

(Aerion's POV)

"Your Grace." I said as I bowed slightly, "You called for me?" 

She was standing in the middle of the room as one of her maids, Talia, stood next to her. Talia took a step back and bowed slightly, placing her hands in front of her and holding her arms in front of her. 

Queen Alicent gave me a surprised look, "Lord Aerion, did you not bring the Princess Visenya?" She asked

"Oh..." I said with a bit of surprise, "Apologies, Your Grace, You only called for me. My daughter is currently sleeping." 

"Ah, well that is to be expected. I should have been more specific in my instructions to have you come." She said as she walked over, "You look well, considering you just partook in a War." 

I nodded, "Yes, well, that's what they all tell me." I said placing my hands behind my back

"Talia, give us a moment." She told her maid

I watched as she bowed, "Yes, Your Grace." She said and hurriedly walked past me and out the door, closing it behind her

"A Tourney huh?" Alicent said as she stood in front of me, "For your daughter. Have you considered doing such a thing?" 

"I thought about it." I said truthfully, "But I was thinking of doing it on Dragonstone, where she was born." 

"Hm, yes. Much more appropriate." She said with a slight smile, "Dragonstone is where you claimed your Dragon." 

I nodded, "It is." I said

"This will be a Melee, not a Joust." She said, "It could potentially be much more violent, considering how rough the Knights of the Realm are. I do not think it is wise to have such display of violence in honor of a pure and innocent child as I am sure your daughter is." 

"I appreciate it." I said, "But it was the King's desire." 

"Yes, whatever he wants, he gets." She said, "Will you partake in the Melee?" 

"I will." I said, "I can't let another man win a tournament that was thrown in my Daughter's honor." 

"Ser Criston will partake as well, to represent the Crown." She told me, "I know that the two of you never liked each other so I ask you to keep it....professional should you meet." 

"Hm." I said, "Is that it?" 

She looked at me, "Pardon me?" 

"Is that why called me for, Your Grace?" I asked, "Or is there more to this?" 

She scoffed, "Oh, Aerion." She said as she shook her head, "It has always been the same with you, ever since I met you as a child. You would constantly antagonize me, no matter how sweet I spoke to you." 

"That is not true." I said

"It is!" She said, "It has and will always be the way. No matter how much I try, Aerion, it can never be enough with you! What do I need to do with you?" 

I frowned, "Why are you so fixated on me, Your Grace?" I asked, "I am not your son." 

"But you are the King's Nephew!" She said as she looked at me, "You are my Husband's favorite, have you never thought of that? He loves you, something that your own father has not done. And I have tried to do the same, Aerion, yet you never appreciated it." 

I looked down, "Is that so?" 

"Yes!" She exclaimed, "I have done everything for your sake." 

"Like betrothing me to Ariana Moore?" I asked as I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Simply because you did not want my father's blood mixing with yours? The reason you told the King that Helaena and I should not wed." 

She looked at me with a surprised look, "I...." she said as she took a step back

"Or when she died...you immediately tried to betroth me to your young cousin, Alyssa Hightower?" I said as I took a step forward, "All of what you say that you have done for my sake.....has never been for my sake. It has been for yours, and you know it. Maybe you think it was with good intentions, maybe you believe it was for the good of the realm or for what was good for me, but the truth its there, Queen Alicent, you have tried to steer me towards something that benefits you....No, that benefits your Father and his House." 

"Aerion, it is not like that...." She said softly as she frowned, "It never was..." 

"Hm.." I said as I looked around, "Maybe my actions in the Stepstones opened your eyes to what I am truly capable of...Is that what you're so worried about? Should a conflict arise, I would be on opposite sides of you and your Family. Uncle has always tried to include me in the affairs of your Family...and don't get me wrong, I love my cousins, your children, I care for them, I always have....even Aegon, as much as I had disagreed with his actions..." 

"When your Father was gone, who was it that sent you gifts? That always made sure you were okay?" She said with a frown, "It was not just Viserys, I did.....I constantly wrote to your mother, always making sure she was okay. It was not just Rhaenyra....it was me too...why must you always overlook that? Overlook me?" 

I gave her a serious look, "I appreciate that, Your Grace, I always will." I said, "But the truth is...you merely wanted me for benefit.....as if I were a blade to be wielded at you and your Father's will....But I am not that...I'm not a weapon to be used.....If I am...I am Rhaenyra's now.....and I will forever be hers." 

"You...." She started as a realization came across her face, "You love her...?" 

I nodded as I looked away, "I do." I told her, "She gave me the greatest gift a man could ask for....a daughter. I have told you this before; none of this might have happened if you did not interfere with Helaena and I...but oh well, cannot change that at all and there is no point in me thinking about it. If you excuse me, Your Grace, I must return to my Wife." 

I turned around and began to walk away. 

"Aerion wait!" She called

I stopped and glanced at her, she had tears in her eyes, "Yes?" 

"Tell her...." She said softly, "Tell Rhaenyra..." 

"That I am sorry...." 


"Princess Helaena, Lord Aerion is here..." one of Helaena's maids said

I saw Helaena was sitting on the ground, sewing something that looked like a tapestry. 

"Let him in..." She said softly

I walked over to her and bowed slightly, "Princess." I said with a slight smile, "It's good to see you're well." 

She had a slight smile, "Yes..." She said without looking up, "It is good that you are here too, cousin." 

I tapped my sides awkwardly, looking around, "Uhm..." I said, "Do you wish to see my daughter?" 

"If my sister wishes it, then yes...." She said as she was focused on the needle

"She would not refuse you, her sweet sister." I said with a chuckle, "You should see Visenya, she's a beautiful soul.....I can escort you to her chambers...." 

"I will go when I am ready..." She said softly

"Of course." I said before clearing my throat, "Listen....about that.....well, the dream you told me about...." 

"Bronze flames in the sands....two swords cleaving a sun..." She replied

"Yes, that." I said as I slowly crouched down, "It's over, right? I...fought in the Stepstones.....killed a Martell...with one sword, though..." 

"I said it was two...." She said without making eye-contact, "It is two." 

"Right..." I said with a frown, "So the fight is still on?" 

"No. It's over. The second sword was your dragon." She said seriously

"Oh...Uhm....that's strange....but I'll take it." I said straightening up, "That's good to see.....so.....anything else you've dreamed about..." 

"Yes..." she said with a slight smile, "Two joys....two new dragons..." 

"Huh?" I said with a raised eyebrow

"It is of no importance..." She said as she stopped sewing, "Here....for you..." 

She handed me the small tapestry, it was a bronze targaryen sigil in a black background. Basically my own personal banner in the form of a tapestry. 

"Oh, thank you, Princess." I said as I ran my finger across the sigil, "That is well done...." 

"Yes...." She said as she looked at me, "Is my brother here yet?" 

I looked at her, "Hm?" Aemond? I have not seen him since arriving." I said

"No." She said as she shifted slightly, "Daeron...." 

"He's coming." 
