
Chapter 13: I Believe You

The last of the fireworks faded from the sky as the festival began to wind down. The once-bustling palace grounds gradually emptied, the excited chatter of guests replaced by the rustling of leaves in the cool night breeze.

King Mari and Masahiko alongside their wives and entourage, carried King Izimaru to the royal inn neighboring the palace. Izimaru's laughter could be heard as they stumbled down the path, surrounded by their guards and a few loyal courtiers who had opted to stay with them. Airi, carried the drunken Kaito to the master chambers, after completing her goodbyes.

As the guests filtered out, palace servants emerged like shadows in the night. They began the task of dismantling the elaborate festival decorations. Colorful banners were carefully taken down, lanterns extinguished and packed away. The grand tables that had groaned under the weight of sumptuous feasts were now being cleared, the remnants of the celebration disappearing piece by piece.

In the garden, where just hours ago children had played and couples had strolled, workers now moved quietly, collecting discarded cups and tidying flower beds trampled in the excitement. The mystical water fountain, which had been enchanted to change colors throughout the evening, slowly faded back to its normal, crystal-clear flow.

As the first hints of dawn began to lighten the eastern sky, the palace grounds bore little resemblance to the vibrant scene of the previous night. It was in this liminal space between night and day, festival and routine, that Yasushi found himself awake and restless, driven by the need to make things right with Kaname.

He carefully stripped off his nightwear, replacing it with his daily attire. With the stealth of a cat, he tiptoed out his bedroom door. The dim, narrow hallway stretched out before Yasushi, its wooden floors creaking softly beneath their feet. Faded tapestries adorned the walls, their once-vibrant colors muted by time and the flickering shadows cast by oil lamps placed at regular intervals. The scent of aged wood and the faint aroma of incense permeated every corner of the estate.

"Where you going so early in the morning?" a voice whispered from the shadows, slowly creeping up behind Yasushi and startling him. "Couldn't sleep?"

Frightened by the surprised encounter, Yasushi fell to the side. Realizing it was Taichi, Yasushi stood up in frustration, yelling at him. "What are you?! Some kind of stalker! You scared me half to death!" Taichi laughed in satisfaction, enjoying the flustered state of his dear friend. 

Yasushi stepped forward, attempting to brush past Taichi. "I don't have time for these games. I'm busy, go back to bed."

Undeterred by Yasushi's words, Taichi stepped alongside him, his curiosity piqued. "Are you going to go see her?"

Yasushi stammered, a telltale blush creeping across his cheeks. "Who are you talking about!?"

"Your wife...uuhhh, what's her name.. K...Ka …Kaname? I believe it was."

Yasushi halted abruptly, the mention of Kaname's name hitting him like a physical force. He turned to face Taichi, his expression a mix of wariness and frustration. "Why are you so interested in this? Everyone already believes I made her up."

 Taichi further inquired, suspiciously teasing his clear observation. "If that were the case, I find it odd that a guard would be assigned to defend an empty room with no windows."

Yasushi's shoulders tensed visibly as they passed a particularly ornate sliding door, its rice paper panels decorated with delicate brush strokes of cherry blossoms. He ignored Taichi's intuitive question nonchalantly, "Dunno. My father is known to do some strange shit."

They turned a corner, the hallway opening up slightly to reveal a small alcove housing a weathered statue of a kitsune, its multiple tails curling around its base. Taichi's eyes lingered on the statue for a moment before he continued, "True, but that does not explain the charmingly strange scent that filled the room."

Yasushi shrugged with his eyes closed, dismissing Taichi's insight. "What strange scent? I didn't smell anything." 

Taichi, undeterred by his friend's obvious annoyance, pressed on. "Well, you and the others may not have noticed it, but I did. I've never smelt something like that before." He paused, glancing at Yasushi from the corner of his eyes. "But one thing I know for certain is that room didn't smell like a vacant one."

Yasushi's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. The hallway began to glow as they approached its end, the coolish warm glow of dawn spilling in from the garden beyond. Taichi continued, his tone thoughtful yet accusing, "Don't you think it's also odd that a supposedly empty room, undergoing repairs, has pleasant smell to it?"

The boys passed by a series of shoji screens, their delicate paper patterns casting intricate shadows on the polished wooden floor. Yasushi's steps faltered for a moment, his hand brushing against the rough texture of the wall, seeking its support. Taichi seized the opportunity to drive his point home.

"So it got me thinking... if the Chika clan is willing to go as far as to hide your wife from the entire clan, royal family, and kingdoms… then she must be something exceptional." A mischievous grin played on Taichi's lips as he added, "Hehe, I mean, why else would you guard an empty room?"

Yasushi slightly quickened his pace, eager to escape the confines of the house and Taichi's probing questions. They reached a junction where the hallway branched off in three directions. Ornate lanterns hung from the ceiling, their soft light creating a soft, intimate atmosphere that contrasted sharply with the growing tension between the two friends.

A servant hurried past them, bowing deeply as she maneuvered around the two young boys. Yasushi waited for her to disappear around the corner before responding, his voice hinting with irritation; his face a mask of frustration and barely contained anger. "Your mind is playing tricks on you. She doesn't exist, so mind your damn business!"

Seeing his friend unraveling, Taichi stopped, standing in the hallway as Yasushi continued to proceed forward. "Aren't we friends, Yasushi? It's not nice to keep secrets from friends."

Triggered by Taichi's playful tone, Yasushi spun around, grabbing Taichi by his collar and thrusting him against the wall; his forearm pressed firmly against his friend's chest. Their faces were inches apart, Yasushi's eyes blazing with frustration.

To his surprise, Taichi remained unphased, his body relaxed despite the forceful contact, concern building in his eyes. "Yasushi…I told you I believed you, didn't I?"

Yasushi loosened his grip. The frustration he once had, now giving way to emotions of relief and resignation. The sound of distant footsteps echoed through the hallway, reminding him of their exposed position. 

Letting go of Taichi's collar, Yasushi nodded, his whisper a reflection of growing enthusiasm. "Okay. Fine. You can come, but don't tell anyone else about this, and you have to stay hidden."

Taichi lifted his hands in a gesture of surrender, smiling in satisfaction.

"Okay. Okay, I got it!"

- -

Kona here! (¬‿¬)

Sorry for the shortish chapter! Pacing is extremely important to me, so I write with the intent to guide you through my world while keeping you attached.

I'll make it up to you in the next chapter. I promise :)

Also! Fun fact about me - For some reason, I always struggle to name chapters HAHHAAHA. Consider this one of my many weaknesses. If you have any recommendations, let me know!


KonaChisecreators' thoughts