
Hell (Part 1)

I don't remember anything after arriving home, all I remember is that I saw a figure that looked like my mother dead with a body full of stab wounds and a stitched mouth.

Then a figure that looked like my father was dismembered and lying under the dining table.

And finally, someone I didn't recognize spoke to me, but I couldn't remember his face or what he said at the time.

After he spoke to me, my vision went dark and my body went numb, when I woke up I was asleep on this patient bed with my body bound and I wasn't wearing any clothes, what's going on here?

I'm sure mom and dad are fine, they must be looking for me right now, especially since dad is a police officer he must be able to find me with his police decective information network, I'm sure of it.

Moreover, the genius Sis El must be tracking my whereabouts right now, I just have to calm down here waiting for them to come and bring me back, I'm sure everything will be fine, about the figure that looks like my mom and dad, it must be just a delusion and someone's illusion magic, they can't die like that even though there is Echo at home protecting them.

Tomorrow I will definitely go back home, have dinner with my family again and celebrate my graduation and then play with Lily, after that I will prank Sis El who is busy with her gadget, after that...

"Good morning, Archemidas Evernoir," greeted someone who had just entered the room.

"My name is Ryvolin Navenstein, I am the head of the research division in this corporation, and the woman behind me is Violet Lorelei, she is my assistant, ah I'm sorry we shouldn't have met under these circumstances, but we were afraid you would run away if you weren't tied up like that, and then."

"Hello, Archemidas Evernoir? Do you hear me?"

What is this guy talking about? Why don't you first untie me and give me a piece of clothing or two.

My magic isn't working either, I can't cast any magic, is there an anti-magic device here? This is very serious.

"Violet," Ryvolin said as he gave the code to his assistant.

"Yes, prof," Violet nodded back.

The woman took out some sort of holographic screen from her bracelet and pointed it at me.




After that, my whole body burned and blistered, releasing smoke from being electrocuted by the high-voltage electricity of this patient's bed.

Did I just die? My body hurt all over, moving just a little bit my skin peeled right off, is this guy serious?

"Woah, look at the wound instantly heal back to normal, this is amazing!" said Ryvolin happily.

"Alright Arche, this is what happens if you don't listen to me, you have to be a good boy if you don't want to experience this again, do you understand?" he continued.


"Haaah, Violet do that again."

"Okay, prof."




I heard the sound of my skin burning, and the pungent odor of my newly burnt flesh, and I felt a lot of liquid oozing out of the cracks of the burnt wounds.

It's so disgusting, I can't feel anything anymore, I can't stand it anymore, please someone take me out of here.

"Hmm, the skin and blood that was peeled off didn't go back into his body, which means that his body is regenerating by creating a new structure of cells and flesh? This seems really great, isn't it? Arche?"

"Come on, don't stay still, you don't want to feel any more pain right?" he continued.


"Alright, Violet do it again."

"W-wait, I'll talk! Don't do it again please!" I retorted as I cried in pleading.

"Well like that Arche, you have to be an obedient kid if you don't want to feel pain."


"So, let's start with some easy questions," he said as he sat down on the chair next to my bed.

"How did you get this regeneration power?" he continued.

"I-I don't know," I retorted.

"So you've been like this since birth?"

"S-something like that."

"Hmmm," he replies while rubbing his chin.

"When did you realize this power of yours?"

"S-since I was little, w-when I was practicing magic."

"Hooh, you're a wizard? That's great!"

"Then, do you think your abilities have anything to do with magic?" he continued.

"I-I don't know, I guess n-no."

"Well, thank you for your cooperation Arche," he replied as he stood up from his chair.

"C-can I go out now? I want to go home, P-please," I said with tears in my eyes.

"What are you talking about? We haven't even started yet, Arche," he said while grinning at me.

That would probably be the face that would stick in my head, the face of that jerk Ryvolin who would start his research on my body.

And the beginning of a major change in my life.


I unconsciously screamed as loud as I could, but I wasn't angry, I was terrified.

But he just turned around and smiled like a murderer who had found his target, that evil smile did not disappear from his face even though he had left this room.

I'm so afraid of what will happen to me after this, after he goes out and after all the preparations of that bastard are finished, then what will he do to me later.

I can't do anything, this is the first time I feel so helpless, I can't even move my body, have I been relying too much on my magic talent all this time?

This entire room has been installed with an anti-magic device that will eliminate every atom of magic present and block the movement of magic atoms present in the human body, I can feel it.

I still feel the traces of my burnt flesh and skin sticking to this bed, it's so disgusting I can't stand it anymore, even though my body has completely healed but the sensation and feeling of being baked and electrocuted is still clearly felt on the surface of my skin, I'm afraid if he will electrify my body again, or even worse than that.

I want to go home, I want to rest, I want this to end quickly.


The door suddenly opened with a bang, it seemed like someone deliberately broke it, did someone come to save me?

"NO! RELEASE ME!" I shouted as I saw the men begin to approach me.

I saw several large men in white hazmat suits complete with their gas masks, carrying me out of the room, they didn't untie me they just pushed my bed out of the room and took me to another room that was far underground using an elevator.


They were silent, not even looking at me even though I was screaming at them.

I don't know how many floors I've gone down but it feels very long, floor after floor passed and the sound of the elevator's bell kept ringing but no one spoke or looked at me, they just stayed where they were waiting until the elevator arrived at its destination.

A few minutes passed and finally the elevator doors opened, they then proceeded to push my bed through a fairly dark hallway with minimum lighting towards the end of this hallway.

This silence gave me goosebumps, I was so scared that my tears wouldn't stop flowing and the smell of burnt flesh wouldn't go away, I wanted to leave this bleak place now, I didn't want to be here.

They then stopped right at the door at the end of the dark hallway with one room in it, and started to open the door.

The moment I entered the room, my goosebumps stood up and I couldn't stop shaking, my tears coming out more and more to the point that my eyes were swollen.

There were many instruments of torture, from various times and eras and I was very familiar with all of them.

Then among the instruments stood a man in a white coat smiling at me, it was Ryvolin.

Just looking at him made me want to faint, but if I did then something worse would happen to me.

After bringing me in, the big men handed Ryvolin some paperwork and then walked out of there leaving me with this demon.

"Welcome to the interrogation room Arche, I hope you're comfortable here and make yourself at home, khakakaka!"


Ignoring my screams, he turned around and selected some scary-looking tools, a knife and a saw.

"Let's start with these."

"W-what are you going to do! D-DON'T DO IT! NOOOO!"

He casually cut my finger then took it away, a lot of blood came out from the cut scar, I could no longer feel my index finger, it hurt like I was going to die.

"Hmmm, it's growing back quickly, it's amazing, your cells are dividing like bacteria."

After that he repeatedly cut off my growing finger and continued to cut off my other fingers, I saw some of my fingers that were on the floor roll as they were cut off, making the pain in my hand even worse.

"The regeneration time is about 2 seconds, even though I've cut you many times there's no sign of your regeneration time decreasing or increasing, and the size and weight haven't changed either," he said as he wrote something on his document.

"I will change the method," he continued.

I was already weak, my throat hurt from screaming, my eyes were swollen from crying and the blood wouldn't stop flowing from my bed, this room was already filled with the smell of blood, it was so disgusting, I couldn't get rid of the pain in my fingers.

The bastard then put down his knife and held a large saw in his hand.

"W-what do you want to do with it! No, please!"


He tried to cut off my arm, every time he swiped the saw, my flesh regenerated, blood kept flowing from it and I felt so much pain when the saw touched my bone, slowly my bone was cut off roughly until my arm was completely separated. I didn't realize that I had screamed so loudly, it felt like blood was coming out of my throat, the pain and ache was still clearly felt in my arm even though it had regenerated, but I would never forget that sensation.

"Arm growth takes a while, about 12 seconds, but still being able to see the regeneration of your nerves and blood vessels makes me very excited, Arche."

I already couldn't hear him clearly, my ears hurt so much and my brain wouldn't respond to anything at the moment.

"Today we're done here Arche, you'll stay here, my clothes are already very dirty with your blood."

I'm already very tired, let me rest for now.

Then I vaguely saw him walk out of this room saying something, but I didn't hear him, I didn't care anymore anyway.

I'm so tired right now, I want to sleep and hope that all of this ends soon.


The next day.

I woke up in the same state, a body tied to a bed full of blood and my own flesh.

This room is starting to smell and I seem to feel some disgusting insects crawling in the cracks of my bed gnawing on my cut flesh, suddenly I feel scared again my body doesn't stop shaking and I'm very limp, am I going to starve to death? Can I actually die? So will this suffering continue forever?

Then someone came in.

Yes, I knew it.

It was that jerk Ryvolin.

"Arche, we meet again let's carry out the research for today, please cooperate Arche."

Today he was wearing a hazmat suit complete with a gas mask, so in the end he couldn't stand the smell of this room either.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Of course! I'll answer everything!" he replied excitedly.

"Why do I have to suffer like this?"

"Suffer? Don't get me wrong! This is a blessing! You should feel blessed and proud, this is a chance for humans to surpass gods, you know? And you are the source Arche, so you should support this project to be successful!"

"I don't understand."

"Take it easy, when the research is successful you'll understand, for now be an obedient kid and help me finish everything until it's done."


I don't understand what this guy is saying, he wants to surpass a god? Are you seriously saying that?

"Alright, how about we start now, Arche," he said while carrying a syringe towards me.

"W-what do you want to do? Don't fuck with me!" I retorted.

"Take it easy, it's part of the research, I'll insert vicious cancer cells into your veins, we'll see if you can be harmed from the inside."

"What! Cancer? Don't fucking joke!"

What is this, I don't feel any pain at all, did he really inject cancer cells? There was only a slight tingling around the injection site.

"Okay, that's it for today Arche, you can rest now," he said as he left the room.

This is all for today? I guess I should be thankful that he didn't do anything to me, I was so worried about what he would do to me today.

But, I'm suddenly very sleepy now, even though I thought I slept for a long time earlier, so I might as well sleep while I still have the chance.




I who was sleeping soundly suddenly felt pain all over my body, like my blood wanted to come out from every single pore on my skin.

My tears couldn't stop flowing and my mouth began to leak bubbly blood.

My eyes felt like they were going to pop out, my ears couldn't hear anything and my tongue felt like it was being slowly sliced with a knife.

All my pores felt like they were being pierced by a very hot needle.

What's going on? Is this the effect of the injection? My heart seemed to want to explode right now.

I can't hold this in any longer, I'm going to die now, is this the end?


I couldn't feel anything, my eyes suddenly blurred and I lost consciousness for a moment, it seemed like all my senses were no longer functioning.

But now it seems to be okay, I started to feel my blood circulation returning to normal and the pain suddenly disappeared.

And there were traces of blood coming out of every hole in my body, it seemed like I had died a horrible death, I didn't want to experience that again, it was so painful.

It felt like my body was going to explode.

I was so tired from enduring the pain just now, even though the wounds on my body can regenerate but the fatigue will still be there, I didn't think this would happen.

Or maybe I can't recover mentally, then it would be very serious if I went crazy here.

