
Delivery Girl: Silver Swan Order #2

I don't own DC

(B) Vixen, in her beautiful, nearly-naked, big jiggle booty glory walked into the lounge from the floor. Leaning over Orders' counter as the purple eyed boss of Superbabes was having yet another silent, one sided, and furious conversation with relative New Girl and equally exotic beauty, Silver Swan. However the conversation stopped once Vixen said tiredly, "Orders. She's back…"

"I'm aware." Orders noted dismissively.

"She's right outside this time." Vixen noted as Orders sighed, and stood up.

"Alright. I suppose I'll have to be clearer with my messages."

"What's going on?" Silver Swan noted irately, Orders stood up and banged the countertop with her fist twice. After a moment a pair of wooden boxes slid across the counter.

"Follow me." Orders ordered, "Both of you." She added after a second. "Bring the boxes." Vixen chuckled under her breath as an annoyed and confused Silver Swan obeyed Orders regardless, both grabbing a box and following the purple-eyed boss.

"This den of sin is a travesty against women!" declared a shrill and annoying voice. A 'soap box sadie' standing literally on a soap box. "It abuses and exploits these poor girls into displaying and disgracing themselves!" the conventionally attractive Social justice warrior screeched to the vaguely small crowd before her, outright ignored by those passing by, and blatantly dismissed by the regulars… though the crowd did basically just screech shame and them.

Orders glared at the preaching woman, before declaring loudly. "This is private property. So unless you have a permit signed by the owner. Which you don't, this is an illegal gathering." Orders was the beacon of calm in a sea of (mostly) undeserved indignation.

"Go tell the owner that we DEMAND this filthy den of sin be shut down!" Soap Box Sadie screeched, pointing at the Superbabes sign. "Gotham sorely needs yet another travesty against female-"

"I AM the owner." Orders declared as the agreeing crowd of 'offenders' went relatively silent, chattering curiously amongst themselves as Soap Box Sadie seemed taken aback.

"…What?" she looked legitimately confused, as if she couldn't imagine Orders was the boss… Orders, an admittedly attractive, modestly dressed and intelligent woman certainly couldn't be in charge. Somehow that was LESS believable then the woman with REAL angelic-like wings standing to her immediate right. Granted she was anything but an angel, but semantics.

"I'm sorry. Clearly, you have trouble understanding. I'll speak slower. I. AM. THE. OWNER." She then turned slightly to a smiling Vixen and an admittedly now amused Silver Swan, she enjoyed the look of genuine confusion on the shrill woman's face. She enjoyed schadenfreude now and again. "Open the boxes." Orders said as the woman finally collected herself and tried to get the moral high ground… but despite her height advantage already on her soap box… she was dealing with Orders.

The pit she dug herself into was vast and could not see the light... and not just because it was Gotham.

The boxes opened, and Silver Swan and Vixen recoiled slightly, as it was filled with rotten fruit, tomatoes and apples mostly. Orders removed from her pockets a pair of latex gloves snapping them onto her hands and ignoring the woman trying to talk down to Orders… but you obviously see where this is going.

"-This place is nothing but a whore house and you are a filth mong-SPLAT!" the rotten tomato hit her dead on in the mouth, making her splutter and stumble off the soap box. "Bleck!" spitting out the fruit and stumbling, almost vomiting. But before she could retort, she took another direct hit from another tomato. SPLAT!"

What supporters she had quickly broke and ran for it. But Orders' focus was solely on the preaching harpy that clearly had too much time on her hands. Orders, with a face of stone continued to viciously fend off this woman with direct hit after hit of rotten fruit. She didn't miss, no matter where the woman turned or tried to run she was met with another rotten fruit.

…it was almost as if Orders knew exactly where she was going to be when she threw it, or something.

What made it even more hilarious was that eventually it looked like Orders wasn't even TRYING to hit the woman, tossing and lobbing the fruit in comical gestures and poses: under arm, over arm, baseball throw, behind the back. Every one hit directly for MAXIMUM impact.

Eventually Orders stopped throwing fruit at the woman, she had fallen to the sidewalk covered with foul-smelling fluid and flies. Orders had followed her all the way to the very line of the Superbabes property. Just past the parking lot… Orders tugged off the latex gloves, throwing them onto the woman. "Do not come back." She warned but the woman sneered angrily up at her.

"You won't get away with this! You-!"

"Did you know that Gotham is the ONLY city that allows people to be pelted with Rotten fruit when they're trespassing?" Orders noted as the woman stared at her. "I'm a business owner in Gotham. I am well aware of its laws. Thank you." She said abruptly as Vixen and Silver Swan sealed the now EMPTY boxes and followed Orders back into Superbabes through the back door. Where the boss was immediately greeted with playful cheers and whistles from the girls as she waved them down dismissively.

"Yes yes… thank you. I'm the best." She noted almost bored, sitting back down and rubbing her temples to fend off the massive headache she now had. "Back to work."

Silver Swan however put the box on the counter, glaring at Orders. "You just… HAVE rotten fruit?!"

"Of course, waste not want not."

"You know that she's not wrong right?" Silver Swan smirked as Orders' eyes flicked dangerously at her.

"She who lives in glass houses should not throw stones… rotten fruit is more effective." Vixen smiled and put her box on top of Silver Swan's as Orders slid them back across the counter into the kitchen.

"I Don't think that's how the proverb goes." Noted Vixen but Orders shook her head, rubbing her temple.

"It's not, I assure you." Smirked Silver Swan evilly. She would know.

"That is of your opinion… but she who has a thick ass should just go back and make me money." And with that, she reached for the phone. "That saying is definitely right."

Time: 8:54 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Theee… Silver Swan meal looks good. Girl too please."

"A Grilled ham and Swiss cheese sandwich and a side of fries. Please delivered by Silver Swan, anything else?"

"Nope. That's good."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please.


"Wait a minute I thought when this happens its usually the snarky one that gets in trouble why am I going?!" Silver Swan growled indignantly as Vixen chuckled.

"She makes a compelling argument Orders."

"I don't make the orders. I take them, and then I give them." Orders replied casually, the food soon sliding out. "Now here's another couple. You get your ass wobbling back onto the floor-" she pointed at Vixen, "And you…" swinging her finger and the receipt to Silver Swan who snatched it from her hand, "Get going. Have fun and enjoy yourself."

"Stop saying that." Silver Swam grumbled before grabbing the food, and stomping out the back door. Her white wings stretched widely behind her and leaping into the air and flapping away she took off, examining the receipt before flying off to Upper-East Gotham.

The smell of the ocean reached her before she reached her destination. The crashing of waves on the shore echoed even this high in the air. She saw a collection of cabin houses on the shoreline by the beach, rapidly descending towards the beach as she descended and touched down into the sand sending a shrapnel of silicon all over. She shook her shapely leg of sand as she counted the houses. Most seemed to be occupied, it was apparently rental season after all so tourists were clearly filling them up. And there seemed to be some sort of contest to occur on the beach...

'Muscle Mash'... But she mostly ignored the signs.

She checked the receipt before sliding it into the bag and heading to the very last house at the far end of the beach… occasionally kicking sand off her boots… why didn't she just fly to the end of the beach if she was annoyed by the sand on her boots? She didn't feel the need to… plus she wasn't thinking about it she was irritated.

She walked up the steps onto the patio standing. Standing in front of the door before raising her hand and knocking rapidly. Breathing out a semi-reluctant. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:14 PM. Place: Upper-East Gotham Beach (Cabin #12)

"Special Delivery Service."

She sighed waiting for barely a moment as the door slid open and her eyes widened at the towering Nubian man before her. Skin as dark as coal and teeth whiter then her wings as he grinned at her with a completely hairless adonis-like body wearing leopard print speedos struggling to contain the obvious the horse cock he had surgically applied to his body.

"…Oh fuck." She grumbled, staring at his 'package' as he chuckled jovially.

"That's the idea honey." He declared with an accent from some Island nation, she wasn't sure which, with his hands on his hips, his pectorals popped up and down as he flexed his powerfully shaped body, he was also apparently well oiled… which… why? "Let's get you comfy." He grinned at her,

"Might as well until you split me in half." She sneered under her breath as he stood aside and she entered the beach cabin. "Oh!" she suddenly yelped as the bobybuilder and clapped his huge hand onto her ass, it rippled majestically under his blow as she stiffened up awkwardly, feeling his other hand on her wings and whistling curiously.

"Wow these feel real!" he declared happily as she scowled at him.

"They are real!" she replied irately, like a woman who was just asked if her breasts were real. Then her ass was smacked again as the big Nubian picked her up and carried her like she weighed nothing, carrying her like a princess to the big bedroom.

"That is damn amazing!" he cheered excitedly before setting her on the end of the bed, standing before her and grinning all the while. "Want to see something else real?" he joked, before grabbing his leopard print speedos and ripping them from his body as his 10-inch member shot comically free from its bindings to slap against her face, almost cracking her on the chin like a thick baseball bat.

"SHIT." She hissed, through her teeth, spitting onto his shaft unintentionally as she felt the meaty Nubian rod against her cheek… and now she knew that he was hairless everywhere. His hand rested on her redhaired head as she gazed up at him nervously… only making him throb harder against the silky long-haired side of her freckled face. His large hand reached for the left side of her face, pulling her to the base of his cock as he swung his swollen ball sack against her chin. Gripping his kiwi-sized balls firmly and putting them into her mouth. "MMgh!"

The Nubian bodybuilder hissed through his pearly white teeth, his cock twitching on her face as she managed to pry her hands off his muscled thighs to grab at it, sucking on his ballsack while stroking him off… never in her exceptionally long life would she ever imagine that her 'sister's' advice would ever cum in handy…

FUCK, now she was thinking in puns!

The Nubian body builder slowly moved his hips back and forth, feeling her lips massaging his shaven sack as his bald head, still smiling, rolled back on his THICK neck. Her tongue slipped in and out of her mouth. Switching between a normal tongue and her REAL one. Glaring up at him as his cock twitched against her face as her hand easily slid up and down his almost comically big cock. Feeling pre-cum ooze from his tip and down her back between her wing stumps. His head swung forward, chuckling happily as he gripped her head in his hands, they were so damn big she felt like they could've completely wrapped around her head.

Pulling her off his cock with a wet pop before pressing his tip against her lips. "Mmgn?" And promptly sheathing his cock in her throat like a sword scabbard. "GLUCK. GLUCK. GLUCK." Speeding up and down his shaft, her eyes rolled so rapidly in her sockets from the dizzying pace she almost went permanently cross-eyed.

Her feathers fluttered slightly as the hulking muscled man planted his girth back into her throat and held her head steady as she twitched. Her body, influenced of course by Orders' magical Contract, shuddered in pleasure as she was forced to 'have fun'. Her hands moved to her costume, losing the straps and letting it fall away from her body as he began trying to stuff the entirety of his privates into her body through her mouth. "MMng! Mgnh! Mmgn-mgmgn!"

"Uuugh!" he clutched tightly to her head holding her in place at the base of his cock before yanking her abruptly off his throbbing member. Resting on her face and dripping with saliva on her skin as she gasped for breath, trying to fight off the magical orgasm the contract was forcing her through… Obviously the magical contract.

Panting lustfully against his cock as he brushed aside the long hair out of her face as he swiped it back and forth across her beautiful features, hauling her up from the floor easily by her arms before throwing her onto the bed and spreading her legs. Taking her suit and easily removing it from her body. Tossing the bodysuit away, he grabbed her ankles and held them apart…

"Ha-ha! Spread eagle!" he cheered, "Get it?... because you have wings." He grinned down at her wiggling his eyebrows with that broad grin on his face. She glared up at him.

"…God damn it." she grumbled as he crawled onto her. "Oh fuck-OH FUCK!!" she howled like a banshee as the big dick body builder gave her a big dicking down… she's had more massive cocks in her first couple weeks of being a Superbabe then any of the orgies her sister tricked her into going to. "Fu-FUCK! SHIT! FUCKING! BASTARD!!" she squealed, and orgasmed…

He RAMMED that cock into her, burying it into her snug demonic pussy and savoring each new inch he carved out of her insides. Embracing her like a lover, but pounding her like a whore, her legs and arms flailed about with his deep penetrating movements until she finally clenched her hands onto his muscled back and resisted to urge to grow claws and rake them across his back, her legs continued to flop about like limp noodles with each slam of his hips threatening to destroy her pelvis and sending thunderbolts of pleasure up her spine. Her feathers fluttering and flapping beneath her spread out like a cape. "FUCK!" she howled her sudden, obvious, and almost VIOLENT orgasm.

Her current client seemed to take her writhing, spasming body as an invitation to pound her harder and faster, cramming his thick Nubian dick into her again and again and trying to bust through her demonic cervix as he roared his oncoming climax, gripping her beneath her ass, pulling her hips up before pounding her down, shuddering as he spilled his seed into her twitching body. "Oooh Baby." He laughed, "Ooh that is GOOD pussy…"

She was sweating, her body shuddering and shaking as her inner walls clung tightly to his pulsating member, feeling his warm human seed oozing into her as her toes curled on the sheets. A slightly gazed look on her face as he continued to use her body as a pillow. His hips slowly, subtly gyrating as he let his girth slosh around in it's new rental home as he proceeded to give her insides the rockstar to a hotel room treatment: He decided to try and do as much damage to it as possible in the name of a good time.

"Oh! Fuck! YOU!!" she howled like a banshee shaking as he began to jackhammer into her body again.

"Just lie back an enjoy baby, you're in for a ride!" he growled happily, pounding away at her as the bed creaked and groaned beneath her as her ass molded into the mattress. "Give it to me girl! MMn!" engulfing her with his massive frame, resting his arms on her wings as he tried to fuck her through the bed. Her hips pushed up to meet him as he grunted like a pig-demon in heat…

They grunt a LOT.

"Ugh! UGH…" he drove into her hard, pulling almost completely out of her until just his bulging tip remained in her quivering pussy only to make all of her body shudder with a deep and sudden thrust. Which she doesn't expect, even though he keeps doing it. Her eyes increasingly rolled up into her head as she sucked in air through her teeth, and screamed another orgasm as he flopped onto her. "MMn...!"

She felt his mass cock bulge and fire once again into her body, his ball sack pulsating wetly against her skin as he filled her with cum like a balloon. Wriggling on her body and savoring the sensation of her, magically contracted, sensitive body. "MMmn…" he sighed, then went still as Silver Swan twitched slightly, breathing heavily as her body shuddered again.

…Then everything went quiet, she blinked, then blinked again. Her eyes refocused, and she finally managed to get the feeling back into her arms. "Hey. HEY!" but the big Nubian didn't move. "You got to be fucking kidding me. HEY!" she swatted his broad shoulder but he didn't move… just started snoring. "Oh for the love of… GET OFF!" she smacked his shiny bald head and it rattled like an 8-ball.

He lifted his head up and grinned at her. "If you're done at least have the courtesy to-OH DAMN IT!" she howled as he hauled her easily from the bed. Hands on her demonically thick ass cheeks he stomped towards the wall before slamming her back against it. "Ugh! UGH! UGH!! FUCK! ME!" she howled again, not an invitation, just her lot in life. Still, he considered it one and promptly tried to nail her to the wall like he was hanging a portrait. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, howling like the lamented as he sent another orgasm through her.

"Hwaaaah!" her wings fluttering as they tried, on instinct, to escape the relentless fucking but there was no escape, pinned to the wall as she was. Her toes and hands clawed his muscled body as he kept his hands tightly gripped to her meaty ass cheeks, yanking her down onto his plunging cock as he slammed his forehead beside her against the wall. Grinding his cock inside her, thrusting deep into her body before roaring in a sweaty primal display, plunging into her body and leaving more thick globs of cum into her body. "Haaaaaah! Ah…" she gasped, shaking and twitching as he made her cum again…

Ripping his thick cock from her body he let go of her ass and let her slide down to the floor, panting against his limp, wet cock as it twitched against her face and she oozed cum onto the floor. With a cock against her face, he took a deep breath and laughed lightly.

"How sensitive are those wings?"

"W-what?" she moaned, trying to fend off the orgasmic shudders and get her brain back on task before she had to give him some more.

"Those wings, are they sensitive?"

"Not really? I feel them of course…" she noted as he grabbed her and lifted her from the floor before turning her away and grabbing the stumps of her wings. "Oh great." She moaned resignedly, leaning forward before her ass was abruptly stretched by this hulk of a man. "NNgh! AH-AHAAH! FUCK! My ASS!! YOU Damn CAD!" she snarled as her rear was stretched around his cock, her ass cheeks rippling as he crumpled her feathers in his grip, but those were an easy fix…

…She was going to feel all of this later anyway might as well deal with one brutal pounding at a time. Biting her bottom lip as her ass was bottomed out, springing off her spongy ass and deeply regretting she wasn't allowed to generate her tail as a cushioned. So HER cushion took the full force of his hips as he yanked her back again and again, her arms swinging beneath her with her breasts bouncing wildly with his rigorous ass-fucking. "Shi-ii-it!" his hands slid up her wings, gripping them tightly at the tips as she fell forward, face-down and ass up but still taking a pounding as he feel over her, his hands slamming so hard against the floor he left an imprint of them firmly in place. Wildly pounding away at her body, sliding her face back and forth on the floor as her mouth hung open and howled like a siren…

Like the device, not like her distant cousin.

"Waaah oh WAAAH! Oh… WAAAAH!!" her brain melting, her eyes rolling as she clenched her toes, her hands gripping his pillar-like arms, sinking her clawless fingers into his wrists as she tensed up. Roaring together with him as he brain melted again and she orgasmed… feeling his cum rush into her ass as he then flopped hard onto her body but this time he didn't brace himself and collapsed on her soft feathers.

…Yanking on them wouldn't hurt all that much, FALLING on them, that's going to sting later. "Oh fucking… asshole…" she shuddered, as he wrapped his arms around her and SQUEEZED. "Nngh!" in a tight awkward hug, he rested his face on her back, rubbing her body before fully collapsing on her. "FUCK…" she grunted, shaking and shuddering again as another orgasm rippled through her. A dick still in her ass and now pressed down between a hulk of Nubian meat and the floor, her arms bound at her side by his muscled arms and him snoring loudly between her wings. She frowned irately, resting on her chin. "…FUCK." She grumbled again, feeling him twitch as she hissed through her teeth. "NNgh! MMN!... Fuck…"

He slid up her body, snoring loudly as she felt his chest on her head. "Get off. Get… OFF!" she struggled and squirmed. "Ah for fucks sake…" She lay there trapped beneath him for a good few minutes before finally biting the bullet and risking getting 'yelled at' by Orders. With a sigh, she managed to pry out her hand out from beneath her and SNAPPED her fingers.

Her tail appeared beneath him like a writhing snake, reaching up and around before, wrapping around his waist and hurling him across the room over the bed before she snapped her hands again as he crashed out of sight. "Man the lifeboats!" he declared, she snapped her fingers again, vanishing her tail before slapping her hands on the bedding and clawing off the floor.

Glaring across the bed at him as his bald head and grinning face appeared. "…How did I get over here?" he asked, legitimately confused but clearly still having the time of his life.

"I'm stronger… then I look." She noted, her legs like jelly… clawing the mattress until she was standing upright. Using her hands to brace herself as her knees buckle. "…I really need to temper my expectations of mortals." She growled to herself quietly.

…If they can fuck her harder then a lust demon, or her ex-boyfriend, then she was going to really need to start bracing herself for this shit. She hobbled about on her feet, trying to retrieve the grace and dignity her form usually had, but generally failed as she quickly deduced the location of the bathroom, slapped away his wandering hands and hobbled into it. Making sure the door was looked she gave up on all poise and practically crawled into the tiny shower stall, snapping her fingers to vanish her wings and to give her some more space.

It didn't take her long to finish, and the numbness in her legs left her. She walked out of the shower, snapped her wings back on, and opened up the door to find him lying on his back on the bed, grinning like always with his tree trunk of a dick flopped over his right thigh. "Looking good!"

"Just shut up and pay me." She mumbled, grabbing at her suit on the floor. But his cock twitched excitedly and not just because of the view.

"I love that attitude." She yanked her suit back on, then turned her stern gaze onto him and it wasn't helping her case as he twitched again.

"Do you mind?" she frowned, crossing her arms as he continued to twitch. She wished she could say she had better things to do tonight but she really didn't. "I have places to be…" he then seemed to produce a roll of bills, seemingly by snapping his fingers. But she rolled her eyes, snatched it from her hand, and added a sarcastic. "Order again." with a sneering smile.

"Oh, next I'm in Gotham, definitely." She sighed heavily, walking out of the cabin. When she got outside however…

"Woo-hoo!" other hulking brutes were leaning out of the cabins other cabins, whistling and hooting, cat calling her as she walked through the sand, then sighed irately as the collective of bodybuilders cheered her on.

"…Enough of this." She spread her wings, Silver Swan didn't take walks of shame… and she took to the air, blasting sand from her feet with the whoosh. That shut them up, briefly, but they still whistled happily.

Time: 10:32 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I can't believe that's an actual law." Declared Ciara as she, Tasha, and Bessie read the Gotham Law of throwing rotten fruits off Orders' computer as the purple-eyed Boss sat back and tried not to be smothered by booty or titties.

"And yet considering our track records with politicians it somehow makes sense." Noted Tasha with a laugh, hunched over the counter on Orders' side, and absently sticking her magnificent ass in her face. Orders was not amused.

Someone also not amused was Sliver Swan, who entered the back door and eyed the crowd. Throwing the money on the counter before heading into the locker rooms without another word as Orders swung her hands around and smacked Tasha's ass, pulling a seductively playful moan out of her. "Everyone piss off." Orders noted as the girls chuckled and went back to work and Orders got to counting her money… her true joy in life.

Silver Swan soon walked back out, flicking water from her wingtips as she glared at Orders. "You are a bigger pain in the ass then that Nubian I ended up taking." She spat as Orders' purple eyes flicked up from her money before giving Silver Swan her cut.

"Nowadays we just call them black guys. Demona." Orders noted bluntly but Tasha laughed at the statement.

"I don't know I've been called a sexy Nubian princess once or twice in my old job." She purred, "Kinda liked it myself. Dee." She winked but Orders glared at her and she whimsically went back to shaking dat ass onto the floor.

"…Well I prefer it to 'black guy'. That just sounds insulting." Grumbled Demona with a scowl, hissing the next words with confused disdain. "…'black guy'. You mortals take to much stock in your forms. It's why I change mine up every hundred years or so." she noted softly, before inhaling deeply, and scowling at Orders"…Though I suppose I'm stuck as THIS one in public. I suppose it beats getting pelted with rotten fruit."

"We could always do the latter if you wish." Orders noted almost daring the demoness to agree.

"…No thank you." She then glared at Orders, "…You just had boxes of rotten fruit ready to go for this EXACT situation?"

"The thing about rotten fruit is, it's always rotten. Waste not want not." Orders said practically, "There will always be somebody to throw fruit at." She noted as, sure enough.

"That's her officer!" declared a familiar harpy-like voice. "She threw fruit at me!" the woman, who apparently hadn't washed away the fruit. Pointed at a calm Orders as, Sgt. Caleb Smulders and his partner Arnold Avermen just sighed. Averman pinched his nose at the scent of the woman who was pelted with rotten fruit hours ago.

"…Ms. Orders."

"Caleb." She replied casually, one almost might say 'flirtatiously' "Come to discuss Gotham Law with me again have you?" she asked sarcastically. Sgt. Caleb gave her a very dead sexy, but exasperated smile and shook his head.

"…Yeah alright. Let's see you talk your way out of this one again." he said, knowing very well that she will.

"…Be careful with this one." Dee mumbled, walking away. "She's a demon." She would know. Caleb however just smiled in that dead sexy handsome Smulders way.

"Don't I know it." then listened, and bought, Orders' sell once again.

