
The Bracket of Fate

Chapter 95

After seeing Jake fight, Alex was itching to fight with him more than usual. He was even itching for a fight recently but he just composed himself and waited for the next event that was about to happen any minute from now. Right on cue, the announcers started to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for waiting. It is time for the next event to begin. It will now be starting in 3…2…1… go!"

The match had now begun and everyone's eyes were now focused on the match going on below.

As the match started, many third year students were getting eliminated. Just like with the second years, there was a large difference in power among the third years.

And then after a few minutes of intense fighting among the third years, there were now seven winners that will be going onto the next stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our seven winners!"
