
Delivery Girl: Supergirl Order #6

I don't own DC

"So. Who's on your Shrinky-dink list this time?"

Supergirl suddenly looked up from her notes as Circe approached her with Miss Martian. Both of them siting down for late dinner/early breakfast… however, mealtimes work on a Superbabes' schedule.

"Don't call it a shrinky-dink list." Noted Supergirl tiredly, "Aren't you trying to be a nurse?"

"Physical not mental." Circe replied, "Not that mental health isn't important, but you wouldn't want a nurse practitioner performing heart surgery."

"Still you shouldn't make fun of mental health." Declared Kathy as Miss Martian absently ate her salad.

"You should not… sleep with your patients?" she replied hesitantly as Circe smiled, and lightly elbowed her friend.

"That's my girl! She's learning!" she declared as Kathy rolled her eyes. "Soon she'll be making jokes all on her own…" Miss Martian sighed exasperatedly, but then Circe moved forward with her inquiry. "Seriously though what are you working on?"

"Sociological effects of an 'always online' society. What people will do for fame, how MeTube has affected the 'young people' generation… honestly it's all straightforwardly easy, I could do it in my sleep." She then shut her notes in a book and sighed. "…I think our professor is phoning in an easy lesson this month because he wants to have sex with the bimbo who always sits up front in a tight T-shirt… Pulling the full Harleen Quinzel I believe."

…A famous name for more than ONE reason at Gotham University. But Supergirl is referring to the legend that Harleen slept her way to her doctorates, or at least slept her way through passing grades since while she's… of questionable morality, she still knows her stuff. The school had to completely change out the staff after she graduated and turned into Harley Quinn, turns out a blowjob is not worth a super-criminal…

Allegedly… there are some Gothamites out there who would commit criminal acts for an hour with a Superbabe…

"And I take it pulling a Harleen Quinzel is only limited to you?"

"I have NOT slept with any of my teachers." Declared Supergirl irately.

"Just everyone else." Miss Martian snarked as Circe laughed.

"That's my girl! High Five!" clap! "I've been teaching her how to be snarky. It's fun."

"Debatable," Supergirl replied crisply as they were interrupted by Orders at her counter.

"Leave her be." Ordered Orders, "She's got a test next week and I'd rather have her study now than freak out later. Save the teasing for another time."

"Fiiiine." Circe moaned, "Take the fun out of it." She then watched Supergirl as Miss Martian casually ate her salad. "So… seriously. How easy is it?"

"There is an increase in young men and women who've grown up with MeTube prominently in their lives who have ALSO tried to establish a career, looking for 'hits' and 'fame' by any means possible. Ironically they used this to gain more fame and notoriety and have statistically been less aware of the consequences of their actions…" Supergirl then slipped her paper into her book and slammed it shut, using it like a bookmark. "…Which I don't think is completely true. That's like saying people who've grown up playing violent video games are more than likely to go out and shoot a crowd of people but I've grown up with dozens of gamers… and that is just not true, many of them are highly functioning individuals-"

"Stop…" Circe laughed. "…What does gaming have anything to do with MeTube?"

"…Desensitization." Declared Supergirl, "it takes a lot to become desensitized. Kind of like brainwashing. For instance how we've come to accept how this job is 'normal', we are having sex for money regularly, and sometimes in extremely fetishized acts and just ASSUME that-" she paused as a pair of purple eyes glared at her. "…I think that's enough."

Circe and Miss Martian didn't even have to look in Orders' direction to know that Supergirl claiming that Orders brainwashed ANY of them into working for her was a sore subject… they could leave at any time they wanted. No questions asked and she would make sure you'd be taken care of… to say that she was some cruel mind-controlling pimp was, as Ashley once put it so tactfully.

'Going the right fecking way for an arse fuckin'

"You do tend to get real preachy after a study session." Circe noted, "It's all that smarts in the pretty head of yours bursting to get out."

"You're one to talk. Remember how you instructed Miss Martian in the Heimlich maneuver?"

"Well YEAH but that was under orders from Orders. I'm supposed to properly instruct it with everyone after that shit show Ashley tried last time someone started choking… I don't think she can spell Tracheotomy let alone perform it properly."

"It is hard to spell." Mumbled Miss Martian. "Teraky..Trakey…" she shrugged as Circe rubbed her friend's red-haired head.

"Isn't she the cutest? We should put her on MeTube."

"No one is putting anyone on MeTube without my go ahead." Orders ordered, "Eat your damn lunches." She added as the girls laughed.

"That seems kinda stern." Mumbled Supergirl as Ordes quickly added.

"Some of you can't handle the fame, or the attention… Ronnie-Bell, Lucy, Divya could though… the jury is out on the rest of you." She absently wrote on her crosswords, "Plus a lot of it is just fame seeking, lazy-Supergirl…" she said, before curling her finger at her. "You'll have one." She added as the phone began ringing, Supergirl stood up and approached the counter as Orders let it ring… before finally reaching for the phone.

Time: 9:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"A supergirl,*WHEEZE* club sandwich."

"Alright… anything else?"


"Very well. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


Orders hung up the phone, finished the receipt, and tore it off. Supergirl reached out to take it from her but oddly Orders didn't let go. "Intelligence is a gift, and you have quite a bit of it especially while working here…" Orders smirked, "…Try using a bit of it." The food soon slid across the counter and Orders let go of the receipt.

"…Can't you just be clear?" Supergirl asked with a slight smile on her face as Orders' purple eyes flickered.

"Half the fun is letting you girls figure it out." Orders noted, tilting her head towards the back do. "Be observant" Supergirl took the food and walked out the backdoor to the company car, checking the receipt… the frowning.

"…This can't be right." She mumbled, but she jumpstarted the engine and pulled into traffic, driving off into Gotham.

She arrived at Upper-East Gotham in record time. She pulled into the parking lot of Gansley Tower. One of many 'old family' towers in Gotham. Places named after and owned by the rich and powerful of Gotham, and usually having their most recent family members living their for a premium… she didn't think it could be right because Gansley Tower had been mostly empty since old man Joseph Gansley went to jail for fraud… LOTS of fraud. Still, she parked in the mostly empty parking lot under the building, walked towards the elevators passed the bored ticketbooth occupant, then went right into one without even waiting heading up for the 6th floor of Gansley tower…

She could've sworn she heard about the tower being seized by the city… maybe they opened it up again. Still the second the elevator doors opened she was met with a pair of men dressed in suits, ties, sunglasses… as well as standard issue handguns under their arms. Both of them seemed to be reading gym magazines and she walked up to the front desk and, finding no door. Knocked on the counter.


Time: 9:50 PM. Place: 'Formerly' Gansley Tower (The 5th​ floor gym?)

"Ma'am the gym is reserved." Said one of them, instantly moving to stop her.

"Gym?" she then looked around, it did oddly have that gym or health club sort of vibe. "…Look I'm here for a delivery?" she handed him the receipt. "…Did someone order?"

He took the receipt and checked it before looking at his partner who shrugged. "Wait here." He said, turning and walking around the corner and walking until she could no longer hear his sensible shoes on the floor.

"I thought this tower closed down?"

"It did." He replied, "The whole place was seized by the city, they actioned it off to its new owner, he's slowly reopening…"

"…And this place is a gym?" she asked, looking out the large glass wall of a window and the view of Gotham City.

"Yeah." Replied the other guard conversationally reading a magazine with his feet up on the front desk. "The whole floor, Sauna, swimming pool, health café, everything you need to lose weight and exercise.

"Huh… so… I take it the guy who ordered is trying to lose weight?"

"Yep." Mumbled the guard, though he looked rather annoyed. "…That was the idea." Something in his tone told her that he wasn't angry at HER… but it was hard to tell what he was angry at.

After a few more moments, the first guard reappeared holding the receipt, looking it over and scratching his head. "…Alright. Boss ordered her." He said with a shrug, before putting the receipt on the counter. "…Also… he said you're supposed to go back there?"

"…That is the idea." She noted, as the guard grumbled quietly.

"Alright." He whispered, "Hands out I still got to pat you down. Mark check the bag." He added as 'Mark' tossed the magazine onto the counter, stood up, and quickly checked the bag as his hands patted her body.

"Still food." Mark said, a little sarcastic. "…Shit that smells good." He mumbled longingly.

"Alright." He finished patting her down, and he didn't even openly grope her. "Listen. Don't call him FAT whatever you do. You will regret it. Don't talk to him like he's stupid, and whatever you do don't LIE to him… he's got a thing about liars…" he tilted his head for her to follow him. "…The boss has a bit of a temper on him, especially when he's hangry."

"Which is all the time lately." Mark added sadly, before going back to a magazine.

"So if he gets too pissed off just scream and we'll come and help you." The other guard replied, before gesturing into the gym…

But she hesitated, and turned to the desk, "Can I have that?" she asked, pointing to the discarded Magazine with a familiar face on the cover. Orders liked to collect them and they didn't have that one.

"…Sure I guess, it's an old one."

"That's fine." She said, taking the Lucy Lopez magazine and walking straight ahead and following the sounds of the thunder…" he mumbled as she blinked, then walked further onto the floor. The whole gym was lit up like it was supposed to be filled with people but it was oddly quiet. All the equipment was on, and the lights were active, and the sound of cheap copyright-safe music pumped into the air, then she heard it.


The rhythmic sound of echoing thunder… it grew louder and louder, then she realized it wasn't thunder it was FOOTSTEPS. Loud, echoing footsteps pounding mechanically away… someone was Jogging… She then finally got to the source of the sound and STARED at the man jogging on the treadmill.

…It was an extra large treadmill for an extra large man, 6 feet tall at least, with a crew cut of dark hair covering his egg-shaped head. He had no neck but two chins, and a ponderous gut that wobbled up and down as he jogged. His arms and legs were massive and thick like an elephant's, and he was just. In a BAD way… his tank top and shorts were positively soaked with sweat, his face red and gasping for breath as he kept jogging… he must have been in his late thirties or early forties… and at least 100 pounds overweight… okay maybe 150

"Okay. Keep going… don't stop now." Supergirl's attention of stunned surprise soon changed to confusion as she heard the deadpan, uninterested tone of voice coming from nearby and noticed a VERY beautiful woman sitting in a massage chair and texting on her phone. "You're almost there. That's good." She was clearly not paying attention at all… somehow Supergirl felt insulted.

She was wearing a tight black brand-labeled sports bra, and matching black workout briefs showing off a lot of leg and a thick round ass even in the massage chair… her big fake breasts rising and falling as she sighed dismissively… her shortly cut black hair had icy blue frosted, and was clearly a 200 dollar haircut. She wore large hooped golden earrings and her manicured nails looked fresh off a mani-pedi and her sneakers looked brand new and the same brand as the rest of her unblemished workout uniform…

'FitMiss'… why does that sound familiar?

Suddenly the jogging stopped, the sweaty, towering man clutching the handlebars and gasping softly. Trying to catch his breath as Supergirl flinched. "Put your hands on your head." She said as the man turned to her, his huge face studying her as if he didn't hear her. She then put the food down on a weight bench before raising her arms and resting her hands on the top of her head. "Like this. It'll increase circulation…"

The massively overweight man stared at her and did just that, looking confused as the attractive woman with the fake breasts and chiseled unnatural facial features didn't even acknowledge her or that the man had stopped jogging. "Ha… haah…" Supergirl watched him for a minute as his breathing steadied, his gut wobbling as he caught his breath. He waddled off the treadmill towards her, looking her over.

"I have your food." She declared, as he studied her lecherously, breathing heavily as she gestured to the bag. Getting a huge wiff of his sweat and body odor.

"I'm almost done." He declared, "What next?" he asked as the attractive woman didn't even look up from her phone, before pealing her shapely body from the massage chair, her large… and definitely fake ass wobbling like gelatin in her tight workout briefs as she walked away. Showing off a pair of dollar signs tattoed on each ass cheek.

"I'm going to the bathroom, keep it up." She said disconnectedly as Supergirl blinked at her.

…It might be because she's so used to the Perfect Trainer: Lucia "Lucy" Lopez, who was all natural in multiple ways. But there was something about that trainer that rubbed her the wrong way.

"My personal trainer." He grinned almost charmingly for a lecherous pervert eyeing her 'teen' body. "Cost me a fortune. Do you recognize her?"

"What?" Supergirl asked surprised, no longer staring at the dismissive trainer.

"She's FitMiss. The famous MeTuber. A fitness nut that worked hard to get that body…" he said almost mechanically like he was trying to sell her something. The problem was, all it did was make Supergirl snort with laughter.

"…Yeah, no… that's all fake." She noted as he scowled at her, it was a very unnerving one.

"What?" he had been speaking rather jovially like he was legitimately proud to have gotten THE FitMiss to personally train him.

"Her breasts, her butt, implants. Trust me I would know… they're nice but I can tell." she then glanced at him, "Muscles too from the look of it, she's wearing way to much makeup and her nails have been done. She's not working out at all with those… again I would know."

"How would you know?" he growled like a grumpy bear, lowering his hands from his head and LOOMING over her, his shadow smothered her… much like his body probably would momentarily.

"…In my work, we need to regularly work out to stay in shape." She said conversationally, "It's mentally and physically exhausting."

"Agreed." He said, coolly. So she continued.

"So… I know what it looks like for someone to work out, and I've seen many of my coworkers naked." She replied, "I know the difference between 'real' and 'fake' and her body is very fake."

"Do you have proof?" he said suspiciously.

"Not off hand, but I do have a reference." She held up the magazine. "This is our store's personal Trainer." She gestured to the magazine as he took it from her grip, staring at the Lucious Latina on the cover as his eyes widened.

"Lucia Lopez is the restaurant's personal trainer?!" he sounded positively amazed at this knowledge… like Lucy was famous or something.

"She prefers Lucy… she's also one of our Green Lanterns." She then blinked as he stared at the cover, his 'pants' were twitching, a large bulge growing as he seemed to be thinking, looking away from the cover off towards where FitMiss went and tossing it aside onto the massage chair, along with the food she had put down. "She's very good at what she-"

"Go to the sauna… I'll be right there." He said, before turning and lumbering down the hall after MeTuber. Supergirl blinked after him as he vanished before turning and heading back towards the sauna, taking the magazine with her and putting it nearby so she would remember it as she entered…

It was a large wooden paneled room with rising seats, about as big as the lounge back at Superbabes, so it was massive. She sat down on the lowest bench, and waited for a few minutes… then another… then the door burst open. "AH!" FitMiss was tossed into the sauna, her fake Dollar bill tattooed ass wobbling as her storebought airbags cushioned the landing. "Fucking tub of lard! DO you know how much these cost?! Fatass! Fucking! DICKHEAD!" she snapped.

"I don't approve of lying, FitMiss, and I don't approve that you've lied to me for months with no results. How much of my money have you taken from me?" he entered the sauna completely naked and PACKING. His cock twitched and throbbed, it was short… but THICK, like a children's soup can. He slammed the Sauna door shut and the sauna immediately heated up as she stood up and tried to leave only for a massive hand to wrap around her neck. "I'm a 'tub of lard' because you're a lying, conniving hunk of plastic!" He snarled, squeezing her throat as she gasped. "You are going to EARN that money you've stolen from me. Then you're going to take your things and get out of my tower." He tossed her against the seat by Supergirl before lumbering between them.

"Suck on my cock." He snarled grumpily, grabbing Supergirl by the back of her neck but, gently, pulled her over his lap as her mouth opened and wrapped around his short but thick dick. He moaned contentedly, his huge body slumping onto the bench as he reached down and grabbed FitMiss by the head yanking her to his balls.

"MMGh! Ugh! Gross-mMGNH!" he slammed her back into his ballsack, and she was forced to inhale his odorous body and stench. His huge hands held them firmly by their heads, holding them against his crotch as she cringed and flinched forced to lick and sick on his balls. Gripping the back of her neck tightly as he slid his hands down Supergirl's body and slipped his fingers under her skirt, fondling her ass and sliding under her underwear to rub her pussy, sliding his thick fingers into her body.

"Mmgh… mmn…" Supergirl moaned, her cheek rubbing his gut as her lips slid up and down. Fitmiss glared at her as she flinched and cringed, smeared with his sweat and scent as she was forced to lick her balls clean before recoiling

"Ugh! Fuck! You could shower first?!"

"Why shower when I'm going to get in the sauna." He replied as she spat on his balls, he glared down at her.

"I'm not some fucking whore here to-UGH!" he put his foot on her fake chest and pushed her away into the middle of the sauna before getting up. Lumbering over to her, and grabbing her face. "UGH!?" she cringed as he lifted her onto her knees, and turned around his MASSIVE ass now in her face… quite literally. "MMGh?!" burying her between his buttocks and forcing her to rim him.

"I was going to really cheat today… have a snack, fuck a whore…" he curled his finger at Supergirl as she slid off onto the floor, her suit clinging to her nubile 'teen' body as she sat on her knees, watching FitMIss's attractive storebought body squirming as she was held against his ass. Helplessly forced to rim him as he had 200 pounds on her, and apparently, all that bulk gave him a lot of power. "I'm still going to. But I changed my mind on the whore. I want to feel that lying, WHORE tongue in my ass you thieving BITCH." He sneered at her, before sighing audibly as Supergirl opened her mouth and sucked on his cock again. Gazing up at him, bobbing up and down on his member as he enjoyed his 'blue plate special'

FitMiss forced to inhale his sweat as he rested his other hand on the back of Supergirl's head, gently bobbing her up and down as he moaned contentedly, his anger was still obvious but he was rapidly calming down in Supergirl's mouth.

"MMgh! MMgh! Mmgh! Mmgh!" gazing up at him and bobbing faster and faster on his stumpy girth she groaned loudly.

"Ugh… UGH!" he held her head on the tip before unloading a burst of cum into her mouth. "Ah…" he sighed over the sound of FitMiss slurping his asshole, pumping rope after rope into Supergirl's mouth. "…Ah… let me see it." He said, slipping out of her mouth as she showed him, his thick gooey, foul-smelling seed wafting from her through like cheap mouthwash. HE moved aside as FitMiss gasped for fresh non-swamp ass air. "Spit." He ordered.

Supergirl didn't hesitate, spiting his wad at FitMiss's face. "Ugh?! FUCK!!" she cursed retching as the foreign taste of a man's seed burned on her tongue. "Fuck that's foul!" she spat retching again as he grabbed her sports bra and lifted it up and onto her face, but left her mouth exposed. "AH!?" he dragged her to the far wall, pressing her against it before once again smothering her with his huge ass as he stood against her, pinning her against the wall, degradingly rubbing his asshole on her face again as he gazed at Supergirl.

"Come here." He replied as FitMiss thrashed, and squirmed between his legs, her obviously fake tits wobbling on her chest… since they looked the same with a sports bra off or on, it was a fair assumption they were fake… not to mention the very faint surgery scars, but neither he nor Supergirl seemed to care… his cock rising the longer FitMiss's tongue forcefully fondled his prostate…

It's not that Supergirl wasn't empathetic to FitMiss's plight, as a psychologist in training she was sorry for it… but right now better FitMiss than her… she crawled across the floor to him as he bent over, PUSHING FitMiss against the wall as he grabbed Supergirl's wrists and lifted them up, holding them in one fist against his bulging body, putting his cock back into her mouth as she suckled on it tentatively. He then pulled her up further, and turned her around.

He said nothing as he yanked down her sticky, sweaty undergarments, and stuffed his stubby thick cock into her from behind. She gasped, his hands covering her chest as he instantly began to thrust into her. "AH… AH AH!" panting and gasping, banging FitMiss against the wall with each thrust in and out of Supergirl, who moaned erotically, feeling his stumpy length throbbing and stretching her insides… he might not be getting in deep but he was filling what he could reach. Mindlessly thrusting and grunting into her 'teen' body as she moaned and gyrated, rubbing her body on his fat thighs as he bounced off her hips into FitMiss's face.

"MMgh!!!! MMGH!!" FitMiss squealed as her head bounced off the wooden paneling as he pumped faster, and harder into Supergirl's pussy, FitMiss's hands trying to push his massive ass away as he buried himself into Supergirl's shaking body before abruptly pulling out of her and shoving her forward, she wobbled away, her pussy gasping as he turned around and shot his load over FitMiss's face, mostly covered by her sweaty sports bra, she coughed and spluttered, as he grabbed the top of her head and threw her to the floor. Stroking out his cum he flicked the last droplets onto her before stroking himself again, returning to Supergirl, he grabbed her ass with his other hand and pushed her onto the lower seat of the sauna, laying her out, and spreading her legs…

"…Oh shit." She groaned as his Massive, sweaty, body rolled onto her, pinning her down and pushing his cock back into her. "NGH! AH! AH! AH!" she shuddered and, briefly, her deductive brain started to wonder if she LIKED the feeling of larger men pinning her down and fucking her… a thesis for later. "Ooh!"

"UR! URGH! URGH!!" he grunted louder and louder, thrusting amateurishly into her body as he pounded away at her, his cock throbbing and pulsating in her body as he threatened to shatter her bones with his weight. And make her cum.

"AAAAH!!" He kept thrusting and grinding on top of her as she shuddered beneath him, her own sweaty sauna body rubbing against his bulk through her sweat soaked clothes her legs flopping uselessly around his elephant like waist as he pounded her into the sauna step.

"UGH! Ugh! GUH!" grunting before pulling out of her, getting off her ripping from her body as he stood on the sauna, grabbing her wrists. "Come here." He ordered again, putting her hand on his cock as he stood over FitMiss. "Finish me off. Stroke it." Supergirl ran her hand over his stumpy thick length. "MMMn That's it…" he sighed, arm around her shoulder and forced to get a GOOD whiff of him as he unloaded rope after rope of his cum onto FitMiss. "MMn…" he then brushed her hand gently away… before sighing.

…Then he took a piss on her.

"…Alright… I think that's enough." He said, "…take a shower, go to the front desk… he declared. And Supergirl was MORE than happy to. It was really starting to smell….

She grabbed the fitness magazine with Lucy on the cover and groaned, heading to find the showers and clean herself up. Somehow not feeling too great, probably the whole 'ruining a MeTuber's' job thing wasn't sitting well with her…

But as she stepped into the showers, pealing her costume off her skin and soaking down, she spent a great deal of her time pondering that over… and somehow managing to equate it to FitMIss being some sort of compulsive liar and incapably of understanding that there are consequences-SHIT she's slipping back into Psychologist mode.

She finished her shower on 'Ice Cold' to wake herself up before getting out, drying off, and then sighing loudly at her positively soaked with sweat suit… she glanced around, noticed a Gansley branded collection of bath robes… and then just took one. She put the magazine into her pocket and stuffed her costume in a disposable bag for foul gym clothes… then walked out without hesitating…

She returned to the front desk to find the two guards jumping to attention as she appeared. And looking very confused, but they were cowed into silence by the appearance of the huge man clutching a fistful of bills.

"Rankin. Bass…" snapped the big man as they stood up, saluting.

"Yes Mr. Grost?" they said together

"…Once she wakes up assist in getting FitMiss's things from her apartment and contact my lawyers." The two looked confused for a second but he glared at them. "WELL?"

"Uhh… yes sir." Said one of them.

"Get her out of the sauna, wear gloves." He ordered as the two groaned. Apparently, this has happened before, and they pulled gloves from their pockets and began yanking them on. He stared at her waiting for them to go, before handing her the money. "No charge for the robe." He said as she chuckled.

"Generous." Grost sniffed, and scratched his massive, robe-covered belly.

"…Do you really have Lucia Lopez as your personal trainer?"

"I can't give you her contact information but if you call my employer I bet she could get you into contact with her. She often takes personal trainer jobs…" she then patted his stomach. "…I bet she could get this down, if that's what you really want." Grost stared at his ponderous gut as she went to the elevator.

"…I'll consider it." He replied as she entered the elevator and back down to the car, ignoring the fact that she was only wearing a bathrobe she walked back to the car, and drove out of the parking lot.

Time: 11:06 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I will let her know sir." Orders said, oddly smiling, "Next time she's on shift. She currently is busy this week filming a workout program… Yes." She chuckled as Supergirl returned through the back. "I promise… I tend not to lie." She said coolly, eyeing Supergirl as she put the money on the counter and walked straight back into the locker rooms to wash, shower and change. "Oh no sir, Ms. Lopez is simply just very busy, she's quite… popular." She smirked, listening to his reply as her eyes flickered. "Thank you for your patronage." She then hung up, before absently taking the money and sorting it, giving Supergirl a little extra as she eventually came out of the locker room fresh and clean and in a fresh uniform.

"I'm proud of you Kathy." That made the blonde jump slightly and stare suspiciously at Orders.

"…I don't think you've ever said those words to me."

"Neither have your parents, so someone had to say it." Orders replied as Kathy sighed. She wasn't wrong. "You managed to hook a whale-" Orders held up a hand, "Get Lucia work, ruin a MeTuber's LAZY, cushy lifestyle and came out without your mouth tasting of ass or smelling of piss… a good hours work."

"…Are you secretly a spiteful woman?"

"I believe in hard work and effort. Also smart thinkers." She pushed Kathy's cut towards her, "Now. Back to studying, need to keep that pretty mind of yours sharp." Kathy sighed, took the cash, and then walked back to her book still on the table… she needed to make a few corrections after her visit to Gansley tower…

