
Fallen Angel

Crack! Boom!!!

A ball of fire fell from the sky onto an open field, setting the valley on fire. It looked like a meteorite with lines of lava as it cracked, and dug deep into the ground.

A couple of curious hikers had seen the descent and tried to have a close view of it. They walked cautiously towards the raging fire on the hill but were stuck on the edge due to the heat.


The crevices around the meteorite cracked deeper, releasing an eery feeling across the field. The hikers were stuck with fear, but their minds pondered constantly on the source of it.

They shook in fear, breathing in gaps out of instinct. Their legs had given up on them, and the constant pressure was suffocating.


The field burned higher, increasing the heat of the atmosphere exponentially. Feeling troubled and chaotic, the hikers ran rapidly for their lives.

As a human, each muscle has stored a memory within. This memory was always released whenever an impending danger had struck, causing a burst of energy within its base.

It amounted to pumping enough blood through the vessels and arteries. The brain served as its control, releasing the burst of blood instinctively into the muscles.

So it happened as was already foretold in earlier ages. An unending run for freedom, for escape. This was all their bodies knew, that was all they could think of.

Nevertheless, it was all a part of the law. A part of nature. These were created to be used during times when an angel appeared. Thus came the fallen angel.

Clang!!!!!!! Boom!!!

The crevices enlarged from the internal energy which seeped from it, and blasted into bits. The pressure from the exploded meteorite completely quenched the raging fire, as the wind pressure was too much.

A young man clad in armor rose from the center of the meteorite and surveyed the area. He strutted lazily from his stand and walked towards the road road ahead.

His armor was as thick as iron, with his golden hair sparkling with energy. His mechanical wings fell to the ground, with a feeling of rust around them.

The color of his hair dulled down, and his thoughts became blurry. He had forgotten the feeling of mortality, and crazed in worry after seeing the sky above him.

" Ugh, my head!!! Where am I??"

The young man scouted further, with his limbs unable to cope with the heavy armor. So he released its hinges, dropping it unto the ground.

He continued unto the road and looked ahead, but smacked his head after his blurry sight would not stop.

" What is all this? Why, my sight?"

He waved his arms before his sight, hoping to see an end to his torture. Yet it continued for a while, causing him to stumble over a rock and fall.

A passerby stopped by him and offered him a helping hand. His glowing hair had grown dark, and his pupils turned grey. The man walked carelessly into the car as it drove off.

Naima watched the sleeping stranger in her passenger seat as she drove off. A delicate sense of frustration filled her nerves, using her to kiss the lips of the sleeping handsome by her.

Her cheeks blushed from the exposure of his skin, and her eyes beamed with lust as she journeyed.

* No I can't be having such thoughts about him. He looks so innocent, but his looks defy him. Such thoughts cannot be tolerated, Naima. Stay still!*, her other self screamed in her thoughts.

It wasn't long before the sun showed its flashy hair once more. Its rays beamed through the land of Thimphu in the country, Bhutan.

The serene environment blew a sense of nature throughout the atmosphere, and its historical sites were known globally.

" No!!"

The young man woke from his sleep in panic. His breath was inconsistent and his heart paced at the new sight before him.

" Where am I? I do not know of this.", he thought to himself.

He was new to dreams and sleep since angels neither slept nor slumbered. It was a first for him, and the feeling of it was relaxing but eery.

The man rose from his bed and walked towards the door in pain. He wasn't accustomed to walking without his wings and turned to find them.

He continued assessing his body constantly and approached the mirror beside him. The mere reflection of himself shook his mind, causing him to take a few steps backward.

His halo was missing, and his wings were nowhere to be found. He shook in terror from the sight before him. His pride was shattered and his mind gave up on thinking.

" This can't be! I was adorned with might and power. Seamless in discharging duties with pride of archangels. Yet I fall as a mortal, to an unknown world?? "

His name ravaged the cores of his brain. His mind searched but found no other memories than his name, and his vision blurred from constantly triggering memories.

After minutes of thoughtless straining, he gave up on it. His ripped body fell flat on the bed, with his mind shaken in thought.

"Camael, Camael. That is my name? Camael is my name", he repeatedly reminded himself.

"So Camael is your name? That is such a beautiful name.", a distant voice replied from the exit.

Naima walked in with a glass of orange juice and placed it on the nearby table. Her eyes rolled from pacelessly brushing her hair, and her perfume filled the air.

Camael walked back in wary, and his mind consciously kept tabs on the stranger before him.

" Where am I?" Camel questioned.

"You are in my mansion. This is the city of Thimpu, proudly known for its monasteries and Buddhists. I brought you in since you were in a bad state yesterday and washed you up. Fortunately, I met you staggering along the road and decided to help.", Naima responded as her cheeks blushed.

She turned her head away, closed her eyes slightly, and tried peeking. Camael stood in thought of the actions of the mortal before him and questioned it.

Naima cleared her throat and tried moving out of the room, but was stopped by Camael before opening the door.

" What happened to me? Also what planet is this?", Camael questioned successively.

Naima turned and closed her eyes, covering her mouth to prevent her lustful smile from seeping out.

" I'd answer that after you cover that naked body " Naima shook.

Basically, the wings of Angels are slightly mechanical. The wings appear in a metal form in battle and fade into a glass like form when engaged in flight. Angels cover themselves with the wings in order to reflect the rays of the sun, rending them invisible from the naked eye. Also , I will constantly read through each chapter to help correct all grammatical errors, thanks

Starslidecreators' thoughts