
Delivery Girl: Divine Order #6

I don't own DC

"Why don't we have an actual pool?" Freya moaned, lounging in an inflatable hot tub with her housemates. Helen, and Divine. All of them soaked in the hot water of the surprisingly cheap but still effective hot tub… the radio played calming tunes as the rumble of the machine kept the bubbles bubbling.

"Because Orders." Helen replied, relaxing with a loud sigh. "…And from what I heard from Piotr, pools cost extra, and she, and I'm quoting her on this, 'spoils you sexy harpies enough'." She then eyed the machine that made the hot tub work, "We're lucky she bought us that thing if it works at all."

"Sounds like her." Freya moaned.

"Yeah Sounds about right." Divine added, speaking of sounds all of a sudden they started hearing the sound of someone mowing the lawn in the suburbs. They could hear it because it was right next door. "What the hell? Didn't they mow the lawn just the other day?"

"…Who? Mrs. Espiritu?" Freya asked as Helen and Divine looked at her.

"Who?" Helen asked

"Mrs. Espiritu, nice old lady." Freya replied, "She complimented my bike when we first moved in. She's nice." The roar of the mower increased and suddenly a strong smell permeated the air. They tried to ignore it, but it was surprisingly close to the tall wooden fence surrounding the reasonably big backyard.

"Well, whatever the hell she's putting in that lawnmower doesn't smell nice at all." Helen mumbled sadly.

"I could swear it's the 5th​ time this week she's mowed her yard." Divine replied only for Freya to note.

"Well she's kinda an old lady… maybe she can only cut a few rows of grass at a time?" Divine sighed, as a long POP! And BANG! Echoed from the other side of the fence. It sounded like something exploded.

"What the hell?" she mumbled as a series of grumbling curses managed to make it over the fence. Followed by clanging, banging and the mower soon starting up again. "…Okay. I only have so many days off." She then stood up. Wearing a comfortable black bikini, with side-tie bottoms she stepped one powerful leg out of the tub and dripping water from her magnificently sculpted body walked up to the fence. "Hey!" the roar of the mower drowned her out however and she knocked louder. "HEY! DO YOU THINK-" the mower stopped, "You could do that some other time?! ANY other time?" The smell was stronger the closer she got to the fence… so much so that her bulging breasts were almost touching the wood. "We only get so many days off a-"

"Not now I'm busy." Snapped a distinctly not Mrs. Espiritu voice. Before promptly drowning her out with a few more clangs and bangs before the mower started roaring again.

"…Let it go." Helen said Divine seemed to comply

She turned and grumbled irately, "I did NOT get gangbanged by half a Brazilian soccer team last night to be ignored." She said, but managed to keep herself calm for a moment heading back towards the pool… only for the bubbles to suddenly stop. The machine made an odd hiss, then abruptly went quiet. Divine scowled irately, inhaling deeply as the mower roared and she turned back around. "Give it a rest!" before cursing in rapid Russian.

"It crapped out again… do you think Ashley could fix it?" Helen asked, poking the device.

"It's not a car or a bike, so I don't know." Freya replied, about to haul herself out of the tub and giving it a couple of smacks before the bubbles started again. "Oh hey it worked, Hey I fixed-On no."

"Don't break the fence or Orders would kill us!" Helen had said, but luckily Divine in a moment of anger, rushed the fence and kicked off it, grabbing the top and hurling herself over it to land on her feet on the other side. "Oh, that sounds okay then." She replied.

A sandy-skinned young man his hair tied back in a short dark-haired ponytail knelt over a weird-looking lawnmower. It looked like a large Roomba or bag-vacuum… It didn't look like a mower she'd ever seen before. "HEY." She snapped as he stopped banging on the mower. "Can you do that some other time?" she said again ominously.

"Look lady-" he snapped, "I-Oh my GOD." He had turned around to gaze at her abs, and then instantly looked up. His view of her face was slightly blocked by her large bulging chest in her black bikini top. "…Wait where did you come from?"

"I jumped over the fence." She snarled as he then looked at the fence. "Now CAN you just do that later…" she growled as he eyed her up and down, standing up. "Today's my day off and I want to try and enjoy it." She said, dripping wet. "Besides it's barely-

Time: 8:03 AM. Place: Superbabe Suburb house (Mrs. Espiritu's backyard)

-eight in the morning." She then noticed that the entire backyard was patchy and oddly mowed… "Why are you massacring the lawn?"

"It's my invention." He mumbled, finally getting up before his erection started to bother him. "It's an automatic lawnmower that is supposed to stop if it finds a small animal." Getting to his full height, and finding out in annoyance that his chin was just over her cleavage. "…Son of a…" he mumbled trying very hard not to look into the massive 'balloons' before him, "It keeps failing on me."

"Well it smells, it's loud, and we're just trying to relax. Could you just do it some other time?" considering a majority of the occupants of her house are at Superbabes, 'any other time' would be better.

"I need to get this done before my aunt Janey gets back." He said indignantly, "And I can mow the lawn anyway I'd like to." He replied, "Actually you're trespassing!" he added as she scowled.

…He kinda had her there. So she imposingly crossed her powerful arms under her breasts, squeezing them together and trying to look imposing only managing to look more appealing and drawing his gaze. "Look. Maybe just take it to the garage and try again in an hour alright?"

The Nephew of Mrs. Espiritu tried to complain, but he was staring into magnificent cleavage. So it was hard… and not just his junk. "Look I need to get this thing to work, so I need to work on it as much as I can."

"Just give it a smack." Declared Freya, "It worked for our hot tub." Her pretty head peeking over the fence. "You're not Mrs. Espiritu."

"She's my aunt I'm house-sitting." He said cooly, eying her pretty face as Helen's glamorous one peeked over the fence herself.

"…Well she's probably not going to like what you've done with her lawn."

"I'll fix it!" he replied indignantly.

"Well, at least there's a reason. I would've put money on you spying on us in the hot tub."

"I wasn't spying on you in the hot tub!" he replied indignantly, his face a little red. But he seemed to come to realize that he was outnumbered by very attractive women… and maybe, JUST maybe… being on their good side could be beneficial. "Fine… I'll stop for now-"

"Spying on us in the Hot tub?" Freya asked as he blushed.

"NO! Trying to get my mower to work!" he replied, "I'm going to fix it and try again in an hour. Alright?" he added with slight sarcasm that wasn't necessary but it made him feel better.

"Thank you." Divine replied bluntly, she did kinda invade the guy's aunt's backyard. But she was in a mood, so she kinda lost her temper. And when that happens, she tends to punch people. So she'll take the slightly less aggressive route and just get back into the hot tub… however. The mower suddenly began to rumble, shuddering like it was afraid… before the top of it popped off like a wine cork.

"Oh shit!" Freya and Helen squeaked before leaping away from the fence as a spray of oil leaped into the air and turned Divine's black bikini into a one-piece. Her beautiful cleavage was mostly gone and her abs were covered in tar. She glanced down at her body, then turned to Mrs. Espiritu's nephew, who only suffered a minor splatter… she then turned around, and marched away, fuming as he watched her go.


"Hmmn hmmn Hummn…" Arwa had just finished her morning shower, humming to herself as she was about to dry herself off the 'old fashioned way' only for the bathroom door to burst open. Divine marched in, covered in a sticky black fluid. "What happened?" she asked surprised, before grabbing a towel and drying herself off the 'modern' way. "You are covered in oil."

Divine turned the water on, and got mixed results showering under the water. "Arwa mind grabbing me the dish-soap?" she growled quietly as Arwa raised an eyebrow, but then complied. She didn't know why Divine wanted Dish-soap but it was a simple enough request to ask.

"Certainly. I will be right back." She stepped out of the bathroom to Divine's frustrated groans.

"I just bought this bikini." She mumbled irately as Arwa wiggled about halfway to the kitchen, before hesitating… Divine perhaps needed something a little stronger than mortal dish-soap. She abruptly snapped her fingers, and a bottle appeared in her hand.

"This would work." She said fondly, believing she was doing Divine a favor. Plus it smelled much nicer than the kitchen dish-soap. She returned to the shower and handed Divine the bottle as she started shampooing her dark hair. "Here you go use this!" she smiled, handing her the bottle.

Divine looked at it skeptically, "…This isn't dish-soap."

"Trust me it's better." Replied Arwa, "Or your money back." Divine continued to look skeptical, but she didn't have any reason to doubt Arwa. She then corked the bottle and took a whiff of a sweet smell. Well, she didn't have a problem with it, she liked the smell. She then poured the soap onto her chest… and the oil just seemed to vanish under a liquid so clear that the light of the bathroom made it look like crystal.

"Whoa!" she blinked, then quickly applied more, beginning to rub herself down, the oil just seemed to vanish from her body and bikini. Using it all over her body, it worked like magic, and soon she was completely clean. But still pretty pissed off. She turned off the water and walked out of the shower, still wet, and marched away.

"Alright, I'll just clean these up?" Arwa said, the drops of oil on the floor, it would be simple enough as long as nobody showed up, she can just snap her fingers. Which she did, getting the oil in the bathroom before stepping out and seeing the trail… along with Helen and Freya entering to grab some snacks from the kitchen. So much for that idea… oh well, she has the soap bottle she'll be done in no time. She'll clean up the 'modern way'.

Meanwhile, Divine in a quiet and almost blind rage marched around out of the Superbabes house, leaping over the fence and marching up to the front door of Mrs. Espiritu's home. She was just about to angrily knock before remembering that he was probably in the garage. She changed her direction, walking towards the side door of the garage and angrily knocking. "HEY!"

Time: 8:43 AM. Place: Mrs. Crenshaw's House (Garage)

"Open up!" she ordered angrily as the door swung open, and Mrs. Espiritu's nephew opened the door. "I'm going to-…To." She stared at him and he stared back.

"Look I'm sorry you got covered in oil-" he began before just staring quietly at Divine… and then she rushed him.

She grabbed him with both hands by his arms, lifting him from the floor and shoving her lips onto his mouth. She kicked the door shut behind her as his chest bulged against his chest. "Mmgh! Mggh!" hungrily sucking his tongue into her mouth she pushed him into the garage, which had some sort of workshop table in the opposite side of the garage. She shoved him against it, their tongues wrapping around each other as her chest bulged and wobbled against his chest, her nipples piercing through her still-wet top as she began to strip him down.

His hands reached up, grabbing at her chest and squeezing her massive breast. She moaned happily into his grip as she promptly slid her hands from his chest and down his pants, rubbing at his already hard cock. Big titty muscle chick in a bikini already does it for him, he pulled away from her lips, before burying his face into her cleavage. "Mmgh!" her head rolling on her head back on her neck, shivering as she removed his pants, and raised her hands to push her tits around his face. "Haa… Aaah…" he tugged at her top, exposing her hard nipples before wrapping her lips around her tits.

He sucked loudly on them, squeezing her chest as if trying to milk her, only for Divine to turn the tables and try to milk him. Shoving him out of her tits and against the workshop table and dropping to the floor. "Uugh!" He moaned loudly as Divine cupped her massive tits, and wrapped them tightly around his cock, squeezing his chest up and down on his cock, spitting into her cleavage.


Her breasts bounced up and down as she squatted on her heels, slapping at his thigh with her cleavage, moving faster and faster on his cock as it throbbed valiantly between her cleavage, her mouth hanging open lustfully and drooling into her cleavage. His hips bucked towards her bouncing chest, pre-cum oozing from his tip as he grabbed her chest and kept thrusting, she moaned loudly with his fapping thrusts. "Haah. Haah. Haaah…"

He groaned, his cock shivering and ready to cum as she released her chest and wrapped her lips around it. "Mmgh!" she sheathed his cock into her throat and swallowed it quickly, burying her face into his crotch and sucking him dry. Before throwing herself off, "Haaah!!" gasping for breath, she grabbed his girth and started stroking, wrapping her lips around him again, bobbing wildly up and down, twisting her hand around his shaft as she sucked him back to life. "Haah!" like and horny animal she grabbed his ankles and suddenly hauled him onto the table with a crash… she missed the tools thankfully.

She stood up, grabbed the side-ties of her bikini, and promptly yanked the knot, letting it drop to the floor before climbing onto the table, straddling him, then slamming down onto him. "HAAAh…" she gasped loudly, shivering excitedly before undoing her top, it flopped down onto his chest as her powerful hands pressed him down, her hips furiously swung up and down, bouncing on his lap and squeezing her breasts together with her powerful arms. They grunted and groaned passionately together, swinging her hips around and around, feeling his length pulsating against her inner walls. His hands gripped her powerful waist, as her breasts swung up and down on her chest.

His hands shifted from her waist to her chest, thrusting up wildly into her body as he steadied her bouncing chest, her head rolling back on his neck as she rode him hard on the workshop table, the tools rattling and jiggling, a screwdriver bouncing off the table. "Haah! AH! HAAAH!!" his hands sunk into her chest as she squealed delightedly in orgasm. "Ooooh…" howling erotically before he promptly rolled her weakened body onto her back, folding her legs and clenching up on top of her, driving his hips into her body. "Ugh! NNGH!!" his hands squeezing his tits as her legs flopped in the air around his head, he pushed her pliable and soft tits down, they bulged like water balloons in his hands but were as soft as pillows and firm as hell. He slammed into her, driving hard into her body as he pressed her ass and tits towards the table. "Haah! Ahh!!" howling together, she squealed as he jackhammered her body.

Like an animal, he railed into her body shaking and quivering as he dropped into her cleavage and slammed balls deep into her body, her insides squeezed around him as her toes curled in the air. His hot cum pumping into her body relentlessly as she clawed his back, he motorboated her chest. They shivered together, he pulled out of her body with a wet squelch she rolled off her back and onto her hands and knees, her ass facing him she lowered her tits to the cold table, her ass in the air.

His body moved behind her, grabbing her hips and slamming back into her, bucking his hips hard against her body as he clapped her ass cheeks HARD, her tits rubbing on the table and moaning as her back arched. He smacked his hands on her cheeks, before sliding his hands down to her arms, yanking her upright by her elbows, "Haah! AH! AH!" her breasts swinging wildly beneath her as he swung his hips hard into her, "Ah! Ahh!!" shaking wildly in rising climax as he buried his cock into her moistened pussy, again and again, throwing himself and her forward onto the table, bouncing his hips against her body as he abruptly went still before pulling out of her, "MMMhggh!" she shivered as he rolled her over onto her back, she pushed her big breasts together, as he slipped himself between them once again, holding her chest and furiously pushing between them. "Mmn! Mmng! MMn!!"

Moaning as he kept slamming between her big breasts, pre-cum oozing from his tip onto her chest. "Haah! Ahhh!" gasping loudly as he slammed his hips against her. And then shot a hot rope across her face. Pulled back, and did it again, shooting another rope across her chest and finally a third time… before cum oozed out of his tip to pool between her tits. She moaned loudly, inhaling his musk before bouncing her tits around him. He pulled away, but she just pushed him down and crawled between his legs, opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around him again and furiously swinging her face up and down as she sucked him, throwing her shortly cut black-haired head up and down… his hands resting in her hair, bucking up into her mouth.

Time: 9:45 AM. Place: Superbabes House (Living Room)

Arwa hummed cheerfully to herself as she continued to clean up the oil spills the modern way. If she had an opinion: Didn't like it. She then pushed off the floor and picked up the bottle. It was empty… Buuuuut.

She glanced around, then smiling, she snapped her fingers. One refilled bottle of Venus's Sensual Stain Remover and Body Wash: Make the Stains and Clean them up… she frowned then sitting on her magnificent rear she examined the back of the bottle.

Warning: Mortals react excessively to product with increased amorous feelings and libido if used liberally. Only use the recommended dosage if applied to the skin. If any mortals are overexposed, immediately contact your Magical Healing Practitioner.

"…Huh." She blinked, "…Oh dear." She stood up she then tossed the bottle over her shoulder and it vanished in a small poof of purple smoke. She then moved hastily out of the house, walking casually around the fence towards the neighbors. She was about to go to the front door of the house… when she heard thumping from the garage. She abruptly turned and headed towards the garage. She WAS about to open the door, but after listening to the thumping and moaning decided against it. She closed one pretty brown eye and blew.

Purple smoke slipped from her lips and wafted towards the wall, and a small portion of the wall turned invisible, but only to her. She got an interesting sight of Divine being plowed against the wall, her breasts bouncing towards her with her hands planted on the wall. Grunting and thrusting up against it.

"Hmn…" she tapped her chin, waving her other hand and brushing the smoke away. "…That's counterproductive." She can't go in there or her powers will be negated, and she can't just leave them alone. Orders would've obviously find out… "…Ah." She knelt down and blew. Purple smoke wafted under the door, and filled the room… the thumping stopped. She opened the room and found the two knocked out on the ground and smelling distinctly of sex.

"Now. What to do?" she snapped her fingers, dressing Divine back in her bikini, before kneeling down between them, tapping their ears… and extracting a long piece of what looked like blue string from both. They spiraled into two tiny, perfect spheres about as big as a small marble. She examined them for a moment, then snapped, and the balls exploded into nothing.

Divine and the young gentleman had no memory of what just happened. She's sure they'll be fine… but just in case… she tapped the young gentleman's ear.

A few moments later.

"Ow… why does my HEAD hurt?" Divine moaned, sitting up on a couch she didn't recognize.

"I uh… I think you slipped on the steps." She blinked, the side of her head. It was itchy, and a little sore, before turning her head to notice the Lawnmower guy. "I found you outside the house." He scratched his ear, it was suddenly itchy.

Her eyes narrowed as she shifted off the couch standing up she walked up toward him. "…I think I came over here to kick your ass." He cleared his throat, before taking a deep breath.

"…I can believe it. How about we start over?" he held out his hand. "Jack. Jack Kurtz…" she hesitated for a second, before finally taking his hand firmly and making him flinch as she shook it.

"Xue Sokolov." She said sourly, "…I thought you were Espiritu?"

"No that's my aunt, and she married into it." He replied, "Actually our last name is Kurtzberg but we go by Kurtz." She didn't expect to get his life story, but there you go. "So… I'm sorry I disturbed your day off. I'm using my vacation days to watch my Aunt's place, good thing Wayne Tech is so generous."

"…I'm sorry I almost beat the hell out of you." She said, "…Are you a mechanic?"

"Engineer actually. Intern… specifically." He replied sheepishly, Xue eyed him suspiciously.

"…Think you could have a look at something?" She asked as he raised an eyebrow.

About 30 minutes later.

"WOO-HOO!!" cheered Arwa as the hot tub roared to life. Better than ever, the girls soaked in the water as he closed up the cheap hunk of machinery keeping the tub bubbling hot with a screwdriver. Helen and Freya relaxing with a couple of beers as Jack stood up, spinning the screwdriver in his hand. "Fantastic." Her magnificent bust floated in the waters like two inflatable devices just like Xue.

Xue turned around, resting her arms on the edge of the inflatable pool, setting her breasts on her arms as she studied him for a minute. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He said, "Just give me a call if it ever breaks down again." He noted.

"Aren't you only housesitting for a week?" Helen asked.

"Yeah. But I'll leave my number on the counter." He said gesturing inside the house with his thumb "Or just talk to my aunt when she gets back." He tried not to look into Xue's cleavage again, like a gentleman, unfortunately, there were so many breasts to avoid, he didn't know where to look. "And you know I'll be around for a while… playing with my tools."

The girls chuckled, except Xue who placidly had a stoic look on her face. "Well… we'll see you around then." She replied as he smiled, just a little nervously.

"Yeah, and you know. You'll hear me every time I try to get that mower to work."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll figure it out. Like THAT." Arwa replied charmingly, snapping her fingers and winking.

Jack decided he needed to get away from these girls before his face heated up too much and violently exploded. "I'll see you around Xue."

"Probably." She replied with a slight twitch of her lips. He turned around smirking and heading back into the house. Xue slipped back into the bubbling water, and seeing the grinning looks on their faces, scoffed. "What?"

"Nothing." Replied Helen. "…Nice guy." She said, wrapping her subtly grinning lips around her beer bottle and taking a drink.

"Really nice guy. Considering you wanted to bust his nose…"

"I believe he was checking you out." Arwa replied with a knowing smile, "…Perhaps you should court him?"

"What?" Xue snapped, her eyes narrowing at Arwa. "Court?"

"Yes." Arwa replied sweetly, "He is handsome and intelligent. And clearly unintimidated by your absurdly impressive muscles." Xue rolled here yes, sinking into the waters and trying very hard to ignore her… but she couldn't ignore the lawnmower roaring a few minutes later. And Jack's triumphant cry of victory.

