
Chapter 7

Mrs. Westley's eyes locked onto Hailey's, her expression a mix of compassion and gravity. "Hailey, I'm afraid Fiona's condition is more severe than we initially thought."

Hailey's breath caught in her throat as she leaned forward, her hands clasped together in a silent plea for good news.

"The accident caused significant injuries, and we've had to perform emergency surgery to stabilize her," Mrs. Westley continued, her voice measured.

Hailey's eyes welled up with tears as she whispered, "Will she be okay?"

Mrs. Westley's expression turned somber. "We're doing everything we can, but the next 24 hours are crucial. I want to be upfront with you, Hailey – Fiona's chances of recovery quick are slim."

Hailey's world went dark, as if the very foundations of her existence had been shattered.

Just then, Fiona's phone buzzed, a text from an unknown number flashing on the screen: "I hope you die. watch you back though, Fiona."

Hailey's countenance was a picture of utter bewilderment, her eyes wide with shock and her face ashen with confusion, as she grappled to comprehend the sinister message scrawled on Fiona's phone. The words seemed to sear themselves into her brain, leaving her reeling with questions. Who could harbor such malevolence towards Fiona, and what could be the motive behind such a heinous act?

Mrs. Westley's concerned voice pierced the fog of Hailey's thoughts. "Are you okay, Hailey? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Hailey's response was mechanical, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, I'm good...just a message I saw."

Just then, Fiona's phone jolted Hailey back to reality, its ringtone shattering the silence like a siren's wail. Hailey's movements were robotic, her body seemingly guided by a force beyond her control.

"May I?" Hailey asked, her voice laced with a hint of trepidation, as she sought permission from Mrs. Westley to answer the call.

Mrs. Westley's nod was almost imperceptible, but Hailey seized it as a lifeline, excusing herself to take the call. As she stepped away,

As Hailey emerged from Mrs. Westley's office, she instinctively answered the phone, her eyes fixed on the door ahead, rather than the screen. "Hello?" she said, her voice firm.

"Where the hell are you?" a voice thundered on the other end, its tone laced with venom. Hailey's instincts told her it was Fredrick, his anger palpable even through the phone.

"Hi, it's Hailey speaking," she replied, her tone measured, a hint of caution creeping in.

"Oh, she's still playing her little games, is she? Giving you the call to pick up?" Fredrick sneered, his words dripping with malice.

"Well, let her know I want to see her before the next hour, or else," Fredrick added, his threat hanging in the air like a challenge.

Hailey's anger ignited, her words spilling out in a fiery retort. "What, else what? My friend is injured and unconscious because of you, and you feel no damn remorse? You're unbelievable, Fredrick!"

The line went silent, the only sound Hailey's ragged breathing, as she waited for Fredrick's response, her heart pounding in anticipation.

Fredrick's voice was a venomous hiss, his words spat out in a vitriolic tirade. "I see Fiona's been coaching you in her web of deceit, but let me tell you something, Hailey - screw you, screw all of you!" With that, he slammed down the phone, leaving Hailey reeling from the toxic exchange.

Hailey stormed back into Mrs. Westley's office, her face a mask of indignation, her eyes flashing with anger. "Are you okay, dear?" Mrs. Westley asked, concern etched on her face.

Hailey waved a dismissive hand. "Yeah, I'm good. Just an annoying phone call," she replied, her voice tight with restraint.

But her emotions were far from contained.

She needed to see Fiona, to know how her friend was doing.

"Please, ma'am, can I see Fiona now?" Hailey requested, her voice laced with a sense of urgency.

Mrs. Westley nodded sympathetically. "Yes, of course, come with me," she agreed, leading Hailey out of the office,

As Hailey accompanied Mrs. Westley to the ward where Fiona lay, a sense of trepidation crept over her, like a slow-moving shadow. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach, as she wondered what condition she would find her friend in. The uncertainty was suffocating, making her heart race with anticipation.

Just as they reached the door, Mrs. Westley's hand hesitated on the handle, and Hailey's anxiety spiked. Her mind was a jumble of worst-case scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last. She felt like she was standing at the precipice of a great unknown, staring into the abyss.

"Please, let her be okay," Hailey whispered to herself, her voice barely audible.

Mrs. Westley's gentle smile was a reassuring balm to Hailey's frazzled nerves. "It's okay, Hailey. Fiona is stable. But please, prepare yourself for...changes."

Hailey's heart skipped a beat as Mrs. Westley pushed open the door, revealing a sight that would forever be etched in Hailey's memory.Mrs. Westley's eyes locked onto Hailey's, her expression a mix of compassion and gravity. "Hailey, I'm afraid Fiona's condition is more severe than we initially thought."

Hailey's breath caught in her throat as she leaned forward, her hands clasped together in a silent plea for good news.

"The accident caused significant injuries, and we've had to perform emergency surgery to stabilize her," Mrs. Westley continued, her voice measured.

Hailey's eyes welled up with tears as she whispered, "Will she be okay?"

Mrs. Westley's expression turned somber. "We're doing everything we can, but the next 24 hours are crucial. I want to be upfront with you, Hailey – Fiona's chances of recovery quick are slim."

Hailey's world went dark, as if the very foundations of her existence had been shattered.

Just then, Fiona's phone buzzed, a text from an unknown number flashing on the screen: "I hope you die. watch you back though, Fiona."

Hailey's countenance was a picture of utter bewilderment, her eyes wide with shock and her face ashen with confusion, as she grappled to comprehend the sinister message scrawled on Fiona's phone. The words seemed to sear themselves into her brain, leaving her reeling with questions. Who could harbor such malevolence towards Fiona, and what could be the motive behind such a heinous act?

Mrs. Westley's concerned voice pierced the fog of Hailey's thoughts. "Are you okay, Hailey? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Hailey's response was mechanical, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, I'm good...just a message I saw."

Just then, Fiona's phone jolted Hailey back to reality, its ringtone shattering the silence like a siren's wail. Hailey's movements were robotic, her body seemingly guided by a force beyond her control.

"May I?" Hailey asked, her voice laced with a hint of trepidation, as she sought permission from Mrs. Westley to answer the call.

Mrs. Westley's nod was almost imperceptible, but Hailey seized it as a lifeline, excusing herself to take the call. As she stepped away,

As Hailey emerged from Mrs. Westley's office, she instinctively answered the phone, her eyes fixed on the door ahead, rather than the screen. "Hello?" she said, her voice firm.

"Where the hell are you?" a voice thundered on the other end, its tone laced with venom. Hailey's instincts told her it was Fredrick, his anger palpable even through the phone.

"Hi, it's Hailey speaking," she replied, her tone measured, a hint of caution creeping in.

"Oh, she's still playing her little games, is she? Giving you the call to pick up?" Fredrick sneered, his words dripping with malice.

"Well, let her know I want to see her before the next hour, or else," Fredrick added, his threat hanging in the air like a challenge.

Hailey's anger ignited, her words spilling out in a fiery retort. "What, else what? My friend is injured and unconscious because of you, and you feel no damn remorse? You're unbelievable, Fredrick!"

The line went silent, the only sound Hailey's ragged breathing, as she waited for Fredrick's response, her heart pounding in anticipation.

Fredrick's voice was a venomous hiss, his words spat out in a vitriolic tirade. "I see Fiona's been coaching you in her web of deceit, but let me tell you something, Hailey - screw you, screw all of you!" With that, he slammed down the phone, leaving Hailey reeling from the toxic exchange.

Hailey stormed back into Mrs. Westley's office, her face a mask of indignation, her eyes flashing with anger. "Are you okay, dear?" Mrs. Westley asked, concern etched on her face.

Hailey waved a dismissive hand. "Yeah, I'm good. Just an annoying phone call," she replied, her voice tight with restraint.

But her emotions were far from contained.

She needed to see Fiona, to know how her friend was doing.

"Please, ma'am, can I see Fiona now?" Hailey requested, her voice laced with a sense of urgency.

Mrs. Westley nodded sympathetically. "Yes, of course, come with me," she agreed, leading Hailey out of the office,

As Hailey accompanied Mrs. Westley to the ward where Fiona lay, a sense of trepidation crept over her, like a slow-moving shadow. She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach, as she wondered what condition she would find her friend in. The uncertainty was suffocating, making her heart race with anticipation.

Just as they reached the door, Mrs. Westley's hand hesitated on the handle, and Hailey's anxiety spiked. Her mind was a jumble of worst-case scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last. She felt like she was standing at the precipice of a great unknown, staring into the abyss.

"Please, let her be okay," Hailey whispered to herself, her voice barely audible.

Mrs. Westley's gentle smile was a reassuring balm to Hailey's frazzled nerves. "It's okay, Hailey. Fiona is stable. But please, prepare yourself for...changes."

Hailey's heart skipped a beat as Mrs. Westley pushed open the door, revealing a sight that would forever be etched in Hailey's memory.

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