
Saving the Woman?

The mansion was a hive of activity. Cultists bustled about the grounds, their masked faces illuminated by flickering torches. We hung back in the shadows, observing their movements, trying to discern a pattern, an opening.

"There are more of them than I expected," Aric whispered, his voice tight with apprehension.

"They're probably all here for the ritual," Nayana replied, her gaze fixed on the mansion's entrance. "We need to find a way inside."

I nodded, my eyes scanning the perimeter. "There," I said, pointing towards a side entrance that seemed less guarded. "We'll go in that way."

We crept towards the entrance, our hearts pounding in our chests. Two cultists stood guard, their masked faces impassive. I exchanged a quick glance with Aric, and we sprang into action. In a swift, coordinated attack, we silenced the guards before they could raise an alarm.

'So far, so good,' I thought, adrenaline coursing through my veins.
