
2 for 1 Combo: Volcana and Hawkgirl

I don't own DC

"Huh!-Hwaaaaah…" Livewire stretched her blue body and yawned as she lounged in one of the poker table chairs, Big Barda sat leaning on the counter as Volcana walked out of the locker rooms after just recently posting the shifts for the week and now sat at the computer setting up the 2 for 1 combo with Wonder Girl and Hawkgirl. "I Can't say I missed working, or Orders might give me more shifts. But it's pretty good to finally be back at work in Gotham." In a manner of speaking: it IS Gotham. Hawkgirl 'La-la-cha-cha-cha' out of the locker room and onto the floor with a distracting swivel of her latina booty. "So did we miss anything cool while we were on vacation?" Livewire asked conversationally.

Orders gave the five girls who went on a boat trip/road trip down the West coast a week off as thanks for doing her that favor, Livewire was the most recent of them getting back on a shift. Ice and Fire should be coming in much later…

Wonder Girl casually sipped on a chocolate shake, seemingly thinking about her answer before finally, she managed to get out- "I got a new place."

"Oh yeah? Where?"

"The docks…" she slurped the shake slightly, "…Orders sort of gave me the houseboat." Livewire shrugged, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Seriously? She just gave it to you?"

"…I'm technically paying her rent." Wonder Girl replied admittedly, "It's a nice place."

"No shit." Livewire replied, "…just keep in mind we all had sex on that boat."

"Shocker." Wonder Girl retorted sarcastically as Livewire laughed. Wonder Girl then turned around to Big Barda, noting curiously. "Do you want to tell her?" she added as Big Barda shook her head.

"NOPE. I've learned my lesson you go right ahead. I'm keeping my big mouth shut."

"What? Is it something scandalous?" Livewire asked teasingly, before replying more seriously, "I'm not really into workplace drama."

"Orders went on a date with Rebecca's brother." Volcana blurted out once she was finished at the computer, standing up from the chair as Livewire gasped in response.

"Santa mierda?! Which one? The dead sexy one? the ruggedly handsome one?" She asked with noted interest as Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Oh shit. Is she dating the cute one? Ashley must have been breaking shit."

"It was Sgt. Caleb Smulders, and it is also none of your business." Orders walked through the back door briskly making her way to her counter. "The 'dead sexy' one." she added for further clarification.

"…Go Jefa." Livewire replied sounding impressed as Orders checked the schedule Volcana made up.

She casually examined everyone working this week and nodded slowly with clear approval. "Good Work, Volcana… however…" she then deleted Wonder Girl from the 2 for 1 combo and added Volcana instead. Volcana stared at her surprised.

"What did I do wrong?" she blinked curiously as Orders casually waved off her question.

"Nothing. I'm putting Wonder Girl on the 2 for 1 combo next week with Wonder Woman to get her used to it." she eyed Volcana calmly, "I'd rather she'd learn from Grace than… well. That mess." she added almost dismissively as Hawkgirl, who heard her, waved at her boss cheerfully from the floor.

"Hola…" she cooed, letting that big Latina booty draw in single dollar bills like one big magnet as she strutted across the floor.

"Besides I'm in a 'theme' sort of mood. So, it's MILF week." Orders added dismissively as Volcana sighed. "You can't avoid it forever."

"Milf week? Or…" began Big Barda as Orders, surprisingly, cracked her hand contemptuously on her rear. "Ah!... son-of-a-" she mumbled rubbing her stinging butt-cheek as Volcana just moved along.

"Alright, Orders." Volcana said resignedly, before tossing back her long red hair, combing it with her fingers and strutting out onto the floor as Livewire stood up and Wonder Girl finished her shake to join her, it was starting to get crowded and Hawkgirl wasn't the only one with sexy Latina booty…

"What are the odds that she actually gets ordered on the 2 for 1 anyway?" Big Barda yawned, "Last time it happened to me, nobody ordered, and I was working it with Stargirl."

"Well, the odds are higher now that you said it." Orders replied knowingly, "…Maybe I should start setting up multiple 2 for 1 combo's a week… that way there are options." Big Barda shrugged.

"Or you can charge people a higher price for substitutions." Orders' purple eyes widened at the brilliant and potentially very greedy idea, and she turned on the chair to Big Barda while gazing admiringly up at her almost impressed. "What? I can have a good idea now and then, I'm not all muscle…"

"It doesn't make me any less fascinated." Orders replied, "Something to think about later, go handle corner table 3 he's trying to slip a roach in his Poison Ivy salad… correct his manners violently…"

"Ugh! so gross." Grumbled Big Barda, visibly shivering as she went to go to terrible things to him. As Big Barda went to do her thing Orders reached for a sudoku puzzle book tonight, casually eyeing it over as her eyes flashed…

"Nngh… Haaa…" she sighed, then reached for the phone. Once again: such coincidental timing…

Time: 7:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes.)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hi. Uh… I got this card thing? In Arizona?"


"That…That discount it mentions. Does that count towards that 2 for 1 combo deal?"

"Are you going to order it if I say yes?"


"Sorry that is a trick question. Yes. It does. You'd like the 2 for 1?"


"Hawkgirl Hot wings and a Volcana lava cake."


"Look BOY… you're doing this or you would have hung up. Now, do you want them to come or not?"

"…yes please."

"Very well. Your delivery will arrive within the hour, we expect them back within a reasonable timeframe or you will be charged extra for every hour you occupy our delivery girls' time to a maximum of five. You will be charged upon completion of 'delivery' or until I have to send someone to bring them back. Name and address please."


"Hawkgirl, Volcana, you got a 2 for 1 combo." Orders declared, as first the redheaded MILF entered first, glaring at Big Barda who could only shrug adding apologetically.

"Sorry, I jinxed it."

"Oooh." Hawkgirl 'la-la-cha-cha-cha'd' in just behind Volcana and gave the full-figured milf a light swat on the rear as she leaned over the counter, the food quickly sliding out to bump against Hawkgirl's arms. "Who do we get to play with?"

"A kid with a lot of pent-up mommy lust." Orders noted dismissively before quickly going back to her sudoku as she rubbed her somewhat achy forehead. "Then again with a stepmother and sister like that it's somewhat understandable."

"Oh, I hear a story behind that!" Hawkgirl grinned as Volcana took the food from the counter.

"You'll see. There are plenty of pictures… now please just go my head is starting to hurt." Orders grumbled, "I should just ban you from the 2 for 1 combo I'd have fewer headaches."

Hawkgirl just smiled as Volcana led the way out the back door, checking the receipt as she went to the company car and slid into the driver's side as Hawkgirl strutted around to the passenger's. "I'm just so excited!" Hawkgirl smiled at Volcana who put on a reassuring smile as she slowly pulled into traffic. "How lucky he's going to be with two milfs like us."

"…And this is why I set you up with Wonder Girl." Volcana mumbled. "You're worse than Veronica sometimes…"

"Oh come on! Orders said he was young. Two lovely EXPERIENCED girls like us-"

"When you say it like that it sounds wrong…" Volcana noted as Hawkgirl ignored/didn't hear her.

"Will show him the right way to have sex…" Volcana shook her head and just kept driving. Of course what Orders didn't mention was that the one ordering them had one of the Superbabes business cards so chances were likely that he HAS already had sex, and with a Superbabe… so Hawkgirl's statement was moot but still accurate.

Upper-East Gotham once again, surrounded by towering spires catering to the upper-middle-class elites and regular elites who weren't rich enough to get into Gotham Heights. And by 'rich enough' I mean to pry the estates from the cold dead fingers of the various old families that lived there…

Still, Upper-East Gotham was a nice place to live.

"Oh that's the one!" Hawkgirl pointed to the towering Gotham Apartment building before her. The Golden Gotham. Distinctly lacking in gold… Volcana pulled into the parking lot driving until they found 'guest' parking somewhere near the back.

Hawkgirl whistled sweetly at the sight of the building as they approached the front doors. "I'm always impressed at the sheer decadence of Gotham." She replied as Volcana rolled her eyes… however once they reached the front doors they paused. It was apparently one of the buildings where you had to be buzzed in after dialing a room number. No doorman required.

Hawkgirl frowned as Volcana checked the receipt, and found the obvious room number before punching in 5002. The intercom buzzed at them, three times… before finally there was a click that came from the door. They entered to a rather elaborate lobby, but it was practically empty this was a residential building. They passed by the mailboxes and towards the 6 elevators on the other side.

"…I think my ex-husband's ex-wife lived here after his divorce." Mumbled Volcana but to be fair she wasn't sure. Hawkgirl just shrugged understandingly, before pointing out.

"I think one of my husband's new law partners lives here but I'm never entirely sure who they are…" Koji Otto her husband of course was a lawyer at a pretty fancy law firm… most have unknowingly slept with her. "I can't wait to fuck him."

Volcana actually scowled at that, considering that her cheating ex-husband, who had cheated with her, would eventually cheat on her, Hawkgirl flaunting her cuckolding cheating was something of a hot button issue she'd rather ignore, forget the word 'cheat', and just move on…

"You know I know you don't like me." Hawkgirl declared suddenly to a DING of the elevators, Volcana however jumped at the statement.


"I know that you don't like me. I know that you don't enjoy my lifestyle. Orders does not like it either but she knows I make her money." Hawkgirl smiled as she danced into the elevator, leaning her big beautiful Latina ass against the railing bar as she watched a rather confused Volcana. "But I get it. It's fine."

"…It's not that I don't like you… you're just so in your face about your cheating." Volcana declared as Hawkgirl nodded. Her head understandingly, the elevators slowly rising to the top floor. "It's kind of a sore subject for me."

"I get it!" Hawkgirl nodded again. "But look… I'm still going to do some freaky, NASTY things…" Hawkgirl purred, "Because it makes me and my husband happy… do you have any idea how HARD he pounds my culo when I tell him stories of my work?"

"I… no. not really…"

"SO hard…" Hawkgirl purred, "The nastier, the dirtier, the rougher the better… what's bad for most marriages is good for mine." Hawkgirl cooed. "So. I'll be the bad, NASTY thing that our little chico is going to FUCK…" she cooed sensually, "And you can be the loving good girl. Entender?"

Volcana stared at her, her eyes narrowing as she frowned. "So… what? Good cop, bad cop of sex?"

Hawkgirl shrugged with a smile, "Well you obviously don't really want to be tended to by a young, virile, horny little chico… So I will do all the work and you can just record me for my Honey." Volcana just shook her head, somewhat aghast by Hawkgirl's rather bold statement.

"I can't believe you." She said almost sounding as insulted as she felt and she didn't even expect to feel insulted. "I HONESTLY can't." she replied as DING went the elevator. "I may not particularly like my job." She said in a harsh whisper but I'm not so spiteful and lazy to not do what I signed up for!"

"Well that's the difference between you and me Chica I L.O.V.E. what I do…" she cooed, spelling the words as she practically danced down the hall towards one of the few doors up here. The top floor after all was for the richest in the building with the biggest apartments. The owners could snap their fingers and maintenance men on the bottom floor would teleport to their front doors… "And I'm going to do it for as long as my culo can take it!" she replied cheerily as she waited for Volcana, "…Lighten up chica…" she purred, "I was trying to be nice."

Volcana fumed like the fire-themed heroine/villainess she dressed as but unlike her she managed to keep her calm. "Ready?"

"Si!" Hawkgirl said, just a bundle of mid-thirties energy as together they raised their fists and knocked hard on the apartment door.


Time: 8:01 PM. Place: Golden Gotham Apartments (Room #503)

"Special Delivery Service!" they said together as Hawkgirl licked her lips, hands resting on her child-bearing hips as she subtly shimmied her dancing body to unheard samba music. Volcana was less sensual but no less sexy as finally after almost a minute of waiting the door opened.

He was mousey with dark hair, 18 at least 19 at most… he gazed at Volcana's big milf breasts as he opened the door wide and Hawkgirl la-la-cha-cha-cha'd in and immediately drew his gaze to that big Latina booty as she shimmied it into the expensively furnished apartment.

It was probably as big as the entirety of superbabes. Maybe even bigger with multiple rooms, a master bedroom, three bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and an office. A glass wall that led to a balcony with a spectacular view of Gotham… even if there did seem to be a fire off in the distance… but that might have only added to the appeal.

Still… they weren't here to admire the apartment or the many… MANY pictures on the wall with the young man, his obvious father, and two perfectly plastic bimbos… One clearly the younger version of the other. But with large breasts, waspy waists, thick assess… there was even a picture of them in sling bikini's so skimpy you couldn't use them as napkins…

But it was suddenly very VERY obvious why the poor guy called Superbabes. If Volcana and Hawkgirl didn't already know from Orders that they were his step-mother and step-sister, it was obvious that they were a recent addition to the family, and he needed to relieve some SERIOUS stress. He was already sporting an admiringly impressive erection.

"Hola!" Cooed Hawkgirl, greeting the lucky kid with her hands rubbing his chest through his phoenix emblazoned T-Shirt, before quickly sliding them down to his obviously raging hard-on… Hawkgirl licked her lips as she gave it a quick feel… at least nine inches at full mast. "What a lucky chico you are! You need me to take care of that?"

"I… really do…" he moaned desperately, a little at a lost. He was ambushed in an airport bathroom by Ice and Livewire in Phoenix, and the kid was hooked on the real thing thanks to the stimulation of his bimbo step-mom and bimbo step-sister and he was just one awkward erection and poor choices away from living a porn parody…

"Well don't you worry chico I'll take care of it."

Volcana, who had been walking around the apartment promptly dropped the bag of food loudly on the table, but not enough to cause a more dramatic slam. "There are TWO of us here." Volcana declared a little more sensually than angry, "I'm sure our… lucky boy-"

"Liam." Liam managed to get out staring at Volcana's impressively large chest.

"Liam is more than ready for us so…" Volcana grabbed him, yanking him away from a smirking Hawkgirl, "Why don't we find a nice spot. And we can pamper him." Liam, poor lust drunk punk that he was turned around and buried his face happily between Volcana's breasts.

"Oh I think he likes that idea!" Hawkgirl cooed as Liam's hands started to wander to Volcana's soft milfy asscheeks.

"MN… he certainly does…" she mumbled, shaking slightly in his hands as Hawkgirl glanced around and grinned, before yanking Liam out of Volcana's cleavage and dragging him by the shorts to the master bedroom.

"Come here chico, Mamacita will take care of you…" purred Hawkgirl as Volcana followed behind an almost hypnotized Liam. They passed MORE skimpy pictures of the new women in Liam's life and it was like the walls of his house were a personal and permanent dirty magazine cover. At least his father looked happy…

Volcana took off her tight belly revealing shirt as her big breasts bounced free. Hawkgirl however threw Liam onto the end of the large bed. He bounced awkwardly and shot upright like his erection, gazing in awe at Hawkgirl's body as she tossed her auburn hair, letting him run his hands from her thighs to her waist to her breasts giving them a real good feel as she grabbed at his hands and held them there until he tugged down the yellow top exposing her own impressive pair.

But Volcana was still bigger and Liam was still in a busty mood. The red-haired milf crawled onto the bed, sitting just behind a distracted Liam, his head twisted to face her as she pulled him back onto her lap and shoved her breasts into his mouth.

Hawkgirl laughed as Volcana 'nursed the lucky boy, shimmying away and pushing down her clothes. Shimmying her body like a writhing snake as she pushed them to the floor, exposing her beautiful naked body and clapping a hand onto her culo HARD. It wobbled behind her as she knelt between Liam's spread legs and began tugging down his shorts and getting his 9-inch cock freed.

It shot up in the air, wiggling erectly as Hawkgirl gave his testicles a nice welcoming lick, before sliding her tongue further up his shaft and wrapping her lips abruptly around it. "Mmmnwaah-..mmn…" she slid all the way down to the base. "GUCK…" she twisted her head slowly side to side as his cock pulsated in her throat… then she went back up, "Bwah!" gasping off his length before licking, stroking and fondling him. Giving him the full service as she rubbed her masked face against his eager cock.

Volcana however, wrapped her own hand around Liam as she nursed him like a baby, "Haaah…" moaning softly as he tongued her nipple, sucking loudly before taking her tit in both hands as she began stroking his cock, feeling Hawkgirl's breath and tongue on her hand as she did.

Hawkgirl cooed teasingly and tired of tasting Volcana's fingers in between tonging Liam's cock, she decided to suck on some nuts instead.

"MMgnh!" Liam moaned into Volcana's breasts, sinking his fingers into her soft tit-flesh as Hawkgirl's slurping nut-sucking echoed in his lust-drunk ears.

"MMmn-mmsluuurp!" Hawkgirl buried her face into his taint, inhaling his unwashed, body odor body like it was the best smell in the world. Letting his cock rub against her nose as Volcana's hand bopped against it at continued to stroke up and down. "MMn… mmmn-hmn-mm?"

Hawkgirl sensed it more than felt it, even though her tongue was pretty close to the source of Liam's release. "Ah?" she popped off his balls, gazing up at his pulsating cock before rising up to his tip just as the first spurt of pre-cum oozed out and wrapped her mouth around the tip.

Volcana pressed her fist to the base of his cock as his first load burst up into Hawkgirl's mouth anyway. "MMNGH! MMN!" Liam moaned contentedly into her tit as he bucked his hips towards Hawkgirl's face only to manage to get an inch into her mouth as he quickly filled it with thick fresh jizz. Hawkgirl moaned, gazing at him sultrily as the last drops of his first load oozed onto her tongue. His cock still erect despite his ejaculation as she slipped from the tip.

"Ahhh…" she opened her mouth, cum pooled on her tongue as Volcana pulled away, Liam twitched contentedly on Volcana's lap as he watched his load vanish between Hawkgirl's lips. "GULP!" she smiled, then opened her mouth again. "Tada…" she giggled, licking her lips and kissing his tip. "Come here chico it's my turn…" she cooed, crawling onto the bed alongside him as he gazed at her lithe seductive body. Hands and knees she wiggled her thick culo behind her as she leaned forward, laying her upper body down and making her shapely samba ass cheeks dance in the air behind her. "Come on. Come and get it…" she encouraged.

Liam pushed off of Volcana's lap as Hawkgirl continued to shake her ass cheeks playfully, once again dancing to unheard music, popping her hips from side to side as he stood on his knees getting behind her as she kicked up the beat, making her samba cheeks dance and bounce around his cock as he finally grabbed her hips. "Oh Chico get it…" she cooed playfully. "Hold me down and FUCK me…" she purred, "Smack my ass too. Make sure you get it all out of you…

She meant his lust but cum was also an acceptable substitute…

"Ay!" she gasped as his hand clapped onto her ass, "Ah! AY!" and he was quickly addicted, he didn't have much of a chance to spank Livewire's big blue culo so Hawkgirl's was an excellent substitution. "Chico! So greedy! Ah! SI…" she purred his hands constantly swinging onto her big natural Latina booty…

He wanted to do that to his step-family… but he will make due. Volcana took the opportunity to remove her own pants, watching as Liam finally pushed his hard on into Hawkgirl's snug little pussy. The auburn-haired beauty wiggled as he pushed it ALL the way in her. "That is IT… chico… ah… ah! SI! OH! You are! AY!" she gasped happily as he. REALLY. Worked out his lust. "Ah-aah! AH! AAAH!"

Hawkgirl's hands clenched into the sheets as her ass cheeks bounced back and forth, her back well ached as he pounded out his aggression, "Oh! Ooh! Oh SI! YES! OH Dios MIO! OOooh! MIERDA!" she laughed, shaking as she came hard on his dick. "OOooho puta…." She shuddered contentedly as Liam pushed his hips against her ass cheeks and enjoyed the sensation of a cock-hungry SLUT. "NNnnngh! Get it chico… GET IT…"

"MMn…" Volcana lied down next to Hawkgirl, in a similar but not quite the same pose. Wiggling her own hips side to side as she bopped her big shapely rear against Hawkgirl's still quivering hips. Tossing her long red hair over her back as she gave him a tempting look that made him twitch inside Hawkgirl…

Gazing hypnotized at a waiting Volcana he grabbed at Hawkgirl's hair as she hissed through her teeth, head jerked back as he began to steadily pump into her. "AH… ah…" Faster. "Ahh! Ay-AY!" she clenched her teeth eyes widening behind the mask as he went into a jackhammer pace. "Ah-ah-aah!-Ay-SI-SI! Más! ¡Fóllame más!" she squealed delightedly, climaxing again, "Aaoooooh!" as he yanked at her follicles and planted his cock inside her.

"That feels so GOOD…" he moaned, falling onto Hawkgirl's back as she fell forward feeling his thick load rush into her, stuffing her snug little pussy as she trembled around him. "Ohmygod-ohmygod…" he panted.

"Oooh Chico that feels so good… MMmn…" Hawkgirl purred pushing her hips subtly up against his planted hips. "Hmmn-hmmn-hmmn…" squirming beneath him, "I LOVE when you fuck me…" she purred as he slowly pulled out of her body, his cock still erect despite dumping two loads into the eager Latina… a droplet of cum dripped onto her smooth sexy ass cheek as she scooped it up with a finger and licked it off but he was already giving his full raging hard on attention to a patiently waiting Volcana.

She had been secretly hoping and dreading this moment, a part of her wanted Hawkgirl to tire him out and the rest of her wanted to have a turn. Two shoots and he was still hard, normally a girl had to warm a guy up in between so he was REALLY pent up.

Regular teasing from a Bimbo MILF and Bimbo skank will do that to an impressionable young man.

He practically crawled onto Volcana, squeezing and pawing at her breasts almost cutely, she started to laugh as it tickled, "Haa-haa-ooooh…" then she mooed like a cow before he rubbed her nipple and practically tackled her onto her side. "AH…" he rolled her fully onto her back spreading her legs as he buried his cock into her. "Oooooo…" she writhed erotically as he pushed his cock into her, lying firmly on top of her between her breasts.

"Ooh-ho…" Hawkgirl cooed, resting her own face onto Volcana's right breasts, running her tongue around Volcana's nipples as Liam seemed to be content in using Volcana as a cushion. Her body was certainly soft enough for it.

"…Is he?" Volcana began, but as if that was the trigger to set him off Liam suddenly started to bounce on her like she was a trampoline. "Ooh!-oHH! OOOH!" the entire bed shook as he rammed into her body with little to no care. "FUCK!" she squealed as his hips crashed against hers…

Good thing it felt amazing.

"FUuuuUUUuuUUUCK!" her voice undulated as Liam buried his face between her breasts and just let the apparent springs in the mattress do the rest, "Oh-My… GOD!" Volcana squirmed as Hawkgirl laughed around her tits.

"Hmn-mmn-mnn! MMmnn…" hungrily licking Volcana's tits as if expecting milk, rubbing a hand between her own sumptuous thighs to keep herself warm as Liam's hips tried to get into orbit using Volcana's own bucking hips.

"Aagh! Aah! AGHH!" Volcana whined loudly through her teeth as Hawkgirl giggled around her nipple, tugging her lips away so fast it left a mark on Volcana's areole as her breasts jiggled with the unceasing pounding.

"Harder chico, go harder she likes it!" Hawkgirl bit her bottom lip, churning her messy pussy over Volcana's orgasmic screams, "Oh Chico she's made for babies put one in her! MMN! Do it! Put one in the puta!" she purred, her ass cheeks clenching as she made herself cum, "MMngh-NMN!" dripping arousal into her hand as she wiggled her hips. "MMN! Look him in the eyes when he cums in you!"

"Haaaah!" Volcana's entire body tensed up as she squeezed around his plunging cock, he couldn't look her in the eyes he was buried in her tits. He planted his cock into her body before releasing a thick load into her. "Haah?!" she shuddered, feeling his first load as he shot up from her body like a rock and slammed back in. "MMGh!" she moaned, as she felt another rope shoot into her to the same results. "Oh!... GOD…" she clawed at the sheets as her legs trembled erotically, Liam pounded and shot twice more into her…

Her mouth hung open as she silently screamed her orgasm, Hawkgirl loomed over her open mouth and accurately dropped a dollop of spit into her mouth and dropping slowly to stuff her mouth with her tongue. "Mmngh-mmmn…" hummed Hawkgirl as she reached around to lightly spank herself with one hand and rested the other onto Volcana's tits to grope her, leaking Liam's cum around his planted twitching member. "Mmnn…mmmn… mwahaaah…" she pulled away, drooling into Volcana's mouth before it closed and she nuzzled against Liam's dark hair with her masked face.

"Chicooo…" she cooed in his ear, "Do you want me to suck it? I want too…" cooed Hawkgirl as Volcana moaned. With the amount of force generated to pound her hips like that he was probably exhausted. "Come on Chico you can fuck my faaace…" she teased sensually into his ear.

"Hasn't he had enough yet?" mumbled Volcana tiredly, rubbing his head only to shudder arousingly as he began pushing out of her. "Ahh-haaah…" Liam wobbled awkwardly on his knees, as he wobbled off the bed. His cock was covered in strings of various fluids, Volcana's snug and well-stuffed pussy. Despite three loads and raw hardcore sex, he was STILL sporting a raging erection.

"Come here chico, come here…" cooed Hawkgirl, crawling off the bed to kneel on the floor, "MMn… Mamacita will take care of it…" her green eyes leveling on his cock, watching it shake with every dirty word that came out of her unplugged hole. She grabbed at her ankles as he wobbled off the bed, standing before her with a twitching dick as she smiled, "My favorite pollas to suck are the nasty ones… Ahhhh…"

Her grip tightened on her ankles, practically pinning her arms behind her back, sticking out her chest as she made herself look like a sexy modern art piece that you got to stick your dick into. "MMMNGh!" she moaned longingly, cum and arousal smearing on her lips as Liam pushed his cock between them. "Mmn-MGNh… mn-hmn… Mmm! MNG! Uhgmn-hmmn!" she moaned as he grabbed at her masked face, pushing his cock into her throat as her body shivered making the wings tattooed on her shoulder blades 'flutter'.

He plunged over and over into her mouth, her lips a perfect seal around his cock as her tongue danced on his skin. He tugged saliva out of her mouth in buckets, it dribbled from her slurping lips as it splattered onto her chest she shimmied and shivered like she was struggling to take the 9-inches of young man cock into her throat.

Which would be a gross understatement of Hawkgirl's impressive skills to be a slut. Years spent honing the skills in the art of the cucking made her an expert at sucking dicks of all shapes, sizes and situations. So even dizzy, lacking air, and a little cock drunk herself she was still perfect for taking as much dick as Liam wanted.

"Mmng-mmn-mmng-mmnhgh!" she moaned longingly as his cock continued to plunge in and out… she almost made that sound when you rapidly pump a straw in a cup lid. "Hoo-haa-hoo-haa-hoo!" her grip tightened around her ankles as her eyes began to roll up into her mask. Her toes curled, her tits wobbled and jiggled with the rapid movement.

"MMgh! MMngh!" she squirmed as Liam began to buck forward towards her face, his hips becoming a hammer against her mouth as he loomed over her, bending her awkwardly… before slamming his cock down into her throat, "GUCK…GULP…GULP…" she milked his cock for all it was worth, before he fell face first over her, hitting the floor with a loud thud. Twitching awkwardly but with a huge smile on his face.

"Haah-haaah…. Haaaaaaaahh-puta…" she shuddered happily, shaking in pleasure as she stared blankly at a wall filled with more 'family pictures' including a wedding photo… how the step-mom fit those tits into a wedding dress needs to be shared with the world.

Hawkgirl finally let go of her now aching ankles leaving firm prints of her fingers in them. She let her eyes refocus as Volcana sat up, taking a deep breath and glancing down at a content-looking Liam, his cock hanging between his legs like a dead snake. "Did you kill him?"

Hawkgirl wobbled awkwardly to her feet as she glanced down at 'poor' Liam, "You know I get compared to her a lot, but I'm not Veronica." She said frankly as Liam groaned, and pushed himself up.

"Uh… ugh… I am so sore right now…" he fumbled slightly resting an arm on the couch to keep himself from falling over. "Worth it though, I haven't felt so relieved in a year…"

"Well glad we could help Chico. Phew…" she stretched as Volcana removed herself from the bed. "Hey Chico can I get some water. My throat is pretty parched from when you fucked it." she declared teasingly as Liam coughed, nodding rapidly as his cock twitched.

"Y-yeah cups are in the big cabinet in the kitchen."

"Gracias." She cooed as Volcana took a quick glance around, a trail of cum and her own arousal leaking down her thigh as she deduced the obvious bathroom and made her way towards it.

It took seven steps to get from the bed to the bathroom. Seven STEPS.

Perhaps it was some sort of instinct men have… the shaking and wobbling of the feminine form or the instinctive ancient desire to impregnate fertile women. Or perhaps that visually Volcana was the closest in shape and age to his new step-mother… but to make a point Volcana was barely any younger than the oldest Superbabe Hawkgirl who DEFINITELY didn't look the part.

But at the sight of those wonderous poundable ass cheeks Liam's cock rose at the sight of Volcana's big shapely ass wobbling into the bathroom towards the oddly large shower. She reached in, bending over to turn one of the knobs as it hissed our hot water almost instantly, she hardly stood back up as she felt Liam's cock between her slightly moistened but soft thighs.

She managed one reluctant sigh but wobbled into the shower, pressing her plump body against the wall, instantly gasping as he began slapping his hips away at her soft ass cheeks. Fap-Fap-Fap… the shower water hissing against their bodies as she rested her head on her arms as her long red hair matted wetly to her back as Liam grinding constantly against her. Standing on her tip-toes as he did nothing but-


"Aah… haah…" she moaned erotically as he seemed thoroughly engrossed with pounding her from behind, his hands wrapping around her waist, pulling against her waist as her tits rubbed up against the tiles… He slapped at her hips like he was banging bongo drums but they rippled like waves.

"Ahaa-… ah!" he pushed against her ass cheeks as she moaned sultrily, feeling another thick load rush inside her as he ripped out his cock and sprayed the rest on her shapely rear like painting a canvas. Her legs trembled as she came, a small one, ripping through her body as Liam leaned against her… he raised a hand and feebly pounded it onto her rear as she cooed.

"Mmmn…" his hands squeezing her ass cheeks as he continued to use her as a full body pillow. She was soft enough that was for certain…

"Hola!" cheered Hawkgirl suddenly practically shoving her way into the shower and breaking Volcana's contented afterglow but not the exhausted Liam who might have lost a good couple of pounds in water weight pumping it into the sumptuous Superbabes. "Here we… Go…" she smiled, gently removing Liam from Volcana's back and flopping the more than content young man against the wall. "You stay right there chico." She cooed, gently tapping at his swinging and very empty cock… "…Excelente! All good." She declared with a wink to Volcana as she reached for the mask, hesitated, then quickly glanced at Liam.

"Chica mind blocking his view for a minute?" she asked playfully, "Orders is a stickler for the identity…" Volcana glanced at Liam as he slid down to the floor of the shower.

"…Yeah. Hold on I have an idea…" she then promptly stuck the none-sticky part of her big milf behind in his face as Hawkgirl reached up to her mask.

"Whooo…" she yanked off the mask, quickly gave her sweaty face a rinse, before doing a quick twirl rinsing off the rest of her body before getting out of the shower drying off her face first then putting the mask. "Gracias!"

Volcana removed her plump backside from Liam's face before she took her turn under the water.

By the time she finished and dragged Liam under the shower spray before getting out she dried herself off, and walked into the living room as Hawkgirl absently fiddled with what could only be her phone. She was fully dressed and giggling girlishly as she bit her bottom lip, reading various texts as Volcana reached for her own clothes.

"Where were you keeping that?" Volcana asked as Hawkgirl smiled at her and after obviously texting her husband a final message she slipped her phone between her cleavage.

"I have ways." She replied playfully. "How is little chico?"

"I think he'll wake up in a minute I put him under the shower, it shouldn't be long now…"

"…Unless he enjoyed himself so much, you're drowning him." Hawkgirl noted. Although she was smiling she now had a moment of uncertainty. And both of them glanced at the bathroom door and the hissing of the shower.

"…Crap." Mumbled Volcana as they both quickly went back to the shower and after some effort and a bit more water they eventually dragged a grinning Liam out of the bathroom to no real response. The girls handled him like a ragdoll for a moment, drying him off and carrying him between them before tossing him back onto the bed and at least getting his shorts back on.

"…So now what?" asked Volcana curiously as Hawkgirl pulled him upright and-


Forward and backhand Liam wobbled as his eyes focused. Hawkgirl's hands cracked across his face. she smiled at him, "Hola! Chico we got to go and you got to pay."

"Wha? Oh… uh. Right um. Hang on." He got up and walked out of the bedroom, heading towards his as the girls followed him and watched as he opened a mini-safe with a combination wheel as after a few accurate and quick twists the door safe opened and he grabbed a wad of bills from the stack before returning to the girls. "So how much do I-"

Hawkgirl yanked the money from his hand, counted some of it, before stuffing it back between her cleavage and handing him the rest and giving him a quick kiss on one cheek and lightly slapping the other.

"Adios chico." She cooed

"Call again when you're feeling pent up." Volcana added as Hawkgirl eyed her rather lecherously as they started to walk out.

"Look at you! Being all sexy…" she purred as Volcana sighed exhaustedly.

"It's my job..." she cringed as they made it out of the apartment and she rested a hand on her hip, "Ugh he pounded me so damn HARD…"

"MMN!" Hawkgirl smiled cheerily, dancing down the hallway to the elevators. "I KNOW right! I wish I got it all on recording!"

"…Wait how did you get it on recording?" Volcana asked… but Hawkgirl only smiled and gave her no answer.

Time: 10:49 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I'm calling your bluff you did not meet Green Lantern." Declared Helen in disbelief as Zoey and Maria smiled almost smugly with stuck-up noses.

"Totally did! Lori saw him to." Zoey declared as the blue woman herself entered to drop off tips before making a quick return.

"I wouldn't say we met him though…" Lori replied sounding bored, "He gave us a green hand and flew off."

"I met Booster Gold though," Zoey noted as Hawkgirl and Volcana returned. "He might be handsome if he wasn't so…" she fidgeted in her chair, shaking her hands out as if she stuck them in something- "Slimy… you know?"

"Bessie said he hit on her." Maria cooed, "Because of course he did, have you seen our Querida?" she ruffled Zoey's white-haired head to little messy effect. "Hola Rosa."

"Maria!" winked Rosa as she extracted her phone AND her money from the bag of holding that seemed to be her cleavage before depositing the first one on the counter. "Good to see you-"

"It's crowded in here, and out there." Orders declared abruptly jerking her thumb towards the rowdy floor, "Back to work girls, say your hellos to each other when you say your goodbyes to them." She sorted out the cash as the collection of Babes went to work leaving Rosa and Violet behind. "No trouble then?"

"That chico was FUN…" cooed Rosa taking her cut, "He is definitely going to be a regular."

"Especially with those bimbo step-relatives of his." Orders added dismissively, "Go take a bath Rosa, use the strong soap." Rosa sniffed herself, scowling rather annoyed. She certainly didn't smell awful… but she could still use a refreshing shower as she continued to text Koji from earlier so she can tell him ALL about her romp with the young pent-up man…

The second she was in the locker rooms however Violet moaned exhaustedly. "She is SOMETHING else…"

"Don't get me started." Orders replied agreeably, "I'm just glad it wasn't some sort of cuckold bullshit with her again."

"I think she tried to convert me to it!" Violet mumbled as Orders, surprisingly, laughed.

"Ha-ha-ha…" she chuckled rather melodiously before shaking her head and gesturing to the couch. "…Take a rest Violet, I'll give you a different partner for the rest of the week, Rosa might be a bit too much for you…"

"…Veronica might be better in comparison," Violet warned as Orders coughed, shaking her head.

"Let's not get crazy." She said firmly as Rosa's cheerful la-la-cha-cha-cha's echoed from the locker rooms.


Liam from Road Trip II west coast makes his first main-series appearance with the oldest babes.
