
1 Against 4 (1) [18+]

[Note]: Before you continue with this novel, please be aware that there will be some mature content in the upcoming chapters. However, this won't be the sole focus of the story; battles and other exciting arcs are also on the way. If you prefer to skip the R18 chapters, feel free to do so—I'll make sure to catch you up in future chapters. For now, enjoy!=====

Looking at the heavenly bodies standing before him, Karsha's dragon immediately responded without him even noticing it. It's just beyond his control so despite using blood manipulation on himself, his urges and desire overcame the control and pumped blood into his member.

The three ladies noticed the movement in Karsha's pants but they didn't say anything. However, deep within their heart, they look happy, even Li Fei who hasn't known Karsha that long. In fact, none of them knew him long enough to be stripping right in front of him.
