
Road Trip II: Phoenix

I don't own DC

.... "DUDES! Get up! Up! Come on!"

#6 immediately began slapping and lightly kicking his dozing friends. "GUYS GET UP! The Coach is going to be here any second!"

Like a scrambling hive of angry bees, the boys quickly got up, recovered, and scrambled out of the room. Two of them completely forgetting that it WAS their room… but that didn't matter, they needed to clean up and get ready for their coach to arrive, they were going to bus back to El Paso today after several good out of town games.

They were out celebrating when they met the girls, one thing led to another and then they REALLY celebrated… however, that didn't change the fact that they'll still get in trouble for what they did last night. If they get caught of course.

"Hey!" Bessie squeaked as she skipped into the room.

"Don't push, we're going!" Maria snarled as a smiling Zoey walked in ahead of her carrying Maria's clothes.

"Use this room to clean up! Don't open the door for anybody!" replied #6 as Maria, Bessie and Zoey all entered the room… they were sort of dressed… Maria however was naked apart from a towel she had been using to cover herself: she was yanked out of the shower by Menino (aka #3) and shoved in here with the other Superbabes after a wild night of gambling, tequilla, sex and who knows what else… gambling probably.

Lori and Lucy naturally were hit the hardest, despite the content sticky looks on their faces. Lori was splayed out awkwardly on the floor, sticky and coated with fluids whereas Lucy was lying face down on the bed, the boys who were lucky enough to occupy her holes in deep slumber were long extracted at this point in preparation for the 'coach'.

"Hey. LUCY!" Maria dropped her towel grabbing at the lovely latina by the leg and shaking her. "LUCY!"

"MMnh Maria I had a good time. Let me sleep."

"Get up!" Maria declared angrily as Zoey rested a hand on her shoulder and smiling calmly pushed her angry friend towards the bathroom.

"Go take a shower Maria you were mid-soak." She said, knowing that Maria was just cranky for the interruption. She then toed Lori's shapely thigh. "Lori…"

"MMnngh… FUCK… another train ride and I'm still here." She grumbled jokingly, pushing herself off the floor and following Maria into the shower. "Move over, I'm covered in leftovers." Bessie dressed herself quickly as Maria and Lori showered, Zoey continued to shake Lucy who finally woke up.

"MMmngh…" she pushed off the bed. "…That was fun… where's my phone?"

"In your clothes." Bessie replied.

"Did Orders call me?" Lucy asked, "She said she was going to get us a ride…" Lucy put her very lovely dress back on, before grabbing at her phone. "…Oh." She frowned and checked her messages. "…That doesn't make sense."

"What?" Zoey asked curiously.

"…Well Orders got us a flight… but it's in Phoenix Arizona?..." she stared at the girls confused as Maria came out of the shower, drying her hair before Zoey handed Maria her clothes.

"What? Phoenix?" Maria asked sourly, putting her clothes on. "Why would she get us a flight in Phoenix Arizona? That's in an entirely different state."

"She said there's no direct flight from Vegas to Gotham due to some Supervillian attack or maybe some monster? I'm not sure. She sent me 'eldritch horror' as an excuse, but she didn't really clarify."

"…How the HELL are we supposed to get to Phoenix?" Maria asked as Zoey, shrugged and sat down on the recliner, and blinked, reaching overstuffed into a corner and grabbing a very nice top hat. Fiddling with it in her hands as Lucy shrugged. "WHY the hell would we want to go to Phoenix for a damn plane?"

"You know what? she actually answered that. She said-" Lucy began looking at her phone. "Because Zoey and Bessie would be there…"

"What?" Maria asked surprise before Zoey suddenly screamed in shock.

She had playfully put on the top hat, however the second she did, it expanded and sunk over her head. Bessie, reacting quickly as the hat grew and lowered over Zoey like a giant python unhinging it's jaw, Bessie grabbed Zoey's hand to tug her free as Lucy grabbed the hat that was horrifically 'eating' Zoey… but suddenly with a SLURP like someone sucking on a shake straw!

…Both girls were gone.

"…WHAT THE FUCK!?" shrieked Maria, grabbing at the top hat and gazing into it in horrified concerned. "Querida! BESSIE!" she suddenly took her arm and reached into the hat, but it disappeared into it as she pulled it completely, and impossibly up to her shoulder. "Wha-" yanking her arm out in shock, she stared at the white rabbit in her hand as Lori leapt out of the bathroom…

"…SUP." The Rabbit smiled in Maria's grip as she shrieked and tossed the rabbit onto the bed. "That was uncalled for!" he replied irately, "…Hey… Where's ZEE?" he asked confused as he eyed a wet and naked Lori. "…HELLO gorgeous… you uh. You come here often?"

Lucy and Maria turned to Lori who rolled her eyes. "…He's a rabbit, it oddly makes sense."

"Listen here lunchmeat! What happened to Bessie and my Querida!?" Maria snarled, lifting the rabbit squealing from the bed.

"Wha-HEY! It's not my fault! ZEE! ZEE!!!" he squealed, "ZATANNA!"


Just like magic, a beautiful brunette in a tailcoat and fishnets suddenly appeared in the room, Maria, Lucy and Lori leapt away as the woman glanced around, "Humphrey! There you are." She then eyed the three girls in the room, Lori in particular for being naked and blue before politely turning away. "…AND you found the girls who managed to steal my hat."

"…We stole your hat?" Lucy replied, nervously apologetic.

Zatanna smiled ominously, "…You swapped it with an mostly empty bottle of tequilla, but I won't tell anyone if you don't. Batman is ALWAYS telling me to secure it properly after my shows and I don't really need that right now."

"We're sorry we apparently stole that hat." Maria said, "But it ATE our friends!"

Zatanna eyed her, then 'Humphrey' as Lori managed to get her clothes on. "Humphrey."

"It's not MY fault you didn't remember to close that portal spell!" Humphrey said indignantly.

"What portal spell?"

"The one you cast in Phoenix!" Humphrey replied as the Superbabes glanced at each other. "To get away before Booster Gold tried asking you out again after dealing with Ithroti'zix!"

Zatanna actually blushed at that, and cleared her throat. "…Oh… right… I knew I forgot something." She then eyed the girls. "Okay! Good news!" she said smiling, "Your friends are safe in phoenix, Arizona. I can bring them right back…"

"…Funny story." Lucy replied, "We… were going there anyway." Although it pained her to say that all things considered. They could have just avoided going to Phoenix altogether if Orders told them something along the lines of 'don't put on the hat'. But she also imagined that this was Orders' way of saying 'go spread the brand in Arizona.'

"Oh… then it all works out." Zatanna noted, "…Can you contact them?"

"…They had their phones." Lori noted almost as an afterthought. "Try calling them?"

Lucy immediately unlocked her phone and dialed Bessie's number as Zatanna retrieved Humphrey and shoved him back into the hat before placing it on her head. After a second the busty Superbabe answered. "Lucy?"

Lucy breathed a sigh of relief once she heard Bessie's voice. "Oh thank god. Are you two alright?"

"…We're in the middle of a field… but yeah, we're fine."

"Listen. You and Zoey just hang around somewhere, and we'll come to you alright?"

"How are you going to do that?" Bessie asked.

"I… don't know, Zatanna can you teleport us?" Lucy curiously asked Zatanna who looked at them all a little apologetic. As Lori suddenly added.

"All of our stuff is back at that motel. Remember?" Lori accurately noted.

"I… actually don't have the time to do it…" Zatanna noted. "I had to find my hat and help Dr. Fate with cleaning up a magical mess… if you don't mind waiting a day I can come back."

"…No." Maria noted. "It's fine. We're sorry to cause you trouble, we'll rent a car, or find our own way…"

Zatanna shrugged apologetically, but she picked up her hat and glanced at what was clearly a Superbabe's card tucked into it, winked and giving her hat brim a flick she opened her mouth. "Ot Roctod Etaf!" and a in a magical stage poof, Zatanna quickly disappeared.

"Oh-kay…" grumbled Lori, "How are we going to get us and our stuff to Arizona?"

"Come on man." Grumbled #2 following #8 into the room to grab their things. "We got to get packed for the bus!" Lori sitting in the chair stared at them incredulously as Lucy suddenly smiled.

"Oh boys…" the boys blinked at the girls attentively. "…Your bus wouldn't happen to be passing through Phoenix, Arizona would it?"

About 1 hour later…





"Alright. That's everyone…" Coach Walters declared. A older man, former ball player, still kinda fit despite long retiring. He glanced up from his clipboard on the rental bus he had arranged for the team to drag them back to El Paso. "Alright." He signaled the bus driver. "Let's go." The driver shut the door, as the bus started moving along… it was a good 5 minutes on the road before he turned back around to the chattering boys and noticed a trio of VERY gorgeous girls sitting in the back.

They had suddenly appeared there… because there was no way he wouldn't have noticed a trio of beautiful woman on a bus full of collage ball players before or after roll call. "Hey." He declared, his eyes narrowing as he walked down the aisle to the girls as the boys looked distinctly concerned. "Who the hell are you?"

Lucy smiled at him calmly as she stored Zoey's bags in the bag compartment over the seats. There was plenty of room as the bus was half empty in the first place. But with the girl's bags plus Bessie's and Zoey's it was STILL mostly empty.

"Hi. I'm Lucy. Your boys were nice enough to offer us a ride to Phoenix."

He stared at her irately, "Stop the bus." He began, "STOP-MNG…" his mouth was covered suddenly by Lucy's hand.

"Now now. None of that." she noted seductively. "…Tell you what. Have a quick chat with my friend first and then see how you feel? MMn?"

Fire's big brown sugar breasts pressed against his arm as she grabbed his shirt and dragged him towards the back and the bathroom stall. "Yes… come have a chat…"

"With us." Livewire finished putting her hands on Coach Walter's back, and shoving all three of themselves into the bathroom. Lucy was informed (by Menino) that Coach Walter's had a thing for darker skinned girls and big tits. So Fire offered to 'convince' him… Livewire was just on the bus for too long and needed something to satiate the pheromone induced arousal. This was going to by a 5-hour bus ride after all she didn't need to start randomly banging one of the boys again… that would just get them all going.

Livewire and Fire

The bus bathroom was barely any bigger than a portable toilet you'd find at a construction site but it was certainly a hell of a lot cleaner. The Coach of the Lucky Fucks, that wasn't their actual name but it might as well be, was shoved onto the toilet seat. And before he could complain, like an idiot, he was preemptively given a rebuttal of big brown sugar tits shoved into his face. "Mmngh!"

"Hmmn-hmnn!" cooed Fire as she stood over Livewire as she slunk between Fire's legs. Coach's cock grew exponentially as his 'taste' continued to stuff her tits into his face, and Livewire's hands rubbed at his crotch, and like a skilled pickpocket she managed to undo his belt buckle, and zipper. His pasty white cock shot forward and right into Livewire's mouth as Fire's sat down on her shoulders.

"Mmn-mmn-mmn-mmn-mmn…" Livewire didn't need a lot of space to give head. Rapidly moving her head back and forth, rubbing the back of her skull against Fire crotch as she ground her own hips forward pushing Livewire down onto Coach's dick… hungrily, the blue Columbian booty superbabe engulfed the entirety of Coach's cock "MMngh mngh!" she moaned, if Coach wasn't eagerly squeezing at Fire's tits he probably would've tried his hand at prying Livewire off his cock… he'd try but fail, she had a vice grip on that thing with her lips.

"Haaa…" Fire sighed, pushing her breasts around Coach's face before quickly pulling away and yanking off her top, and returning. "MMn…" as his hands cupped beneath them and squeezed. "Haaa…"

Livewire twisted her head, as she slurped noisily on his trembling cock. Sucking out pre-cum before she slid to his tip and let it slip free. "Ahh… aaah…laaammn…" running her tongue against it as Fire jiggled her tits against his face and pulled away.

"Move over Bonita give me a turn…" cooed Fire as the girls awkwardly, but still somehow sexily, switched positions. Livewire back up against the door, her big phat blue ass molding against it as she gave a modest compact striptease, pushing her shorts down as Fire opened her mouth, "Ahh…" and engulfed Coach's cock again. "Mmngh-mmn…"

"Haaa-aah… oh my god…" he clawed at the walls then Fire's green haired head as Livewire mounted the bulging sides of the toilet, delicately balancing herself before stifling Coach's moans as she crammed his face into her dripping blue pussy…

"Ay that's it…" she moaned as he began to lick on reflex, or simply because he didn't know any better it wasn't like he was the master of cunnilingus. The beauty of Livewire however was that she didn't care it still felt amazing thanks to her genetics. She leaned against the wall behind him as he lost interest in Fire's hair and found a newfound love for big blue ass. His hands reaching up to clap onto both cheeks to pull her forward. "Ahh-fuck me…" she gasped, bucking her hips against his face as his fingers squeezed into her flesh.

"MMn. MMnh-mmgh-hmmn…" Fire moaned loudly around Coach's cock, it echoed around the tiny bathroom over the rumble of the bus, Fire's mop of green hair wiggled as she twisted her head.

"Ahaa-haa. AH-ah-aaah!" gasped Livewire, shaking on the Coach's curious tongue as her ass cheeks twerked in his hands. Swat! "Ay… Haaa haha…" she moaned, squeezing his face with her thighs. "I think he's getting into IT…" she cooed to Fire as she slurped off his cock, flicking her tongue against it and subtly sucking out the pre-cum as she smiled up at him from between Livewire's legs.

"Is he Bonita? Think we should finish him off?"

"MMn…" Livewire shuddered erotically as she came again and hopped down off the couch. "I don't know…" she teased, "…What do you think? My ass or yours?" she asked as she wiggled her big blue booty in Fire's face, Fire grinned and began to bang her hands on Livewire's ass cheeks like bongos. Before grabbing both at the legs, and running her tongue longingly on Livewire's right ass cheek. "mmmn… what a bunda…" Livewire wiggled her ass in Fire's face as the blue babe turned around, putting her hands on the door and shaking her rear to the breathless coach…

Fire cupped her big brown Sugar breasts, moaning as she leaned forward and began to eat Livewire out. Fire was MUCH better at cunnilingus than the Coach, mostly because she's had a lot of practice with ex-girlfriends and has been paid to be in a lot of threesomes. In other words, Livewire was probably going to cum on Fire's tongue long before Coach managed to collect himself and get his dick balls deep in blue pussy…

…Or ass as the case ended up being…

"NNGH!!" Livewire's eyes widened as she shuddered in pleasure, the Coach standing up to grab those hips, pounding into her ass abruptly as Fire's tongue soothed the Sluutavan fuck-beast. "Haaa! Ayyy! CABRÓN!" she snarled seductively, hard to be angry when she was shaking in orgasm. "Fuck that ass. Fuck it!" she hissed, clawing at the door as she was rammed into it… it wasn't a very sturdy door, and it was a miracle that a hundred 'mumble-mumble' pounds of sexy blue assed Superbabe wasn't rammed right through it as the Coach suddenly became much more… amicable.

"MMngh! Mmn!" moaned Fire, tongue and slurping out Livewire's crystal clear arousal as the blue babes ass cheeks wobbled hypnotically with the thrusts of a horny Coach.

Whap. Whap! WHAP! WHAAP!!

"Agh… UGH!" harder and harder he pounded so that Livewire's ass cheeks rippled water.

"Ah! AH! AAH!!" she gasped, "Cum! Cumming!-NGH!!" she shuddered on Fire's tongue and Coach's cock-



"Cum in that ass! Cum inside! I don't want a fucking mess I just want to feel that fucking load!" hissed Livewire erotically, as Fire's hands let go of her breasts to reach up and 'WHAP' Livewire's big blue ass cheeks.

"Haa-haaah-haaah…" panted the Coach, clutching at his chest as he rested his other hand on her shelf of an ass, before raising it and smacking his handprint onto the same cheek. Leaving a red hand-print behind like a stamp of approval before his cock slipped free of Livewire's hole and he flopped back down to the toilet seat.

Fire slid forward on her knees to give his limp dick a little lick, and Livewire pushed from the wall, kneeling tightly next to her as their faces and tongues nuzzled and slurped on his cock, pushing it between them. He didn't get much harder, however at half mast he gasped suddenly as a rope of cum shot from his tip across Fire's face.

She took it in stride, sitting still as another splattered comically onto her nose but Livewire's tongue licked it right up, slurping at Fire's face as Coach sighed, watching the blue babe clean the Brazilian beauty. Squeezing at her big brown sugar breasts, as Livewire stuffed her mouth full of cum as they swapped spit.

"Mmngh! Mmnm-hmmn…" Livewire moaned into Fire's mouth as Fire squeezed at her blue ass.

"MMnn-hmmn-hmmn…. Ah…" she pulled away from Livewire, swirling her tongue around her lips before gazing at the coach.

"…Are you really going to kick us off now?"

Coach sighed, gazing between them before he rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No…"

"It's on the way." Lori added, grabbing at her shorts, "…And if you need another round of 'convincing' well… it is a 5 hour drive…" she stuffed that ass back into her tight shorts before opening the door and walking out, Maria winked sensually, before washing her hands and face briefly, shaking out her hair and heading outside after Lori…

Lucy was absently playing a game of poker with Zoey's kitten cards with #2, #7 and #10… apparently it was strip poker… and the boys were losing. "All done?" she asked as Lori flopped into a bus seat, tugging on her hoodie.

"For now…" Maria loomed over Lucy, resting her brown sugar breasts on the top of the seat as she gazed down at the cards.

"I just hope the girls will be alright…" Maria added concernedly. "They have to wait for us for 5 hours…"

"Yeah because that's the biggest problem." Lori mumbled as Lucy lost, and began to take off her jacket, exposing her tight green T-shirt. "…A five hour boss ride with 11 horny ball players. Great."

The 5-hour bus ride was one thing, 'poor' Lori, but what about our two lost teleported Superbabes?"

"I'm hungry." Sighed Zoey, sitting down with Bessie in a coffee shop. They only had enough money for a couple of small coffees… Bessie surprisingly had several $100 Caesar palace poker chips for, one was a bribe to be arm candy, she lucked out winning the others, but a 5-hour drive to vegas wasn't worth it to function as legal tender apparently.

"Well… we still have to wait for the other girls." Sighed Bessie, savoring the only nourishment they could currently afford, checking Zoey's phone. "…Lucy, Lori and Maria are at least another 2 hours out… and I think the baristas are getting fidgety…"

And they were girl baristas so Zoey and Bessie's charms would only get so far.

Zoey still managed to smile regardless of the situation. Orders already called them to tell them the girls were on their way with their stuff, AND they were booked for a red eye to Gotham… but that didn't change the fact that they had to wait for so long… Zoey glanced out the front window of the coffee shop… and blinked at the place across the street. It was a pizza place of course, which didn't help her hunger.

Booster Golden Crust… it even had a gaudy picture of the notoriously fame seeking hero giving a toothy grin, holding a thumbs up in one hand and a pizza with a literal golden crust in the other… which actually seemed appetizing. But again. No money… Just two more hours and they can eat something.

"Stop looking at it you are just torturing yourself." Bessie cooed as Zoey just shrugged, dreamily smiling and imagining herself eating pizza…

"I can't help it. The only thing I've had in the last 12 hours is… well… you know what-" she shrugged and pointed with a cheerful wink and a smile, "-And this coffee. I'm not built for a liquid diet like Jackie! Or…" she paused, staring across the street as a delivery boy on a motorized scooter parked out front and headed inside…

"…Veronica." Zoey grinned, abruptly standing up as Bessie blinked at her.


"Delivery boys!" Zoey smiled at her broadly as Mighty Endowed stared back at her, and sighed reluctantly, a smile of her own twitching on her lips.

"Oh boy." She managed to get out as Ice grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the coffee shop with surprising strength.

Mighty Endowed and Ice - Pizza Boys

Booster Golden Crust was surprisingly good: trademarked. There was at least one in each state… supposedly, jury's out on that claim. But it wasn't open yet, most pizza places don't open until 11am because there's apparently not a lot of demand for pizza for breakfast…

Which is just silly that's the diet of most college boys… speaking of college boys. Our Pizza boys everyone…

"Hey Harold." Mumbled the recently arrived 'delivery boy'. Yawning as he came in for the 'lunch shift.' Harold was a round guy with curly red hair and some stubble.

"Lee." Harold replied. Lee was distinctly Chinese, but despite his youth he was built like a long-distance runner with a wiry toned frame. Harold yawned broadly, "You got the morning shift too huh?"

"Yeah…" Lee rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "I don't know why, nobody comes around until way later anyway. Nothing happens in Phoenix… that's why Booster Gold he said almost scathingly, "is our hometown hero."

"Come on man. Everyone knows it's because he does a good job."

"No it's because everyone knows this place is a quiet town where noting exciting happens! When's the last time Clayface broke into our bank! Or Metallo raiding the museum."

"Why would Metallo raid our museum." Harold replied tiredly, this wasn't the first time Lee had 'complaints'. "Also. You WANT supervillains?"

"I just want something exciting to happen! You know?" Lee replied returning to the counter as Harold glanced out the front window at the two super-hot girls crossing the street. With their figures there would be no way they were coming for pizza (they weren't technically open anyway) so he gave Lee his full attention. "Like. Fawcett city!" he said…

"…Come on man that 'rumor' again you saw on the forums? It's bull." He replied as Lee shook his head.

"Dude. One of their pizza boys had an orgy with STARFIRE."

"Uh huh." Harold replied dismissively, "And Huntress and Wonder Woman, and HARLEY QUINN! Dude do you hear yourself? There pizza guys just fanfic-ing their fantasies! Girls don't just decide to pay for pizza with sex, especially not Super heroes!"

…This is true. However we have a retort.


"Hi!" Ice quickly bounced into the room, practically throwing herself over the counter and giving them her own trademarked grin. "I am hungry."

"Uh…" Lee and Harold mumbled together gazing at the white-haired hottie with the bubbly body…

"We're uh." Harold recovered first. "…We aren't open yet." He finished as Ice nodded as she understood.

"That's okay…" she replied, "I don't really have any money. Do you accept poker chips?" she replied before sliding a hundred-dollar poker chip across the counter. Lee stared at it curiously and laughed nervously before picking it up.

"Noooo?" he said hesitantly, "We don't really accept poker chips…"


Like the hammering of a judge's gavel. Mighty Endowed's huge tits rested on the counter and quickly drew their gazes. "…Come on boys." Mighty Endowed, "Due to some circumstances we have no money and we're REALLY hungry…" she cooed. "…If you can find it in your hearts to spot us say, something with pepperoni on it? We wouldn't mind any other pepperonis you might have."

"Oh, that's good!" Ice smiled sweetly.

"I'm channeling my inner Veronica." Mighty Endowed whispered back, "…It's weird."

Lee stared at the both of them, Ice's grinning face to Mighty Endowed's big tits AND her smiling face. "Doesn't happen huh?" he managed to get out grinning at an uncomfortably Harold as he opened and closed his mouth, unsure what to say.

"Ladies we can't just give you free pizza…"

Ice winked at him. "Nobody said free pizza… we're not asking for something LARGE…" she whispered, "With everything on it… just a lot of pepperoni…" she purred as something clicked in Harold's brain, his eyes widening as he not only recognized that particular line. He now recognized the pornstar who said it…

Yep. Ice stole that entire thing from one of her old porn films, and she knew he knew that now. She had him trapped… and she sealed it shut by sticking out her long 4-inch tongue, letting it curling invitingly as Lee hissed an appropriate.


Harold stared at the tongue he has seen covered in semen NUMEROUS times, before finally he decided that he and Lee were going to split a medium pizza… official. "…Lock the door Lee." He said defeatedly as Lee leapt athletically over the front counter and went to lock the door, adjusting the 'back in' clock sign from 11 o'lock to 12…closing the curtains just to make sure as Ice made her way around the counter.

Lee was happily ambushed by tits, Mighty Endowed's cleavage was shoved into his face upon his attempt to return before he was pushed into a booth. Well out of sight from the closed curtains of the window as he smoothed himself happily in her cleavage. "Hmmn-hmmn!" Mighty Endowed smirked confidently, resting her hands on the table and the booth seat, using only her breasts to keep her above 'level', pushing them into Lee's face as she felt his eager cock probing her crotch…

On the other hand while she was busy teasing lucky Lee, Heavy Harold was already getting a blowjob from his 3rd​ favorite (ex)pornstar. She had tugged down his pants and slipped beneath his apron, so he couldn't SEE her giving him head, but boy could he feel it. "MMngh!" Ice wasted no time tugging his twitching girth into her mouth. "MMn! MMN! MMN!" slurping and moaning LOUDLY so he knew she was sucking it. Her talented tongue slithering and writhing all over his cock, slipping out from her lips to plow through the forest of pubic hairs at the base, tapping at his balls invitingly as he rested a hand on the counter and the back of her head.

"Haah… ahhh… NHg…" shaking as his hand moved back and forth on his crotch, Ice's head bobbing faster and faster. "NGh!" Harold wasn't going to last long… Ice buried her face into his crotch and took his load quickly, opening her throat up as he shot rope after rope directly into her gurgling stomach.

"MMMn-mmmnnn…" she moaned softly before pulling back far. "Ahh…." Popping out of his apron with her tongue out and her head rolled back on her neck, "AHhhh…" she wiggled her tongue in greeting as Harold just looked disappointed.

"…Damn." He mumbled as she rubbed his legs. "…I wanted it to last longer."

"Oooh…" she cooed sweetly, grinning up at him. "Don't worry. My friend's not done yet with yours…" she then got up, swinging herself onto the counter and gripping the other end, wiggling her bubble pawg booty at an amazed Harold, "…We can keep going if you like." His cock eagerly twitched with the movement of Ice's pawg ass before reaching for it and giving it a squeeze. "Oooooh…" she cooed arousingly in response as he began to play with her rear.

Lee however got his hands firmly on Mighty Endowed's breasts, squeezing and fondling the top heavy hottie as she gasped and moaned appropriately in response, shaking slightly as her sensitive tits were eagerly groped. Before taking both of his hands and slamming them on the linoleum seat. And pushing herself up. "Ahh…" she had to retake control before she lost it… grabbing at her clothes, and promptly stripping.

Her huge tits wobbled free and Lee's eyes giddily went wide, staring up at her in awe before sitting up and burying his face into her naked breasts. "Ahh!" pinching and licking her nipples as he motorboated those soft and heavy things, his cock poking at her crotch as she pushed him out of her tits. Sliding off his lap and onto her knees. She tugged at his pants as he shifted on the seat, gazing down as her breasts rested on his lap and she tugged his pants down.

Boing… his cock slapped between her tits, as she cupped them both and spat between them, squeezing tightly around his cock as he gripped the table and the back seat of the booth. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod…" he chanted like a mantra as Mighty Endowed big heavy tits bounced up and down on his lap. Fap-fap-fap. Gazing up at him as she covered her own nipples with her hands, lifting and dropping slowly before surprising him with a sudden titty assault. Rapidly lifting and dropping her breasts.

Fapfapfapfap! Dropping them onto his lap as he stood up, letting instincts take over. She pushed her tits together with her elbows as he promptly tried to impregnante her tits. FAPFAPFAPFAPFAP!


"Ah! Ooh!" she gasped, surprised by his forceful burst of cum shooting out of her tits and onto her chest. "Mmngh!" biting her bottom lip as he trembled, squeezing at her breasts as he slid his spurting cock between them. She alternatingly lifted her breasts, making them jiggle up and down in turn as he stared down at them. She smiled up at him playfully before reaching for a napkin dispenser, pulling her tits away before absently wiping up his mess…

Lee's cock twitched back to life before her eyes as she glanced at it. It wiggled almost pleadingly at her as he leaned back on the table, pushing his hips forward as she wiped up his load in about three napkins and leaned forward. "Aaahh-mmngh!" Taking his cock into her mouth.

Harold watched Mighty Endowed's go from cleaning up to sucking off, bobbing slowly on a more than happy Lee as he stopped playing with a grinning Ice's ass, she smiled over her shoulder at him, bouncing her cheeks up and down either as an invitation to continue or get to the good stuff. Harold stroked himself, yanking aside his apron and fulfilling his 3rd​ favorite pornstar fantasies. "Haaah!"

Ice released a cock-hardening cry that echoed around the pizza place. "AH… ahh… you can… do it… harder!" she encouraged. "Ah!" her body banged against the counter as Harold planted his hands, thrusting hard into her body as her knuckles whitened on the other side of the counter. "AH! Ugh! ah-aha-ah!" Harold overcome with his own lust fell onto Ice as he tried to plow her through the table, rigorously bucking his hips against her bubbly ass cheeks as they clapped loudly together with his hips. "Aah! Aahah! Yeees!" she moaned erotically, feeling his cock vibrate inside her as she used all of her pornstar skills. "I love your big sausage!"

Cringe. But still sexy pornstar skills.

"MMngh! MMn! MMngh! MMnnn-ghmmn…" Mighty Endowed moaned around Lee's cock as he pushed forward into her face, gasping adorably as she slurped on him. "Mmhg-mnn!!"

"Haa-haaa-ah!" Lee suddenly pulled out of her mouth.

"Mwaah!? Wait…" she gasped, knowing what was cumming as she quickly cupped her heavy tits. "Oooh…" and felt his sticky ropes criss-cross over them. "Mmn…" he gasped for breath, shaking and twitching. "…You can't just keep cumming on my tits…"

She raised her hands onto her hair, swinging her breasts left and right. His cock twitching as she grabbed more napkins and began wiping herself off. Standing up from the floor and pushing him and his hard on back into the booth. She turned around, wiping her huge tits with more napkins before sitting on his lap. "Mmn…" grinding her ass on his cock before slipping it inside herself. "Ahh… AH! Ah! AH!" she gasped, bouncing up and down as her heavy tits swung with her. Slapping against her body as she continued to wipe herself… running her hands over them.

"Ooh! Ah-Eeh! Aha-ha!" Giggled Ice as Harold sped up, pounding away rapidly into her body until her legs were sore from banging against the counter. His cock vibrating against her tight inner walls as he watched Mighty Endowed's tits do jumping jacks. "Ahh-aah-aahh-aah!" she moaned, shaking as she felt Harold push into her, feeling his load spurt into her body as she wiggled her hips behind her.

"Haah-haaah…" breathlessly he pulled out of her pussy, shaking as she shoved herself off the counter. spun to her knees and grinning began stroking him off, extending her tongue and occasionally flicking it against his limp tip as it quickly became less-limp. "Oh my… GOD…" he groaned.

"Ahh-hah-hah!" she panted on his twitching cock as her tongue rolled and roiled over it, "Hah-haha!" gazing unblinkingly with her beautiful blue eyes, her lips stretched into that always cheerful smile. "Haah! AAAAH!"

"Ugh!" he moaned out as a rope of cum shot accurately between her lips and he didn't have to be accurate anymore as she instantly engulfed him in her mouth, his hand squeezing the back of her head.

"MMn! mMN! MMn!" bobbing her head and stroking his cock until the last drops oozed out.

Whop! Whop! Whop! "Ah!" Mighty Endowed gasped as Lee sat up, squeezing her tits from behind as she bounced on his lap. "Haaaah!" gasping for breath as her tits made her cum, her tits were such a slut. "Ah! AAAH! AH!!" she slammed her hips down on his lap as he buried his face into her hair, clinging to her tightly as his cock bulged inside her, pumping her full of his load as she quickly pushed off him. Wobbling forward as Ice stood up from the floor, walking around the counter and smiling she shoved her tongue covered in cum into Mighty Endowed's

Like a delivery system as they embraced and moaned sensually. Squeezing and groping each other's more obviously impressive bodyparts as Ice finally pulled away from Mighty Endowed, both licking their lips… Ice almost licking most of her face.

"AH… so… boys. About that pizza?" she smiled cheerily. Lee and Harold, contentedly exhausted, collapsed onto the booth and the floor.

"…Well get right on that." moaned Harold.

Several minutes later.

"Guys!" the doors suddenly burst open, and a shiny blonde entered. "Helloooo! Booster's Golden Crust opens at 11 am on the dot! Isn't that right skeets!?"

"That's right sir." The little drone replied, hovering beside Booster Gold himself. A little miffed that a franchise with his name on it wasn't abhorring to the set guidelines and making him money-I MEAN!-serving the people… that's it.

"Whoa Booster Gold himself!" Harold breathed, mopping the floors, "Sorry sir we're uh… running a little late.

"Well YOU keep at it Harold!" Booster Gold encouraged as Lee rolled his eyes and approached the table with Zoey and Bessie, both HAPPILY enjoying a medium sized pepperoni. "…Hello?" smiled Booster, charmingly, "I see what's going on here…" Lee gave both Zoey and Bessie some bottled water, looking nervous. "Trying to impress girls huh? I get it. Not all of us can be a famous SUPERHERO." He declared as Skeets gave off a little cheerful 'Tada!' complete with a pop of confetti that Harold had to now clean up.

Booster slid over to both Zoey and Bessie both of whom have managed to eat three-fourths of the pizza as Booster rested a hand 'suavely' on the table as Skeets played mood music, obviously 'pick-up' music. "Ladies!" he winked at a smiling Zoey and Bessie… then thankfully his glasses hid his obvious staring at Bessie's tits. "I uh… do hope you're enjoying Booster's Golden Crust! It's an old family recipe."

Stolen from a pizza place he worked at once far into the future. It was from an old family.

"MMN!" Zoey replied happily, her stomach warmed with food. "It is good."

"Thank you. Thank you. So! You girls doing anything later?" he asked quickly as Harold and Lee both watched the man 'work'. "Because I, as it turns out, am free to give you a tour of this LOVELY city!" he finger gunned both Zoey, then Bessie's tits, before correcting himself to point at Bessie.

"Actually Sir Batman called earlier and-"

"Sh-sh-SHUSH! Skeets!" Booster Gold hissed, "That's… PERSONAL." He said, in a way that he wanted to girls to ask about. Cause you know. He and batman were cool.

Zoey smiled at him. "Oh! You know Batman?"

"I DO! Know batman." He smirked, eyeing her suspiciously. "…Don't I know you? In the future?" he asked grinning, "Aren't you a famous actress?"

One of his more notorious pick-up lines. 'Hey I'm from the future! You're going to be famous!'… however in this particular case it sort of… backfired.

"Yes sir." Replied Skeets abruptly as Booster cringed. "She is in fact a famous actress." Zoey's smile suddenly felt a lot more ominous.

"Uh-huh." She replied 'sweetly', "…I've been in a… few videos." She replied, "Would you like to explain which one's you've seen me in Mr. Gold?"

"I… uh…" Booster blinked at her as she rested her chin on her hand, Bessie was trying very hard NOT to laugh. "You know skeets I just remembered that Batman thing is IMPORTANT! We better go!" he said, holding out a business card to the girls as Bessie took it examining the caricature of Booster Gold on it. "Come skeets!"

"Yes Sir!"

They darted outside and took off, however once they were in the air. "Skeets! Bro! what the hell!? I was working that girl!"

"She was Zoey Hanson." Skeet's replied, "In this timeline she is also known as Sally Snowball a famous pornographic actress."

"…What?" Booster blinked at Skeet's rather perplex. "She did porn?"

"Indeed. And is notedly famous for her promiscuity and rumored willingness for filthier sexual acts in film." Added skeets casually, "10 years from now after her marriage she will perform in Hamlet as Ophelia on stage to rave reviews and open up a path to a lucrative legitimate acting career… You yourself enjoyed several of her movies. One of your favorites of hers was the horror movie remake of the Japanese film 'Kuchisake-onna'… The Slit-mouthed woman, where she played the title character."

However, Zoey Hanson's future biography aside, Booster stared at Skeets irately. "SHE DID PORN?!" and flew back to the Pizza place, the desire to get laid was strong.

Booster Gold practically smashed back into the pizza place, Harold and Lee jumping in surprise as Booster stared at the empty booth and the missing pizza. "Where did they go?" he asked sadly as Lee shrugged.

"Don't know. They said something about meeting up with their friends."

"Dang I should've gotten their numbers!" mumbled Booster as Harold 'Helpfully' approached him.

"Booster Gold. Sir. First… can I get an autograph?" as soon as he finished the sentence Skeet's produced an autographed headshot of Booster, presenting it to Harold. "Cool. Second of all… Here." He was then handed a superbabes Business card.

"What's this?"

"They were supposed to pass them out. It's apparently a place in Gotham. They only had a few on them. That was one." he said, he and Lee already pocketed the other two. For future visits.

"…Huh…" Booster gold stared at the Superbabes card and the number, rubbing his chin curiously. "Superbabes."

About two hours later… the bus with Lucy, Lori, and Maria stopped in the middle of Phoenix Arizona. The girls descended out of the bus, aided by the boys with their luggage as Lucy began passing out the business cards.

"One for you. And you. And you. And YOU…" she grinned at #8, handing him a card. "And one for the coach… where is he?"

"Still in the bathroom after Lori needed a mid-ride snack." Replied Menino (#3) Lucy just handed him the coach's card.

"You just give him that when he wakes up. Bye boys!" she waved as the boys waved from the window, Lori and Maria waving as well as Maria checked her phone for any sign of Zoey and Bessie. Already putting her phone to her ear, and looking around as if expecting the girls to suddenly appear.

After a moment of buzzing Zoey finally answered. "Hi Maria!"

"Querida where are you? We're in town by the bus stop."

"There's a lot of Bus stops Maria." Replied Livewire only for Maria to wave angrily at her.

"We're at a bar!" replied Zoey cheerily, "Shannahasy"

"Shaughnessy" Bessie's voice could be heard.

"Shaughnessy!" Zoey repeated.

"And where is Shaughnessy's Querida?" Maria replied patiently as Lucy checked her phone. Pointing in a seemingly random direction as Maria nodded, "We'll be right there. Don't move."

"Okay!" replied Zoey as Maria, Lucy and Lori grabbed the bags…

Wherever you go around the world you find an Irish pub. Or so the song 'Irish Pub' by the High Kings so says on the jutebox. Lucy, Lori and Maria shoved their way into the bar as Zoey and Bessie waved to them from a corner booth, both with drinks.

Turns out you just have to be pretty in a bar and guys will buy drinks for you… shocker. The girls had a nice comfortable place to go and didn't drink enough to be so plastered to not fend off any pick-up attempts. It helps that it was only 1:00 okay so the guys drinking in the bar were MOSTLY retirees.

"Querida!" Maria moaned squeezing a smiling Zoey. "You scared the shit out of me!" she scolded as Zoey just smiled, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Apart from getting eaten by a hat it was all rather… fresh." She replied, still smiling.

"I'm a little traumatized, does anyone care?" noted Bessie as Lucy gave her a hug, "…I'm over it." she replied, taking a drink. "Have a seat." She said as the girls all sat at the table. "So when's our flight?" she asked as Lucy checked her phone.

"Uh… we got to be there by 8… 9:00?" she said."

"Where's the airport?" asked Bessie.

"…About a 2 hour walk from our location." Replied Lucy sadly. "…Should we just go now?"

"And sit around an airport for 5 hours? No thank you." Replied Lori irately. "Sounds boring. We just did that on a bus."

…Most of them did, while she DID go for seconds on dick that was a mild distraction at best.

"How many cards we got left?" asked Maria.

"Not a lot." Lucy replied casually. "30 or so."

"…Want to just have fun around Arizona?" replied Bessie casually, "Museums? Science centers? We could just go catch of movie? I'm pretty sure what we should NOT do." Declared Bessie as she gently pushed away a bottle of beer from Lucy's hand, "Is sit around here and drink."

"Boo." Pouted Lucy, "…We still have to walk to the airport."

"We could hail a cab." Maria noted as Zoey put her head on the busty Brazilian's shoulder and yawned sleepily.

"Several cabs." Replied Lori sourly.

"Maybe we can asked Shaunasy" Zoey contributed.

"Shaughnessy." Correct Bessie grinning as Zoey just continued.

"Shaughnessy. He's got a big catering van like Orders does." She replied, "I saw it parked outside when we decided to come in."

"Querida. I love you." Smiled Maria, "But your plan is to ask a man we never met before if he could give us a ride to the airport in his catering van?"

"Why not?" Grinned Zoey sweetly. "He's the one that keeps sending us drinks." She then pointing to a grandfatherly looking old man behind the counter, with a fuzzy long beard, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and an 'Erin go Bragh' tattoo on his right forearm under a green flag with a harp.

Green Lantern eyed the man behind the counter as he winked at her, then she grinned, grabbing Mighty Endowed by the arm. "Come help me talk to him."

"Ugh… I JUST wet wiped these…" she mumbled as the 'these' in question jiggled pleasantly as they approached the counter.

Green Lantern and Mighty Endowed

He's a joke for you. What did the old man say when Green Lantern offered him Mighty Endowed's tits? Nothing. He had a mouth full…

Mighty Endowed moaned and giggled as 'Shaughnessy' wrapped his mouth around Mighty Endowed's nipples in his office as Green Lantern locked the door and began to strip. The eager bartender was shoved against the wall. Mighty Endowed shoved her girls back into his hairy face, giggling again as Green Lantern wasted no time, kneeling before him as she opened his zipper and just buried her face into his crotch… gumming at his underwear as if trying to chew through as his older dick managed to free itself of its confines by shooting into her mouth.

"Mgnh! Mngh! mMngh!"

"Holy shite." Hissed Shaughnessy as he was stuffed again with Mighty Endowed's tits. "Mmgh!" moaning greedily as he gummed away at her girls.

"Hhaaa-aah…" she moaned erotically, Shaughnessy's rough hands roaming over both girls as he pulled Green Lantern deeper onto his cock.

"MMNN! MMnaaah!" Green Lantern pulled away, letting her tongue trickle a little drool onto his shoes before nuzzling his dick with her pretty face, grinning up at him as she tugged subtly at Mighty Endowed's dress.

The big titty superbabe slid her chest down Shaughnessy's shirt, staining it with saliva that still lingered on her nipple as she joined Green Lantern on Shaughnessy's cock. "Ooooh-ho…" he groaned, hands resting on their heads as they slid alternatingly up and down the sides of his cock, their tongue flicking over each other, lips brushing together as he pulsated between them. "AH… ahh…" resting his hands on their heads he pushed his hips slowly forward, once, twice, three times… "Ahh!"

Mighty Endowed tilted her head upward and tried not to roll her eyes and for the third time today she took ropes of cum onto her tits… Her tits really were a magnet for semen. "Haah!" she gasped as Green Lantern just went right ahead and buried her face into them. "AH-Lu-ooooooh…" cooed Mighty Endowed as she lucious Latina licked her clean, running her tongue over every curve and crevasse of Mighty Endowed's breasts until not a drop remained.

"Mmngh…" Green Lantern licked her lips before guiding Shaughnessy over to his desk, brushing aside nick-nacks and the phone and flopping him onto his back before swinging her leg over banging her knee on the desk but she didn't care she was already deep in the flow and now he was deep into her ass. "SI!" she gasped, erotically as Shaughnessy was carried to Heaven by having his cock practically sucked up into the tight latina's rear hole.

"HAAAH-MGH!" and his squeals of pleasure was muffled by Mighty Endowed's pillows smothering his face from beneath.

"MMmngh…" Mighty Endowed moaned softly, rubbing his fuzzy face as Green Lantern's ass slammed down again and again onto his lap, watching the old man squirm as Mighty Endowed reached over and clapped a hand onto her latina booty.

"Eeh!" Green Lantern gasped, tightening around Shaughnessy's cock as the old man groaned.

"Don't BREAK HIM!" hissed Mighty Endowed as Green Lantern pouted, but she pressed her ass FIRMLY onto Shaughnessy's lap, and gripping the desk, she began rolling her ups rapidly up and down, but not hard.


Twerking her fit ass cheeks with skill that apparently went unnoticed at Superbabes. "Ahhh-aah! Aahhaaah! AY!! NNNGH!!" she clenched her teeth as Shaughnessy began to rapidly buck his hips up into Green Lantern's jiggling ass cheeks, as she smiled. Leaning far forward onto the side of the desk, through sheer core strength and fitness she hung off the desk but clung to Shaughnessy's cock, squeezing him dry as he thrashed with the similarities to a death throes.

Maybe because Mighty Endowed was smothering him but he'd die happy… he finished fist however, Green Lantern flexibly flipping to her feet from the desk, her hands sliding down and her legs swinging forward in a tumble right to her feet with the grace of Ciara, Superbabes' Batwoman and dance expert…

"Haah…" Shaughnessy breathed fresh air as Mighty Endowed lifted her tits off of him but if she though he was done she was sorely mistaken, the guy had at least another few thrusts in his old bones, clutching to Mighty Endowed's wrists and practically throwing her onto the desk her breasts swinging like pendulums on her chest and almost cracking her in the chin.

"Aaah! AAAH!" she gasped breathlessly as he pierced into her, clutching at her breasts as they wobbled up and down with his wild, spasmic thrusts. "Ha! Hah! AH!" her breasts jiggling as he held them tightly. Green Lantern looming over her nipples. "NNgh! Aaah!!" her insides squeezing Shaughnessy as Green Lantern-


Wildly thrusting… he finished, pumping a quick shot into Mighty Endowed before ripping out of her and sending the rest onto her stomach as she gasped, shaking… Green Lantern slunk to the floor, crawling between Mighty Endowed's legs as they rested on her shoulders before once again she licked her clean. "Haaahhh…" Inside and out… before doing the same to Shaughnessy, Mighty sliding off the desk to sit next to her and join her.

"Done!" Lucy smiled slapping a bunch of cards onto Shaughnessy's bar counter as Bessie adjusted her breasts back into her clothes. "Shaughnessy's going to give us a ride in the van!" Lucy smiled, "…As soon as he recovers." She added as Lori scoffed, pulling over her hoodie and standing up.

"In that case let's load up now and find something to do. I'm tired to turning down free drinks." She added before downing Zoey's. The girls grabbing their things, and loading up the van. The rest of the day was spent doing whatever they could in walking distance… generally having fun with no sex. A trip to the museum, a walk in the park, then after a quick lunch at Booster's Golden Crust (the same one). the girls returned to the bar for one last drink… then Shaughnessy was kind enough to give them a ride to the airport.

At long last our superbabes were going to head home.

One 'red-eye' flight nonstop to Gotham… still a five hour flight.

"UUUUUUUUGH!!" Lori groaned Irately already curling up into her hoodie and glaring around at the various people who wanted to chance a look at her, Lucy, Maria, Zoey, BESSIE sitting in the chairs. Lucy and Bessie sitting across from Lori, Maria, and Zoey… Superbabes were going to be looked at. But it was WORSE for Lori.

Zoey was already listening to her headphones so she didn't quite hear, Maria pulled one from her ear. "If I have to listen to her Querida so do you." She said smiling teasingly as Zoey shrugged.

"You could just listen to what I'm listening too." She replied sweetly.

"What are you listening too Querida?" Maria asked as Lori glared at the both of them.

"Saiyuki. Journey to the West." Replied Zoey as Maria raised an eyebrow at her.

"…Nevermind Querida you have fun with that." she added putting the headphone back on Zoey's ear before turning back to an annoyed Lori. "What is the matter with you?!" she growled quietly. "It's been a long week for all of use."

"She hates flying…" Bessie supplied patiently.

"I hate being cooped up in a tight space where a bunch of horny pendejo's are messing with my genetics." Lori replied, "We aren't even on the damn plane yet and I already…" she hesitated, squirming. "…Let's just say… I'll probably need to go to the mens bathroom in a second."

Lucy looked up from her magazine she bought at the souvenir shop, smiling knowingly. "…Well… why don't you distract yourself? Try people watching?"

"Really? People watching?" grumbled Lori. "Really? Would you like an exact number of guys who've been checking us out? It doesn't help." She noted, "That guy with the rockband hair, that married guy, that sketchy dude…" she pointed them all out. "But the worst. The absolute WORST of them is THAT kid." She said angrily, pointing directly at a mousey dark-haired kid sitting between the most BIMBO looking blondes outside of Superbabes, looking uncomfortable…

"…Well that's just mean." Noted Maria sourly. "He's what? Sixteen? He's just hormonal…" she noted, lounging in the chair like a queen, apparently enjoying the looks and the power she had over them. "…Really though look at those chica's he's with… they look like a discount Brielle, bless her." she added.

Ture enough, big tits, thick asses, pouty lips, poufy hair. The women had bleached blonde hair and one looked like a younger model of the other. Clearly mother and daughter… it was then that a man who looked like an older version of Lori's current hate target open mouth kissing the older woman as she whorishly tongued him.

"…Ooooh that looks like a stepmom to me." Noted Lucy dismissively. "…Poor kid. But it's no reason to have a hate boner Lori." She replied as Lori snarled.

"…The thing about being me chica." Replied Lori, "I can SMELL age." She replied, tapping her nose. "Kid's eighteen and harder than steel. His pheromones are so strong I can TASTE them." Lori WAS angry… but she was also wet. "That guy wants to FUCK the shit out of that blonde bimbo." Lori grumbled, slinking into her hoodie. "And it's making me… fidgety."

"Haaaah." Zoey smiled, then smiled at Lori. "…Lori." She said, "…Would you like to come with ME to the bathroom?" Lori glared at her as Zoey stood up, patting down her clothes. "...You just need to relax right? I can help."

"…Just like that Querida?" smiled Maria as Zoey shrugged, smiling kindly.

"What? It's nothing special…" she slowly stuck out her oddly long tongue as Lori fidgeted again. "Bleeh…" it shot almost froglike back into her mouth "We'll be done really quick we have a plane to catch after all."

…Perhaps it was her innate anger issues, and her Sluutavan instincts to FUCK… obviously it was. But Lori wanted to accept the challenge that Zoey was issuing. Pornster versus a literal natural slut. Taking all bets!

"Alright puta." Lori hissed, getting to her feet as Zoey handed Maria her headphones and audiobook player. "Let's go."

"No need to be mean." Zoey smiled placidly as they made their way to the bathroom, numerous eyes on their glorious behinds as they JUST reached the entrance when-

"Excuse me." The kid with the bimbo mom bumped Zoey slightly as he rushed past to the men's room tring to restrain the growing bulge in his shorts as he charged into the men's room.

…Livewire's nose twitched as the pheromones hit her like a truck, she licked her lips as Ice's smile seemed more… lecherous. "…How old is he again?" she asked playfully.

Ice and Livewire

Liam was either the luckiest guy on earth or the most pitiable. His rich father remarried a sexy bimbo, he now had a sexy bimbo step-sister, and they were all moving to Gotham. GREAT! He was also a fan of big tits and asses and his new family members had both in ample store-bought supply.

His spontaneous erections are getting worse. His rock hard 9 inch cock throbbed eagerly as it picked the handicap toilet at the far end of the surprisingly empty men's room. Already unzipping as he was about to shut the door before-


It swung open as a woman in a hoodie and a white-haired beauty both entered. Livewire lowered her hood, covering his mouth as his cock THROBBED up at them. "Hey Chico…" she hissed seductively. "Got a problem there?" she reached down and grabbed his cock as he HISSED into her hand. "Good news! I got a problem too…" he shuddered in fear as the blue Livewire looking woman smiled at him. "I need someone to take their big THICK cock and shove it in me…" she hissed sensually as his cock throbbed with each hissed word.

"Mmmngh?!" he suddenly shuddered, so in awed of the beautiful blue woman that he didn't notice that the other one was already sliding her abnormally long tongue against his length. "Mmngh-mngh!"

"MMNh!" she smiled up at him, slurping his shaft gently as her tongue coiled serpent-like around him.

"Seriously?" Livewire moaned as Ice bobbed her head up and down Liam's cock.

"…What? I'm warming him up!"

"He's already warmed up! Don't pop him." Livewire replied as she easily removed her shorts, they hit the floor before she wobbled that ass over Ice, and-

"MMgh?! MMmm!-mmmmmmmn…" Livewire rolled her hips on Liam's lap as he moaned, her hand still around his mouth as she bounced up and down on his lap, her ass cheeks wobbling as she gasped.

"Haa-haa-haah! How's that chico?" she snarled, "Nice and TIGHT isn't it? Better than your hand?" she threw her head back, bouncing up and down on his lap. "AH-aah-aaah… this is a… big fucking dick!" she gasped softly, stifling her moans as she heard a traffic of feet echoing outside the stall. "MMGh! MMMn! mMNGNH?!"

…She had completely forgotten that Ice was here. She also forgot that Ice was the one that offered to eat her out. And she might not have recalled the Ice was GREAT at it.

"MMNNGHGMN!!!" she squealed into her hand, tightening around Liam's cock as Ice buried her face into Livewire's big. Blue. ASS… almost smothering herself with Livewire's mass as her tongue coiled out and promptly reminded Livewire of everything I said in the previous paragraph.

Livewire's big wobbly blue ass devoured Ice's face as much as Ice devoured Livewire's ass. Her tongue shooting in and out of Livewire's quivering hole as she screamed into her hand, slamming down onto Liam who was becoming increasingly catatonic. This sexy ass blue woman was writhing erotically on his cock as a strange constantly smiling albino woman was eating her ass out.

It was something right out of a cheap porno.

"MMgh! Mnh! Mmngh! Mmnhggh!" Her entire lower body tightened, she shivered and squeezed EVERYTHING and Liam popped like a cork into her spasming body. A veritable torrent of semen rushed up into her blue body as she milked the 'poor' kid dry, Ice's tongue was pinched by her tight quivering ass. Ice planted her hands onto Livewire's big blue ass and pried her face out with a cute gasp for air.


Livewire was still shaking on Liam as Ice smiled and fondly patted Livewire's ass cheek. "…You good?"

"MMngh! MMNNnn…" Livewire's nostrils flared as she breathed heavily through them, her eyes rolling as her climaxes finally began to die down. Unsure whether it was Ice or the guy she just emptied months' worth of sexy step-family teasing of that made her cum so hard but neither she nor her Sluutavan genetics cared. Slowly her head raised up, and down… in an affirmative nod and a cock hardening moan.

"Okay!" Zoey cheered, spanking Lori's big blue ass as she shuddered again. Popping off a twitching, grinning Liam and shuddering erotically as she continued to orgasm. "Now that you're okay let's get back to the girls." She then patted her pockets, smiled, and slipped the last of the Superbabes business cards into Liam's pants pockets…

He wouldn't discover it until long after he arrived in Gotham.

"Bye-bye…" Zoey smiled serenely as Lori stuffed her big blue ass into her tight shorts, smacking her own ass as she winked at a happy Liam.

"See you around Gran chico." She cooed as they left the stall, shutting the door behind them and walking out as a man walked in, glancing at them both in awe and in curiosity as Lori snapped at him. "What? Never seen girls in the men's room before?" she replied as he quickly scampered away.

"…Probably not." Smiled Zoey as they returned to the girls. Lori in a significantly better mood as Lucy closed her magazine and rested it on her lap.

"…Feeling better?"

"Much." Lori replied, she sniffed and glanced at the time. It won't be long until they're back in Gotham and back to work… but this dalliance had been fun, then pulling up her hoodie she relaxed in the chair until they were called for boarding…

She still wasn't a member of the mile high club. But Lucy was.

…Somewhere else, but you all know it's the same place.



"HEeey Batman! It's me. Booster Gold-"



"Slurp… good coffee Alfred."

"Thank you, sir."


I have a certain amount of respect for booster gold but he IS my butt monkey... that came out weird. But at least he has batman's number right?

I bet you were wondering how I was going to justify sending them to Pheonix. Boom. Zatanna cameo. And will we see the Frustrated step-son big dick Liam again? Harold and Lee? BIG! JIM! SLADE!? Anyone from anywhere!? Probably!
