
Schemes of battle

*My hands feel numb. I don't know how long I can keep this going. Thinking of it, if it wasn't for my fight with the old man, I would have been dead hours ago. *


*He parries every strike I land, but mine never goes through. It's as if I'm fighting against a ghost, and my injuries keep piling up. I can't continue with this. There has to be a way to escape. *


Clank!!! Boom!


Throwing Daniel off his feet, Anakin struck heavily against his dagger. This threw him a few miles away, crashing through the ground towards the remnants of the forest.


They were on a mountain; however, Daniel knew nothing of his location. He hadn't been around those parts before, and as usual, it seemed like a test to him.


The rustling sound of the leaves woke Daniel from his short slumber, as the impact from the clash dazed him. Daniel rose steadily whilst looking at his surroundings, and his eyes lost the spark to continue.

