
Breaking News #1

A roaring in my ears has me twitching uncomfortably. Something hard holds my arms down at an awkward angle, and my head lolls back and forth. It's impossible to get comfortable—

My eyes snap open, blinking into a brightly lit room.

"Ah, you're finally awake."

The familiar, unfamiliar voice has me rolling my head slowly in its direction. It's like my body's underwater. It takes a lot of work to finally squint in the direction of the speaker.

My vision slowly clears with every blink, and I see Firefighter Jim. Only, he's not a firefighter anymore. He's dressed all in black, sharpening what looks like an honest-to-goodness medieval dagger.

Very strange. Especially when I finally take in our location.

Not some dingy warehouse or stone dungeon. It kind of looks like a really, really nice hotel room.

"You kidnapped me."

