
Delivery Girl: Batgirl Order #5

I don't own DC

We find ourselves at the apartment of Sierra Grant, Britney Evans, and Jackie Brown. However, currently, the only one actually in the apartment was the redheaded cum addicted pawg, off-duty Superbabe: Batgirl who lounge on her couch watching scuzzy reality shows because there was currently nothing else on.

She sipped on a Milkshake but it was running empty. She was going to have to go make another or actually go outside and get one… both seemed rather exhausting at the moment so she slurped slower to extend her shake time.

The door to the apartment opened and Britney entered in her jogging suit. A tight grey bray and jogging pants. Both were sweaty, but that just made her and her big brown breasts more appealing. She removed her headphones from her ears, breathing heavily as she looked around. "Where's Sierra?"

"Doing stuff." She replied casually, changing the TV channel to some classic sitcom as Britney raised an eyebrow, but moved on. Heading to her room and inevitable a quick rinse in the shower.

"Well won't he be disappointed then?" she noted to nobody as just a few moments later the door rattled with a polite knock, and it clicked open as every-man and Superbabe Power Girl's boyfriend Tom Kirby arrived to the cheers from the TV as a popular TV character made his episodic appearance and catchphrase.

"Howdy Hay family!"


"…Hey Jackie." Said Tom, trying not to pay attention to the coincidental entrance.

"Tom." She replied, slurping her drink as he glanced around.

"Is Sierra home?"

"No. She's doing stuff." She replied cryptically as Tom cleared his throat.

"…What kind of stuff?" he asked patiently as she quickly plunged into the depths of her mind to find the answer.

"…I think she went to the post office." She replied, "They had some stuff they couldn't deliver." She hoped that was the reason it was the one she remembered but that could've been days ago honestly. Still it was an answer to the question.

"…Don't you have a doorman?" Tom replied curiously, "Can't they just leave it with him?"

Batgirl was noticeably silent however Britney, who hadn't hopped into the shower yet declared from her room. "It's not that they couldn't deliver it was that there were too many willing to do it. Isn't that RIGHT Jackie?" she replied sarcastically as Batgirl slurped her shake LOUDLY… unintentionally telling Tom exactly what they were talking about as he sighed.

"Alright… I'll just wait then." He said as Britney stuck her head out of her room and added for clarity.

"She sucked off every postman who managed to reach our door."

"I get it, Britney, thank you." He replied trying not to look at her as she smirked and slipped back into her room and inevitably her bathroom. The hiss of the shower reached out into the living room even over the TV as Tom went to have a seat.

"What are you doing here?" Batgirl asked as she slurped the last drops of creamy shake and sighed tiredly as Tom took a seat by the dining room table that hardly ever saw use.

"I was going to have breakfast with Sierra." He checked his watch, "I can wait, I'm not doing anything today anyway." He said casually, "My whole department got the weekend off. Bruce Wayne's orders." Tom himself chose not to question why, and not to look a lazy weekend in the mouth.

"Cool." Batgirl replied uninterestedly, wiggling her empty cup. "…Wanna make me a milkshake?" she asked lazily as Tom blinked at her.

"…I guess I can." He replied however-

"Don't you make that lazy trollop a Milkshake!" ordered Britney, shouting over her shower as Batgirl sighed. Tom chuckled uncertainly, but before he had to make a decision the door opened once again. Sierra walked in wearing Jeans and a T-shirt. Both were snug fits but nothing particularly sexy… didn't change the fact that she was still sexy. Under her left arm was a box and in her right hand was a fistful of envelopes, at least a dozen perhaps more.

Upon seeing her whipped boyfriend she smiled prettily, "Hey you…" she cooed affectionately. "Give me a few minutes and we'll go to that breakfast place down the street."

"Alright." He said as Sierra put the box down next to him and sat on the table, 'letting' Tom 'admire' her legs as she examined the envelopes more thoroughly.

"Bill. Bill. Junk. Junk… royalty check for Jackie. Royalty check for Brit…

"Royalty check?" Tom mumbled as she ruffled his hair affectionately and didn't answer. Some of the babes had videos on the premium site after all. They got a piece of the cut for every download. That, and Britney was a moderately successful lingerie model back in Briton she still got the occasional check when they used her likeness.

"Junk, junk… car payment and… huh." Sierra absently examined the final envelope. It was pink and fragrant and had some sort of flora design stamped on it. "…It's addressed to Jackie." She said surprised as Batgirl stared at the envelope in Sierra's hand, getting up and approaching her.

"Who's it from?" she asked as Sierra blinked at her and shrugged.

"Doesn't say. Here." She handed the redhead the envelope as Batgirl looked it over and sneered irately.

"…Jacquline Brown." She growled, she notedly HATED her full name… it was one of the few Orders never used. "…Not a good sign." She added despite the distinctly beautifully designed envelope. She abruptly ripped it apart making Sierra flinch as she tore it right through the name and the flora design.

"I liked it." Batgirl then took a card in the envelope and opened it reading it silently. "What is it?"

"…I'm invited to a wedding." She said disdainfully as Sierra gasped.

"Oh! Who's?!" she said excitedly as Tom coughed nervously, hoping his girlfriend didn't get bit by the marriage bug… not that he wouldn't say yes. "Where?! When?!"

"…Saturday." Batgirl growled softly. "Northern Metropolis… Francine Coppola." A sour look grossed Batgirl's face as she tossed the envelope onto the table and abruptly walked away to her room.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" asked Sierra thoughtfully watching Batgirl and she was walking away before looking at Tom.

"…Isn't she that Pizza Heiress?" he said hesitantly. "Her father owns Original Frank's Pizza?"

"…How do you know that?" she replied fondly as Tom blushed, smiled and shrugged.

"I've seen him once or twice at Wayne Towers. Wayne's got fingers everywhere. But how does Jackie know his daughter enough to get invited to her wedding?" he asked as Sierra shrugged, just as surprised.

"Dunno." She replied as Batgirl walked out with little more than an old backpack and some clothes. "…Wait you're going?"

"Yep." Batgirl replied bluntly, but kinda aggressively. "I've been waiting years for this. The rehearsal's tonight" She said, as Sierra suddenly rushed to the door and locked it. Standing in front of it and crossing her arms.

"Explain." Ordered the sexy blonde sternly as Batgirl cammed in more of her clothes. The redhead eyed Sierra as Britney, aware of the conversation but not entirely dressed walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her body.

"…We went to the same high school." Batgirl replied, "And I used to work at one of the Original Frank's Pizzaria's with her." she took a breath, "…She's also the reason I got into cum…" Batgirl added as the two ladies in the room gasped, but Tom seemed a little embarrassed at this knowledge.

"What? How?" asked the busty blonde.

"She's a bitch." Replied Batgirl abruptly as the good feelings and excitement were somewhat diminished. "She's a bully and a spoiled brat. She went out with the top jock, always had a leg up, silver spoon up her ass."

"In her mouth?"

"Shut up Tom." Batgirl snapped as Sierra scowled.

"Don't tell my Tom to shut up!" Britney slipped back into her room as this seemed to be a conversation that required clothes. "If she's so awful why did she invite you?"

"Because she's a terrible person." Batgirl repeated, "She wants to brag about how she's getting married to the same top jock boyfriend in a fancy marriage spot in Metropolis on her daddy's money. She gets a kick out of rubbing my face into things…"

"…Is that how it happened?" Sierra asked curiously as Batgirl stared at her.

"…We had this staff dinner, pizza of course, we were a bunch of dumb kids who got their hands on beer. She jerked her boyfriend's cum onto a slice and fed it to me blindfolded, she dared me to eat it, said I was too poor and scared to eat a 'surprise pizza'…" Batgirl shrugged, "Ended up liking it."

"…Why am I not surprised?" Tom replied frankly, he was ignored as Britney returned in shorts and a T-shirt.

"I'm never surprised when it comes to Jackie, love." She noted as Sierra sighed shaking her head.

"Well she does sound awful so why go?" Sierra replied as Batgirl sniffed, stuffing her hands into her pockets and wishing for that vanilla shake.

"Because I have too." Batgirl replied, "and that's all your getting."

"We're friends and that's all I'm getting?" Pouted Sierra, "Nuh-uh. You're not going to this bitch's wedding alone!" she declared as Britney cleared her throat.

"Sierra, we're both on shift tonight." Noted Britney as Sierra scowled. "And we're already covering for Ciara and Violet, Orders isn't going to let us off." Sierra rubbed her chin as Batgirl sighed.

"Look it's not a big deal. I'll be back before you know it." Batgirl declared, "I don't need a date for this."

"You can't show up to a wedding to someone of you hate without a sexy date!" if she does say so herself. "Not only for morale support but to tell everyone there who laughs at you to piss off."

"Easy love." Britney noted with a smile.

"You got to have some pretty… arm candy." Sierra suddenly locked onto Tom and the 'poor' boyfriend of Superbabes' Power Girl glanced around for relief, but reluctantly came to the same conclusion as his girlfriend to less then satisfied results.

"Oh no."

"Take my Tom!"

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you…" he sighed almost sadly, rubbing his face as Britney giggled, picking up the invite from the table and reading it.

"It does say bring a plus one…" she said lazily.

"There's no point-" Batgirl began reluctantly only for Sierra to push her down on the couch and drag her boyfriend to his feet.

"Just take my Tom, show up, he'll be charming, and you'll be you!"

"I admire your confidence Sierra but you're insane." Tom replied reluctantly as his girlfriend kissed his cheek.

"Hush. It's just today and tomorrow you'll be fine!" he sighed as Batgirl glared at them both.

"…Whatever." She declared.

"Then it's settled!" Sierra replied grabbing a sighing Tom from the chair, "Keep her here until I get back from Breakfast with Tom, and get him a handsome suit."

"Sierra can't we talk about this?" Tom asked before she happily dragged him from the apartment. Britney heard the door click, waited for half a second, then eyed the redhead knowingly

"…You're going to drop a bomb at t'wedding reception aren't you?"

"I should be back later tonight." she replied casually "…Make me a shake for the road?"

Britney eyed her roommate, then smirked. "…Fine. But only because I think revenge is very satisfying." She then went to the kitchen to make her a shake.

The car rumbled along across the paved roads of Gotham City, in an hour or so, depending on traffic, they'll arrive in Metropolis only to drive another hour or two towards the northing parts of it where the fancy wedding resort was. Batgirl gazed out the window, watching the towers of stone and steel pass by… Tom quietly sat beside her and driving, occasionally he'd chance a glance at her, opening his mouth only to shut it.

Batgirl mostly ignored him, however, once they reached the Gotham outskirts she spoke. "…Sorry you had to come along." She said dismissively as Tom sighed.

"…Sorry Sierra forced me to." He noted, "Honestly if you were comfortable enough to go yourself-"

"Her heart is in the right place. She was the first friend I had once I got away from those Alpha bitches I used to call friends." She said casually, she turned to Tom before stating frankly. "…If it makes you feel better, we're not staying." She said as he took a quick glance at her to register his mild surprise as they drove through the outskirts.

"We're not." Batgirl replied abruptly. "We go. I tell her to fuck off, we leave and never see her again." she said, looking back out the window.

"…Okay. Are you sure you don't want to-"

"Tom." She said, "She's an awful person." Batgirl noted, "A happy 'fuck you' will suffice. I'm sure she'll be very happy with the guy she's marrying…. His cum tastes like shit though…" she replied as Tom laughed nervously.

"…Alright. Should I even get out of the car?" he asked as Batgirl didn't answer him right away.

"Yeah might as well show you off. You got dressed up and everything." Which was true, as Tom was in a nice suit, tie, and pressed pants. He had been expecting to actually go to a wedding and Sierra picked this one out specifically for him… she was very happy with it, and he expects she'll have him wear it to be the next time they're in the same room for an extended period.

By the time they reached the Metropolis Sun and Moon wedding resort in the northing location of Metropolis where the city gave way to an impressively scenic location of grass, flower, and even a hedge maze… it was really more like a Hotel mixed in with a fancy rich getaway spot. And since it wasn't Gotham, it probably stayed that way all the time…

They had arrived in good time at a little past 3 o'clock… they had stopped for snacks/shakes in a restaurant drive-through first. But when they arrived they found that there was a sign at the entrance that said 'Reserved for Wedding'… apart from staff every single person on the grounds was apparently a wedding guest.

"Wow, it's… bigger than expected." Tom noted as he pulled into the parking lot packed with fancy cars. He had barely parked as Batgirl removed herself from the car. "Ah-Hey Jackie wait…" he said, getting out after her as she slipped one hand into her pants pocket and finished off her shake, walking ahead of him as he managed to get out of the car, almost tripped, then quickly followed the redhead with the great PAWG ass. He didn't want to lose her in the growing crowd.

They found the wedding reception with over fifty tables. Along with a stage and a banner that said 'Congratulations Francine and Fredrick!' in tacky calligraphy, Red on Pink so it was also burning her eyes. She slurped her shake noisily, glancing around at the tables until she heard a familiar-

"Jackie?" she blinked and glanced around at the big man who stared at her surprised, he was tall, freckled, broad in shoulders, heavyset and Ginger. She sniffed at the sight of him but she couldn't hide her own surprise.

"Jesse." She said gruffly, before glancing around again as he grinned nervously. Tom scrambled past and apologized to various people he ran into as he caught up with Jackie. "Where's Franny?"

'Jesse' flinched, and cleared his throat. "She's around here somewhere-You were invited?" he replied quickly as she yanked the invitation from her back pocket like a card player in an anime and threw it at his chest, Jesse flinched as he struggled to catch it and read it quickly before sighing. "…Man this is asking for trouble-who are you?" he asked looking at Tom. "…I don't recognize you."

"He's my date." Batgirl declared, "Tom, Jesse, Jesse, Tom." She kept looking around, spying a few chattering ladies she recognized as Francine's closest friends.

"Uh… hey…" Tom waved, before shaking Jesse's hand. "…You a member of the party?"

"Groomsman." He mumbled, "One of them anyway the rest are-"

"WOOW! Here's to Freddie!" shouted a voice from the other side of the courtyard.

"…Over there." The rest of the groomsmen, a bunch of older fratboys started approaching the bridesmaids as an attractive blonde soon appeared as well, with straight hair and a doll-like appearance. She kissed one of the fratboys, a dark-haired man, before spying Jackie from across the reception.

Tom flinched as he FELT the animosity behind the polite smiles as the woman, obviously, Francie pointed subtly to Jackie, and like a murder of crows, everyone walked over to the redhead, who seemed rather unimpressed.

"Jacquline! So glad you came!" declared Francine. Tom recoiled as if he had been slapped across the face from the aura of joyful spite she was radiating. She gave off the air of being nice, but she was clearly aware of her passive insult.

"Franny." Batgirl replied coldly, Francine continued smiling evilly as she quickly hugged her. Batgirl didn't return the favor as Francine pulled away. "You remember Freddie?" she said, gesturing to the groom who smiled.

"I remember sucking his dick." Batgirl replied abruptly.

…Whatever anyone expected it wasn't that.

"Excuse me?" Francine replied, her smile actually fading as Freddie laughed nervously.

"Always the-"

"Specifically I remember sucking his dick." Batgirl's eyes then lingered from groomsman to groomsmen. "And his." She pointed, "His too… and that one. Same time if I remember right. More often than not" Some of the girls eyed the groomsmen coldly. "His too." She jerked her thumb at Jesse who while surprised at the reveals didn't seem to be taken aback. "In fact…" she looked around at the various people passing by. "…I've sucked a LOT of guys off who are here." She said, "…Where's your daddy I should say hi to him to." she replied, completely straight-faced. "Haven't seen him since you fed me your boyfriend's cum and I sucked him off. He still married?"

"You. STOP! NOW!" Francie declared, suddenly glancing around nervously. "Shut up!"

"What did you expect? For me to smile and take your shit like before? At least this time when I make your boyfriend cum early I'll look him in the eyes the way he likes it." she sniffed, "It won't take long. Hey, Freddie want me to suck you off again?"

"Again!?" she glared at Batgirl laughing unnervingly. "Stop lying you filthy little-"

"Oh yeah. Once I realized I liked it I offered to suck it straight from the tap." She replied, "…He was quick to accept. Him and all his friends… none of them lasted that long." She then hesitated for a second then scoffed, tilting her head towards Jesse. "Except Jesse, but he was a little harder to suck off as he's bigger than him, lasted longer, and I was still inexperienced at sucking dick… your Daddy taught me a few tricks though."

Francine smacked Batgirl across the face, Batgirl sniffed and slowly turned her head back to Francine. "…Don't call me Jacquline. You CUNT." She said spitefully.

"You're a disgusting WHORE Jacquline-" carelessly and casually tossed away her empty shake cup onto a table, and with the same hand- "-you always-"


The slap echoed around the courtyard. Francine spun in a full circle on her toes like a ballerina, grinning stupidly all around her, her eyes rolling in their sockets, as she abruptly hit the polished floor and didn't move. Knocked out cold.

"OH MY GOD!" shrieked one of the girls as others went to tend to the bride."

Batgirl however sniffed, "Don't call me Jacquline." She scratched her reddened slapped cheek and turned around, wrapping her arms around one of Tom's and walking away. "I think we're done here. Bye Jesse." She said as Jesse, trying to hide his smile waved them off… now aware of the interested looks some of the other girls were giving him.

"You smacked her so hard you knocked her OUT?!" Tom replied nervously, looking over his shoulder as Batgirl wiggled that Pawg ass out of the venue to many admiring glances… Admiring of her ass, for the record, not smacking the bride so hard she's going to have an imprint of a hand on her face for a week.

"That was a high school's collection of repressed rage bundled up in one 'never bother me again' slap." She replied coolly, "Let's get another shake."

"HEY! HEY you BITCH!" Freddie ran after them just as they reached the car, "You stupid bitch, what the HELL are you doing?!" he spat approaching her as she stared him down. "You think you can come here and-"

"You're only marrying her for the money. The number of times I sucked you off in my senior year was evidence of that. You kept coming back for more, remember?" Batgirl replied disinterestedly as that made Freddie actually hesitate for a minute, a high indicator of the truth in her statement.

"Shut the FUCK UP! You psycho whore!" he snapped, approaching her dangerously. "You think you can get away with that?"

"She slapped me first so it's self-defense." Batgirl replied casually. "Not my fault she can't take a hard one to the face. As you know."

He raised his hand to strike her. Unlike a waspy little blonde, Freddie could actually do some damage… Tom suddenly wrapped his arm around Freddie's swinging hand, catching it awkwardly before he could strike at Batgirl, they struggled briefly but Tom shoved him away… Freddie stumbled back as Tom stood between him and Batgirl, the rest of the venue charging off after them but soon watching in confused awe as Freddie recovered and charged at Tom.

Jesse reacted before the rest of the groomsmen, trying to stop Freddie before he did something they'd all end up regretting, on camera, because obviously people were going to record this trainwreck… but he never got the chance…

Freddie was a jock, he worked out, and he had a good few inches on the nervous-looking Tom. But there was a difference between them apart from the obvious physical ones. Freddie is upper-middle-class, coasting on Francine's money and her connections with her father… he grew up safe and secure and moved to Gotham later in his young life.

Tom however grew up in FUCKING. GOTHAM. He might not be able to handle your average Gotham Supervillain, but that didn't mean he couldn't handle himself.


Batgirl's expression was one of 'mildly impressed' which meant she actually WAS impressed as Tom's fist collided with Freddie's chin in a haymaker uppercut. The groom felt his teeth SLAM together, rattling his brain as he was briefly lifted off his feet and stumbled back into Jesse's bulk as he reached them, reflexively the bigger groomsman tried to restrain Freddie… only to realize that he was knocked the fuck out…

Nobody was more surprised than Tom… who stared at his fist like it was suddenly empowered with the might of Superman. The crowd was suddenly ravenous and angry as Jesse turned back to the two and said, rather bluntly and nervously. "I… think you better go."

"In the car Tom." Batgirl declared as she opened the car door and shoved Tom into the back before she herself scrambled into the passenger's seat, shifted into the driver's, and locked the doors. They heard banging on the car trunk before she began pulling quickly away, driving so quickly down the road away from the scene the tail end of the car swung wildly, slamming the 'reserved for wedding' sign on the way out.

Tom sat up in the backseat, absently putting on his seatbelt as Batgirl sped away… before both started laughing, Tom was first with a standard, mild 'oh my god what did we just do' madness laugh. Before heading into full on-

"That was amazing!" -laughter, joined with a rather euphoric Batgirl, grinning broadly as the familiar sights of tall buildings of metropolis proper loomed over them… of course, it was somewhat ruined when she did a sharp turn into another drive-through… she relaxed immediately as Tom stared at her.


"I'm thirsty." She replied dismissively as he unbuckled and awkwardly shuffled into the passenger's seat, re-buckling his seatbelt. "All that talk of dick-sucking is making my throat dry." She added as Tom flinched.

"That didn't last long." He said grinning exasperatedly.

"But we didn't stay long." She replied, waiting in line. "As I said we wouldn't…" she added confidently. "And I wouldn't have to stop if you opened your pants."

Tom cringed slightly with an odd look on his face before he sighed. "Alright. Fine. I'm not arguing with you for the next few hours…" he declared. It would be a long ride back to Gotham. Two cars later and Batgirl lowered her window. The fuzzy voice box squeaked out with a young voice.

"Welcome to McRonalds may I take your order?"

"One Vanilla shake, the biggest you got…" she then noted to Tom, straight face, "And I swear if they try to cheat me by leaving an inch of air in the cup I'm going to smack them as hard as I did Franny. Want anything?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but our frozen treats machine is currently unavailable." Declared the voice as Batgirl turned her head slowly back to the box and glared at it.

"…Jackie. Breathe…" Tom cleared his throat, he didn't really want anything but they can't just get in line and order nothing. "One Pixie please…" he said, leaning over Jackie to order.

They got out of the drive through and… Batgirl didn't speak for a long time. Her hands tight on the wheel of the car as Tom's Pixie went mostly unnoticed in the cup holder. He didn't even have the heart to try and get Batgirl to pull over so he could drive his own car. But even if he did… her fingers were holding so tight to the wheel that she might squeeze through the handles…

They hit the Outskirts of Gotham as he hesitantly asked. "…Jackie how about you pull over huh? I'll drive you home." however Batgirl sniffed.

"…We're not going home we're going to Superbabes."

"What? Why?" he asked surprised as Batgirl grimaced.

"If I don't get a shake in me soon I'm sucking off the closest dick." she glared at him as he cleared his throat and sat stiffly in the seat.

"Superbabes it is." He said frankly. "They have best shakes anyway."

"Damn right they do." She declared.

Batgirl drove through Gotham like she was the one with clairvoyance, the streetlights lined up to allow her quick passage and the traffic seemed to flow like an undammed river until she practically spun the car into a parking stall… "Be right back." She declared, getting out of the car as Tom did the same.

"I'm driving." He declared as Batgirl mostly ignored him and practically stormed into Superbabes. Currently however the only girls in the lounge were Power Girl and Giganta, both of whom seemed to be taking a break and about to go break someone... there was also Orders who course, who as usual, was at her counter. Doing sudoku today.

"Heeey Jackie." Power Girl stared at her with a hesitant smile. Orders seemed unconcerned at Batgirl's abrupt entry. Obviously, because the local clairvoyance saw the signs… and heard the car, Tom's ride needs a tune-up. However, what Orders didn't tell Power Girl was a minor detail-"

"I'm borrowing your boyfriend." Batgirl declared abruptly as Power Girl watched her storm into the locker room.

"Oh. Okay then, have fun." Power Girl smiled casually, picking up a magazine graced with a big Double D Tina Williams upon it. Orders rubbed her purple eyes, glancing up from her sudoku.

"That's not a problem for you?" noted Orders patiently as Power Girl just casually shrugged.

"…I mean, it's okay with me. I know it's just about sex with her. She's not going to be stealing my Tom…" she said confidently. "Besides it'll be good for him to bang my hot friends."

"Uh-huh. But you do know that your boyfriend, who loves you, still thinks it's a little weird? Maybe set SOME ground rules?" she then went back to her sudoku. "So that he knows that you know that our resident Batgirl has a metaphorical leash around her… it might ease his mental suffering." She then shrugged, "Or don't. Watching your boyfriend squirm at his uncontrolled sex-life is hilarious."

Batgirl walked out of the locker rooms with the Batgirl mask in hand, holding her hand out over Orders' counter for a shake as it slid across it from the kitchen into her hand. She placed the straw into her mouth and slurped loudly… then visibly shivered, her pawg backside wobbling like it was twerking as she was energized by thick liquid flowing down her throat.

"Jackie. Only butt and mouth stuff." Power Girl declared as Batgirl, straw still in her mouth, let her tongue dance around it thoughtfully before slurping again and declaring abruptly.

"Fine." she then slurped again, moaning as she did an about-face and marched out of the room to Orders rather annoyed-

"Stop making those sounds it's only a vanilla shake."

Tom didn't notice Batgirl returning with mask in hand, stuffing it into her surprisingly deep pockets as she slipped into the passenger's seat. "Let's go back to the apartment." She said plainly as Tom nodded and far more carefully drove out of the Superbabes lot and off towards The Superbabe Neapolitan Trio's home…

About 15 minutes later. Tom parked in one of the guest stalls of the apartment's lot. "Okay." He said as Batgirl slurped the last drops from her shake. He blinked at her surprised. "…Did you really finish that in 15 minutes? How has your brain not frozen?"

"It's not enough." She declared abruptly as Tom froze.

"WellI'msureyouhaveicecreamintheapart-" he tried to get it out but it didn't work. Batgirl's hand was already on his crotch. "Aw Jackie come on!"

"Sierra says it's fine." she said immediately as Tom groaned.

"That doesn't make it better!" he replied reluctantly.

"Yes, it does." She ordered as Tom groaned. "I want cum, yours is the best option."

Tom managed to 'escape' her grip. Easily mind you and stumbled out of the car. "Uuuugh…" Batgirl rested her arms on the hood staring at him frankly.

"It's either you or I go out there and find some random dude. Do you really want that? Some dangerous random guy in Gotham?" Tom flinched, looking conflicted. "Sierra says it's fine. It doesn't mean anything other than me getting my fix."

"That sounds bad." Tom groaned as Batgirl stared him down.

"…I'll do all the work." She declared, walking around the car and grabbing his cock again, leading him along. "Sierra says you deserve some reward for your heroics..." As you know she certainly did not, but Batgirl thought he did which was really a miracle unto itself. Besides Sierra WOULD say Tom deserves a reward…

…Before he knew it Tom was in the apartment… and being shoved onto the couch that has seen many a fun time in the apartment. At least twice with him alone… "Sit. Stay." She ordered, before turning and walking into her bedroom. Many a thought went through Tom's head, most of which were variations of 'this is not normal' and 'this is a bad idea'. However, the thought of just running away only occurred once. It would be easy, just get off the couch and walk out of the apartment before Batgirl returned… worst-case scenario Batgirl leaves and finds a local guy and gets murdered in an alleyway because he was too prude…

Wow that got dark… he's already slept with her once… what's the hard in a little- heeeeeeeead…

KnockKnock "Superbabes-"

Time: Right now. Place: The Neapolitan Apartment (living room)

"Special delivery service." She stood in her doorway, posing erotically as Tom froze up.

Batgirl strutted sensually from her bedroom in the batgirl mask, black heels, and a high-riding g-string thong so tiny it was probably for a woman a few sizes smaller. Batgirl's thick pawg booty wobbled so wildly he wondered if she was doing it on purpose or if it was just naturally that bouncy.

The thick bubble booty devoured her g-string, her moderately sized bust bounced tantalizingly on her chest. She stood before Tom, the very definition of sexy with her hands on her waist, drumming on her hips before she began to slowly move…

Her hips swayed hypnotically left, then right, elaborately moving as her feet remained planted on the floor, her stomach flexed as she began to speed up, her hips popping side to side as her movements became more snake-like, or more like a belly dancer… wiggling her hips rapidly side to side as her hands slide down her body to claw back up her thighs, thrusting her crotch forward lewdly as if humping the air…

It was hard to believe she was never professionally a stripper… but that's what you get with dancing professionals like Ciara, Divya, and Twerk-tastic Tasha… speaking off… Batgirl's body wormed erotically before she began swinging her hips around, and around, turning slowly in place until dat ass came into view, the full moon was out and wobbling as she began popping her hips again but now with the full effect of her pawg ass to enhance the movement.

Her hips popped again and her ass cheeks clapped together like applause, the sign of a good twerk. Getting her movements down she slowed and began swiveling her hips in a slow circle, thrusting her ass at Tom rapidly, before swirling around again slowly. She framed her ass cheeks with her hands, and with every push towards Tom they opened and closed like jazz hands emphasizing her ass to the fullest. She tossed her head, her red hair flopping about as she moaned erotically and glanced over her shoulder with inviting blue eyes as she began hopping in place.

Clap-clap-clap-clap-clap… subtle barely registered movements as her ass cheeks clapped Tom's silent approval… because even his loyalty couldn't deny the appeal of a thick ass white girl dancing like a stripper…

…Between you and me, Sierra doesn't have the rhythm (and arguably the ass) to pull it off…

Batgirl stopped clapping cheeks long enough to slip her fingers into the strings of her g-string, before bending over, almost fully in half, to push it to the floor around her ankles. She wiggled her hips, letting her ass bounce slightly before slowly standing back up again…

That wasn't the only thing up. Tom's erection was apparent, and he was now uncomfortable for a completely different reason than his original one. Batgirl gazed at his apparent erection before abruptly dropping to her knees… Tom fidgeted nervously as she prowled around on the floor like a horny cat, she crawled over the coffee table between him and her, slowly sliding over the hardwood until her hands touched the floor on the other side…

Her thick pawg booty was raised up behind her as she slunk over the table. Now face down and ass up it wobbled again to distract him as her hands rested on his inner thighs and she pulled herself upright, her face between his legs.

Her knees were on the table but her hands were hanging on the couch, her body a bridge between the two as her ass swayed behind her… and she opened her mouth, slowly, letting her tongue loll from her lips as she tilted her head slightly back for him to look into her empty mouth. "…Ahhh…" she sighed longingly as Tom… just gave her what she wanted.

He shifted slightly, loosening his pants before letting his erection free of its bindings. His cock sprang free but it barely had a moment to breathe its freedom before it was happily slurped between Batgirl's soft, talented lips. "Mmmn."

Tight, moist, wet and warm she slid her face forward down to the base of his cock. "Mmn-hmmn…" she noisily sucked on his shaft as he tensed up, gripping her masked head by wrapping his hands around the ears of the mask, sliding down to hold her head properly as her tongue swirled around and around.

"Haah. Ah…" he cringed slightly as his cock was more than happy to answer his inner confusion as to how bad this was. It wasn't bad at all it was AWESOME. His pre-cum oozed into her mouth and it had barely touched her hungry tongue before it shot down her throat. She began thrusting her face harder and harder into his crotch, only moving her face and neck onto his dick as her ass continued to wobble behind her.

"MMn! Mmn-mmn-mmn-mmn." Rapidly thrusting her face along his shaft with her tongue spirally almost magically around him Tom tensed up again, holding back the load threatening to burst from his balls… why?... probably some sense of personal pride. He didn't want to blow his confused load immediately no matter how unshameful it would be…

Batgirl head game was of course up there with the greats. She planted the reluctant boyfriend's cock into her throat and let it contract and massage his member, it oozed a thick load of pre-cum down into her stomach as she savored the taste of salty seed around her tongue before gulping it down. Her body visibly trembling, her very skin vibrating as her drug of choice was injected into her… just a little, but it was enough for the rest to flow…

"Haah!" Tom held her head reflexively to the base of his cock, as deep as it could get before a plentiful load rushed into her mouth and straight down her throat as she slurped it down eagerly.

"MMnnn!" she trembled excitedly, her backside wobbled up and down as one hand reached behind her and clapped once- SMACK! Twice. CLAP! On her ass cheek as it jiggled satisfyingly. She kept it twerking for Tom's viewing pleasure regardless of the fact that he wasn't looking at her ass…

The last drops of Tom's first load were savored before she gulped them down. She suckled and slurp softly around his cock, her lips sliding up and down before she began moving more thoroughly, Her head steadily glided up and down on his cock until it was hard and ready once again, the grip on her head almost non-existent as she abruptly yanked her face from his lap.

"Haah!" she gasped loudly, her mouth opened wide to display how empty it was… which in a way was just as erotic as if she had shown him a mouth full of fresh cum. "Hah…" she gazed up at him lecherously… slipping her lower body off the table to thump onto the floor. She wrapped her lips around his cock again, only the tip, before slurping loudly and POP!

She pulled her head away as the noise echoed around them… she gazed up at him, not breaking eye contact, before doing it again.


"…I could suck on it all night Tom." She said softly, before wrapping her lips once again around the tip. SLURP and POP! "Ah… drink every drop… but we both know you're not a blowjob kinda guy, not really…"


"You don't date a girl like Sierra and just want head…" she dropped onto all fours on the floor and crawled towards the end of the coffee table and slid across it the long way, waving her ass behind her and twerking it up and down briefly. Reaching around to spread her ass cheeks apart as she rested her right cheek on the table to look at him. "…She said you can shove it my ass…" she hissed the words like a secret, watching his erection twitch slightly as he groaned uncomfortably. "Grab my hair, pull it while you fuck me. Spank me hard to make my ass shake… come on."

She kept her hands firmly to her ass as she rocked back and forth, shaking her backside as Tom inhaled deeply, trying to resist… a blowjob was one thing but hardcore anal sex?

"If you do it I'll let Sierra know how GREAT you are in bed." She declared flatly, still shaking her ass. "You know how hot it gets her when we tell her how great you are?"

"You're making that up." He declared.

…She wasn't but she didn't confirm or deny.

"I'm not." She hissed softly, "…Just a little a nice hard slam in my ass… come on..."

Tom could only take so much, and while his girlfriend was only a phone call away that was significantly more expensive. So he surrendered. Getting up from the couch and letting his pants hit the floor as he loomed up behind her… her ass cheeks felt his throbbing hard on between them, her pawg booty wobbling around his length, a perfect fit, twerking and twitching around his raging hard on as it ooze pre-cum on her lower back.

Tom grabbed her waist, sliding his cock down between her cheeks and poking at her asshole as it easily opened to receive him as her ass pressed back against his waist, molding against his body as he grabbed her long red hair and yanked. Batgirl hissed in pleasure-filled pain, her ass clenching around his cock as he began pulling back and slamming deep into her. "UGn. ngh! aah. AH. AH…" Her fingers sunk into her thick ass cheeks, shaking in pleasure as Tom brutally pounded her body.

Getting out his lustful anger with her ass as he tugged hard on her hair with one hand and pressed down on her back with the other as the table wobbled on the carpet. Tom grunted as he responded to his primal instincts to tap dat ass, raising his back-pinning hand up and cracking it on her ass cheek. "Hah! Ah! AH-harder…" she hissed, shaking orgasmically as he kept pounding away, cracking his hand on her ass again and again. "Ah. AH! Ahh! FUCK ME. FUCK my ASS…" she hissed, her toes curling between his legs as he fell abruptly onto her.

She gasped for breath at the sudden weight, his hand releasing her hair as her own hands let go of her ass cheeks, Tom grabbed the table and using it for leverage pulled himself against her, thrusting into her body as she grabbed the table herself, shrieking pleasurably as his cock bulged inside her. "AHAAAh-AAAH! My ass! Ruin my ass…" she hissed, squeezing his girth as he pulled the table so hard he almost lifted it. Only to flop down and thrust up into her bowels and deposit a heavy load of cum into her.

"Haah-aah-aah…" she gasped softly as Tom slammed his forehead on the table, gasping for breath as he kept thrusting his cock into her, smacking his balls against her pussy as she bit her bottom lip and rode the orgasm and the hot warmth rushing into her. Tom lay still on top of her as tense as steel cord… she shuddered beneath him as he slowly began to pull out of her ass… her ass cheeks wobbled as he slipped free and stumbled over to the couch, sitting down on the end and sighing softly.

Batgirl cooed softly, her backside shaking like bitch in heat as she rolled off onto the floor. Then slowly got up, leaving Tom to recuperate apparently… she walked away as he leaned his head back on the couch, resting his hand on his head with post-nut clarity… he didn't notice her slide over the arm of the couch like a snake and slip her head over his lap to feel his cock against her lips. "Wha-ah come on it was up your ass…" he said softly as his length twitched against her.

"Shut up Tom." She ordered bluntly, letting her lips part and drooling liberally on his cock, sliding it back into her mouth. "Mmn…" lying flat on the couch her head dove up and down, her feet hooked on the arm of the couch, her ass tantalizingly wiggling as her face continued to push to the base of his cock, licking and slurping loudly as she sucked him clean. "Mmn! Mmn…" breathing heavily through her nose as she slid to the tip, "Mwah…" she slipped off his cock, drooling down the shaft as her lips pressed to him and she moaned.

"Put your hand on my head… and my ass. And make me suck your dick until you cum." She ordered sultrily, swirling her tongue around his cock tip before she wrapped her lips around him and began sucking on him again. His hands obeyed her as they rested on her ass and her head. Squeezing one and pushing the other as she moaned whorishly on his shaft as Tom began thrusting towards her, his cock sliding into her throat as his hand pushed her down… the other hand on her ass smacking it lightly, swatting the pliable hunk of jiggling meat as she wiggled it under each blow. Sucking him faster and faster, loudly slurping a sloppy crescendo of fellatio as she clawed his chest with one hand and fondled his sack with the other.

She buried her face into his crotch and sucked down his load as he roared a huge orgasm. Pressing her face to the base and emptying his wade once again directly into her stomach… until she actually spluttered. "GUCK!"

Tom released her as she threw her head off his messy shaft, she coughed slightly and then inhaled deeply. "MMn…" shaking as she crawled off the couch. "Haah. Ahh…" she panted standing before him before turning around and smacking her pawg booty with both hands and spreading her cheeks apart to display her gasping asshole before she sat down between his legs, rubbing her ass against his cock. Tom cringed uncomfortably, but he grabbed her hair and smacked her ass, HARD, the crack echoed around the room as she yelped erotically… then took his cook back up her ass.

Only at half-mast that quickly changed as she hopped up and down on him. "Aha-aah-aah-aah…" riding him like a stallion as his cock easily slid up between her wobbling cheeks. His hand yanked her hair as her eyes rolled up into her redheaded masked skull, his hand slapping at her ass again and again. "Ahaa-haa!"

Tom pushed hard up into her body, rising from the couch only to be slammed back down by her pawg booty until he shoved her forward, she stood with her legs straight, her hands slamming onto the table as Tom stood up behind her, grabbing her waist and rapidly slapping his hips against her.

Fap-fap-fap-fap-fap… her clapping cheeks echoing wildly as he humped faster and faster to her rising shrieks of orgasmic pleasure.

"HAah! Aaah!!" he planted his hips against her ass, but as if in one true act of defiance he ripped his dick from her tight spasming hole and threw her aside. She flopped to the floor, shaking with spasms of lightning surging through her as he loomed over her face… she opened her mouth half a second before he roared his own release. "Aaah!" shooting a hot load on her face as she shuddered, inhaling the scent of her favorite aphrodisiac as her pussy quivered in climax, oozing arousal as she leaned on the corner of the table only to slip off and flop exhaustedly to the floor.

"Haah… haah… Hah…" Batgirl twitched on the carpet, squirming like a dying animal as her toes curled, her body continued to twitch as Tom stood still, let his cock hang limp between his legs, and stumbled away… he headed straight for Sierra's room… then quietly shut the door…

Time: 3:10 AM. Place: The Neapolitan apartment (Living Room)

The door to the apartment unlocked, and a sexy blonde quietly slipped in, yawned, then shut the door behind her. Sierra stretched, she would've been home earlier but she dropped Britney off at Judge Edward "Blackbeard' Teach's house for an early-to-late morning of great sex. She sniffed the air and smiled exasperatedly, slipping over to the end of the table before toing the still-naked Batgirl in the side.


"Did you have fun Jackie?" she smiled.

"MMn…" she rolled over only for Sierra to toe her again.

"Don't you'll get cum stains all over the carpet. And there's nobody around to appreciate you-" she sighed as Jackie, face down and ass up began licking it off the carpet. "Licking it up. Stop already!" she laughed giving Jackie's pawg rear a butt-jiggling light kick. "Did Tom go home?"

"Not that I'm aware…" Jackie replied standing up, "…I think he's in your room."

"I'll go make him feel better." She replied, "So how was he?"

"Good." Jackie replied as Sierra wiggled adorably, smiling serenely.

"Good." She nodded, "Him having fun makes me feel better. Speaking of feeling good… why didn't you just tell me you didn't want to go?"

"I did want to go." Jackie replied casually as she went to her room. "I wanted to go to tell them to fuck off."

"Well... you might have mentioned in full what you were going to do." Sierra added as Jackie shrugged.

"You would've blown it out of proportion." She noted apologetically. "Besides I stopped caring about her opinion of me after I sucked off the male members of her posse. Including her new husband…" then after a moment of thought. "Regularly…" Sierra laughed softly as Jackie removed the cum-covered Batgirl mask. Tossing it into the sink.

"So what did she do?"

"Slut shamming. Usual shit… she doesn't understand that it's something of a badge of honor in our business." She replied and turned on the shower before continuing. "So I told her I sucked off her Dad. And her boyfriend, and all her friends…regularly after she had me eat a cum pizza." Sierra shook her head, snorting adorably with laughter. "…Telling her the truth is more entertaining than anything I could lie about."

"Oh… Jackie. You're a freak of nature." She sighed, "I'm going to go into my room and rigorously cheer up my Tom… with tits." She said, squeezing her own for emphasis as she was Jackie soaking her big pawg ass through the see-through shower curtain.

"MMN… let him know I had fun."

"Sure… though for the record, Jackie?" Sierra smiled ominously, sticking her head into the shower to look the redhead in the eyes. "…If you try that shit, or THIS shit, on MY wedding day? I'll hurt you in ways that not even Ronnie-Bell will manage."

Jackie blinked at Sierra, seemed to register the words then nodded slowly. "…Can I suck off the groomsmen?"

"We'll see." She added primly, before slipping back out. "As long as you don't ruin my wedding."

"You go it." Jackie replied… she'd never ruin Sierra's wedding obviously. They were best friends as far as Jackie was concerned… plus. She never called her Jacquiline, that's like 10 friendship points right there. 20 because she also lets her drink her boyfriend's cum... best of friends.


Sorry it took me so long. I did some new stuff and some old stuff not to mention this one is a little longer than usual. Next up is supposed to be B Vixen, so she's up there. But I may do Platinum instead. Get another chapter of her out, we'll see what happens. Or I may do something else entirely, I'm feeling pretty fluid at the moment...

Anyway from now on the "Trio" will be referred to as the Neapolitan Trio. Officially. Sierra is Vanilla, Jackie is Strawberry, and Britney is Chocolate... I'm sure I made that reference before, but I might have forgotten.
