
Chapter 28: Promised Consort

It turns out Ishtar wasn't revealed much about the game. The information imprinted in my 'magic' told her that I will receive Excelia like others, however I will also gain 'EXP' from simply killing any creatures not too much weaker than I was. Meaning, I can receive Excelia from fighting a powerful opponent, then receive EXP after killing them.

"This means you grow two times faster." Ishtar explained as she sat on her bed while I sat on air as usual. "No, even faster. You can just poison a whole room of people, and you will gain exp." 

Jesus. Chill, woman. I am not that evil.

"I mean, if you force me to," I can't disobey my goddess.

"No," She waved her hand in front of her face, "That would be needless killing."

... What? She care about people's lives?

"I could buy high level slaves and let you kill them all." She nodded, a smug grin on her face. "A few hundred millions and you should be a level 2 in no time."

Ok, I guess she doesn't care, but it would honestly be a waste of money. I can reach level 2 in a month and not a single Valis will be spent. 

"No, that would be a waste of money." She shook her head again. Look! We are on a similar wavelength. Wow, I picked the right goddess. "I could just give you some of my level 2s girls and that should get you to level up quicker and cheaper. Yes, yes. I have seven in mind. No, twelve now." 

She grinned, "Throw a few level threes in there, and it shouldn't take a month for you to become a level 2 or even 3."

... I should stop jumping to conclusions. "It will only reduce your power, goddess." Needless killing is not my thing. I am a good guy. "If I spend a half a month just in the dungeon, I am sure I will rank up."

"That's true," She folded her arm under her breast, her bathrobe losing even more, her purple hair reflecting the moonlight from the open balcony door. "You can also gain exp from magic stones, so we could simply buy those." Her purple eyes narrowed, as she pursed her lips. "However, that would attract attention."

She looked at me, "You're suddenly becoming my captain is enough news, but suddenly buying magic stones?" She clicked her tongue, "Black market?" She asked more to herself, "Yes, I'm sure Ikelos can get me plenty of stones."

Ah, Ikelos. You never forget the reason for your first almost heart attack in this new world. [Your 'eyes' have been noticed.] That message still haunts my mind. That's why I try not to look at people's status through the map anymore unless I have to. It's not like I can't live normally without immediately knowing someone's name and age and whatever.

Not anymore, though.


A Purple name floated above her head. I guess that's all will float above god's head, but the name and level should be above an adventurer's head. I'd rather see their level than their age.

"We could also buy some monster Rex stones for your... 'top-up.'" She finally stopped talking to herself and turned her attention back to me. "With some 'favors' with Njord and some others, getting you a Unicorn magic stone shouldn't be a problem."

Yes, she knows about the summoning, recharge, the fact I can see my own status, game missions, and map. The Game magic told her that the summoning granted me the ability to 'call' items from the past, future, and other 'worlds,' however I can not get items from the 'present.' 

Recharge was a way to get in-game currency, so I can buy things from a shop made by my magic which can sell almost anything from weapons, skills, magic, cosmetics, summoning items, but not anything with life. My status was simple, it allowed me to see my status like she saw mine on my back, while the game mission was a bit more vague. It just told her I would be given missions for rewards, and then the map was simple. 

Then there was the guild function. All it showed her was that I needed to be the captain for it to unlock, what it does, we both don't know yet.

"What is causing that girl's delay," Ishtar grumbled, looking towards the balcony. "It has been ten minutes. The god tasked with keeping records of the guild should recognize that she is not deceiving them; thus, they should have updated the record by now." 

Her patience was wearing thin. "This should not have required this much time."

[You have assumed the role of captain of the Ishtar Familia. Do you wish to activate the Familia Function? *Your deity will also gain access to the Familia Function, possessing limited control but enhanced authority regarding familial matters.]

"I am the captain now." Ishtar's head snapped to me, her eyes shining. "Should I activate it?" 

"NO!" She shouted, shocking me, then she cleared her throat. "Remove your shirt and come here." She patted her bed while scooting towards the center. "I want to see what would change when you activate it."

I stood and unequipped my shirt, with Ishtar smiling, "Convenient." Yes, the game hadn't mentioned anything about my inventory, nor did it say anything about my origin as a held spirit. 

I was the one who told her about the inventory, as it would be better for her to know about it now than later. If I told her later, she might think I am hiding more things and use charm to force my mouth.

I plan on keeping Rule Breaker and Tsar Bomba all to myself. No one knows about them. 


Nah, you're not as special as they are. The only thing keeping me from not spamming Bankai was the lack of blood and the fact that SOMEONE decided to go on a killing spree on floor 12.

It didn't respond.

I 'sat' at the edge of the bed, with Ishtar positioning herself behind me. "Now." She patted my back with palms, sounding excited like a redneck receiving his first 12-gauge shotgun for his 9th birthday. I am the gun, she is the redneck. "Activate it."


[Familia Function has been activated. Your deity will now get theirs.]

"Eh?" I guess she got the screen. "Interesting." She muttered, surprised by its appearance, but not of what it is. I guess they have floating screens in heaven or something. 

The goddess went silent as she explored the function, so I decided to look at it too.

[Welcome to the Familia Function. Do you wish to go through the tutorial?]

'No,' A new screen appeared.

[Familia Profile

Familia Members

Familia Inventory

Familia Skill

Familia Constructions

Familia Inventory

Familia PC Shop]

Seven menus just like mine. 'Hope this guild system wouldn't be ass.' First, profile.


Name: Ishtar Familia

God: Ishtar

Captain: Noah Ark Adam 

Vice-Captin: Phryne Jamil 

Level: 1

Main Type: Exploration

Sub Type: Business

Guild Grade: A (Rank 11)

Falna Members: 829 (Rank 6)

Average Floor: 24

Deepest Floor: 36 (Rank 9)

Deepest Diver: Phryne Jamil (Floor 36, Solo)

Strongest Slain Rex: Amphisbaena

Most Slain Rex: Goliath (33 Times)

Finances (without tax evasion):

Revenue: 60 billion annually

Operating Costs: 24 billion annually

Operating Profit: 36 billion annually

Taxes: 10.8 billion annually

Net Income: 25.2 billion annually

Finances (with tax evasion):

Reported Revenue: 30 billion annually

Operating Costs: 24 billion annually

Reported Operating Profit: 6 billion annually

Reported Taxes: 1.8 billion annually

Reported Net Income: 4.2 billion annually

Actual Net Income: 34.2 billion annually

Land Ownership: 4.53 km² (1.75 mi²) [Pleasure Quarter]


Four things immediately caught my eyes. First was her income. 34.2 billion a year or about three billion a month, and I've heard she is the seventh-richest Familia in the city behind, Lakshmi, Goibniu, Dian Cecht, Freya, Demeter, and Loki, respectively. So that means three billion in a month is pretty good.

I got 1.04 billion in less than a week.

And the amount of money she earned is only after a tax evasion of 9 billion annually, meaning her earning would be about 2 billion monthly if she decided to actually pay her tax.

But damn, how could she evade that much money? No, not even that, how would the guild believe that she only 4.2 billion annually? That's 21 billion less than the actual money she earns... Are they dumb?

Maybe they don't have proof or there is something else at play, because ain't no way they are blind to 21 billion. 


But let's move on. Ishtar owns 4.53 km of land, which is really hard to visualize. Central Park in New York City is about 3.41 km² or 1.32 square miles, so the Ishtar Familia's land ownership would be about 1.33 times Central Park. 

Central Park!

It was honestly hard to wrap my mind around that. I mean, it felt so fucking small when I was walking here. 'I guess because it was densely packed.' Yeah, that's the reason. There were many adventures, prostitutes, shops, and what not close together. 

Besides, the entire land, though owned by Ishtar, is also used by other smaller 'entertainment-based' Familia. But still, owning that much land is amazing. 

And sometimes I wonder. How do I remember the size of all these random shits? Who they hell randomly have the size of Central Park in the back of their head? 

Definitely not me—

"I loathe this." Ishtar's voice cut through the air from behind me, low and venomous.

"Eh?" Hate what? Surly not the familia function.

"The familia function... I despise it," she continued, taking a deep breath. "It's insulting, treating me as if I'm some kind of fool."

"How so?" I never got that feeling from the game, so am I just too dumb to notice? 

"The tutorial,"I glanced back, watching as her gaze stated at the screen I couldn't see, the murderous intensity unmistakable. "Written like it's for a child. 'Click here,' 'Ranking means this and that,' 'Press the back button'—" Her voice suddenly raised, "I AM NOT STUPID!"

OK... "You can skip it—"

"I CAN'T!" She shouted, her rage turning to me. "It won't let me do what I want and force me to follow its rule. Why do I have to read paragraphs of useless information I can learn when I need it? It talks about Familia ranking, then drags me into looking at the status of some useless member. I just want to see my rank compared to that bitch! Why would I care if he can level up four times if I update his sta—"

"Level up four times?"

The fuck? "When was the last time he updated his status?" There was no way he could rank up four times.

Clearing her throat, she muttered. "Twenty-three years," 

Ain't no way. No, she must have seen twenty-three months or something. 

I went to the member screen and just sorted by recently updated. I was on the very top, Amal below me, two other Berbera below her, then there was Aisha. From what I see, the Berberas get updates regularly, but the most recent non-Berbera that got updated was;

Nine months.

I know they are noncombatant, but wouldn't it be good to have multiple high level individuals in your familia? No wonder it wouldn't let her skip the tutorial. 

This woman is fucking retarded.

"Will I have to update all of them?" She grumbled, then her eyes suddenly brightened with sudden satisfaction, her lips curved into a smile. "I can do a mass update." The grin widened slightly. "Good. I thought I'd have to update almost six-hundred of these fools one by one. And it even says it will 'update it' with the 'recommended' build"

But then her smile faded just as quickly. "Of course, I can't mass update," she sighed, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes. "Mass updating is too noticeable. It'd draw the attention of every god in this city."

I pressed the mass update, and though only Istar can actually use it, I could see how many people would level up if she decided to use it.


Twelve of them going from 1 to 2, four going from 2 to 3, and one guy going from level 1 to 5, the one who hadn't been updated in twenty-three fucking years.

I clicked on his profile, and it showed me his image. 'Gold eyes, gold hair, and looked very, VERY similar to someone I know.' It looked like a young, teenage girl, but she has been in this familia for twenty-three years so ain't no way she's a child.

So I quickly scanned her profile.


Elred Iarnan 'Alf'

Race: Half-Elf Half-Pallum

Age: 117

Gender: Male

Years in Familia: 23 years

Position: Chief Financial Officer (23 years)

Level: 1(5) *Expand

Strength: I0 | Endurance: I0 | Dexterity: I0 | Agility: I0 | Magic: I0

Development Ability: None

Magic: None

Skill: Thought Acceleration, Parallel Calculation

Last Update: 23 years

Falna Status: Open


'And that's a century old MAN!?' How the fuck is that a man!? That's a child! 'Ok, I guess it wouldn't be strange.' Afterall, he is half Pallum, but at least looks like a little boy and not a little girl. 

And it looked like bro just joined the familia and decided to just become the CFO without once caring to update his Falna. I guess he only has these skills because skills don't need Falna update to get in effect. 

And then there are his skills. They all looked targeted towards financial, so I guess he is the one in charge of the income Ishtar is getting. No wonder the Ishtar familia is able to evade nine-billion in tax. 

Bro is locked in.

I wish I had those skills. My Virgin Sage increases my thought and comprehension, but that's not enough to use any of my magic. That's right, my magic needs calculations.

Thousands upon thousands of calculations. Just to increase the size of something, I need to know its mass, its density, its length, and all that other shit. I know I am good at math but not THAT good. 

I have to do Sin, Cos, and Tan while also calculating mass and velocity in my head just for manipulating gravity? I had thought that I could manipulate the world's gravity with only mana and imagination but after expanding the magic, my dick shrunk into my body.

This game wants me to become smart.

Now I wish I had gone solo. Gin and Ample might not have needed calculation.

"Who is this?" Ishtar asked, her voice low and slightly distant. Was she asking me? You were the one who gave him Falna, ma'am.

"Elred Iarnan," I replied as she leaned her forehead against my back, her presence heavy with thought.

"Yes, that's his name." She murmured almost absentmindedly, her fingers brushing the fabric of the sheets. "But I don't remember him at all... and he's been in my familia for twenty-three years?" Her voice grew quieter. "That's around the time I first came to this city..."

So he was one of the first few people to join the familia, and you don't know bro? 'Nah,' I would be mad if I have been working none-stop for 23 years to help the company grow, and I was one of the first in said company, yet the CEO doesn't know me. 

"Who..." She sighed and fell back onto the bed, rubbing her temples in frustration. "Why are the memories of mortal bodies so fragile? Only twenty-three years, and I can't remember anything."

'That's on you, sis.' I sent his screen away and went to the inventory. 'Eh?'

One-thousand slots, with each of them capable of holding one metric ton of items. 

... Ten times better than my inventory. 'Ah, so I can finally use my 180 premium, 140 basic, and 10 premium weapon tickets.' I was getting annoyed seeing them there. Whenever I enter my inventory to look at something and my eyes land on them, my whole body starts itching me. 

It's not an addiction.


No, think of it. If you could get a legendary item guarantee or three rare items if you use all 180 premiums, wouldn't your body start itching you too? 'I should...' I should do it now.

I quickly went to the summoning menu and redirected my summons to the guild inventory, but I made sure all rare and above came to mine, just in case I got something overpowered.

I licked my lips and as I clicked max summon and nothing appeared in my inventory.

No no no, th...th...this can't be.

180 premium summon on a rate up banner that has a 4% chance to drop a rare and I got none? ZERO!? I should have at least gotten one! This has to be a bug. Yeah, I am sure one of my rare items went into the guild inventory.

I went to check the guild inventory. 45 common and 8 uncommon. 

No rare.

*Cough,* I literally coughed out blood onto my palm, my heart rate increasing. 180 beginner summons and I got nothing? 

"HAHAHAHA!" I got to re-roll. 

Ain't no way I am going to play with this account. 

'Tsar Bom—'


My luck was taken? I glanced back at Ishtar, who didn't seem to care for my laugh while she stared at an invisible screen. 


Yeah, you must be right. Somehow she got a high-elf that can level up 4 times just sitting randomly, and I got nothing after summoning on a rate up banner? She stole all my luck! 

She fucking ate me out!

[If it was me, I wouldn't let that slide. But that's just me.]

Yeah, got to kill her at this point. A god's blood would 100% be worth more than 1 rare weapon. I can feed it to...

Ishtar suddenly sat up, "I need to see who this guy is." She glanced at me, and then smiled, fixing her robe. "I am not going to sleep with you." she patted my arm, "I would hate to see you lose your virgin sage skill." She got off the bed.

[She dissing you too? Nah, let's rip her apart and fuck her corpse.] 

What the FUCK? NOO!

[Your choice.]

And stop using my voice. It makes it sound like it's actually my thought and not some blood thirty sword speaking to me. Go back to saying blood.


It said that wasn't it, but there is no way a second me is talking to me. I am not that creazy. And It's telling me to have sex with a dead body? That's not me.

"Now, come on." She turned her back to me as her robe dropped to the ground. 

Ishtar's back was a flawless expanse of rich, brown skin, the smooth surface interrupted only by the gentle curve of her muscles, subtly defined beneath her skin. Her broad yet feminine shoulders tapered down into a narrow, well-proportioned waist that accentuated the hourglass shape of her body with her spine running down the center, and the gentle slopes of her shoulder blades moving fluidly with each breath.

Below her waist, Ishtar's hips flared out into a full, round butt that were firm and perfectly proportioned to her frame. The curve of her buttocks flowed seamlessly into her soft thighs, and from her thigh extended her long legs. 

'Damn...' I wanted to jerk off, and this time it was willingly. 

[Pain Breaker]

I was charmed? Yes, I was, but that was not it. Even if I wasn't charmed, I would have still be horny, soo… Ayo, what the fuck? 

Does it remove horniness? 

Why? Is that seen as a curse?

Was the owner of this dagger a virgin in their past life or something?

"How do you use the inventory?" Ishtar was in front of her closet now, staring at her clothes, which were all 'slutty.' "Do you just 'wish' it in."

"Yes." I replied, and she nodded, reaching forward to touch a red-orange piece of cloth. "Enter." And it vanished, causing her to chuckle lightly as she opened the inventory.

"I see you have already summoned things." She said, glancing back at me, her brown eyes reflecting the moonlight. "Was that why you were laughing like a madman?" Before I could reply, she looked forward, saying, "I can see why you will laugh. These items are...Wh-what is this?" Her eyes widened. 

Yeah, that's the expected reaction when they see an uncommon item. 'Haah,' No FUCKING RARE! 

180 summons! 

'Calm down,' Yeah, it has passed. I can't re-roll, so let's just let bygones be bygones.

"I like this one," She smiled, "Shroud of Magdalene. It fits me well," She waved her hand and then a crimson piece of cloth draped around her neck, leaving her back completely exposed with the two ends falling down her shoulders.

She suddenly spun on her hill to face me, with the two ends of the cloth covering her nipples and areola but leaving most of her breast exposed. "Try to free yourself." Suddenly, one of the ends of the cloth shot towards me, almost too fast for me, but I could dodge it.

However, she had asked me to free myself, so I let it warp around my body multiple times like a coiling snake then it tightened, binding my arm to my torso.

'...' I couldn't even fucking move. 'Status.'


Shroud of Magdalene

Rank 6

Uncommon Armor 

Requirements: Female

Description: To repent for her sin of prostitution, Magdalene had this shroud made to guide men away from temptation and sinful actions, much like how she was redeemed from her past and followed a righteous path.

+1 in agility

+1 in dexterity

Enhancement: 0/9

Restrain: The cloth possesses the ability to restrain men a rank 6 or below, rendering them unable to move, use magic, or skill while bound with it. It does not work on women. 

Stretching: The user is able to telepathically move and manipulate the shroud with the capability of reaching a total length of 120 meters and a width of 10 meters. 

Men Bind: It is unable to be torn or damaged by men under rank 6, but it is easily damaged by any woman.


It is a rank 6, yet she can use its ability?

Do gods ignore rank? I mean, she's technically a prestige 12, but her mortal body should be a rank 0. 


'Heh, that sounds smart.' Instead of saying interesting now, I should just say 'curious.'

"Though, I don't understand why this world sees prostitution as a 'sin.'" She stared at the air, probably at the shroud's status, and of course she wouldn't see prostitution as a sin.

Her eyes moved to me and she stared silently, confusing me. 'Does the shroud allow one to read minds?' It doesn't say it in the status, but there are 'hidden' skills like my gauntlet's weight, but those are only abilities that aren't worth space in the status.

"It's tempting." She said, staring at me. Tempting to do what, "To dominate you with this shroud warped around you." A wicked grin unbefitting a Goddess of Beauty crossed Ishtar's face. "How would Magdalene feel when she learns her shroud used to make men 'repent' was used to make one sin?" 

'...' That's when my eyes finally moved down to her bare lower body, the soft, smooth mount of her mound of Venus drawing my eyes and below it, the slight curves of her closed labia majora were faintly visible.

"Though I can't have you losing that skill," Her hips swayed effortlessly without exaggeration, with the Shroud shortening as she got closer to me. "I can still have fun with you."

[Pain Breaker]

"Indeed, but we need to meet—"

"He can wait," She cut me off as she stretched her hand, placing it on my chest. "How can a man like you still be a virgin."

"My face." I replied seriously, with Ishtar nodding. 

"I can see that," Even while 'sitting,' she was barely taller than I was. "But your body is tempting."

'Ah right.' I remember that Pallum woman that wanted me. 'Is my face really the only problem?' That can be fixed with a few cosmetics.

Her fingers trailed down my chest, and then she smiled, "Do you need a hand?"

'...2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53596167717379...' I shook my head, deciding against it.


'...' Prime number didn't work!?

"No, I need a real answer." I lost the charm she had on me, "Do you need a hand."


Right? Who wants a hand job from the goddess of slut?

"I mean, if you want to." No, my mouth! You listen to the brain, bitch! "I wouldn't say no to your offer, goddess." 


"Remove them." 

Un-equip Rhapso Beginner Trouser.

Ishtar's smile widened as she gently lowered herself onto my lap, facing my chest directly. I couldn't help but feel a shiver as she settled onto me. I could feel the smooth, supple skin and the softness of Ishtar's buttocks pressing against my thighs. Ishtar's skin, smooth and supple, molded softly against me, her divine form somehow weightless yet undeniably present.

As she shifted slightly, her hips rolling slightly as she made herself comfortable, her soft buttocks pressed and settled further, the gentle roundness and warmth becoming more pronounced as her skin glided against the warrior's thighs. Each subtle movement, each shift of her body, made me acutely aware of the goddess's presence. The sensation almost made my legs go weak and collapse onto the bed. 

Then her hands moved to my erection, her small hand touching it slightly, with the other one riding up my shirt with her amethyst eyes locked on mine. Then she suddenly grabbed my shaft, her fingers unable to warp around my girth. The coldness of her palm against the warm—


I wrapped my hand around Ishtar and pulled her close, then immediately fell back on the bed, my weight destroying it completely as a shadow blurred above where I once was.

"Impressive." A female voice came. "To still be able to react while getting a hand job from the goddess, truly impressive."

I was on my feet immediately, moving Ishtar behind me as I stared at the intruder. It was a woman dressed in some kind of all black ninja uniform, her lower face covered by a black mask with her eyes closed. Probably to avoid Ishtar's charm.

"I thought she would be up-here alone, which would have made it easier for me to deal with her, but..." She pulled a dagger from somewhere and balanced it on the tip of her finger, the sharp tip on her index. "I wouldn't mind also killing the gorillas that hurt our Mulan."


Hahaha. I just got cocked-blocked? During my first-hand job?

[Better more effective than more]

Quality over quantity, it had said, now using its demonic voice.

And what blood has better quality than mine?

I am the son of a concept, son of a Goliath, a foreigner, an outsider and this bitch ass level 4 just cock-blocked me!

I immediately pulled out River of Blood, its bloody blade immediately forming as I gripped it, "Bankai," I gripped it hard, letting it cut into my skin and draw blood. I could feel it hungrily suck all the blood from my body, but it wouldn't kill me. 

The sword started to lengthen as I cut my hand alongside the edge of the blade, my blood flowing into it and then, "Ketsu-Rasetsu." 

In an instant, the bloody armor was around me. This might have seemed long, but from the moment I brought out Rob and called out Ketsu-Rasetsu, less than a second passed.

"Eh—" She jumped back, avoiding the grab from my left palm and as I was about to use 'weed cutter' to end her pathetic mortal life, I noticed I was in Ishtar's room. 

One attack and this room will be destroyed and so will the goddess.

"Hehe~" The BLACK ninja chuckled as she suddenly appeared in the balcony, "I will be returning this to the goddess~" She phased through the glass enclosure and fell out the tower. 


The sword roared in my voice, but I didn't. That would be stupid. First off, it seems like Evilus had tried to kidnap Ishtar to have her killed by another god so the entirety of the Ishtar familia will be Falnaless, so if I left her then she might be kidnapped, and I will lose my—

Wait, fuck her! 

I can become a hero—

[Invasion Alert: Evilus is attacking the Pleasure Quarter] 

"My familia is under siege?" Ishtar also received the notification and then rushed to the balcony, looking down on the massive entertainment district she controls, and I was behind her.

Even from 400 meters up in the air, I saw flashes of light, explosions, and fire from every corner of the Pleasure Quarter below us. Why are they attacking the Familia now? Wouldn't it be better to first kidnap Ishtar, send her back to heaven, and then kill all the members to stop them from going to another... 

'Deal with her.' The ninja's voice echoed in my mind.


They sent a mortal to kill a god...

And it seems like Ishtar had also come to this conclusion. "Members," She waved, "Mass update." 

I immediately saw multiple flashes of light from the back of the blessed member's below. I doubt they will die from it, though. Unlike me, their body doesn't seem to change with Falna so the only issue they should have is controlling their strength at first.

"Go." Ishtar's voice sounded, "KILL THEM ALL!"


I manipulated the face of Rakshasa helm to say, "You might die up here." I was rational.

"Get down there and kill them!" She didn't seem to care as she slammed her fists on the mirror, her rage filled amethyst eyes reflecting on it. "WIPE THEM OUT!"


Well, I wouldn't keep saying no. I rushed out the room, and then entered the elevator. There were no stairs, so Rob and I waited silently as the elevator slowly went down to the floor below.


I sprinted out the elevator, rushing through the empty hall as it seemed everyone had already gone out, while I called up my familia map. 'Elred.' His location was dinged on the 40th floor, and that's where I went. 

Like the floor above, and I made my way to a double door with a sign above it [Financial of Ishtar] in a golden platter. I kicked the door open only to see the person I was looking for standing behind his desk filled and covered with towers upon towers of paper all the way across the room, his back to me while he stared out the window. 

Then he turned to me.

It was a young boy with a small and delicate body, standing no more than 115 cm, even shorter than Finn. His delicate and soft face held the innocence of a child and had a feminine grace with smooth, rounded features that gave him a feminine beauty. His pale skin was flawless and untouched by time, with large golden eyes that shined with a strange mixture of innocence and ancient wisdom piercing through me. His face was framed by long, flowing golden hair that cascades down in waves to his ankles, with some of them braided while the rest hung freely, and his slender, childlike frame was covered in a simple white and gold robe.

"Miquella?" The fuck?

"I am not Miquella," Elred's voice echoed with a strange harmony, neither entirely male nor female, but something in between—a balance. "I am Elred Iarnan, sole accountant of the Ishtar Familia. Now, tell me, who are you, and for what reason have you kicked down my door?"

"Noah, newly appointed Captain of this Familia," I met his gaze, steady and unyielding. "Your captain, as ordained by our goddess. She commands you to assist me."

His eyes glowed briefly. "To leave this room?" His eyes swept the cluttered space as if seeing it for the first time in years. "Is it truly so?" Tears welled up, spilling freely down his cheeks, a flood of emotion long contained. "After two decades... Can it be? Am I finally permitted to step beyond these walls? To rest my weary soul at long last?"

... Sorry bro. You are a level 5 with abilities that synergize well with mine. You ain't retiring. 

"Maybe," I walked to him, "You must have noticed that your Falna had been updated."

"Yes," he murmured, wiping away his tears like a child. "Finally…" His gaze lifted to meet mine, still a bit wet with tears. "But tell me, warrior, why would one of your strengths need someone like me?" His golden eyes flickered, glowing faintly. "Ah... I see it now."

??? He already knew his magic? How? Seeing as Ishtar told me about my magic herself, then that means you don't suddenly gain knowledge of your own magic. Did he just activate it without knowing?

I mean, the chant is only one word, 'Analyze,' so maybe?

As for his status;


Elred Iarnan 'Alf'

Level 5

Strength: I 18 | Endurance: I 9 | Dexterity: I 98 | Agility: I 4 | Magic: F 478

Mathematical Precision: F


Telepathy: Ability to read and transmit thoughts to others. Range and strength depend on the user's magic and the opponent's mental strength.


Analytical Appraisal: Sends waves to scan a target, returning their full composition in numerical data. The user must perform calculations to interpret the scan, including Basic Abilities, Development Abilities, Skills, Magic, and Curses.


Thought Acceleration: Greatly increases the speed of thought processing, adjustable as needed.

Parallel Calculation: Enables the user to process multiple thoughts simultaneously while granting immunity to charm or other mind based disruption skill.


That was his status in the guild function. 

Bro was a super computer and just what I needed for my magic. 


Suddenly, Elred flinched. Ah, so he was reading my thoughts. Guess sword don't like that.

"Would you assist me?" I asked, and he looked around the room.

His eyes shifted, scanning the room. "On one condition," he said, his gaze returning to meet mine, glowing slightly. "That once this battle is done, I will not be forced to return to this place. Can you grant me that?"

"I will see what I can do." Eh, no point in lying, is there.

"That is good enough for me," he nodded, though I could sense the unspoken hope in his tone. "But tell me, how exactly can I assist? Even with all my magic, my telepathy reaches no more than a kilometer. How will I perform the calculations you need, or guide you when you slip beyond my range?"

"You will become my consort," I said, extending my hand.

"What?" His eyes widened in shock as he stepped back. "I don't like men."

"No, me neither." I shook my head quickly as I lowered myself to one knee. "You will be my mind and I will be the Blade of Miquella."

"What?" He blinked.

"You will be my mind," I got on one knee, "And I will be the Blade of Miquella."

He sighed deeply. "I am not Miquella," he repeated, though I could sense the understanding dawning on him. Slowly, he extended his hand to mine. "But I can see your intention. And how will you carry me?"

Without a word, I pulled him forward, hoisting him onto my back. My Rakshasa armor shifted, morphing around him to hold him securely in place, however his hair was let free for obvious reasons.

["That will suffice."] His voice echoed in my mind as he wrapped his arms around my neck, calm and accepting. ["It is impossible for me to read your mind deeply while also doing calculations and sending my thoughts to you due to your sword, so if you can 'send' your thoughts to me, it will be helpful."]

'Alright,' I nodded, 'First, levitation.'

["That's easy…"] He started speaking in tongues. Though I can understand what he was saying due to my 'Sage' skill, it barely helped me comprehend it. ["I will dumb it down."] This time, it was more understandable and I used it.

A kaleidoscope aura that shifted between blue, pink, and pureple, with a polygonal pattern appeared around me and then I slowly lifted off the ground. "Heh." 

"Let's go, Miquella!" With that, I allowed Rakshasa's mask to shift back to its mouthless form. 'I Promised Consort Radahn, Blade of Miquella, will wipe this Pleasure Quarter free from all Evilus!'

["I am not Miquella."] A sigh came.


~~~~~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~

Was writing this chapter yesterday but then I noticed I was just writing to write and was not enjoying it so I stopped and went to sleep, that's why no chapter was released yesterday. You might noticed how 'bland' the beginning of the chapter was, but I am too lazy to change it, so eh. Just hope the rest of the chapter made up for it.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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