
Delivery Girl: Wonder Girl Order #6

I don't own DC

Three days ago.

Okay... to be fair... it's moments like this that did in fact convince Wonder Girl that maybe living on a houseboat wasn't the best decision, and Orders' Suburban Home Flipping or whatever you call fixing up an old house for Delivery girls to live in is called, is actually a pretty good idea.

Sitting at a bus stop in heavy Gotham rain she waited for the very late bus after transferring. She couldn't get a ride today... so she took the bus. She sighed lying back on the bench as the miniscule roof above her barely kept away the rain...

"Meow..." she glanced down, and saw a striped tomcat with a notch on his right ear, rubbing his head against her combat boot. She obviously wasn't in her Wonder Girl uniform yet, so she was wearing street clothes. Long pants, a tight black shirt, and said combat boots. She reached down and stroked his back... he arched his back happily the way cats do when someone strokes them, sliding her hand up his tail.

"I got nothing for you, Notch." She said, naming him lazily and stroking him again as he purred, then she leaned back on the bench. "But I guess I can share the rain shelter with you." The cat seemed to think that as an invitation before leaping onto the bench, lying beside her, and resting his head on her lap as she stroked his head. Listening to him purr. "Well aren't you friendly." She mumbled.

...She was just that pretty.

PAP PAP PAP PAP... she blinked as a guy suddenly ran past her, splashing water everywhere, splashing her legs and rushing into an alleyway. Then seconds later.

"Get him! Get back here!" a trio of guys followed after him, one of them carrying a baseball bat. Wonder Girl watched them go, and they followed the first guy into the alleyway.

She scratched the cat's ear, then sighed... but she got up. "I'm going to be late." She mumbled, walking into the rain.

"When I say 'give me your wallet'"



"Ah!" two of the three men held the first between them as the third hit him with the bat. But not at full strength.

"Now. I got to make an example of you." He added gripping the back in both hands, "Hold out his arm." The man on the left stretched the unlucky guy's arm, the bat raising up for a downward stroke. Only for the bat to be yanked from his hand. "The HELL?" Crack!

He went down with a quick swing, before a second two out another of the thugs sent him spinning into the wall, bouncing off only to be slammed back against it face first dropping to the ground. The last one shoved their victim aside and tried to defend himself. Only for the bat to be tossed at him lengthwise. He caught it surprised before their assaulter leaped forward and with momentum swung her elbow down like a battle axe as he shrieked, lifting the wooden bat to defend himself only for her Muay Thai elbow to go THROUGH the wood like it was balsa, and crashing hard into his face. Breaking his nose and knocking him out.

"OH you bitch!" snarled the leader trying to get up only for her to SLAM her combat boot into the side of knee, making it release a loud sickening CRUNCH. And he started squealing loudly, holding his now broken leg. "AARGH! AH-HA-HAAA!" he whined as she grabbed the victim and lifted the skinny guy off the wet ground.

"...You alright?"

"Holy crap you devastated them!" he said in awe as she shrugged.

"Eh... I could've been faster." She admitted, before checking him over. "You okay?"

"I'm... I'm fine I guess a little rattle."

"I'll kill you!" roared the leader, still clutching his floppy leg.

"...Hold on." Wonder Girl replied before moving behind him and putting him quickly in a choke hold... "Suush... SHUSH... the adults are talking..." Soon he stopped fighting her and he was out. Legendary Marine, Luke 'Rock-a-Bye' Ryback himself gave her some tips on how to do that one. While she was on the ground she hesitated before getting up, then quickly checked his pockets...

"Are you robbing him?"

"Robbing a robber doesn't seem so bad when you think about it." she grabbed his phone, held it to his face and opened it, before calling 911 and leaving it in the alleyway, THEN she robbed him, taking all the cash from his wallet, and his friends in quick succession before giving the victim the money.


"What do you mean what?" she replied, "I was never here..." she said as the bus roared by. Then she frowned, "...Even if I'm going to be here a little longer." She added irately, heading out of the alley with a wave. "You're welcome."

She might not have graduated from her marine training but she still would have been a GREAT one.

"Damn it now I'm late for work." She mumbled and returned to the bus stop with only Notch for company, and now she was soaked.

"W-wait Ma'am." He rushed after her, clutching the bills unsurely. "You... you really saved me." And now that he wasn't pissing himself in fear, or maybe that was just the rain, he realized she was fucking gorgeous and his brain shut down. "Uh-Uhuuu..." he tried to find words, but he couldn't. Her shirt was clinging pretty tightly to her big breasts and her dark hair clinging to her face.

"Look buddy I already said you're welcome." That knocked him back to reality.

"But you should have this." He said, trying to hand her the money. "You definitely earned it."

"I'm not a mugger." She noted dismissively, "I gave it to you because they tried to rob you, it only seemed fair you take their money." He seemed rather dismayed. "Don't worry about it. Unless you have a car and can take me to work? You can't help me,"

"I do actually." He pointed down the street. "I got out to use the ATM when those guys jumped me."

"Then you can thank me by giving me a lift." She said, already ringing out her hair... Notch the Cat curiously watching.

"Oh! Yeah sure where are you going?"

"Know where Superbabes is?"

"Superbabes?" he replied apparently not... huh. Quite the 'Virgin'.

"I'll guide you." She mumbled, "Go get your car, I'll wait." She said, as he seemed to register, quickly jogging up the road back to his car. It took him a few minutes as he had to drive back around, but he pulled up to the bus stop in a relatively new-looking car. Opening the passenger door for her... she was about to get, scratching Notch's head before she did.

"Is that your cat?" he asked curiously as she walked away, getting into the driver's seat.

"Nope-" she began but then Notch rushed from the bus stop and leaped onto her lap in the seat. Curling up and purring contentedly on her lap. "...I guess he is now." She scratched his purring head. "...I wonder how Orders feel about stray cats?"

It didn't take him long to take her to Superbabes... and he seemed to show some interest in the building thanks buddy." She said, shading Notch as best she could before opening the door.

"Oh uh wait what's your name?" he asked, she didn't even hesitate before rushing toward the back door.

"Wonder Girl." And in she went, and was almost immediately met with.

"You BATHE that cat if you're keeping him right now, and you're late."

He watched her beautiful body disappearing into the building before driving off...

And now here we are three days later.

"So you're keeping the cat?" asked Supergirl (II) playing poker with Wonder Girl, Cheetah, and Huntress.

"Well I took him to the vet, since he seemed really you know, tame, turns out the vet knew him and had an owner but she got Jokered... Apparently, he's been on the street ever since."

"What was his name?" asked Cheetah

"Scruffy. I'm going to keep calling him Notch." Replied Wonder Girl replied factually.

"I don't care what you call him, just make sure he's flea free before you bring him back here." Orders noted from her desk, tapping her pen as she did sudoku.

"What happened to that guy you saved?" Supergirl asked playfully. "Did you hook a date?"

"Don't know. And No, I didn't." she replied putting her cards down. "I was a bit busy trying not to drown, and worse, trying to get to work on time." Orders purple eyes flashed, looking up briefly then back to her sudoku. Choosing not to interrupt, very big of her. "The guy didn't even know what Superbabes was..."

"Oh he must be new to Gotham... college kid?" asked Supergirl, glancing at Cheetah.

"Tourist." She guessed.

"Handsome recluse." Supergirl chuckled as Wonder Girl shrugged.

"Guy struck me as a tourist." Wonder Girl noted. "He had a car it looked new."

"There are people that don't know about Superbabes... for now." Orders noted coolly, but regardless. She sat back in her chair. "...We have quite the word of mouth." She said, before reaching for the phone.

Time: 8:04 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"Hello... um. I'd like to order Wonder Girl. I mean the MEAL the Wonder Girl meal..."

"Hmn. Tomago Sushi and a N&N cookie. Anything else."

"Deli... I'm sorry what?"

"We're still workshopping her meal Anything else?"

"Delivered by Wonder Girl..."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery, name and address please."


"Wonder Girl. You got one." Orders declared, ripping off the receipt as Wonder Girl put her cards sown and stood up, supermodel strutting to the counter... or Superbabe Strut might be better. Regardless of her sexy walk she took the receipt from Orders' hand, reading the location as the Tomago Sushi order and the N&N cookie followed.

"You really aren't trying anymore..."

"When someone cares more for the food than your ass then I'll put in more effort." The glamorous former Marine could only concede the point... but it was still weird to have her meal changed every week or so. The food slid across the counter, and she snapped up the sexy-posing Wonder Woman stamped bag. She then checked the receipt again and walked out the back door to the company car. Her beautiful super-whichever body wiggled pleasantly with each step as she opened the door and slipped right into the driver's seat. She started the car and pulled into traffic heading off into Gotham.

And the Suburbs... not only that but it was near Orders' new pet project house. Just a handful of houses away... she was sure that wasn't a sign or anything... she was supposed to start working on it with Dee, Freya, and whoever else Orders had pressganged into service... probably Ashley...

...So you know, that's something to look forward too... Yay.

Wonder Girl pulled up to the curb and got out of the car, double-checking the address before stopping... and eyeing the car in the driveway. "...Well I can't see this getting weird." She noted sarcastically as she recognized it and headed towards the front door. She walked up to the front door and wiped her black boots on the Welcome mat. She then raised her fist, and knocked... "Superbabes."

Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Totally won't be weird house.)

"Special Delivery Service." She heard a crash, and a tumble, and something hitting the door. But she sort of expected it after the crash. Then the door popped open and there he was, sporting a rather impressive bruise over his left eye. And he was wearing a nice shirt and freshly pressed pants.

"Wow it really IS you!" he said, "Come in!"

"Oh... buddy." She sighed, but smiled... shaking her head she entered his apparently recently moved-in house. "This isn't going to be weird at all." she chuckled unsurely walking over to his couch, sitting down on it. "So... Hi." She said as he grinned nervously.

"Hey, Hello again. Uh. I'm Mack." He said holding out his hand. She took it and gave it a courtesy shake.

"Hey Mack. I'm still Wonder Girl... do you know how this works?" she asked hesitantly as he shrugged.

"Uh this place used to belong to my uncle." He said, looking around nervously. "Uh... can I get you something to drink?"

"We'll get to that, I'm sure." She mumbled, "I can't have anything alcoholic."

"Really? Like an allergy?"

"No, I'm on duty. I have to drive back." She replied frankly, crossing her legs and lounging on the couch as she watched him fret about. "...Do you have any idea what it means to be here?"

"I asked my uncle." He replied, "He left me this house when he moved to Star City." He returned, "And when I asked him about it he said that Superbabes has the best girls in the city."

"...Oh Mack." She rubbed her forehead, "...I don't quite think you know what he means by that." She never met his uncle but she had a feeling he knew their services.

"You really do look like Wonder Girl in the suit." He replied, "I uh... I just wanted to thank you properly." Wonder Girl raised an eyebrow at him. "AND... I uh." He pulled out a roll of money from his pocket, "I got your money right here... it's all the money you got from those muggers."


"Yeah?" he said, sitting down beside her as she gazed at him for a second.

"...Did your uncle tell you how to order?"

"Oh, yeah he said if you order a special way-" Wonder Girl stared at him and held a finger to her lips, silencing him immediately.

"...You a virgin Mack?"

"Uh... y-yeah?"

"...You ever watch porn?" he seemed a bit taken aback by that, but he apparently also couldn't lie to her.

"Well I am a guy... so, yeah I have."

"Okay. Good then I'll spell it out for you. You ordered a Delivery Girl." She said bluntly, "...And because of the way you ordered me, it's now basically my job to bang you." He stared at her, and she brushed her glamorous locks out of her face. "...I'll let you process that." she said, unable to hide the humorous smile stretching across her face. "But you're on the clock so I hope you do it quickly."


"Oh, three minutes. That's not bad." She noted to his response time after quite a shock.

"So... So what, you're a prostitute?"

"We don't like that word. We're delivery girls... My boss says it's like 'Delivery Health'... or something."

"Oh, like Japan?" it always surprised her when other people knew that it was a thing.

"Yeah. Honestly, it's all the same to me but my boss is specific."

"Why are you a Delivery girl then you could be like an MMA fighter or a model or something.?"

"Well, I was almost a marine." She replied casually as he stared at her.

"Almost a Marine?! And you're prostituting yourself?!" he asked, sounding amazed. "...I only have more questions. But I just come back around to... why are you doing this?"

"Well..." Wonder Girl paused, and blinked, staring at him and right through his body with a thousand-yard stare. Why was she still working for Orders? She certainly could afford to move out of the houseboat, out of Gotham, maybe get a job as a security guard or something... the more she thought about it, she realized she COULD...

...Except... well... she kind of LIKED doing what she did... it was mostly the sex, but she did like the stability, the atmosphere, she had friends she enjoyed seeing and socializing with. Not to mention she has a certain amount of loyalty to Orders herself. And again... having sex... If you love your job, you never work a day in your life.

"Well, I like it." she replied casually, leaning back and relaxing as she came to her answer. "...I'm really good at it." she added a little more sultrily than expected but she stands by it. "I get paid a lot and I tend to meet interesting people..." she hesitated for a second before adding. "And to be honest I'm a lot better off working for my boss than the men I used to serve under because at least I'm getting paid for being screwed over."

Mack snorted at the joke. "Well, my goal wasn't to have sex with you."

"Why not? I'm told I'm gorgeous." She replied humbly, but jokingly as he blinked at her. She was not the kind of girl to brag about her own beauty.

"Well... you are. It's hard to believe you were almost a marine. I'd say you were lying but I also say you brutally injure those men." He noted, remembering her quick and brutal takedowns. "Well, anyway... you don't have to we can just... talk?"

That's a new one... she should be on her knees sucking dick right now at least... so now she had mix feelings of being here for an hour and not getting paid for the work. She had dignity and pride in her work...

"Like uh... What's your real name?" he asked hesitantly, as she raised an eyebrow at that.

"Wonder Girl." She replied frankly, "One of the rules to being a Superbabe-"

"There are rules?"

"-Is that I AM Wonder Girl." She replied, giving him a look that would've had most red-blooded men jump her bones in a heartbeat... To Mack's Credit, he did look like he wanted too... as he was currently hiding his boner. "Don't make this weird."

"It's a little weird..." he noted, "I mean... You're a delivery girl, who is actually here to have sex with me."

"Because you ordered a certain way, there are plenty of girls who work at Superbabes who DON'T have sex for money." She noted, "It's kind of an open secret honestly. People know but they don't say anything, and usually nobody's dumb enough to talk..."

"So if it's a secret why are you telling me?" he asked as she frowned.

"It's complicated Mack." She noted, "But let's just say... you've seen what I can do to someone?" he nodded slowly and she finished her warning. "...Well it's NOTHING compared to what my boss will do you to you if you bring her trouble. You would be LUCKY if she sent me." She said, "Just to break your bones or something..."

Not that Orders sent her out to do that... yet. Usually, she sends Rebecca and Ashley they're happy to beat the hell out of people on Orders' orders. But she also had Cajun Jim and his entire gang of criminals under her thumb...

"Um... so... how's your new cat?" he asked nervously as she stared at him, then laughed.

"Okay... you know what Mack? We should really move this along..." she stood up.

"Oh you're leaving-" he began, but stopped as she grabbed the loop behind her neck and lifted it over her head, loosening her suit. "Whaaat?" he said slowly as she held the suit to her breasts with on arm and shook out her hair with the other until it was sexy and glamorous once more. Once she pulled her arm away her breasts would come spilling out and her majestic pin-up-worthy body would be one step closer to banging...

"Listen I'm sure we can spend the rest of your hour talking, but I'll tell you right now I'm STILL going to have to take a shit ton of cash from you by the end of it, so to make this worth anything I'll just go ahead and suck your cock at least..." and if they go any further then that, well it was only natural... like her body.

"Oh no you don't have to-" he began but her beautiful face leveled with his as she bent over in front of him. Almost on instinct, his legs spread open, revealing his bulge

"Listen Mack, I literally wouldn't be here... if you didn't want this." She declared, her sultry gaze driving him wild. It was like a magazine model walked right off the page to satisfy every desire he had...

That's the appeal of a Superbabe in the end.

"Let me work on this." She said, her free hand resting on his bulge and she pulled her other hand away, her big breasts swaying free as her suit fell away, kneeling down as she rubbed his bulging cock against his pants with her hands before unzipping him.

Mack wasn't much to write home about when it came to size, average guy, average looks. Nice house... that's not bad really... but she extracted his cock from his pants and she gently stroke her hand slowly up and down. "Let's start slow." She said silkily, opening her mouth, and running her tongue slowly around his tip. It wobbled excitedly, or nervously at the touch of her silky wet tongue.

She flicked her tongue slowly over and around his tip. Her tongue sliding back and forth on his cock, lick Notch does over her toes in the morning when he's hungry. "Laal... laal..." licking like a cat over his tip, before she then wrapped her lips around it. Pre-cum spurted onto her tongue like she just bit into a particularly juicy berry. She gulped it down, and suckled his tip, giving him another blast from her sultry eyes before sliding down to his base, pressing her lips into his pants. "SLURP... Mmmn... Mmn-mhhmn..."

Her head bobbed slowly up and down at first, twisting her head and lips on his shaft, bouncing it up and down on his lap as she sped up, faster and faster. Shaking her plump backside enticingly, shaking down her loosened suit. Feeling his cock twitching on her tongue warningly she slid closer to the couch, resting on her knees with her ass molding onto her feet as she slurped loudly.

"MMn. Mmn. Mmgh..." her head bobbed up and down on his cock, her sultry come-hither gaze unblinking as she continued to stroke his cock with her lips. Her hands rubbed his thighs, briefly as her face contained a blur, before sliding down her body, pushing her suit further down her body until it show off her shapely ass cheeks.

"W-wait I'm..." he groaned but Wonder Girl kept sucking on it, in fact, she went faster, burying her face into his crotch and grabbing his legs again. "Ugh!"

"MMGh!" she moaned, taking his cumshot against the back of her throat. Her lips pressed firmly against the base of his cock, holding her head firmly in place as it wiggled and spurt his load as he panted for breath, twitching and moaning quietly. His hands reflexively in her silky locks, but despite his surprisingly powerful grip, she easily removed her head from his lap. Holding her lips firmly together, before opening her mouth. She showed off the load he left before closing her mouth and shaking her head, "Ah..." opening her mouth.

All gone.

She brushed his hands aside and then stood up. Essentially naked, she kicked it away from the suit and stood naked before him, as if stepping right out of a porn ready to play. She turned around and sat on his lap. "Oof!" She ground her hips on his lap, slowly, sensually, her ass cheeks squeezing his cock between them. "Wa-wait a second I just finished-" he noted, laughing nervously and feeling his cock twitch between her beautiful soft ass cheeks.

"Yeah well I took care of you now I'm taking care of me." She said, reaching between her legs and pushing his hardening cock into her pussy. "Haah..." she sighed erotically, wiggling her hips on his lap as if trying to get used to her seat... even if it was the other the other way around. "Ha. Aah..." Up and down she went, clapping her ass cheeks down on his lap as he grabbed onto her slender waist. "Ugh... Ngh!" she writhed and gyrated on his lap, slamming down onto his body as she clawed his knees with clenching fingers.

He thrust his hips up into her, more and more getting into the movement. Slapping against her body before she fell forward, hands on the floor now and letting him grab her waist and thrust on his own. "UgH! Ahh..." she gasped as he stood up, standing behind her, hands on her ass now and letting nature take its course as he furiously pumped into her body... really getting into her at this point.

"Ah! Ah!" she panted, rocking back and forth as she felt his hand experimentally swing from her ass only to quickly return with a loud swat. "Ha!" she gasped, and he buried himself into her body reaching down, grabbing her shoulders he pulled her up from the floor, holding her up by the shoulders he walked her forward toward the wall, she rested her hands against it as he continued thrusting into her. "haah... ah... haah!" she gasped, both of them shaking with his furious thrusts. "Ugh! Ugh! Haah! Ahh!" she writhed erotically before him...

He wasn't great, or mind-blowing... they didn't even have some deep-seated connection just a coincidental meeting... but the SEX was great. Because of her...


Wonder Girl's All Natural Slut body writhed and convulsed as she made herself cum on his cock. Considering she was her commanding officer's sex soldier, and he wasn't good in bed at all, her body reacted on its own to make herself enjoy it. And if she enjoyed it, that filled her sparring partner with confidence, a bit misplaced but that did make them perform better... which only increased her appeal.

"haaaah! Fuck..." she moaned, feeling him wiggling inside her at the sight of her orgasm as he swatted her ass again, this time a little harder, grabbing onto her waist and thrusting into her again. Faster, harder... her ass rippling and her breasts swaying back and forth as she arched her back, curling her fingers and toes on the wall and floor as he pressed into her body. "Ah! AH! AH! AH!" she howled erotically as he sped up.

"Ugh! Ah! It's! Cumming!" he pulled out of her suddenly, grabbing her by the hair and EASILY yanking her from the wall.

To be fair she threw herself from the wall, he barely tugged on her silky locks, she dropped to her knees and opened her mouth as his cock twitched and with an excited hiss he splattered and spurted his load over her face. She sighed seductively, feeling his cum shoot over her face, tongue... sticking into her hair as she moaned on her knees, wrapping her lips around his tip after he finished throwing his ropes onto her beautiful features.

"Haaah..." she opened her eyes and continued sucking on his length, cupping her breasts and squeezing them, moaning as her tongue cleaned up his cock. Tongue flicked over his tip as he sighed. Shaking and then letting the adrenaline wear off, flopping onto the couch. Wonder Girl watched him for a moment,

"So... good choice?"

"Unexpected but not unpleasant." He mumbled sheepishly as she brushed her hair out of her now sticky face. He seemed to realize that he was slumped on the couch with his dick hanging out, and the beautiful woman before him had his cum all over her face. "Oh god what have I done." He said quickly, adjusting himself as she laughed good-naturedly.

"Well first I sucked your dick, then I rode you for a little bit, then you rode me a little bit... and then you came all over my face." she pointed at her face with both hands. "I am going to wash this off. You let me know if you want to do some more you got about 30 minutes left." She turned and Superbabes strutted away, his gaze following her hips as her ass seemed to say, 'Fuck me now' with every step.

That wasn't just her ass all Superbabes' bodies had that effect on people but ESPECIALLY new guys...

But whether Mack acts on that remains to be seen. She walked further into the house and found the bathroom which oddly smelled like Sandel wood. She walked into the tub/shower combination, stepping into it as she swung the curtain across the bar before turning the water on.

It hissed and splattered and spurted all over her face... it took her a few minutes to clean her face of cum, soaping up her face for a double cleansing and spraying more liquid soap on her tits. Glancing over her shoulder to see Mack watching her from the curtain behind her, she had heard him come in. She couldn't really turn off the military training. "...Are you joining me? Or are you going to be weird..." Mack seemed to freeze, and she looked through the curtain and took notice before eyeing him again. "...Are you jerking off right now?"

Mack seemed to hesitate. "...Maybe." he noted nervously. She stared at him and shrugged.

"If That's your kink go ahead I guess..." she replied, "...Want me to do anything?" she then turned around, laying against the wall. "...Finger myself?" she asked, slowly rubbing her pussy as he stared at her.

"...That's..." he watched her rubbing herself, and moaning erotically, thrusting her hips forward as Mack began masturbating again, eagerly watching her finger pussy, her other hand clutching to her breasts as she squeezed. "...Yeah... do that." he said bluntly. Stroking himself as she cooed, thrusting her hips towards him as she saw him jerking off.

"Like this? Do you like this?"

"I do." He moaned, "Does that feel good?"

"Mmn-hmmn..." she moaned, "It feels so good Daddy." She moaned as he grunted.

"Daddy?" he chuckled, "...I like that." he added with a laugh. Most of her guys do. He got into the shower as she turned to face him, furiously masturbating as he stroked himself. "I want to cum on your face again." he said, "That was hot."

She was already on her knees before him, the water spraying onto the back of her hair and still rubbing herself as she opened her mouth and moan. "Hurry daddy. Cum all over me again Daddy... I want your hot cum all over me... Ahhhh..." she extended her tongue closed her eyes and as he rested his hand on her head and moaned, shooting his cum all over her just cleaned face. She shuddered, making herself cum as she wrapped her lips back around his cock and slurping out the rest, raising her hands to her tits and squeezing them firmly. "MMn-mmn-hmmn..."

"...I can't say I didn't enjoy that." he moaned contentedly. She pulled away, bouncing her breasts up and down in her hands and sticking out her tongue again, letting it wag back and forth, flicking a string of saliva about before it snapped away and spilled into the water as she stood up and began showering again. Mack's hands slowly running over her body, squeezing her soft but fit body in his hands as she cleaned herself up.

They bathed in silence, then turned off the shower. She slapped his chest with the back of her hand and stepped out of the bathroom. Grabbing a towel, toweling off and tossing it to him before heading out of the bathroom. She strutted back into his living room, going over to the wad of bills he had laid out for her. She put her suit on, grabbing the money and stuffing it into her suit as he hobbled out.

"Wow, you got dressed fast." He said as she shrugged.

"All part of training." She replied, slipping into her boots. "Now. I hope you learned your less."

"Well, now I feel like I owe you for two things." He mumbled as she shrugged.

"Nah... just the first one." she noted, "Since you're giving me the money you rightfully took from the other guys. Orders again Mack. See you around." She said as he watched her go... and she was out the door.

...Oh fuck she's going to be living down the street from this guy... well at least she knows she can kick his ass if he gets weird. She walked to the card, got right in... and sped off back to Gotham.

Time: 9:50 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"You got a kitty, Helen?!" Zoey suddenly declared happily as Wonder Girl entered and jumped at the sudden declaration.

"...Yes?" she replied surprised, "I thought you and Maria were out of town?"

"We just got back." Zoey replied, "We're getting Dinner." She replied as the brown sugar breasts of Maria walked into the lounge before her from the floor holding their own food bag.

"Well yeah, I got a cat... he followed me home."

"Is he cute?" Zoey asked sweetly.

"In a mangy stray cat way." Replied Helen, going to the counter, and taking the money from her suit and giving it to Orders. "I call him Notch."

"Show me pictures!" Zoey replied but Maria took her arm.

"Let it go Querida there is plenty of time to be a cat mom."

"Yes. Please. Do this latter." Orders noted as Helen turned on her, "Helena."

"That was super awkward." She replied, "I'm going to be living down the street for that guy! Why did you let me go?" Orders casually counted the money Helen brought her... as if the answer was obvious. "...Seriously?" she replied.

"I don't care where the money comes from-"

"As long as it comes." Helen finished for her. "Yes, Ma'am..." she replied, heading into the locker room for a fresh shower as Orders added more to herself than anything.

"Might have saved yourself the trouble though if you brought me the money instead of giving it to him. But I admire your heroic action." She noted lazily...


I would like to take this moment to thank Skymouse who gave me a sentence of an idea and I did the rest. I was drawing a complete blank on Helen after doing a couple of big commissions.
