
49 Earn more and more money

In all fairness, apart from this recent issue with the silver, Ye Gaosheng had always treated Ye Jiu sincerely well in the past; everything of value at home was given to Ye Jiu, and he had never complained about Mrs. Ye's partiality toward Ye Jiu.

Ye Jiu believed that this time too, Ye Gaosheng was genuinely worried about the family's hard times, which was why he thought of using this silver.

When Ye Jiu said this, it made Ye Gaosheng feel even more remorseful. He patted Ye Jiu's chubby hands, repeatedly saying, "Good..."

Although Ye Jiu had agreed about the silver, Mrs. Ye still felt uneasy in her heart. She had always been protective, and it was clear her daughter was at a disadvantage, so it was no wonder her demeanor was far from pleasant.
