
Chapter 45 Are you implying…?

Cameron’s P.O.V

“How is she?” I asked as soon as I saw Sarah walk up to my car early next morning.

I had to practice for an upcoming match with the Portland High Soccer team that was going to be led by Darcia. It was a match I was looking forward to and since I had finished practice really late, I hadn’t been able to visit Freya at all yesterday.

I had wanted to apologize, I really had and I knew procrastinating won’t get me anywhere. My wolf was anxious too, but I wanted this to be special. I had stolen her first kiss without her permission…so when I went to apologize, I wanted it to be exactly how she had hoped her first kiss to be.

“A lot better,” she gave me a bright smile. “I did warn her that you might not be able to visit as often as you did before.”

I nodded my thanks and held the door open for her so she could get in. Closing the passenger’s side door, I came around to the driver’s side and got inside my car, starting the engine and driving straight to school.
