
system explained and first step into Orario labyrinth city

[ ] will show the system speaking

( ) will be Yuri speaking in her mind

Trying not to show it internally Yuri was freaking out even going as far as questioning her sanity. (I'm officially loosing it hearing voices inside my head waking up in strange places with strangers around me)[Host must calm herself. The Lilly system is here to help host become stronger and increase survival rate. By performing support functions like giving information and help with speeding up learning of battle tactics and information gathering. The Lilly system can also help host to easier learn techniques and skills including magic.] Hearing this yuri's ears perked up (You can really help me learn magic like honest to goodness anime and manga style magic)[ Affirmative] (OMG teache me your ways mistress Lilly)[ you certainly calmed down quickly now didn't you] While this conversation was going on in yuri's mind the family that was in the cart with her were looking at her wondering if something was wrong due to the changing faces yuri was displaying.

Breaking the tension the older woman in the group approached yuri getting her attention she asked if she was alright. Broken from her thoughts yuri finally got a close look at the other people in the cart and immediately she froze again. In front of her was a beautiful woman that looked to be in her mid twenties with long blonde hair violet eyes a cute rounded face and the things that made her freeze two black cat ears sticking up from the top of her head. Seeing the girl in front of her still seemingly in a daze the woman asked yuri again if she was okay whilst wondering if maybe she didn't speak the language common for the area surrounding the labyrinth city.

Just as the woman was as thinking this yuri finally snapped out of her daze blushing in embarrassment due to yuri.exe being unable to process she stated yes miss Ian am fine it's just I have no clue where I am and how I got here. Finally getting a response the woman looked at the young girl in front of her with a bit of pity as she took a breath and began explaining "flash back two days ago.

On the way to orario with there hired adventurers Sara and her little sisters were going to the city looking for a fresh start. After they lost there mother and father when the mountain behind their home experienced a rock slide while the girls were outside playing and Sara was looking after them. A month and a half staying in the village Sara decided it might help them get over the loss of their parents if they left. And in her mind what better place for a fresh start than Orario. So after collecting all their belongings and getting the money together to hire adventurers they headed out.

After a week of their journey they encountered a overturned carriage with a handful of goblins trying to break in. A man laying to the side missing a leg and having been pierced by five crude rusted blades. Using the last of his strength requested help saving his daughter who was in the carriage. After dispatching the goblins the managed to open the carriage only to find the girl inside unconscious with a poison laced stone dagger in her shoulder. They got the girl out removed the dagger and patched her up as best as they could and continued their journey. It's now only after two days that the girl has finally awoken and that brings us back to now".

After hearing the story the women who yuri now knows as Sara asked once again if yuri was okay. This time yuri nodded in affirmation and stated other than having no memory of the incident or even the man who claimed she was his daughter she feels fine. It was during the talk that it became quiet outside and just as the conversation ended someone knocked on the carriage and exclaimed it was now safe. Breathing a sigh of relief Sara decided it was best if they let the adventures know that yuri who just finished giving her name was now awake. After introducing her to everyone they ended up setting up camp for the night and headed back out in the morning.

Things stayed pretty much the same way for almost a week until in the distance yuri could see a giant wall that seemed like it surrounded a tower. With a twinkle in her eye Sara pointed at it and exclaimed that is the labyrinth city Orario. She went on to tell her how around 1,000 years ago the gods and goddesses decended and used the tower to seal the dungeon underneath. In doing so they stemmed the tide of the monsters that in the past continuously released monsters into the world. Now that it is seals the monsters that are still out in the world are fewer and no longer dissipate when killed. After explaining she stated that they should make it to the city by midday tomorrow. When night approached they set camp hopefully for the final time.

While the others went to sleep yuri continued her long standing conversation with her system who she decided just to call Lilly. Since awakening she now knows her system has a shop that has access to practically anything but it cost points to make purchases. To get points the only ways Lilly gave her are to get them is if the system gives her a quest she can complete or killing monsters. She was told there are other ways but she will have to find them herself. Along with the shop and points she was also shown that the system has a map function but it is only able to show areas she has seen. It also aloe her to see her stats and has a small inventory space that can contain items equivalent to a small room or maybe a walk in closet. Tonight during her conversation she was also made aware that she could at a later date unlock some new functions and even upgrade the current ones.

After everyone woke in the morning they once again set off towards the city it was around two in the afternoon when they finally arrived at the gates. After waiting in line for around a hour they finally got to the front of a line to be let inside. The guards had everyone step out of the carriage and inspected everything to make sure they weren't bringing anything illegal in. Once the inspection was finished they requested everyone's ID.

When it was yuri's turn she realized she didn't have any identification when it was found out they took her to the side and had her touch a stone plate that had a magic stone on its top. When she touched the stone the words etched in in a language she couldn't read lit up slowly and the magic stone started releasing a green glow. She was then returned and allowed to enter with the condition she goes and register for a new ID at the guild. With this yuri finally took her first step into Orario.
