
Chapter 32: First meeting [Voice]

The five men were utterly bewildered by the spectacle that was unfolding before their eyes. Yohan was frantically running around the open area in the center of a circle of onlookers, clutching several bottles of alcohol and glasses tightly to his chest. One of Sean's bodyguards, with blood gushing down from his forehead, was desperately trying to catch up to Yohan. However, his vision was impaired by the blood stains that clouded his eyes.

Despite some bottles having shattered on the ground already, Yohan continued collecting more and more as he ran. The crowd seemed to relish this bizarre performance, they appeared thrilled seeing him run towards a table piled high with bottles and grabbing them all before hurling them at anyone who dared approach him or threatened him. It seemed that people were more interested in this bizarre spectacle than seeing Sean extract Yohan's teeth with pliers.

People kept handing over extra bottles or glasses to Yohan as he dashed towards them, creating an endless supply for him to throw at his pursuers. It was like tipping but not in cash, giving him alcoholic missiles instead.

This unusual scene was not lost on the five men who observed it all, once elegant and composed, Yohan now looked like a pomeranian in full-blown rampage mode

Meanwhile, Sean was seething with anger at this turn of events. The veins bulged in his forehead as he shouted at his bodyguards to capture Yohan by any means necessary.

"Go get him! I don't care if you have to use violence to catch him!" he barked furiously at his bodyguards who were still in hot pursuit of Yohan.

His words caused several pairs of eyes among the five men to narrow dangerously. They looked like they were ready to pounce on Sean should he try anything rash or violent against Yohan.

The chaotic scene continued for some time until finally, one of the bodyguards managed to tackle Yohan down onto the ground. With their captive subdued, all that remained was an eerie silence punctuated only by heavy breathing and murmurs from the crowd.

Sean looked pleased as Yohan was tackled to the ground. He approached him with a lascivious smile, seeming to relish in this situation. Squatting in front of Yohan's pinned down body, he wiggled pliers menacingly.

"Do you want me to do it, Yohan?" Sean forced his thumb into Yohan's mouth until it opened wide enough for his teeth and tongue to be exposed. Some people watching couldn't help but hold their breaths out of fear for the cruel torture that might unfold.

Before the pliers could get any closer to Yohan's face, someone kicked Sean so hard that he fell over with a cry of pain.

"Time out!"

As Sean growled angrily and raised his head up from the ground, Kane loomed over him like a giant shadow.

"Asshole!! Who are y-"

But before Sean could finish speaking or react properly, Kane kicked him in the face, breaking his nose and causing another loud scream of pain to fill the bar.

Yohan was stunned as he watched a stranger come to his aid. He never expected help from anyone, especially not from someone he didn't even know. Suddenly, Yohan's body felt lighter, the bodyguard who had pinned him down had released him and ran towards Kane, along with another bodyguard.

Meanwhile, Axel and Tao ran towards the other guard while Gio rushed over to Kane to assist him. Kian quickly approached Yohan, taking his wrist and helping him stand up with ease.

Yohan took in the chaos around him, realizing that his own actions had contributed to it. Kian offered some comfort by putting an arm around Yohan's shoulder, ready to protect him from any further harm.

The bar was now a scene of utter destruction with broken bottles littering the floor and overturned tables and chairs scattered throughout. The bar manager looked like he had aged years in mere moments as he surveyed the damage caused by the fight between Kane's group and Sean's bodyguards. Even security seemed powerless in this situation, they knew better than to interfere when powerful families were involved.

As Yohan watched the fight from afar, he couldn't help but notice how different their fighting styles were compared to his own bottle missile attacks. Kane and his friends displayed an effortless grace with their kicks, punches, and dodges which only added to Yohan's admiration for them. He glanced over at Kian who stood next to him, looking like a living refrigerator with his cold and indifferent demeanor.

Yohan couldn't help but be curious about Kian's lack of involvement in the fight. "Aren't you going to help them?" he asked, gesturing towards Kane and his friends.

Kian turned to look at Yohan, their eyes meeting briefly. "Is there any point in me helping them?" He replied indifferently, not bothering to hide his lack of interest.

The contrast between Yohan's curiosity and Kian's indifference was stark, it seemed that they were both on different wavelengths entirely.

"Are you not worried about them? They're your friends, right?" Yohan asked Kian, feeling a bit confused. Perhaps this man wasn't involved with those men after all?

"One of them is my brother..." Kian replied coolly. "But I'm tired of dealing with his bratty behavior since we were kids."

Yohan understood, sometimes it was exhausting to constantly worry about someone's reckless actions. He couldn't help but chuckle awkwardly as he turned his attention back to the fight. Yohan noticed one of the bodyguards lying motionless on the floor while another was being restrained by Tao.

The chaos was slowly coming under control as all eyes focused on Sean, who writhed in agony after being kicked in the face by Kane. Though he'd briefly lost consciousness, Sean seemed to have regained it now and was shouting angrily at Kane.

"Wait for my revenge, assholes! When my father finds out, he'll kill you all!"

It was a typical response from a spoiled young master who couldn't handle being defeated. Kane looked ready to kick Sean again, but Kian signaled him to stop and pulled out his phone instead.

After making a call, several men in black arrived minutes later and lifted Sean and his bodyguards out of the bar. The tension dissipated as they left, leaving behind only the aftermath of their violent outburst.

Yohan felt relieved that things had ended without any serious injuries or fatalities. As he turned back towards Kian, he feeling both impressed and intimidated by Kian's cool demeanor throughout the whole ordeal. It was clear that this wasn't his first time dealing with such situations. He gazed at Kian with a newfound admiration, impressed by the commanding presence he exuded. It was the first time Yohan had ever seen someone wield such authority so effortlessly.

However, his reverie was abruptly interrupted when a large hand suddenly covered his eyes, startling him. He could feel warm breath on his ear as a deep voice spoke to him teasingly.

"Why are you staring at him like that? Do you like him more than me?" For some inexplicable reason, he felt a fluttering sensation in his stomach.

But wait... who was this person?
