
Chapter 8: Diwata Part 4

Maundy Thursday, in Human Realm, Pan-ay (presently in the Visayas, Philippines)


"My King, the troops are rested." The voice of his son, and general startled Ramir from the recollection of his grandparents. They, the Diwata are blessed with long lives. Although not immortal, these guardians are blessed to live for hundreds, even thousands of years.


And as the generation progresses, the power and the responsibility also increase. He was the strongest among his siblings, the youngest among five. He became the King and guardian, whereas the four became Pantas* (*Pantas are elders, or wise men and women, advisors to the king but not under his power. They are impartial and their main task is to maintain balance in the Kaibabawan.) Like him, his youngest son Malakas, became a general and will take over as guardian, in case of his demise. His other five children are training to be Pantas, who will guide the future generation.


Before he left the Palace, one of the Pantas, an oracle by the name of Cassiopeia approached him. "My King, a vision came to me. A prophecy from the looks of it. The heavens have revealed that legion will be unleashed this coming blood moon. The girl, who will bear the bane of the legions will be born that same day. Our oath to the King of Heaven demands us to protect this girl. As of now, heraldic angels travel to different guardians in our realm and on Earth. They are ordered to withdraw the protection of the passageway in Seville. Sacrifices have to be made, and I'm afraid that you are one of those sacrifice." she said with a grim tone.


Ramir took a deep breath and smiled wanly at Cassiopeia. "I am only a humble servant of the King of Heaven. If it is his will that I am to be sacrificed, who am I to turn him down right?" he said in a shaky tone.


"Thank you, sister, for the heads up. I want to make a request. Please, do not tell my children about this vision. I do not want them to be burdened. I will tell my wife, and write my will. Please excuse me, I want to be alone to gather my thoughts." Cassiopeia bowed out of the library and left her brother to take in her news.


 Right now, as he looked at the eyes of his son, similar to his own, his chest tightened. He clasped Kadir's shoulders and motioned for the young general to sit with him.


"You know that I am proud of you right?" he told his son.


"I know Father, you never failed to let us know how you love us," Kadir replied.


"My son, we are going to war. The blood moon is a turbulent time. Our brethren, our family, our realm, was created for the sole purpose of repentance to the King of Heaven. I hope you understand this mission. And I hope that you understand that we have to make some sacrifices."


"I understand father. It is my honor to serve the King of Heaven."


"Good. I am proud of you my son. I am blessed to be the father of such accomplished, humble, and kind individuals. Always remember that." Ramir told Kadir and clapped his back.


Kadir turned towards his father and then put his hands on his father's forehead. "Are you having battle fever father? We are not engaged in a fight yet, why are you suddenly saying such things?" Kadir said with a chuckle.


"I guess you can fault the age of your old man. At this age, we become a little bit sentimental." Ramir replied.


Just as they were about to continue their conversation, the passageway lit up.


"It is time. Call the troops, the Lantawan is soon to open," said Ramir.


"As you say my liege," Kadir replied.
