
The Mysterious Merchant

The Velvet Moon House buzzed with anticipation. Tonight, a new player had entered the stage, a mysterious merchant who, despite being an unknown face, carried an air of authority and mystery that captivated the attention of every patron and courtesan alike.

He moved through the crowd with purpose, his dark cloak swirling around him like a shadow, his face partially obscured by the hood that draped low over his brow. The whispers that followed him were full of curiosity and speculation.

Madame Lula, perched high on her balcony overlooking the bidding floor, felt a thrill of excitement she hadn't experienced in years. Her eyes gleamed as she observed the man.

Whoever he was, he was clearly not here to be trifled with. The patrons, wealthy and powerful men who frequented her establishment, seemed to sense it too. The tension in the air was thick enough to slice through.
