
Chapter 55 : “Some people just want to watch the world burn.”

"Some people just don't follow logic."

"He doesn't care about money, isn't afraid of threats, has no moral boundaries, and can't be reasoned with. He's impossible to negotiate with..."

"Some people just want to watch the world burn."

The Joker's several appearances leave a deep impact on everyone present.

While previous villains were evil and cruel, none had the unique charm of the Joker.

Xu Can's portrayal introduced a brand-new Joker, one that stays true to the original while transcending it!

Film critics finally understand why Xu Can chose not to film "Spider-Man 2" or continue playing Marvel characters. Instead, he opted to cross over to DC to play the Joker...

He is relishing the role!

Only the Joker in "The Dark Knight" could fully unleash the joy of performance.

An hour into the film, the battle between Batman and the Joker has only just begun!

The Joker continues his killing spree. After taking out the police commissioner and a judge, he sets his sights on the mayor of Gotham.

Bruce Wayne uses high-tech equipment to analyze fingerprints from bullet fragments, quickly narrowing down the location to an upstairs area at the venue for the mayor's public speech the next day.

The following day, Gotham's police officers mourn the passing of the police commissioner.

During the mayor's speech, the Joker's henchmen mingle with the crowd. Amid the salute, the Joker attempts to shoot the mayor.

Fortunately, Commissioner Gordon saves him, only to be shot and presumed dead. The Joker escapes in the ensuing chaos.

"Wait, Gordon's dead?"

"No way, he can't be!"

Fans exclaim in shock.

Batman fans know Commissioner Gordon is a crucial character in the comics. How will the story continue without him?

With bated breath, they focus intently, afraid to miss a single frame.

At a press conference the next day, Bruce Wayne plans to reveal his identity as Batman. If he doesn't, the Joker's killings will escalate.

In a twist, Harvey Dent steps forward, claiming to be Batman!

The media erupts into chaos!

Bruce is taken aback: "Wait, am I just a stand-in?"

The police prepare to escort "Batman" Harvey Dent to prison, but they inevitably cross paths with the Joker.

The Joker lies down on the truck, randomly firing a submachine gun, exuding an inexplicable coolness.

The entire car chase and collision scene in the convoy is shot by Nolan, with real vehicle crashes adding a level of immersion that leaves the audience breathless. The tension mounts as they anxiously watch Harvey Dent's fate.

After a series of explosions, gunfights, and high-speed chases, Batman arrives in the Batmobile, taking out the Joker's goons.

Only the Joker remains, chasing Harvey Dent in a giant truck.

In a critical moment, Batman uses a high-tech cable from his motorcycle to flip the truck!

What follows is one of the most stunning scenes ever captured on film!

Xu Can intentionally withheld this shot from the trailers!

He wanted the IMAX audience to experience the intense sensory overload firsthand.

The giant truck flips vertically in the air and crashes to the ground with a thunderous boom!

The impact, enhanced by sound effects and the massive screen, makes it feel like a truck has flipped in the theater itself!

The audience is glued to their seats, their hearts racing!

Little do they know, this scene was shot in just one take!

The Joker crawls out from the wreckage, standing defiantly in front of the Batmobile, daring Batman to break his vow not to kill.

"Come on!! Hit me!"

"Just do it! Kill me!"

"Bring it on! Hit me!"

This unwavering madness in the face of certain death is terrifying!

Batman, however, swerves at the last second, unable to cross that line. The Bat-cycle crashes to the ground uncontrollably.

The Joker, unharmed, stands still, laughing maniacally. When one of his men tries to remove Batman's mask, he's electrocuted by the suit's built-in defenses.

The Joker kicks his fallen henchman repeatedly, laughing maniacally.

"Hahahaha, oh ho ho!!"

This unreasonable, chaotic behavior cements the Joker's image in everyone's minds. Just as he's about to take control of Batman, a shotgun is pointed at his head.

It's James Gordon!

He didn't die after all. He had been playing along, waiting for the right moment to capture the Joker himself!

This twist elicits thunderous applause in the theater, with the audience on the edge of their seats!

But the story isn't over yet, as the film is only halfway through!

The next scene is one of the most iconic in the entire movie.

The Joker sits quietly in his cell, staring intently through the iron bars.

His gaze seems to pierce through the screen, making the audience feel uneasy.

Gordon is promoted to Commissioner for capturing the Joker.

As officers congratulate him, the Joker sarcastically claps from his cell, grinning arrogantly, showing utter disregard for anyone.

However, no one can touch him.

Harvey Dent and Rachel have gone missing!

It must be the Joker's doing!

Commissioner Gordon's interrogation yields nothing. Suddenly, in the dark, another figure appears behind the Joker—Batman!

This confrontation between protagonist and villain feels off-balance, with the Joker seemingly in control, just as Xu Can's incredible acting dominates the scene.

Despite Christian Bale's experience and accolades, Xu Can's raw talent outshines him.

"To be honest, it's unbelievable if Xu Can doesn't win an Oscar for this…"

This sentiment resonates with many viewers.

Instead of confessing, the Joker taunts Bruce Wayne, exposing his vulnerabilities.

"I don't want to kill you. What would I do without you?"

"You…complete me."

"You're a monster, just like me! Maybe when Gotham no longer needs you, they'll come after you too."

"When order collapses, these so-called civilized people will eat each other alive. I'll show you."

Batman loses control, resorting to violence to extract information.

Even as he's beaten to the ground, the Joker laughs hysterically.

He gives two addresses: Harvey Dent and Rachel are both tied up next to explosives. Batman can only save one of them.

Time is running out, and the Joker's manipulation is flawless!

Batman races to save Rachel but ends up at Harvey Dent's location instead!

Once again, he's been outmaneuvered by the Joker!

The explosion severely burns half of Harvey Dent's face, and the love of both men, Rachel, is killed in the blast.

While the police rush to the rescue, the Joker has another trick up his sleeve. A bomb is planted inside a suspect, causing the police station to explode into rubble!

As the Joker emerges from the wreckage, it's as if a demon has risen from the depths of hell!

The Joker then hijacks a police car, sticking his head out the window in a now-iconic image.

The audience erupts in cheers and gasps!

How can a villain be so charismatic?!

Xu Can's portrayal of Spider-Man made him the most iconic Spider-Man ever. His turn as John Wick made him the most iconic assassin ever.

Now, Xu Can has become the most iconic villain!

Gordon initially faked his death to capture the Joker, thinking he had him cornered.

But the Joker allowed himself to be captured, just so he could free his accomplice who held key evidence!

This Joker stands above it all, looking down on Batman, Gordon, and the entire city of Gotham!

The Joker publicly declares in a live broadcast that if the lawyer revealing Batman's identity doesn't die, he will blow up a hospital every hour!

Gotham descends into chaos, with hospitals frantically evacuating patients.

The Joker uses the opportunity to visit Harvey Dent in the hospital, dressed as a nurse, a sight both comical and chilling.

"Hi…Harvey, we don't have any real grudges. I was in jail when you and Rachel were taken."

"You planned it!"

"Do you think I have a plan? The mob and the cops have plans. They're schemers. I…I'm the embodiment of chaos. And chaos is fair."

Harvey Dent, devastated by Rachel's death and his disfigurement, adopts the Joker's philosophy.

Rules and systems are meaningless!

Only chaos is fair! The only thing that can decide life and death now is the flip of his coin!

The "White Knight" is gone, replaced by "Two-Face"!

After leaving the hospital, the Joker detonates the entire building!

Some explosives fail to go off, and the Joker pauses, tapping the detonator in confusion.


The sudden explosion startles him, but he quickly jumps into a car and speeds away, laughing wildly.

Xu Can's performance continues to feel effortless, with every detail embodying the Joker!

In addition to the performance, the hospital explosion is as real and shocking as it gets.

Rumors have it that this scene was actually shot on location!

Media and critics are in disbelief—did they really blow up a hospital? They can't wait to ask in the Q&A session later!

After the hospital is destroyed, the Joker's game reaches a new level!

He hijacks two cruise ships, one full of civilians and the other with criminals!

The Joker rigs both ships with explosives and gives the detonators to the people on board.

To survive, one ship must blow up the other, or they'll both be destroyed!

Batman, in desperation, violates his principles and activates a sonar system, using all the citizens' mobile phones to locate the Joker.

A race against time ensues!

The audience expects the criminals to blow up the other ship first—they're hardened criminals, after all.

But the criminals toss away the detonator, and the civilians, despite voting to detonate, are too afraid to press the button.

Time ticks down to the final moment—both ships refuse to destroy the other!

Once again, the Joker's plan fails!

Enraged, the Joker sets off his own explosives, but Batman arrives just in time to stop him.

But even as he's cornered, the Joker remains defiant, laughing as he dangles over the edge of the building.

"You can't kill me, and I won't kill you, because we're destined to do this forever."

"I have one final joke: when the people of Gotham learn that their hero Harvey Dent has fallen, they'll lose all hope."

"Madness…is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!"

At this point, all eyes are on Batman as he grapples with how to prevent Gotham from descending into madness.

Ultimately, Batman takes the fall for Harvey Dent's actions, preserving the symbol of hope that Dent represented.

The ending of "The Dark Knight" leaves audiences both satisfied and yearning for more.

Xu Can's performance as the Joker has redefined what it means to be a villain, and his portrayal will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the greatest in cinematic history.


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