
the lizard league

[3 days later]

"Yeah Go, stomping out pussies Out in channel loafs, yeah Go.

Cubans on Cubans, my diamonds flare hoe, Yeah Go.

Got limitless hands and limitless bands hoe

Yeah Go."

Kevin sang to himself the hood jjk version of the song as he watched himself in the mirror, he wore a gold chain, with a cross, black t-shirt that cost quite a lot of money, and he wore black pants with black sneakers which were also very expensive, although he wore white socks to offset the whole black theme.

Goths are cool, I ain't one of them, although are there any goth superheroes in this universe?

He thought as he moved away from the mirror, and exited his room and went to the kitchen, to make himself something to eat. Currently he was renting an apartment, in the nicer parts of chicago and was enjoying himself.

It's a good thing the owner of this place didn't ask any questions

He thought

In the past three days he has had 1 visit from Machine head, who requested a lot of gold which earned Kevin a heavy pay day, however with the advent of new money he realised having to go cash in a check every time he needs to buy anything would be tedious.

I may not like it but banks are practically embedded in society, and I'm sure Machine head is going to betray me one day or one of his checks will bounce and force me to go through a ton of bullshit just to find him.

He thought as he began to cook himself some eggs and bacon before turning on the TV, letting the noise from TV be the background noise.

No doubt that if they're looking for me, it's likely they'll find me eventually.

He can't run away forever from the military, not if he wants to live in a peaceful environment, the reason he was homeless was because he didn't want to have to rely on the government which was very tied to the military plus foster care was a bitch not to mention it would be easier to find him if he had a formal place of residence.

And now since I've already mastered my powers, I have nothing to fear, even it that general comes after me I can take care of myself

He thought he also figured they wouldn't go after Eve since she's in the public eye and most likely under the watch of the GDA, so the US military can't really interfere with her.

"oh well, it's fine, I can handle whatever they throw at me, although I'm gonna to have to get my hands on viltrumite DNA"

He said as he finished cooking but before he could eat there was a knock on the door. He raised a brow as Machine head didn't schedule for a visit today.

Unfortunately he was unable to answer as the door was kicked open and members of the lizard league entered being led in by King lizard.

"my, my quite the quaint little abode you've acquired here, young criminal"

The man dressed in the theme of a lizard, spoke, his voice chilling, raspy and calm as he walked like he owned the place.

" If you need throat medicine just say that"

"Aha! a jester, hardly meet one of those, come now little fool, I'm sure you are smart enough to deduce why we are here?"

The lizard king asked, as he took a seat on the couch and placed his feet on the coffee table, conveying an air of confidence and power.

Kevin looked at the man and his team quizzically, feeling just a bit insulted by the lizard king's behaviour. He looked over the league, seeing the same Giant buff dude he saw last time standing behind the lizard king, as well another member wearing a full body Lizard costume that only revealed her mouth.

She is kind of bad, not gonna lie, if only I could see her face.

He thought looking over the lithe and slim body of the lizard woman, while he did have a bias towards thick woman, he didn't particularly discriminate, a beautiful woman was a beautiful woman

"Whoever told you that voice makes you intimidating, lied to you, I'll let the disrespect slide but if you want to strike a deal then show me the money first then we can talk"

"oh ho ho! I'm sure you'll find, we don't need money to negotiate, after all this is the land of the free"

The lizard king spoke, as he pulled out a gun from his lizard themed suit and pointed it at Kevin, his gaze was threatening and held a devious smile as he held the gun with confidence.

Of course the gun wasn't his only threat, however he waited to see what Kevin would do before revealing all his cards.

He didn't consider himself a fool, you don't come to threaten someone and reveal everything you can threaten them with.

Kevin looked at the man and his group with a deadpan stare, wondering if he should placate them or just kick them out.

He got new clothes and they're expensive so he doesn't want them to have holes, however at the same time, he can't let bozos like this just walk in thinking he is some type of sweet meat.

"First of all, get that gun off my fucking face"

He paused and the king Lizard only gave him a slight smirk, confident in his advantage over Kevin and challenging him to try and resist.

"Secondly get the fuck out of my house, before I start breaking your bones and calling the cops"

Kevin demanded and this time King Lizard couldn't help but laugh letting out an ominous chuckle.

"oh but you're not going to call the Police, calling the police means giving up your location to the government, you also have to give a statement as well and you won't do any of that"

King Lizard(KL) confidently claimed, still holding the gun at Kevin's face.

"You see, Kevin. You've been off the grid for a while now, ever since you were 12 years old"

Kevin frowned, although he supposed he should have expected this, he didn't really do all that much to hide his name, plus he didn't really want to live his life without an identity.

"And that lets me know you don't want someone to find you and since I know your current location that means, I can simply put that information out and have whoever you're running from find you, so perhaps rephrase your words and–"

The lizard King was unable to finish his words as in the span of a split second, Kevin transformed his body to that of diamond and punched the villain in the face breaking his nose, sending him flying and crashing through the wall.

he didn't let the others get a chance to react before he leaped over the coffee table and tackled the muscular member of the league and using his body to bulldoze through the wall and threw him off the balcony.

The woman in the green suit jumped him, using her claws trying to pierce through his skin but a swift back hand to the Jaw knocked her out.

"Fucking hell! This will all come out of my own money you know"

He cursed as he kicked the semi conscious body of King Lizard before picking him up by the scruff of his neck and planned to throw him off the balcony of his apartment.

"Should have came with all your fodder members"

He said as he let the man hang off the balcony, he was slightly pissed off because this joke of a character thought it could manipulate him.

Do I look like some kind of a pussy?!!

He thought as he slowly loosened His grip, however he was interrupted by the sudden voice that spoke beside him.

"Uhh, excuse me. You can't do that"

Kevin turned his head in curiosity and saw a dude wearing pyjamas and yellow goggles floating clumsily beside him.

"Who are you?"


A/N: gib me power stones and comment please
