

Huff! Huff!


*Is there a reason to keep on killing? What use is it anyway? Why can't it just stop? *


*I thought about this after my fight with the old man. I wasn't new to killing, as the mafia system was full of murders and scandals, but this goes too far. *


*In every obstacle, death is the only prize. Perhaps that was the fate of these creatures. Maybe they were built to follow the destinies carved upon their souls*


*Either way I can't make heads or tails about this. It's just too complicated, and my morals thoroughly reject this. *


*But what if this was simply a fight for survival? Just as humans battle with animals over who becomes food, perhaps this is a similar case. *


*Purely the survival of the fittest, with the strong preying on the weak. I know that, and my past survival experiences within the wild taught me these. *

