was once again a pure clash of force.

This time, the sheer power sent the Flame Demon flying, crashing heavily into a car and causing it to crumple severely.

Building upon his first strike, Su Qing had better controlled Potential Unleashing, resulting in an even greater burst of strength.

He shook out his hand, feeling the exhilarating release of pent-up energy within him.

The Flame Demon emerged from the wreckage, glaring intently at Su Qing, a hint of apprehension flickering in its bestial eyes.

The Flame Demon abruptly lifted its head and swiftly gathered energy. With a deep inhale, "whoosh...!", its chest swelled, revealing through its crimson skin the flow of lava-like flames.

[Silver Wolf: ?]

[Silver Wolf: Can't handle it anymore and resorting to spitting fire, huh?]

A flame breath attack? That wouldn't be much fun.

Almost instantly as he saw the Flame Demon preparing, Su Qing reacted.

He charged forward, concentrating all his strength and speed into his right fist. With a swift uppercut, he struck the demon's jaw from below!

"Ah!! Hwoooo... gurgle... huff..."

The Flame Demon's entire lower jaw shattered, leaving no outlet for the breath that had already surged up to its throat.

The churning flames accumulated within its throat, reaching a critical point before explosively detonating on the spot.

Enveloped by a burst of fiery light, half of the Flame Demon's head disintegrated amidst the blaze. Its massive body wavered momentarily before crashing heavily to the ground.

Remaining vigilant, Su Qing approached to inspect the aftermath.

After confirming the demon's death, he let out a long sigh, ending Potential Unleashing.

As circulation resumed, the enhanced strength gradually returned and lay dormant within his limbs and bones. However, during this process, some residual power remained.

Su Qing clenched her fists, feeling a further increase in strength.

[Stelle: Awesome! Exactly three punches, just as promised!]

[Stelle: Though brief, each punch landed with impact, showcasing an intense clash of power that leaves one's blood pumping! Truly exhilarating!]

[March 7th: Feels quite violent.]

[Stelle: Ah, little March, it seems you don't fully grasp the excitement.]

[Seele: +1]

[Silver Wolf: +2]

[Firefly: +3]

[March 7th: Huh? If even Firefly thinks so, does that mean...mean I'm in the minority?]

[Stelle: Of course, Firefly is practically a 'One-Punch Man'.]

[Firefly (blushing): You won't let me live this down, will you?!]

After defeating the Flame Demon, Su Qing wasted no time and immediately headed back towards the shelter. From experience, she knew stray demons would soon be attracted by the commotion.

As the mid-aged demon hunter saw Su Qing approaching, he unconsciously took a step backward. In this momentary lapse of attention, his reaction to the incoming Lesser Demon slowed slightly.

The Lesser Demon, drawn by the noise, rapidly closed in before he could hastily draw his gun.

Just as Su Qing was about to rush to assist, she noticed both Lesser Demons abruptly halt mid-sprint, almost as if obeying a sudden command. Due to their momentum, they stumbled and fell to the ground.

[Silver Wolf: Is this... a Word Magic spell?]

Bang! Bang! Bang! Several gunshots rang out as the mid-aged demon hunter finally fired, successfully killing the Lesser Demon.

Thoughtfully, Su Qing shifted his gaze to the purple-haired girl standing nearby.

The mid-aged demon hunter, holding his gun and panting heavily, watched Su Qing approach with growing suspicion. Was this man perhaps a disguised demon? Could he really be human, capable of trading blows with a Flame Demon? Could it be a new type of demon, adept at masquerading as humans, even pretending to be a demon hunter?!

Su Qing looked at the girl beside him. "What's your name?"

"I just asked earlier," the mid-aged demon hunter interjected, "She doesn't speak or respond..."

"Kafka." The girl lifted her head and replied.

Mid-aged demon hunter: [Confused]

[Seele: Ha, what a clown that mid-aged demon hunter is.]

[Seele: Greedy, incompetent, yet always putting on a show. My verdict? He's not even worth a strand of Su Qing's hair.]

[Natasha: I appreciate Seele's directness.]

[Sparkle: Not worth a strand of Su Qing's what?]

[Seele: Hair, obviously. What else could it be?]

[Sparkle: Gotcha.]

Su Qing took another step forward. "And one more thing..."

"You said it!" The mid-aged demon hunter hastily lowered his gun and straightened up.

No way, he dared not show any suspicion!

Su Qing had dispatched a Flame Demon with just three punches; killing him might not even require one punch.

"Are there any other high-risk demons nearby?" Su Qing asked.

"No, no more," the mid-aged demon hunter quickly shook his head. "Initially, there was another demon emitting Stellaron energy, but after awakening this Flame Demon, it fled. Now, there are no high-level demons here."

Su Qing nodded. "Well done."

Overall, despite appearing rather inexperienced, the mid-aged demon hunter maintained a courteous demeanor.

After all, they were colleagues—experienced hunters of over a decade. Even if he only met the minimum quotas each year, he must have saved many lives.

[Bronya: @Seele, take note, this is what you call having perspective.]

[Seele: Hmph, Su Qing has perspective, I don't. If it were me encountering such an annoying person, who cares about diplomacy? Straight to the scythe!]

[Bronya: ...Speechless.]

[Stelle: (laughs)]

[Qingque: (laughs) +1]

[Stelle: Oh, hey Qingque, also watching the simulation?]

[Qingque: Taking a break amidst leisure, indeed~ The tales of the renowned Stellaron Hunters always pique my interest.]

[Fu Xuan: Truly that idle?]

[Qingque: Ah? Grand Diviner, isn't-it-isn't today a day off?]

[Fu Xuan: No worries, this venerable one was just curious.]

[March 7th: Watching a stream with my boss...]

The mid-aged demon hunter wore an expression of existential doubt before moving on to patch up any oversights and continue clearing low-level demons.

He could understand why the little girl would talk to Su Qing; after all, Su Qing looked quite handsome. However, what shocked him more was their stark difference in strength. Despite being at the same beginner level, how could there be such a vast gap?

Su Qing was undoubtedly beyond average, no, he needed a new term - above even 'mid-tier'. What should it be? Perhaps 'elite beginner demon hunter'...

On the other side,

in front of Su Qing stood the young girl named Kafka, her small face tilted upwards as she quietly gazed at him.

Amidst the city's ruins, her white dress fluttered gently in the wind. At her feet lay several demon corpses. Nearby, a flower rapidly withered amidst flames, its delicate petals soon to be reduced to ash by the licking tongues of fire.

Kafka's slender figure appeared particularly fragile in this setting, almost exhibiting a cruel kind of beauty. Yet, throughout these events, her childlike face remained expressionless, devoid of fear or emotion.

Upon closer observation, Su Qing noticed that Kafka's purple eyes were strikingly hollow, as if her soul had been lost. This emotional absence likely stemmed from having lost the meaning of life itself.

Su Qing's heart sank.

Typically, Kafka's behavior was indicative of early signs of demonic transformation.

["At this point, her identity is confirmed."]

[Firefly: This truly is Kafka.]

[Firefly (with slight empathy): Seeing her in such circumstances makes me feel uneasy.]

[Silver Wolf: Yeah.]

[Silver Wolf: ... Come to think of it, why are all my colleagues' situations so tragic? It stirs mixed emotions within me.]

[Kafka: There's no need for such feelings; these events happened long ago.]

[Himeko watched the screen.]

[She understood that regardless of what happens later, the young Kafka in the current simulation was simply a pitiful little girl at this moment.]

[Thus, Himeko sent a comment: "It breaks my heart too, hoping for a better outcome as the story unfolds."]

[Kafka: You even less so should have such feelings.]

[Himeko: ... What do you mean by "even less"?]

[Kafka (with a faint smile): Exactly as I said.]

[Himeko: Oh.?!]


[March 7th (giving a subtle glance): Stelle, what should we do? The atmosphere feels really awkward.]

[Stelle: (dare not respond)]

[March 7th: Cough, cough, quick look—after talking briefly with Su Qing, little Kafka left with him!]

[Silver Wolf: Did he just take her home?]

[Sparkle: Fam, can anyone relate? Today, I found a Stellaron Hunter right outside; she even wants to come home with me!]

[March 7th: If you're the one taking her in, it's all over.]

[Sparkle: Lala, how intriguing—a cheerful Stellaron Hunter, what fun.]

[Himeko picked up her coffee and took a sip, regaining her composure.]

[Himeko: Given Su Qing's character, he would likely opt for a more sensible approach.]
