
Delivery Girl: Vixen II Order #5

I don't own DC

Welcome back to the apartment of the Superbabes Trio. And unlike our usual visits to the living room to often find a cum addicted redhead: Jackie aka Batgirl, or the bedroom of buxom blonde and loving girlfriend: Sierra aka Powergirl in the arms of her boyfriend. Today we're in the bedroom of the third member of the trio…

"Goooood Morning. Good MORNING! It's great to stay up late!" click. Her hand slapped the alarm and she sat up, stretched, and groaned softly. She stretched her arms above her head, her big beautiful breasts wobbling.

"MMn…" (T) Vixen got out of her bed, dressed in comfortable sleeping lingerie, black, silky, soft, and a freebie from her old model days in England. She used it instead of pajamas, and generally, last she checked, it drove her pirate, Judge Edward "Blackbeard" Teach wild when she wore it during one of their many trysts… "Feeeew…" she stretched again, her muscles tensing and flexing beautifully before she strutted by her full body mirror to head to her bathroom but paused. Frowning… then stepped back, standing sideways to view herself in the mirror.

She ran her hand down her stomach curiously, scowling harshly as she ran her hand back up. Then turned, facing the mirror and running her hands down her sides slowly, feeling her hourglass waist then down her hips… "Oh my god." She breathed, somewhat in horror…

Outside in the living room, Jackie dozed quietly on the couch. She barely ever seemed to sleep in her own bedroom, normally she fell asleep to the TV on some channel or something on Meshflix. Why she didn't just get a TV in her own bedroom, who could say… regardless Vixen stomped out of her bedroom, still in her sleepwear, and slapped Jackie's feet.

"SNORT! Wha?" she sat up, looking around nervously, "Who what?" she mumbled sleepily as Vixen stared down at her. It was 6 in the morning: Vixen often woke up early to go for a morning run. "What?" she rubbed her eyes as Vixen and her big breasts stood over her.

"Did I get fat?!" she asked indignantly as Jackie blinked at her. Then cocked a red eyebrow at her, responding non-verbally with a 'What the fuck you talking about?'. "Look at me." Vixen asked, running her hands down her waist again as Jackie's eyes narrowed and she frowned up at the beautiful Vixen.

"…No." she said immediately, before rolling over into the couch, facing away from Vixen who scowled, then rolled her eyes.

"What do you know miss only drinks milkshakes…" which was a fair jab, considering no matter how much Jackie consumed she never seemed to gain weight. She then marched away, kicking open Sierra's door and marching up to her bed.

"Wha-AH!" Sierra, dressed in Tom's batman shirt and a pair of soft panties was pulled out of bed. "What the hell!?" she groaned sleepily, "Oh come on Brit I don't want to go running." She moaned.

"Sierra! Did I get FAT?!" she asked as Sierra blinked up at her indignantly from the floor, getting up and rubbing her backside.

"You yanked me out of bed for that?" she then eyed her roommate/friend. "No." she said quickly as Vixen walked over to her dresser. "Hey-"

"Where is your tape measure?" Vixen asked sourly as Sierra groaned, "I know you have one to measure your boobs."

"It's not just for my boobs." She groaned indignantly. "Come on I worry about my weight too but you're fine. You look normal." But Vixen removed a limp stretch of tape measure from Sierra's dresser drawer and immediately ran it around her waist.

"…I look like I've gained an inch!" she said dramatically as Sierra raised an eyebrow.

"…That's not so bad."

"Not so bad?! I'm a lingerie model!"

"Former." Noted Sierra rubbing her eyes. "It's not a big deal…"

"I go running every morning?! Why is my stomach getting bigger?!" Sierra blinked at her as she threw the measure back on the dresser. "And I work out every week with Ronnie-Bell!"

Sierra, however, now somewhat awake, blinked at Vixen as if seeing her for the first time, "Well. We do eat at Superbabes every other day, we get a discount… or a semblance of a discount really." She replied as Vixen stared at her. "That's not an exactly light food."

"But it should balance out!" considering one of the conditions for the girls keeping their jobs was keeping their figures. It was something of a big deal for her, but she was potentially blowing this out of proportion.

"Orders isn't going to fire you for an inch on your waist." Sierra mumbled.

"Who cares about Orders what's Edward going to say?!" Vixen grumbled as Sierra laughed.

"Nothing he'll be staring at your tits." Which was an easy enough guess to make. Accurate to since Vixen was up there with the rest of the big bust Superbabes. "Come on you're making a mountain out of a molehill… that's MY job." She yawned, stifled it, then looked rather contemplative. "…Actually… And I'm being serious. When was the last time you had your period?"

"I've already had it, I'm not pregnant." Said Vixen firmly. And with the chemical cocktails of birth control that Orders makes them take it would be a miracle/act of one of the various gods if she was.

"Maybe your breasts are bigger?" said Jackie suddenly from the door, and slurping on a milkshake… which wasn't helping her Roommate's mood.

"…What are you talking about?"

"Maybe because they're bigger it makes your waist look bigger or something." Jackie nodded. "…Like how a camera adds ten pounds."

"That's… no. That's not how it works!" Vixen replied as Sierra shook her pretty blonde head.

"Just go stand on a scale and have a look." She replied as Vixen indignantly scoffed at her, and walked out of the bedroom. "Haah." Sierra sighed, "Or not." She mumbled as Vixen went to go and change, getting ready for her morning run. "How about a diet?"

"I'm going on a run." Declared Vixen, yanking down her sports bra over her big breasts, adjusting them, then heading out and slamming the door behind her. Sierra sighed again.

"I admire her commitment." She mumbled Jackie slurped her shake.

"…She's going to be working tonight." She said between slurps as Sierra nodded.


"…Think Orders is going to fix?" Sierra could only shrug, and now that she was awake she was going to take a shower and go and visit her Tom. Jackie on the other hand returned to the couch, and picked something new to watch on Meshflix.

Later that day.

"You're not fat." Noted Volcana, leaning over the computer at the counter to arrange the schedule as Vixen posed for her. "Not in the slightest."

"But my waist looks bigger!" she replied indignantly as Big Barda, now in costume, walked out of the locker rooms and leaned against the bouncer spot, and gave her a piercing response.


"As a former Lingerie model, I take pride in maintaining my figure!" Vixen replied indignantly, "I've worked to hard to keep it to lose it!"

"Well… yeah but. You don't really do that anymore right?" Big Barda asked.

"Not professionally sure, but I still get requests sometimes!" replied Vixen, rubbing her hands down her body again.

"As someone who still has a little baby weight left…" Volcana noted, but honestly, if you looked at her you wouldn't see it... Or care. "You look perfectly normal." She said patiently, "…But in all seriousness. How serious is your relationship with Judge Teach?"

"I'm not pregnant!" Vixen replied indignantly.

"Are you sure?" Noted Volcana thoughtfully, "Your breasts do look fuller."

"They do not. And I'm not"! Vixen replied again, though she did look down at her bikini clad breasts just as-

"She's not." Orders confirmed sourly, walking into the back of Superbabes and almost elbowing the buxom Vixen aside to get to her office. "Now get back to work."


"Work." Repeated Orders, gently brushing Volcana's shapely milf backside aside, and sitting in her chair behind the counter. "You're not fat, you're not pregnant, and you should not be complaining about your breasts size as they ARE your main draw. Now let's go ladies." She clapped her hands and brushed them towards the door as the rest of the Superbabes in the lounge made their way onto the floor. "I'll handle it Volcana." Orders noted, turning to the computer and taking over.

Vixen fidgeted, but clear her throat. Opening her mouth as Orders turned on deliveries. "You are not fat. I would TELL you if you were. Just like I would if you were pregnant, or about to die-" she turned on deliveries. "Or about to get an Order. If anything your breasts might be bigger." She added as Vixen scowled. "That's not an insult-" her eyes flashed, she then held up a finger making Vixen hesitate in her response. And Orders reached for the phone…

Time: 7:30 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"I'd like three servings of the Vixen treat please."

"3 Double chocolate brownies topped with a scoop of our homemade ice-cream and sprinkled with cocoa. Anything else?"

"…Delivered by Vixen. Please."

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and Address please."


"You got one." Orders said simply, ripping off the receipt and handing it to her.

"I heard three orders." Replied Vixen curiously, reading the receipt to confirm.

"You got one." Orders repeated frankly as Vixen frowned at her, but soon the food slid across the counter packed into a Wayne Thermos. "See you in an hour. Out you go…" she waved Vixen out, "You're not fat." She repeated as Vixen scowled at her, taking the thermos and walking out the backdoor. Getting into the car, she tossed the thermos onto the passenger's seat and driving off into Gotham.

Driving into the Diamond district and towards one of its many apartment buildings she sped into the parking lot of one of them after double checking the address, and parking in a 'guest' spot. She grabbed the thermos and got out of the car. Kicking the door shut she took a breath, then checked her face in the mirror. She needed a smile at least, and she put a pretty one on. Strutting away from the car, and into the lobby… getting to the apartment building she approached the elevators. She got in, she pushed the button and up she went to the 25th​ floor.

She went up uninterrupted, and stepped out of the elevator into the chilled A/C hallway, looked left, then right… heading that way as she found apartment number 2505. She fiddled with the receipt, then stuffed it into the right cup of her bikini, and raised her same hand to knock loudly. "Superbabes."

Time: 7:56 PM. Place: Diamond District (Apartment #2505)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished, and after a second… the door opened. He was tall, bulky… and chubby. His gut was as round as he was tall and his arms and legs as thick as tree-trunks. "…Hey." She smiled, briefly stunned by the size of him in more ways then one. He had a round face, Asian/Polynesian mixed features, and tanned skin, and his hair in a topknot.

"Come in." he said, stepping aside as she walked right in. His eyes LOCKED onto her bouncing breasts as she went right into his living room. One of his walls was mounted and decorated with trophies for…

"Sumo?" she noted, seeing a few with squatting men on top where the trophy character usually was.

"MMn-hmmn." He noted, waddling toward her and moving to his couch. "Sumo." He repeated, then tugged at his robe belt, approaching his couch as it fell from his body… his stomach seemed to be even bigger outside of it, and he was completely hairless… COMPLETELY…

Oh… and he also had a 9-inch erection.

Vixen coughed slightly, then smirked. "You waste no time, huh?" his cock twitched eagerly as he sat on the middle of his couch. She expected it to groan under his bulk. It didn't. Probably used to his size by now… she put the thermos down on the table, then reached behind her. Tugging the bikini string and letting it fall away from her body and letting her bulging (and potentially growing) breasts to wobble free, cupping them with her hands, lifting them up, and dropping them, jiggling them on her chest as his eyes watched them bounce with a twitching cock.

"Alright…" she cooed, standing before him and swaying her hips sensually. She bent over resting her chest on his stomach before slowly sliding down his body, kneeling before him as she grabbed his cock and stroked it…

…She was fairly certain he couldn't see her at the angle he was leaning back on the couch. But he'll definitely feel it… opening her mouth, she stroked his cock with one hand and fondled his hairless sack with the other… opening her mouth and running her tongue around his tip. "Haah…" breathing hotly on his tip it wiggled on her tongue as he groaned. Pre-cum already oozing into her mouth as she mixed it with her saliva and wrapped her lips around him. Sliding slowly down to his bash… or as far as she could get before he head bounced off his belly.

Springing off his fat, only to dive back down. "Mmngh…" The Sumo groaned softly as she continued her blowjob, slurping loudly on his length, her lips tightly sealed around his girth as a powerful hand wrapped around the back of her head, his fingers slipping between the many braids of her hair. Pulling her head down and her forehead further into his stomach as the tip of his cock tapped the back of her throat.

"MMgh! Mmngh! MMngh!" she buried her head to the base and wiggled it around against his stomach, her tongue spiraling around him. "Mmnh. Mmngh…" she pulled her head away, spat on his tip, then went back on it. "Mmgh. Mmngh. Mmngh… mMgh?!" she twitched, feeling his cock bulge and burst into her mouth. "MMn…" his load sprayed the back of her throat as she quickly gulped it down. Barely tasting it, but keeping him between her lips until he let go of the back of her head. Slowly sliding off his tip, "Ah…" keeping her mouth open and peaking over his belly to show him an empty hole. "Ahh." She repeated… smirking playfully, before stroking him. "How was that?" she purred in her sexy British accent.

"Do it again." he groaned like a certain slug gangster from the Planet Battle movies… she didn't fancy herself a sexy slave girl however, so instead she wrapped her big soft tits around his girth. He seemed pretty okay with that result. "Mmn…" he groaned.

"Mmn-hmmn." She replied, sliding, squeezing, and hugging her big chocolate colored breasts around his girth. "That's it." she said, feeling him throb between them, spitting between her cleavage for lube and rubbing her nipples against his belly as he relaxed. Taking her titjob happily in stride, and who wouldn't? Vixen tilted her head back, squeezing and rubbing his girth with her breasts though not that he could see it happen which in her opinion was the fun part of her titjobs. Watching a dick slide in and out between them. "MMn!" firmly pressing her tits together, squeezing them into a firm fitting hug around his cock as it wobbled and oozed more pre-cum.

"You go ahead and cum when you're ready." She purred, "But just let me-Hah." She gasped suddenly as cum spurted from between them, oozing his load from her cleavage and coating the top of her breast. "Hah…" she sighed, gazing at him almost disappointedly. "Oh come on you wanker you could've at least warned me." She replied, pulling away from him, her chest now sticky as she stood up. "I could've handled it better." She said, before walking around him away from the couch, and grabbing a paper towel from a roll in his kitchen, wiping herself clean. "Bloody wanker can't hold ah-AH!" she was suddenly thrown against the counter, her heavy breasts bulging beneath her as he pulled down her bikini briefs, feeling his erection against her slit.

"Got a bit testy eh?" she noted. "Ooh!" he pressed his hands down on her back, pinning her down before pushing into her pussy. "Oh! Oh! AH-AH-WANKER…" she hissed, only for him to SLAM into her harder "AH! AH! AAH! SHIT!!" she groaned, pinned down and fucked, sending shivers through her beautiful ebony body as he used it to his desires. "Hah-ha-hah-haah-aah!" she gasped rapidly as he pounded her with surprising stamina for a big boy…

A common misconception about sumo wrestlers? Not all of it was fat.

He buried his cock into her body shaking slightly against her trembling form as he reached and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her back and after a second of catching his breath pounding away at her. "Ahaa! Aah! Ah! Ah! SHIT! Bloody! FUCKER!!" she squealed, only encouraging him more as he railed against her body, yanking her upright. Wrapping his arms around her and lifting her from the floor, continuing his rapid jackhammering into her body as he easily carried her back to the couch, "AH! AH! Ah! FUCK! ME! You! BASTARD!!" she shuddered, shaking and screaming in orgasm as he walked her around the couch and threw her against it, railing hard into her from behind as she hung onto the back of the couch, toes curling behind her as he slammed into her from behind, grabbing her (obviously) slender waist, "Ugh! Ugh! Aaah! Aaah!!" her back arching, her body spasming in orgasm as he clapped his hand onto her (less impressive compared to B Vixen's) ass ramming into her as she rocked beneath him. "Haah!" he ripped his girth abruptly from her body… taking a breath, breathing heavily as she instinctively wiggled her backside, his hand grabbing her hip, and rolling her over…

He spread her legs, her eyes refocusing as he climbed onto the couch, "Whoa-wait a-NNNGH!! SHIT!!" she squealed as his entire weight dropped onto her. "F-FU-FUUUCK!!" she cried out as the couch finally groaned under his bulk. "NNgh! Aah! Anngh!!" she clenched up, twitching and gasping for breath that was knocked out of her as his heavy stomach pressed onto her. "Oh! Shit" his hands cupped at her sticky breasts, unconcerned with his previous load, squeezing her trademarked breasts, molding and squeezing them as he pressed down onto her. "Ugh! Ugh! Haah…"

"Ugh! UUGH!! NGH!!" the hulking man pumped, slammed, and grinding on top of her. Vixen's hands clawed at his muscled folds as he rammed hard against her pussy. Then quickly pumped in and out before throwing himself back.

"Haaah?" she breathed, then "FUCK?!" she jerked, closing her eyes and flinching as a HUGE burst of cum shot from his cock. "Wha-blurk!" then more, spraying into her mouth that she spit out to dribble down her chin and onto her breast. "How?! Mmngh!" and yet another, her face coated with cream before she felt a final spurt spray onto her chest, his hands cupping them together on the side for maximum coating as she groaned… her pussy quivering.

"Haaaah… that was great." He said tiredly as she mumbled.

"You're fucking welcome." Through a mouthful of cum, she didn't bother to swallow it, feeling him wobble off her body as she sat up and spit out the rest, it dribbled down onto her big breasts as she cupped them together now, a stream of cum oozing onto them as she sat on the couch. Two scoops of chocolate covered in a creamy coating…

And now she was hearing a fapping sound. "Are you jerking off?" she asked patiently, then after a second… she felt more spray across her breasts. "…Okay then." She mumbled, "A one-man bukkake Jackie would love you if you didn't crush her first fucking her face…" she got off the couch and felt his hand on her ass. "…Shower?" she asked as he turned her by the shoulders.

"Straight ahead." He said, hand on her back and guiding her into a bathroom. She heard the creak of a shower door opening and stepped inside, feeling her sticky hands around to find the shower knobs… then the hiss of water spraying over her face and tits…

Washing her face and finally reopening her eyes she saw him standing there, watching her shower from outside of it. She 'did the superbabe thing' and pressed her breasts to the glass, letting the water hose her back as she rubbed them slowly up and down… her breasts weren't nearly as clean as her face so she left traces of jizz on the glass, turning back around and cleaning up properly…

When she turned the shower off she turned to find him no longer there… she frowned, then rolled her eyes, got out of the shower, drying off. Then walking naked back into the living room to find her clothes… she tied her bikini back on when the Sumo wobbled back into the living room. Handing her a roll of bills. "…Thanks." She noted curiously. "…Hey do I look fat to you?" she asked, turning slightly, to let him see a profile of her.

He raised an eyebrow at that. "No." he said simply, "I think you look fine." he then fondled her again, almost curiously. "In fact you're pretty light." He added, reminding her that he easily carried her from the kitchen to the couch. She patted his bulging belly and winked at him…

"You're a charmer aren't you?" she smiled grabbing the thermos and returning to his kitchen, finding a large bowl she then dumped the fattening contents into it, then headed to his front door. "Order again." she added, stepping outside and groaning, "Preferably someone else… I'll tell Jackie. She'll love it." she walked down the hall before thoughtfully noting. "…But maybe don't face fuck her she might end up breaking her neck."

Time: 8:55 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Vixen pulled into the Superbabes Parking lot, getting out of the car she strutted and jiggled into Superbabes. Putting the money on the counter as Orders stared at her. "…What?" she asked indignantly.

"You're not fat." Orders noted as Vixen sighed.

"But I swear I'm growing."

"It's just water weight." Orders replied casually, "You're not fat. You're at a perfect size and weight. Besides, fat is sexy now."

"Is it?" noted Vixen sarcastically, heading toward the locker room.

"Men prefer the cushion. I think it's fairly obvious that nobody wants to order a twig, Britney." Replied Orders, "Honestly the best thing you ever did was get out of that model lifestyle. Never saw the appeal myself." Orders noted as Rebecca loomed in the doorway, a few tips sticking out of her bikini bottoms.

"Well the posters on my brothers' walls when they were growing up beg to differ. It was filled with all sorts of models…" Orders blinked at her as Rebecca smirked. "…Not Caleb though." She added knowingly as Orders rolled her purple-eyes exasperatedly.

"Mmn." She mumbled, as soon, Britney returned freshly showered.

"Well… I suppose I AM overreacting… as long as Edward doesn't complain right?" she replied, slapping her waist.

"Obviously." Orders noted. "…I mean if you are panicking now just wait for all the baby weight you're going to have." Britney blinked at her, but Orders said nothing..

"…What t'bloody hell did you just say?" she asked a little confused.

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing to worry about… or at the very least it's Beyond my sight." Orders noted, looking up from her crosswords straight ahead, her eyes flashing… then returning to her crosswords.

"…Bloody hell." Sighed Britney, heading toward the couch. Sitting down… then getting herself a milkshake. Why? Because if Jackie can chug them like water she could have one.

