
Chapter 47: Hu Liena's Test, The Sixth Live Broadcast Begins!

Having successfully recruited Lin Yu, the team set out from Windmill Village and headed straight for Kira City.

In Kira City, Hu Liena took Lin Yu to a grand restaurant.

As promised, Lin Yu enjoyed a lavish meal.

This feast was not only the most extravagant Lin Yu had ever had in this life, but also surpassed anything he had experienced in his past life.

After the sumptuous meal, the team continued their journey, now heading directly for Spirit City.

Before returning to Spirit City, Hu Liena planned to make a detour to the Star Dou Forest to help Lin Yu hunt a suitable soul beast for his first soul ring.

With Douluo Moonlight's assistance, this task was not difficult at all!

During the journey, Hu Liena also asked Lin Yu to summon his Chaos Green Lotus martial soul to examine its peculiarities and determine its suitable development path—whether for healing or enhancement.

However, even with Douluo Moonlight's help, they were unable to decipher the exact nature of the martial soul's mutation.

But when Lin Yu summoned the Chaos Green Lotus, Douluo Moonlight felt his martial soul, the Celestial Mushroom of the Ten Thousand Wonders, quiver and submit.

This trembling and submission was beyond what one would expect from encountering a higher-level king or emperor—it was as if he was facing a supreme being!

Douluo Moonlight was stunned and thrilled to discover that Lin Yu's martial soul could make his own Celestial Mushroom tremble and submit. This indicated that Lin Yu's martial soul was far more powerful than his own.

This revelation left Douluo Moonlight both shocked and ecstatic.

His Celestial Mushroom was already a top-tier immortal soul; what level could a soul beyond that be?


Or… Celestial?

Douluo Moonlight was unsure.

Originally, he intended to take Lin Yu as his disciple. But upon realizing that Lin Yu's Chaos Green Lotus was of an unimaginably higher grade, he knew he was unqualified to teach such a prodigious talent.

Seeing Lin Yu's martial soul was even more powerful than anticipated, Hu Liena was even more excited. She was increasingly determined to foster this young brother of hers.

Just as the sect leader Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School cultivated the Sword Bone Douluo, so would she, the Saintess of the Spirit Hall, nurture Lin Yu.

When this young brother Lin Yu became the leading auxiliary Title Douluo in the future, her name, Hu Liena, would undoubtedly be renowned across the Douluo Continent!

Seven days quickly passed.

Soon, it was time for the sixth live broadcast.

On the sixth day, as the live broadcast day approached, Hu Liena decided to have the team stop temporarily in a city called Kira City, preparing to continue after the sixth live broadcast ended.

On the seventh day, as the sixth broadcast was about to start, Hu Liena, following Bibi Dong's instructions, decided to test if Lin Yu was really "Lin Yu." She smiled and said to him.

"Little Lin Yu, when the live broadcast starts, remember to add a prefix to your name in the live chat. This chat room allows prefixes."

"Add 'disciple about to join the Spirit Hall' before your name, and tag @Teacher, that is, our Spirit Hall's Pope. Let her know that I've successfully recruited you and give her a pleasant surprise!"

A surprise for her?

Why do I feel like you're testing me?

Listening to Hu Liena's words, Lin Yu couldn't help but grumble internally.

Instead of you, Hu Liena, tagging the teacher, which would be more effective since you're Bibi Dong's disciple, you want me to do it. It's clear you just want to confirm if I'm the "Lin Yu" you're looking for!

I'm already disguised as a commoner, and on the road, I've acted like an ordinary child—just a bit more mature.

But it's normal for a poor child to be mature beyond their years.

If you're suspicious even now, you're cautious!

But do you think you can uncover my true identity like this?

Lin Yu, feeling a bit smug, knew that as the host of the live broadcast Q&A system, he was well aware of its functionalities.

Indeed, the live broadcast system allowed prefixes to be added to names and modified, but once a prefix was added for a broadcast, it remained until the end of that session, and could only be changed in the next broadcast.

Hu Liena probably hoped to use this rule to verify whether he was the "Lin Yu."

Indeed, he was!

However, as the owner of the live broadcast Q&A system, Lin Yu could modify prefixes as he wished, or even use alternate accounts.

If you think a prefix will expose me, you're overestimating its effectiveness!

"Alright, I understand!"

Feigning acquiescence to Hu Liena's request, Lin Yu nodded earnestly and prepared to follow her instructions.

Soon, as the time for the broadcast approached, an invisible wave swept across the Douluo Continent.

Everyone's vision momentarily blacked out, and when it returned, they were greeted by a dark and deep virtual space, akin to the vacuum of space.

At the same time, a virtual screen appeared in front of everyone.

It was the public screen for the broadcast!

System, add the prefix "disciple about to join the Spirit Hall" to my name!

After being pulled into the live broadcast, Lin Yu instructed the system.

The system quickly responded: Modification complete!

[Ning Fengzhi (smiling): Seven days have flown by. I wonder how this Q&A session will go. How is everyone preparing?]

[Dai Tianfeng (confident): Haha! Of course, we're fully prepared. This time, the Star Luo Royal Family will get the reward!]

[Snow Night (sneering): The Star Luo Royal Family? Overconfident, aren't we? I think the reward should go to our Tiandou Royal Family.]


As the virtual screen came to life, messages began flashing continuously.

Lin Yu also sent a message.

[disciple about to join the Spirit Hall - Lin Yu: @Bibi Dong, Pope, Sister Hu Liena asked me to inform you that I've agreed to join the Spirit Hall. I'll return in about a month.]

Not long after Lin Yu sent the message, the dark and deep virtual space began to shift, transforming into a lush, dense forest.

Everyone knew that the live broadcast had officially started!
