
Chapter 187 Downhill

Mirage’s P.O.V

The next morning, Alex and I were rushing to Julian’s room to find Freya and Cameron already there waiting for Daisy to show up.

“What happened to Julian?” Alex’s voice was sharp but I saw the strain in his jaw as he looked down at the little guy who was passed out on the bed, a wet cloth on his forehead as he sweated enough to soak his own clothes.

“He’s running a very high fever.” Cameron answered us as Freya desperately tried to get his fever down. “We’ve been trying for a while now, but his fever just won’t come down.”

“Get the ice bath ready.”

We turned to face the door and found Daisy entering the room followed by Dr. Shaw, the one who was more specialized to treat humans.

“Daisy.” Freya made way for the healer as she sat at the edge of the bed and began taking Julian’s vitals. “I’ll get the ice bath ready.”
