
Ability Reaver

Jesse glanced at the numbers on his watch that blinked before turning into '297'

If he had delayed the fight any longer, then he really would have lost.

-* Earlier *-

Silas' ability was mind mirage, and not illusion nor was it multiplication, hence, it could only be used on a specific amount of people or a target individual.

"Claw." Jesse muttered and his fingers hardened, stretching out four times their usual length.


The multiple Silas wavered and behind all of them, one that didn't waver stood.

Jesse ran towards him, swiping all the fakes with his claws and as soon as he got to the real one with neck-breaking speed, he swiped his claws at him - though Silas jumped back just in time to escape a deep deadly gash, the claws still sliced through his chest, leaving a bloody scratch... And that was all he needed.

[Claw: Ability Reaver activated]

[You have gained a new skill]

[Mind Mirage]

[Skill will last for 10 seconds]

You, goddamn rat!" Silas cursed. He saw the opening that Jesse had left and immediately used it - he sent Jesse flying out of the stage with a kick.

Weaving an imagination in less than three seconds, Jesse made Silas believe that he had kicked Jesse out.

With Jesse's level, every sense in Silas' body was tricked, even his nervous system was tricked into an imagination that it felt no pain.

Therefore, Silas who was kicked out of the stage still thought that he had kicked Jesse out.

-* *-

The corner of Jesse's lips curved up into a taunting smirk as he watched Silas' eyes narrow in disbelief.

He got off the stage and walked to Silas - with a small smile, he said, "Thank you for letting me win."

"You actually did it." Maxwell clapped, "Now, I can safely entrust my life into your hands."

"Well, guess who'll be eating better tonight." Avila smiled, "You stunned the crazy Silas." She added, taking a glance at the unconscious Silas who was being carried out in a stretcher.

Aland handed Jesse a bottle of water, which he took, "Thank you."

"But how did you do it? He didn't even hit you once."

"He's tired. Ask your questions some other time." Maxwell waved Avila off, "Lunch is not over."

"Right." Jesse smirked - it was time to try out what he fought for, after all.

He collected his meal and walked past the section for two hundred rankers, ignoring the numerous eyes that remained on his as he walked past where Silas always sat.

"You can't be here." Aland whispered when Jesse sat from across him.


"Law differentiates the higher ranks from the lower ranks." Avila stirred her soup without moving her eyes away from it.

"Who made this law?" Jesse glanced at her and she chuckled in response, "Just students."

And just like she said, Jesse could make out the words that were said amidst the students' chatter, however, he had heard worse - what could a few gossipy words possibly do to him now?


After that week, Jesse didn't get any other duel requests nor did he request any duels.

The students who were wary of requesting duels gained confidence after the first duel, hence, the rankings kept moving non-stop.

Unlike other students, he didn't move rooms, and instead remained in his old tiny room with Maxwell and Aland.

His popularity had also skyrocketted with half of his set's population calling his win a lucky strike, however, no one dared to request a duel with this strange boy whose ability seemed to be luck, including the fact that out of the seven days of morning exercises, he came as top ten in five days - what else could it be called, if not luck?

This easily earned him the name, 'Lucky one'.

Jesse finally attended the class that he had long wished to - The combat class.


"There are different versions of the story your friends tell, Flynn."

"Mr Gael, there's no student that fits that description." Cynthia walked towards them with an electronic writing pad in her hand.

"Ha!" Gael breathed out with a slight chuckle - he had no time to finish his investigation in the Seventh Wall City, now he had to deal with his younger brother.

Flynn who had orange hair similar to the red hair that the main branch of Redhart family possessed, was loved by everyone in the fourth branch - his ability, too, was also similar, only that it was a lesser version of the real deal.

Gael took off his glasses and wiped it with the underside of his shirt.

He left his investigation because of how much he loved his younger brother, however, he could do nothing if Flynn, in question refuses to say a word.

"Tell me, Flynn. Just one thing you remember." He knelt beside the bed.

"Heal." Flynn muttered in a barely audible voice, "He regenerated."

"Goddammit!" Gael clenched his jaw and stood up in annoyance.

The other two students had said different things - One mentioned that he was a speed user and the other mentioned that he was invincible and mingled with the shadows - Three abilities was nigh impossible for a kid to possess and if it really was true, the government would have snatched him up already.

"Sir, one of the kids knows the assailant's rank." Cynthia spoke up again.

"What rank is it?" Gael asked, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Rank 336, the holder of that rank is a Mentis. He is capable of causing a mind mirage that affects every senses in his target's body."

"A mere mental ability?" Gael gritted his teeth, "Keep an eye on him. Both you and I will be heading back to the Seventh Wall City."

"Brother." Flynn called in fear.

"It will be fine. We'll keep an eye out for him first to know where he's from before paying him back."


"Welcome to your first combat class. I am Alexander Zephron, you may address me as Mr. Zephron." A flowery man who looked to be in his middle twenties greeted. His long black hair was tied up, yet it still cascaded all the way down to his waist.

As the female students gasped in amazement, most of the males snickered.

"A femboy as our combat teacher? What would he teach us? How to dance?" One of them daringly murmured to his friends.

The teacher, however, looked nothing like a femboy, he had a lean tall statue but with broad shoulders, he simply had long hair and a pretty face.

"As you may have been informed, the weapon class is a subgroup under the combat class, hence, both subjects will be taught together." He smiled and with a swift turn, he threw out two needles which even Jesse had failed to catch sight of until it was imbedded in the boy's face.

"Do not speak rudely of or to your teachers." He added with an even calmer smile.
