
Chapter 19: The Cardinal's Struggle Part 2

April 1st, the year of the Lord 1450, Dome of Lumina, Kingdom of Castile


"Good day to you Sister Lumina." Rodrigo greeted the old woman.


The woman, upon hearing Rodrigo's greeting lifted her head and turned it towards the sound. Rodrigo can see her grey eyes. Although Lumina can't see in the human realm, her vision extends farther than in her Dome and in the spirit realm. She is one of the existing Divina.


"Ah, Rodrigo, I was expecting your arrival. You know that your mother's minions still protect you and watch over you, or else, that damn interloper would have already swallowed your spirit." Lumina said to the Cardinal.


"Interloper you said?" Asked Rodrigo.


"Yes, interloper. Although the Nightcrawlers and the infernal One Eyed Society tried to hide their plans, we are onto it. The Garuda already predicted everything. He has the Prophet's book you know." Lumina said in a secretive tone.


"I am sorry, I am only hearing this," Rodrigo replied, confused as to what the woman was talking about.


"Ah, did the Pope not inform you of anything? Oh well, he has his reasons. Now let me look at the burn." motioned Lumina.


Without hesitation, Rodrigo went to the woman. Upon lifting his robe, a charred and rotten ankle was revealed. The woman tsked and told him to sit.


"I will need to scrape off the rotten flesh and apply the healing elixir. I will also ask for a shield for you and your charge, but the shield will expire once its energy is exhausted." The woman said while plucking leaves, and flowers, and digging up roots in her garden.


"This interloper is a strong one. Even I, if I go out of my Dome, am not sure if I can deal with him or not. He is the chaos bringer. The-" Lumina's speech was interrupted when a ball of floating light hovered in front of her.


"Okay, I understand, I need to keep my lips shut. I rarely get visitors here you know." She told the light petulantly.


"The messengers said I cannot tell you anything relevant anymore. I can only try to heal you and slow down the taint from affecting you till you pass on the baton to young Tomas." She added.


"I understand. If anything happens to me, the messengers know where my journal is kept. They will bring it with you and hope this could help." Rodrigo replied.


"Hmm.." Lumina then ground the gathered herbs into paste while muttering prayers under her breath. Then, she washed her hands with holy water, a took out her transparent dagger.


" I will start now. Bite into this if you can't take the pain anymore. I don't want the sprites to get frightened." She said.


Rodrigo wordlessly took the offered cloth and bit into it. Lumina poured the holy water directly into the infected flesh, chanting under her breath. Everywhere the holy water touched, dark smoke rose up as if evaporating.


Once the smoke dissipated, Lumina then meticulously scraped the infected flesh from the ankle of the Cardinal. She made sure that no rotten flesh remained. She then applied the thick paste on the open wound and chanted another prayer.


When Lumina finished the healing, Rodrigo asked, "Sister Lumina, how long will I have to stay in your Dome?"


"Hmm, you'll stay here for 3 months, so about 3 hours in the human realm. You should take your time and cleanse your soul here." She replied.


Rodrigo laid down the plank, stayed quiet, and closed his eyes to meditate and heal his soul.


Upon seeing his action, Lumina stood up and busily tended to her garden once again, occasionally conversing with the orbs of light or tree people.
