
Daily Special: Batgirl

I don't own DC

"Explain it to me again." Wonder Girl mumbled confusedly. "Slowly?"

Poison Ivy sighed. Sitting across from Wonder Girl at the Poker table she let her green eyes wander to Killer Frost, absently shooting pool with herself. Cracking the cue ball into the racked-up balls and sinking two immediately before she started clearing the table with shot after shot. She honestly didn't understand why Wonder Girl was having such difficulty understanding the concept.

"Okay. Guys come in. Repeat costumers get these little raffle cards…" she tapped the index fingers and thumbs of her hands together, making the shape of a little card. "And they get stamps for every meal, the more they spend the more stamps they get. When they get enough stamps on the card they get put into a raffle… the more cards they fill up the more chances they get." she said slowly as Wonder Girl nodded.

"Yes I understand that part… but what I don't get is 'the whole day' part."

"Well, it's a daily special." Poison Ivy replied frankly as Wonder Girl sighed and Killer Frost coughed with laughter, missing a shot. She put down the pool cue, leaning on the pool table and watching Wonder Girl.

"What about 'the whole day' is hard to understand?" she asked.

"I thought Ms. Orders can only see about an hour into the future how does she see the whole day?" asked Wonder Girl, "And another thing, how does she know the winners won't prove her wrong and do something unwarranted?"

Poison Ivy sighed, and whirled a finger around, pointing upward toward the ceiling. "No idea."

Orders abruptly walked into the lounge and tossed her things into her office before returning and sitting down at her counter, and answering Wonder Girl's question that she didn't hear physically. "An hour or two isn't a big deal. Minor headaches… a whole day is a BIG headache and I don't like doing it… the longer I use my powers the more it hurts." She said as Wonder Girl nodded in understanding. "Which also means I don't do Daily Specials often. They're a lot of work…" she added rubbing her temples slightly. "Mmmgh."

Wonder Girl, now used to Orders's Clairvoyancy at this point, seemed to just flow back into the conversation. "How do you know they won't do something unwarranted?"

"I'm Orders, I know everything." Orders replied frankly,

"…Meaning she's not entirely sure but being able to cold read people WITH clairvoyancy helps." Killer Frost snarked as Orders snorted irately.

"Well, it's like when you missed a shot." She replied almost childishly. "A low chance it'll happen but I have answers to such an outcome. And one of them is seven feet tall and can bench-press a combined weight of all three of you." She waved her hands towards the floor. "Now get going it's the dinner rush."

Poison Ivy pushed off the table, and stretched her supple green body sensually; Just an uncontrollable habit at this point. And joining Killer Frost they made their way onto the floor as Wonder Girl paused. "Only select girls go on Daily Specials?"

"It's all volunteer system…" Orders replied casually, selecting a crossword book from beneath the counter. "…Want to sign up?"

"I have doubts…" she mumbled as Orders frowned, seemed to think on it. Then shrugged before turning to her computer, and turning on deliveries before going to another section of the site and turning on the recently added 'Daily Special' webpage, which she used to announce raffles, putting in tomorrow's date

"Well… you might as well see it in action then."


Helen, standing in the lounge and watching the sight, wasn't working tonight but she could honestly say she's never seen Superbabes so packed. She's relatively new, it's understandable she hasn't yet seen a PACKED Superbabes. Dressed in her U.S. Marine T-shirt she watched as the girls paraded around as best they could through the crowd of regulars, patrons, and participants as a prettily smiling Power Girl held the Superbabes stamped Raffle bucket.

Cheaply made but on-brand at best.

All of the rafflers were watched by Orders's seven-foot-tall deterrent, Giganta, smiling charmingly at the crowd as Orders placed her fingers in her mouth and whistled sharply. TWEET!

"Alright! Welcome to the Daily Special raffle draw!" Orders declared in her exceptional ringmaster persona. "Where you can win 24 hours with the Superbabe of your choosing!"

"Within the select few offered." Batgirl noted, slurping a vanilla shake from the couch.

"But you all aren't here to listen to me talk." She slipped her hand into the bucket, her purple eyes flashing as she began to feel around. "You want me to draw the winner."

…THAT's the one.

"And the winner of the Daily Special raffle IS!..." she yanked the winning ticket from the raffle bucket. "Malcom Coal!"

"Holy shit you won!" declared someone slapping the shoulder of a handsome dark skin man with a military haircut. His other military buddies cheered and shoved him through the crowd. Helen, noticing a fellow military man and wearing a gigantic sign that said 'former military' made herself scarce. As Orders came down from her 'pulpit'… a well-placed footstool, and gestured for him to follow her.

"Complimentary consolidation drinks all around… you follow me." She declared as 'Malcom Coal' was 'guided' into the back as the floor cleared out considerably… there were still plenty of clientele but nothing's more disappointing than spending a couple of hundred dollars to enter a raffle and not winning… not to mention the ones who entered multiple tickets…

But back to the matter at hand.

Orders walked around her counter as the handsome soldier glanced curiously around. Spotting batgirl lounging on the couch, straw in her mouth and waved to him with her free hand as he waved curiously back. Giganta loomed over him: he wasn't a tall man to begin with, but Giganta loomed over everybody anyway.

Orders placed a mat of selectable superbabes. Both Green Lanterns, Poison Ivy, Bumblebee, Catwoman (II), Supergirl (II), Starfire, (B) Vixen, and Batgirl. All showing profiles pictures of them sexily posing: in the lower corner of the mat printed in small but clear lettering was 'Photograph's by Yaya Zhang.'

"Take your pick." She said as Malcom coal gazed over the mat. To his credit, he picked pretty quickly. Putting his finger on the picture of the girl behind him. "Alright then." Orders took the mat, slipped it under the counter, and returned with what appeared to be a waiver. "Alright sign here…"


She tapped the bottom. "Sign here." She repeated casually, placing a pen. "This is to say I'm not liable for what she'll do to you…" he stared at her concerned. "…All good things I promise… but as they say about too much of a good thing…" she replied, surprisingly sultry for her as he took up the pen and wrote done his name. "Good."

She went into full Orders mode. "12:00 tomorrow. Noon is when your day with her starts, whether you're here or not. This goes on my time, not yours." She tapped her watch for emphasis, "The day after tomorrow, noon, is when you bring her back. Otherwise, my friend here…" she gestured to Giganta who smiled pleasantly at him. "Will bring other friends of hers to your home and make a very painful scene. Do you understand?"

"Uh. Yeah." He nodded quickly.

"Good, now. Between Noon tomorrow and the day after? You can have as much fun as you like… she'll spend the WHOLE day with you. As long as you don't do anything 'freaky' or 'weird' it's fine. But if she says no… and it'll take a LOT for her to say no… you STOP. Understand?"


"Good. Name and address down there at the bottom." She said tapping his waiver. "She'll be out front tomorrow." She gestured out the back door that he silently followed.

"…Do you just have that memorized?" Giganta asked with a playful smile.

"I'm just a creature of habit. Batgirl."

"Slurp?" Batgirl slurped her shake, glancing curiously at her boss.

"Come to work thirsty tomorrow." Orders declared as Helen came out of the locker rooms to head home… a little less confused.

The 24 hours. Plus 5 minutes.

Time: 11:55 AM. Place: Gotham (Outside Superbabes)

Batgirl, when not in costume or at home tended to dress more modestly when she had to go outside. A standard tight DC/AC T-shirt and jeans that while showing off her pawg booty was still far more clothes than you expected her to wear… you'd never realize she was a cum-junkie. The only thing truly out of place was the fact that she was wearing her batgirl mask in such clothes…

Just slightly more eye-catching than the fantastic sight of her twerk-tastic pawg girl ass cheeks in motion.

The reason why she was wearing the mask… well… funny story. "You want me to wear this the whole day?" she asked, blinking curiously at Orders as she pointed to the batgirl mask covering her pretty face.

"Ideally." Orders replied, "Don't want to break the illusion." Batgirl frowned at that.

"Fine. Whatever, as long as I'm satisfied." She sighed, she was denined her usual choice of drink when her preferred choice was unavailable. "…I'm thirsty."

"Yes yes…" Orders replied dismissively, "Just try not to kill the poor guy, make sure he has plenty of liquids."

Batgirl snorted, glancing up and down the street for any approaching cars as Orders clapped her shoulder and turned to head home herself, "See you tomorrow, 12 o'clock sharp." She said walking away just as an old beat-up jalopy puttered towards the curb.

Time: 5 minutes from when I last told you.

Malcom Coal opened up the passenger door as Batgirl strutted to the curb, sliding into the seat before shutting the door behind her. "Sup." He said, trying to play it cool as she raised an eyebrow at him under the mask.

"Hey." She replied as he stared at her body for a second, cleared his throat, and checking his mirrors pulled back into Gotham traffic, taking her seemingly back to his place. Batgirl wasn't much of a conversationalist with people she knew… So being alone, in a car, With a handsome guy that she was supposed to spend the day with doing whatever he wanted… well… awkward silence put it best.

"…Are you… going to wear that the whole drive?" he asked eventually, unable to take the silence anymore.

"…I'll probably take it off when I need to wash my face." she said, as the conversation went quiet again… "Are you going to turn the radio on?"

"Oh… yeah sure. But this old junker doesn't get many stations."

"That's fine." she replied frankly as the car came to a stop at a red light. "So I'm thirsty." She declared frankly as he blinked.

"Oh. Yeah I guess it's lunch, how about I run through a drive through and-"

"No, that's fine…" she said, suddenly looming over his lap before he could react. "I'll help myself."

"Wha-Whoa! He-ooooooh…" he shuddered in his seat as her hand extracted his cock from his basketball shorts. 9 limp inches of uncut black dick… and a little sweaty. She briefly inhaled his scent, giving it a stroke from base to tip as he squirmed, before opening her mouth and applying a liberal amount of tongue.


…There is something unquestionably hot about having your cock sucked while driving. And Malcom has never experienced such a sensation. The taboo of doing it out in the open, the danger of getting caught, or the thrill of the potential car pileup from an orgasmic shutdown… And fortunately/unfortunately for Malcom, Batgirl was a professional at car head.

He was a big boy, Raven would approve, but she could easily take him and whatever he had stored in his balls. He EASILY slid into her throat despite his impressive girth. Her lips stretched along his shaft as she rolled her tongue against his skin, sliding up to his tip then back down again. Slow. Steady. Meticulous. She marinated his cock with her saliva, his basketball shorts growing wet spots from her dripping saliva.

"Mmngh… mmngh… mmngh…"

Some would inaccurately say that Batgirl loved cock. Not true. She loved SEMEN… every single guy tasted different, and she was an expert on the subject. With enough time she probably could tell what load came from which dick if she had sucked it more than once. How did she get such an addiction?... no idea. Sucked a dick once and she was hooked… like actual drugs.

Speaking of getting hooked. Whether it was from her blowjob ambush catching him off guard or the fact that he just hadn't had his cocked sucked in a while, it didn't take him long to let it out in her mouth. "Ah-AHH…" the car came to a sudden stop and he banged his head on the 12 o'clock of the wheel, hand on the back of her head. "NNgh-ooooly… fuck…" he breathed as he recovered enough to get the car going again.

She emptied his load, savored his taste… gulped it all down, and shot back up into her seat… as if nothing had happened. Her tongue slid slowly across her lips just in case there was a little more to taste… Malcom's eyes widened… and suddenly he was a lot less talkative. She reached over to the radio, and turned up the music…

Time: 12:29 PM. Remaining Time: 23 hours 31 minutes

He brought her to an apartment building just outside of old Gotham. Batgirl glanced at it and casually got out of the car as Malcom quickly followed her, making sure his jalopy was locked. "Uh. It's this way." He said, a little nervously. He led her into the building, up some steps to the third floor, the pulled out his keys to open room #3. "I live here with my roommates Tucker and Dale… they're the ones who pretty much filled up all those cards."

"Cool." She said frankly, turning her masked head this way and that. "I live with roommates too…" she said conversationally as he opened the door.

All in all, it was pretty neat for a bachelor's apartment with three guys. One big living room, kitchen, and three separate rooms plus bathroom… easily the most expensive thing in here was the big screen TV. There was also a Z-Box beneath it plus many… MANY sports games. From what she could tell anyway she wasn't a gamer like Tasha.

"Dude you're back did you get the babe?" asked the blonde man walking out of the far-right bedroom, the same man that was with Malcom last night when he 'won' the raffle. "Whoa… Sup." He grinned at Batgirl as she nodded at him, shrugging her bag from her shoulder.

"Hey." She said, already making her way to the bathroom, and abruptly shut the door. Malcom then lunged across the hall, tackling tucker into his room and shutting the door.

"DUDE what the hell?" mumbled Tucker irately, "You know you're built like a freight train right?" despite his small stature Malcom was in the reserves.

"Tucker!" he whispered shocked, "You would not believe what happened to me on the way back!"

"What?" Tucker laughed disbelievingly, "Did you see Superman or something?"

"She sucked my dick!" breathed Malcom surprised, "Right there in the car! In front of everybody!"

".....Pull the other one." Tucker replied abruptly, his smile fading on his face. "Come on man she's a waitress, not a-"

"I'm not lying!" Malcom hissed desperately, "…She said she was 'thirsty!' and just…" he opened his mouth and made a crude sucking gesture with his hand. "Give me head right there!"

"…Don't ever do that again dude. I mean I know she's hot and those girls are practically strippers with the number of tips they rake in. But it's just a gimmick man."

"Tucker. I have never lied to you or Dale in our entire lives." He said seriously, "She did it! Right there in the car!"

Tucker's face slackened slightly, Malcom's honesty was a virtue… "…So when the prize says 'whatever you want' it's being literal?" Malcom could only nod his head. "Pssh! Nah…" Tucker replied in disbelief. "I mean, I know finding stuff to do in 24 hours with a complete stranger is out there but…" Tucker's eyes widened. "…Oh she's totally here to bang you…" he breathed softly, the TRUE reality of the Daily Special raffle hitting him hard and in full JUST NOW. "…Did you see the BOOTY on that girl?!" he suddenly declared, with building but restrained excitement.

"Tucker!?" hissed Malcom, "…I'm not going to spend 24 hours having sex with a stranger no matter how thick that booty is!"

"But you love booty." Tucker replied frankly as Malcom punched him hard in the arm. "Fuck…" he rubbed it. "Hell, man, I don't know… I didn't think we'd win you a night with a sexy Superbabe! We thought it was all in good fun..." he then added with a laugh. "…Shit LOTS of fun now I guess."

"Come on!"

"No. Dude…" Tucker took a breath, "…Okay. Okay? You don't think she's hot?"

"No, she's hot."



"And she straight up sucked your junk? Without even being asked or told to?"


"…Dude, take the win." Tucker replied. "…Or hell I don't know just let her keep giving you head." Tucker replied, checking his watch. "Since you didn't bring home food I'm going to run out to that 24/7 down the block want a slushie or…" he walked out of his room and froze. "Something… whoa…"

Batgirl, for some insane reason, decided to change right there in the living room. And she had JUST pulled down her top, showing off her tone stomach and curvy waist, tossing out her red hair as she rested her hands on her prominent hips… the pawg booty tight in the batgirl pants as she looked at them.

"…Take the win." Repeated Tucker. "…I'll walk slow." He added, grinning at Jackie as she watched him. "I'm just going to the convenience store down the street." He said, eyeing her skin-tight suit. "…Would you like something?"

"…Do you have vanilla ice cream in that freezer?" she asked curiously, jerking her thumb at the fridge

"…Don't think so." Tucker replied before she added abruptly.

"Vanilla ice cream." Then she remembered her manners. "Please."

"…Sure." He said, not entirely sure such a store would have ice cream but hey, he'll at least check for that booty. Tucker left the apartment and Malcom looked far more uncomfortable than he had been previously…

Batgirl however didn't really care all that much. She walked around the couch, a sexy walk of course: it was second nature. Before dropping onto the couch, and stretching her arms back she pushed out her breasts… and sighed so erotically it sounded like a rapturous moan… Thing is that was just Batgirl, some Superbabes naturally oozed sexiness like a fine perfume and she was one of them.

She doesn't really try to seduce anyone it just kinda happens.

"So what do you want to do first?" she asked casually as he tried to contain his erection. But the basketball shorts weren't helping and he was already going commando. She eyed him plainly, then his obviously failed attempt at hiding a bulge. "…You want me to blow you again?" she asked as he jumped like a rabbit.

Trained for combat scenarios. Terrified of a pretty girl in a batgirl costume… with a great rack… and a thicc pawg booty. "You… what?"

"Blow you. Suck dick?... I can always go for another load."

"…Wow where did your boss find you? The Red Light District?" he mumbled surprised. The 'Red Light District' of Gotham was notorious for desperate girls.

"Nah. After I lost my apartment and moved in with my friend Sierra, Orders my boss bought Superbabes and hired me." She replied simply as he stared at her, "But that was a while ago now… back when the clown lady, Harley, got her show."

"…And you just…" he sat next to her, "What you just… blow random guys for fun?"

"No, I like the taste." She replied breathily that made Malcom twitch uncomfortably between his legs. She eyed him for a minute, opening her mouth as he focused on her soft cock sucking lips. "You're acting surprised. Why are you surprised?"

"You gave me a blowjob out of nowhere!" he replied shocked as she blinked at him placidly, then her eyes widened in surprise briefly as he continued. "Like out of nowhere!"

"…Hold on. Do you not understand how the Daily Special works? You have 24 hours to do whatever you want with me." He stared at her, as the words seemed to register in his brain and he froze like a virus-laden computer. "…Huh." She said frankly, "…What did you think we were going to do for 24 hours?"

"I thought it was a gimmick!" he replied with a shocked hiss. "We'd hang out! Have dinner or lunch or something and you'd go home before tomorrow!"

"It's not a gimmick I'm pretty much here to satisfy your perverted fantasies." She noted. "Which may include but aren't limited to. Cock sucking, stripping, twerking, banging, plowing, anal sex…" she noted, "And whatever else you can think of until 12 o'clock tomorrow." She then saw the deer in headlights look on his face as she frowned. "…Or we could just hang out, watch TV… I could listen to your… problems, that don't involve getting your dick sucked."

"You're… pretty focused on that." he noted as she frowned.

"…A lot of problems can be solved with the proper application of a sucked dick." she noted, a FIRM believer in such a statement. Since she considered herself the originator of that statement: she took it as gospel. "Let me demonstrate."

It was quite a sight to watch Batgirl go boneless sliding off the couch like melted butter and sliding across the floor between Malcom's legs. It was only THEN, did he register it was happening again. "Wha-ahhooooh…" he melted too, only he was glued to the couch as Batgirl once again tugged down his shorts and inhaled his erection.

"Mmnhgh… mmn…mmghn…" Batgirl pulled at the tricks out. Swirling tongue, eye contact, firm but supple slurping lips, "Mmn-nmmn…" slowly, steadily. Planting her face into his crotch, then sliding her lips to the tip as she used her hand to stroke his shaft, kissing her fist, over and over as Malcom quickly had enough…

His balls tensed up as she stroked him a torrent of semen shot into her mouth, splashing against the roof of her mouth. Tilting her head back it pooled in the back of her throat and down it went with a soft hum and a quiet coo as it flowed down her throat like a waterfall.

"Mmnoooh…" she slipped off his tip. Taking his pants as he trembled, and stuffing his cock back into his shorts as she licked her lips, and flopped back onto the couch like nothing happened. Once Malcom's brain finally rebooted he stared at her just as Tucker came home.

"They really did have vanilla ice cream." He said surprised, as Malcom stared at him. "I hope this is enough." He said going to the freezer and stuffing it in.

"Cool." She replied casually, as Malcom suddenly felt like he was in a classic Crazy Tunes cartoon. She got up and he was suddenly distracted at the thick pawg cheeks wobbling towards the fridge as she took it back out. "Got a blender?" she asked as Tucker, also distracted by thick white girl ass, pointed to a cabinet.

Time: 5:33 PM. Remaining Time: 18 hours and 27 minutes

All in all, Tucker and Malcom's day went about as if there wasn't a super hot, super sexy redheaded Superbabe in their apartment. After finding the biggest glass she could in their apartment she made a thick milkshake and lounged on a recliner as Tucker and Malcom booted up a basketball game on the Z-Box.

"Go-go-go-go!" declared Malcom getting up, "YEAH!"

With just a few seconds left on the game clock, he dunked the ball completing a particularly hard 'story game'. Malcom, Tucker, and even Batgirl raised their arms in triumph. Although Batgirl only raised one fist, the other firmly around her shake.

…What can she say, she was invested after three attempts. Tasha is right: games are fun. "Sluurp." She frowned, glancing into her empty shake cup she scowled in irritation, getting off the couch and distracting the boys again as she returned to the freezer. Mesmerized by shapely, wobbling ass cheeks she returned to the blender and made herself another shake using the rest of the ice cream.

"Do you think she eats like that all the time?" Tucker whispered as Malcom slowly nodded his head. "…Think it all goes to her butt?"

"…I don't really care if it does." Malcom snickered as Tucker snickered and was elbowed in the side. After a loud whirl of the blender, Batgirl had her refill. She tossed the attachments into the sink for a quick rinse and returned to the chair with an instinctive strut before flopping back into the seat. Lounging on the arms with her legs hanging over one end.

"Mmn…" she slurped faintly on the fast-food straw she managed to find. "So. What are you boys planning for dinner?" she asked as they blinked at her.

"Oh… uh. What about pizza?" Malcom asked as Batgirl nodded approvingly.

"Cool." She replied, casually. "I'm cool with just pepperoni." She added as they blinked at her.

"Alright…" Tucker replied, getting out his phone. "Two mediums seem good then, we'll probably have to feed Dale when he gets back from work." He got off the couch and dialed before handing Batgirl the game controller. "Here play for me." He grinned as she sat upright, put her drink down, and took the controller curiously as he put the phone to his ear and walked away. "…Hey I want to place an order for takeout?"

Batgirl sat next to a somewhat concerned Malcom, and after a few tips and explanations of the buttons… they played together until Tucker returned and she was somewhat reluctant to give the controller back.

Games were fun

However, after about 20 minutes of playing, Tucker checked his watch and finally stopped trying to take the controller back. "Alright. I'm going to head to Gianno's and get the pies. I'll be right back." He said as Batgirl dunked another basket and took a victory shake slurp. "And I guess I'm getting more vanilla." He added, taking the jalopy keys. "I'll be right back." He repeated.

The door shut as Malcom sighed, and put his controller down as the 'victory screen' played, which was really just CGI cheerleaders shaking pompoms and skirts as he got off the couch. "I'm going to use the bathroom, be right back." He said as she picked up her shake, slurping it gently as she watched him go, tapping her foot to the cheery music played to the dancing cheerleaders.

She glanced over her shoulder as Malcom shut the door, and slurped… slightly more irritated than she expected she would. Still…

She put down the shake and stood up, watching the cheerleaders give a PG ass shaking on screen, apparently they would continue the loop of dancing until the controller was pressed 'continued'. She put her hands on her hips, and shimmied side to side, slowly, then speeding up, matching the cheerleaders as she raised her hands, raised her knee up, down, then up again with a kick before repeating the motion with the other leg.

Why? She was bored… she expected to be having sex right now or sucking dick. She put her legs down, sliding her hands to her knees as she bent forward, pushed her ass out, and rolled her hips slowly before rapidly clapping ass cheeks in a well-practiced twerk into swaying and gyrating, running her hands down her body as her hips wiggled in sensual circles, popping her hips before going still. And glancing over her shoulder…

Malcom, just coming out of the bathroom, stared at her ass as she wiggled her hips. His eyes were wide as he stared at her pawg rear as his basketball pants stretched. She sniffed and walked around the couch, hand on the back as she walked towards the center, then spreading her arms wide she leaned over… swaying her rear behind her invitingly. Resting her chin on the back of the couch, she slid her hands down her waist, hooked her thumbs into her pants and pushed them down, slowly, over her shapely white ass cheeks.

Her waistline squeezed tightly around her thighs as she wiggled her ass behind her. Malcom bit his bottom lip as his bulging dick struggled valiantly against his shorts… then he finally succumbed. He approached her, yanking down his pants as his cock jumped out to wobble against her ass cheeks. He grabbed her waist and, before he could stop himself, he slid his tip to her pussy and rammed it into her.

Her ass cheeks wobbled as they smacked back against his thrust. "Haah…" she moaned erotically, feeling him trembling inside her as she squirmed, shaking her ass as he pulled back his hips and rapidly began pumping in and out. "Ha-ah! Ahhaaah…" Rocking back and forth her ass cheeks rippled majestically as he slammed into her body.


Railing into her from behind, teething clenching as he bucked his tiny but powerful body against her phat ass white girl booty. Slamming against her so hard everything jiggled and shook. "Ha-Uugh… ugh…" she grunted tentatively, biting her bottom lip as he continued to jackhammer her from behind. "Ha! Ah! Ah!!" she shuddered, twerking her jiggling cheeks even more on his thrusts as he suddenly let go of her waist, reaching up to her red hair and yanking back. "NGh!"

"Ah ahh.. ugh! Ugh! UGH!!" harder, deeper, slamming against her, his cock pulsating more and more as he approached his release. "Ahaa-aah!" yanking hard on her hair, pushing her over the couch as she clawed the back cushions.

"Ahh! Ah!" Malcom's fingers tightened around her red hair, yanking her head back as her green eyes rolled, "Gonna…!" he gasped as she felt his cock pulsating inside her, eager for release. "Gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!" he gasped, slamming deep into her, but slowly.


"Cum in my mouth!" she moaned longingly, "Cum in my mouth.

"Haa! Aah!" she half expected him not to pull out… whoever does? But she gasped as he ripped his cock from her clinging, quivering pussy and gripped it tightly as his teeth ground together, "Ahhuuguh…" she spun around, dropping instantly to her knees and opened her mouth wide as she gazed up at him. her lips centimeters from his pre-cum dripping urethra as his shaft engorged and he stroked his shaft.

There was NO WAY he'd miss her mouth. A torrent of cum sprayed the insides of her cheeks like a broken power washer. "Haa-haa…" he fell forward, catching himself on the couch and shaking as she wrapped her lips around his tip and sucked out the rest.

"Mmn… Mmnnn…" she hummed softly, sliding her head steadily back and forth, barely over his glans as her tongue sloshed his cum around her mouth as she smeared it over his tip. "Mmngh-mmn…" she hummed softly as he finally stopped cum.

"Oooh man…" she got the last drops out, gulped, and swirled her tongue tentatively over his tips for a few quick moments. Before he slipped free of her tight lips.

She shifted slightly to the left and let him fall over against the couch, breathing steadily as she tugged his pants back up, getting to her feet. "Burp…" she belched faintly before tugging up her own pants back over her pawg booty and let it wobble towards the bathroom… she shut the door JUST as the front door opened up.

"I'm back." Tucker declared as Malcom feebly glanced at him. "What did I miss?"

"…Don't leave me alone with her man." Malcom said, a little shell shocked. "I don't think-"

"Man, will you relax." Tucker interrupted him as he carried two pizza boxes and a bag of Vanilla ice cream on one arm as he went to the kitchen. "Yeah, she's hot. But she's pretty cool. Real mellow…" he said, "Hanging out alone with a hot chick is not going to kill you." Malcom opened his mouth, closed it, he didn't have the strength to argue with tucker… Batgirl sucked it out of him. He wasn't used to having hard, dirty, raw fucking sex… he was out of breath, sweating, and his cock kinda hurt. He hadn't felt this sore since he had to do fifty pushups every hour for a day.

Don't get him wrong. Batgirl was easily the hottest woman he's ever TOUCH let alone have sex with. But she might just end up putting him into emergency care. Maybe from exhaustion… or more likely dehydration… suddenly that 'waiver' the woman made him sign makes sense. But thinking about it, what were the odds of that? He was in good shape and was about to refill his stamina by having dinner. And a big ass pitcher of water.

It wasn't long until they heard the toilet flush and a couple of minutes later Batgirl walked out, "Hey." She said as Tucker stacked his plate with a few slices."

"Hey. I got you more ice cream."

"Cool. Thanks." She replied, grabbing a plate and a few slices of her own as she took one in hand, and promptly chomped into it. Strings of cheese stretched as she pulled the slice from her lips… it didn't help any males in the room.

She strutted back to the recliner, their gazes lingering on her ass cheeks as she flopped into the recliner. Legs over one arm and head against the other as she ate pizza. "Mmn… mmn…" Malcom groaned softly, her MOANS weren't helping any either. Tucker looked at him funny and he went to get a glass of water, coughing, as if he had something in his throat and not something growing in his pants.

Time: 8:27 PM. Remaining Time: 15 hours 33 minutes.

They ate, played more games, watched some TV, and then played more games. When the door opened slowly and a husky darkhaired man yawned as he walked in wearing a collared shirt and slacks. "Hey guys. I'm home."

"Hey, Dale." Malcom declared, taking another drink of water as they played a football game on opposite teams. "There's pizza if you want."

"Cool." Yawned Dale exhaustedly, about to sit in the recliner until he felt a high-heeled boot on his ass cheek. "Wha-Whoa!" he leaped away as Batgirl gestured with her hand for him to move. She was drinking a vanilla shake and she couldn't see the TV. "Uh."

"That's the Superbabe we won for the day." Declared Tucker, "Well technically Malcom, but we did all the eating." Dale stared at her as she waved and he stepped aside, still staring at her as he went to the kitchen.

"…Is she… is she just here?" he asked curiously as Tucker shrugged.

"Man don't be weird, she's cool." Batgirl slurped, and then yawned broadly before slurping again.

"Uh… what's her name?" Dale asked, finishing off the pizzas as Malcom scored a touchdown.

"Batgirl." Malcom and Tucker said together as he raised an eyebrow before turning his attention to her.

"What's your name?"

"SLURP. Ah…" she gasped as they, as usual, stared. "Batgirl." She replied frankly.

"No seriously." Dale replied, already taking a bit out of the pizza as Batgirl yawned.

"As far as this mask is concerned." she pointed to the mask. "I'm Batgirl." Replied Batgirl.

"Okay…" he replied as Batgirl yawned again and that was the end of the matter. He hunkered himself down next to Tucker on the couch and everyone played more games until Tucker yawned and rubbed his eyes, getting to his feet.

"Well. That's it for me I got a test in the morning."

"Night dude." Malcom said.

"Night." Replied Batgirl and Dale, the latter of whom took up the controller. Batgirl slurping on her straw as Tucker hesitated.

"Uh… hang on are you staying?" asked Tucker curiously as both Dale and Malcom blinked at her.

"24 hours." She said simply, still fairly engrossed in the game.

"…Uh… guys dude huddle." Tucker declared as they all huddled up. "…She can't sleep on the couch dude." He said seriously to Malcom as Dale grinned.

"She can sleep with me-WHACK!-AH!… dude!"

"Shut up Dale or I'm telling Madison." Tucker replied as the husky fellow cleared his throat and decided to be a good boy.

"I'll sleep on the couch she can have my bed."

"Oh yeah, unwashed guy sheets that's a great idea." Tucker noted sarcastically as both Malcom and Dale glared at him.

"Then what do you suggest?" Malcom replied irately as SLURP.

They jumped, Batgirl standing behind Dale and almost hidden by his bulk as she slurped her shake. "Ah…" she sighed far more erotically than expected and completely unintentionally. "I don't mind crashing on the couch." She noted frankly. "I do it all the time back at my apartment."

"…Oh." Malcom replied a little taken aback.

"Just get me a couple of blankets and a pillow if you care." she said, putting her empty glass down. "I'm going to shower." She noted as the boys watched her go and she left the door open.

"…Is she inviting us too-" Dale began but Malcom, some semblance of decency in his brain despite his previous actions managed to shut the door seconds before the other two could see her bare back as she took off her shirt. "…Dude that chick is nuts." He smiled, "Hot ass hell, but nuts."

"You don't know the half of it." Malcom began indigently, "She-"

"Yeah yeah, she's hot. We get it Malcom." Tucker replied going to a nearby closet and grabbing the only spare bedding they had.

It was as if somebody threw cold water on everything, as Batgirl bathed Tucker, Dale and Malcom made up her 'bed' on the couch before Tucker adjourned to his bedroom, shutting the door as Dale sighed at the door. "Screw it I'll bathe in the morning." and he went to bed to with a loud yawn. Malcom however went back to the couch, played for a few more minutes. Then turned off the counsel just as the bathroom door opened.

"Haaah…" yawned Batgirl, mercifully back in costume but she smelled clean. Malcom got off the couch as she leapt from the floor, dropping from her back and stretch, Malcom made his way to the bathroom to take his turn to bath as Batgirl picked up the remote and began to channel surf deciding on an old spaghetti western.

Barely ten minutes after that Malcom came out fresh and clean, walking with a towel around his waist back to his room. He put on some tight boxers, before going back with his towel to the bathroom and locking up for the night. Bolting the door, and shutting the windows… good thing too because it was looking pretty Gotham-y out there tonight.

He turned back to her, "If you need anything else let us know." he declared as she yawned, and waved to him. "Just wake us up."

"…Night." She said, but it sounded kinda cryptic. Malcom tried to brush it off, an unexpected soreness overtaking him as the whooping of warcrys and gunfire echoed from the TV as he walked towards his room, yawned, and curled up on his bed: a small single tucked away in a corner under the only window in the room he had…

Gunfire echoed from out there too… he promptly shut the window, closed the curtain, and turned on his bedside fan. He was asleep minutes after his head hit his pillow.

Time: 12:01 AM. Remaining Time: 11 hours 59 minutes.

For the record, cum addict that she was. The fact that Batgirl managed to fall asleep without a dick in her mouth when she had three to choose from was a miracle unto itself. But her eyes opened with the cold emptiness of a Terminator and she stretched, slowly rising from the couch as some old black and white western played on the TV, at some point she had muted it and fallen asleep. But her stomach gurgled, and her urges were kicking in.

She got off the couch, hopefully, the boys wouldn't be too disturbed by her making a small shake, however, she had apparently already used the rest of the ice cream: she was used to a good stockpile of it back at her place… Well, that just won't do… she actually had every intention of accepting Malcom's unspoken desire of not fucking her all day, but at the end of the day, the beginning of it really… she was thirsty.

…She hooked her fingers under her shirt as she reached the couch, tossing it casually onto the sheet as she continued walking towards Malcom's room. She slipped her thumb into her pants as she reached his door and pushed them down. She opened his door with the skills of a ninja, honed from many hours practicing sneaking up on Tom, and crept quietly into his room after shutting the door behind her… she didn't make a sound: Batman would be proud…

Of her skills, his opinion of her dressing up as one of his closest allies and having sex with people might be hit or miss.

Still, she stealthily squatted on her heels, fingers on the floor and she crawled towards his blanket, lifting it delicately over her head, and crawling under the sheet… Malcom snoozed softly, lying on his back with his arms under the pillow, blanket covering up to his pecs as he squirmed abruptly…

"Mmmn… mmmn…. Mmmn."

A slow smile stretched across his face, his toes curling softly as he began to squirm more… and more. His mouth open, "…Haa…" something between a yawn and a moan, his legs shaking as he shifted. "Mmn…mmmn…"

"Mmn-hmmn…" moaned Batgirl, the blanket shaping around her distinct mask, to prominent points rising above and below his crotch as her head rose up and down. "Mmng… mmn…" it was quiet a sight to see… if you weren't looking at her bare ass hanging out of the blanket, kneeling beside his bed as if praying to her god.

…Arguably, it was what she was actually doing… couldn't resist.

Much like Malcom

He could barely hold out when he was wide awake and actively trying not to cum. Now in deep slumber, dreaming of all sorts of things, basically what was actually happening to him at this point, there was no way he would be able to restrain himself. His cock was pulsating once again, an all too familiar precursor to her inevitable desire.

"Mngmgn!" she moaned softly as she felt a hand gently rest on her head, Malcom unconciously pushing her down as his legs kicked like a sleeping dog chasing a dream ribbit. She gulped him down quickly, squelching her cum addict itches once again as she sighed contentedly, resting her lips at the base of his cock before slowly moving her head up and down again. "Mmn… mmng… mmn…" his hips subtly bucking up to meet her lowering lips as she went down, sliding quickly back up. "Mmn-mn."

She hesitated for a minute, "Mmnn…?" seemingly asking herself an unspoken question before she swirled her tongue around his twitching member and began rocking her head again. "Mmn-mmgh… mmn… mmn…" Over the sound of the fan, her soft moaning slurps went unheard and Malcom's sleep was undisturbed… possibly improved.

It didn't take her long to get him hard again, his hand limp on her head even as it subtly rose up and down. His cock liberally marinated in her saliva as she slid her hand into his boxers and caressed his sack, fondling his testicles like a butter churn as more of his thick pungent load boiled to a breaking point. His member throbbed once again between her lips as she easily extracted another load of her favorite refreshment.

'Ooooh…" he moaned softly, twitching again as he thrust another wad of his jizz into her mouth.

"Mmn…mmnn." Savoring the flavor as it oozed down her throat with slow tantalizing gulps. "Mmn MMN! Ah…" she managed to pry herself away from his cock as it flopped from her lips. She ran her tongue along his limp length as it twitch, from base to tip as she slurped out the last drops of pre-cum. She rested her chin on his muscled thigh. Her lips puckered thoughtfully, before her tongue slid out, and flicked against his tip, tugging it closer and closer to her mouth before back between her lips it went.

Time: 1:36 AM. Remaining Time: 10 hours 24 minutes

Malcom groaned, his body felt stiff and his lips dry. "Ugh…" he licked them as his eyes flickered open to the darkened room… his body felt awful but his dick felt great… if not wet. "Wha-" he eyed the bobbing head for a second. "What?" he yanked off the blanket and stared at Batgirl, head still bobbing up and down as he clenched up again and groan, putting another wad into her mouth. Another one of many.

She glanced up at him and slipped from his cock, "Hey."

"Wha-aaah…" he caught his breath and sat up. "What the hell?"

"I was thirsty." She replied, licking her lips casually, "I've already eaten all the ice cream." She added.

"Unngh…" he groaned softly, "How long have you been-"

"Bout an hour or so." she replied as he realized that she was functionally naked: she was still wearing the mask.

"Why are you naked?!" he asked surprised as she stood up, hands on her waist.

"Just in case you woke up and wanted sex." She said frankly as he stared at her shocked. "…Seriously I expected to be face down at this point but I'm not complaining." She added although it sounded like she was. "You only did me once out of 24 hours. I've given you lots of head, that was fun but normally you'd be taken full advantage…" she stared at him as he stared back. "…Are we going to have sex?" she asked

He stared at her, unsure how to react… but again… a guy can only take so much stimulation before he's only running on instinct. He swung his legs off the bed, and got to his feet before taking her by the wrists and hurling her onto it. Her lower body hung briefly off the bed before her legs were lifted up onto it as well. Legs spread and on her knees she raised her pawg booty in the air behind her and let it wiggle before he grabbed her hips and pushed his length to her, fitting it between her thicc ass as she rolled and wobbled them against his waist.

His cock slowly throbbed back to life as he panted heavily, bubbling with lust as he gripped his trembling member and slid it easily into her pussy as she bit the sheets and moaned. Her fingers curled into the blanket crumpled ahead of her against the wall as she began to tremble. His hips slapped against her from behind as she grunted into his bedding. "NGh… ugh… ngh!"

Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap.

Her ass bounced off his hips as he rammed away at her body. Skin on sweaty skin, their subtle smacking echoed around his marginally tiny room as he gazed at her pawg booty that seemed to glow in the darkness against his own dark skin. A sudden, perverse desire to watch it bounce more overtook him as she pushed back against his thrusts, getting his cock deep into her body as her inner walls clung to his bulging member. "Ha-haah-haa…!"

He began speeding up, the rippling of her plump ass hypnotizing him the more it wobbled and it was wobbling like jello in an earthquake. "NNgh-ngh-ugh-ughnngh!" Batgirl's toes curled and her thighs rumbled as he fucked an orgasm out of her, her back arching to 'advanced' position before dropping forward and down to 'expert'. "Mmgnh! MMNGH!!" then he grabbed her hair yanking her back up to 'advanced'…

Yaya has shown her that meme far too often.

"MMGNh! NNGH!" the sheets stretched between the bed and her mouth as Malcom rocked her back and forth, burying his cock inside her balls deep again and again. "MGMnh! MMGNh!" shaking as he yanked her red-haired head back, falling forward onto her body. "MGMh! MNGH!

Groaning eagerly as he rammed away, grinding into her again, and again. "UUugh-ahaah…" he buried himself inside her. Grunting as he relaxed, cum rushing up into her body as she breathed steadily. He pushed off of her, his length slipping free from her tight pussy as a trail of clear and white liquid dripped from her used hole.

"Haah… haah…" he breathed exhaustedly as he stared at dat ass, slowly her hips wiggled side to side, her thick ass meat clapping subtly together until she took her hands and spread them apart herself, letting her tight puckered hole 'wink' at him as his body ached and his head throbbed.

He gripped his member, his animal instincts telling him that this was, by far, his only chance to try anal. Especially with a girl as good-looking as Batgirl who had an ass that invited all sorts of anal play. His cock was barely hard enough to function but it was good enough to spread her hole open as she hissed into the mattress. Shaking as he pushed all the way into her bowels. "MMGNnh! MGNh! MGN! MMN!"

"Haa-ha-ahh-aah…" Malcom slid firmly back and forth, slipping out of her ass briefly only to quickly return with a deep thrust. His cock throbbing back to life for a desperate fantasy to fulfill. Banging away at her body as she moaned appropriately in encouragement. "MGNn!"

He buried his cock up her ass before ripping away, breathing heavily he hooked his hands under her arms before throwing her towards the headboard of his bed as she lay prone on it. He crawled over her as she wiggled her hips side to side, ass cheeks bouncing as he thrust down into her, poking at her jiggling pawg booty before he gripped her squirming waist with both hands awkwardly dropping fully onto her before fucking her prone. "MMGNh!"

Her legs squirmed behind her as his rhythmic thrusting made her body shake, moaning erotically into her pillow as he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing at her breasts. WHOP-WHOP-WHOP. Rhythmic but sloppy he pounded hard into her ass as it clenched around him. "NNGh… mMGNH!"

Their noise was thoroughly muffled, panting, sweating, moaning together as their lustful smells permeated about the room, both filled with a lustful, almost drunken haze as her eyes began to roll, his too… his body running on exhaust fumes as her pillowy pawg ass cushioned his increasingly awkward thrusts. "UGNm! MMGN!!" he rammed into her trembling form and stiffened on top of her as every muscle tensed like a steel cord. "MGMNh!!"

"MMmn…" her eyes rolled as she came again, shaking beneath him as his hips gave one final instinctive thrust into her, his balls quivering of her soft ass cheeks as they desperately emptied themselves into her. Her hips bucked up in quick spasms, encouraging out the last drops even as she succumb to a soft mattress and a warm body-blanket.

Time: 6:49 AM. Remaining Time: 5 hours 24 minutes.

"Mmn…mgh?" she blinked awake and yawned before putting her hand on Malcom's hip and pushing him out of her ass and over onto his side, freeing up her body. She pushed herself up, and with surprising agility, she pushed off the mattress curling up briefly before sitting on the edge of the bed with her feet on the floor as she stretched again. "MMGh!" pushing off the mattress as Malcom groaned. "Hey." She said, shaking him as he whimpered. "Come take a shower with me you smell like you've been having sex all night."

She wasn't joking. But if anyone else had heard HER say that they would've burst out with mirthless laughter.

"Ugh…" Malcom looked awful, exhausted and tired he grumbled slightly as he glanced at her naked body, seeing he was awake she turned around, ass cheeks jiggling as the cum on her inner thighs and between her cheeks started to smell. He kept his gaze on her ass and tried to crawl off the bed, only to realize how small it was and take a face full of floor, flopping over onto his back.

Batgirl hesitated, and sighed, rolling her eyes she reached down and grabbed his ankles. Dragging him out of his room, she expertly kicked up her discarded suit from the floor, both landing on him as she continued to take him towards the bathroom.

It was quite a sight to see a naked Batgirl dragging Malcom across the floor like a dead body, luckily only an early rising old man in the apartment across the street saw it, and considered it a figment of his tired eyes…

Batgirl was either deceptively strong or Malcom was surprisingly light, but she hauled him to his feet, turned on the cold water, and shoved him into the shower. "AH! Dah! Wah-water?!" he jumped as Batgirl casually walked right in… her body was used to cold showers so she didn't react nearly as comically. Quickly rinsing the stank off her body, pressing various softer bits of said body to Malcom as he realized he was showering with a hot girl… in a mask. Batgirl hummed softly to herself, soaped herself, rinsed… then turned around as she went for an early morning snack.

"Oh god…" Malcom sighed, shaking as a red-headed girl's head bobbed slowly between his legs. "Aha-haha…"

"MMng-mmnghh…" water cascaded against them both as he trembled from the cold and the sensation of Batgirl's mouth as she sucked and slurped, fondling his sack as his head rolled back against the corner of the shower.

"Haha-haah…" Malcom side as Batgirl on her knees, wiggled her ass like a good girl, humming more and more as the warmest part of his body was now also the wettest. His hands grasped at her head, yanking her back and forth as if unsure if he wanted her balls deep or not. Shaking as he bucked his hips against her face, steadily beginning to face fuck her as water and other liquids dripped off or from her body.

"MMgn mmng! Mmgn mwahah…" she gasped, yanked off his cock as his cock bounced off her extended tongue before she dove back onto it. "MMgh! Mgnh! Mngh! MMngh!!" she planted his cock into her throat, "Mmngh!" holding her face firm before she slid up, and down, twisting her head as he tongue swirled on his length.

"Ooh… OOoho…" he bucked hard against her face, burying his cock into her throat and letting it out. Gasping and sighing as she hummed softly, sliding her head back and forth.

"Mmng-mmn…" slurping out the rest.

She seemingly had no need to breathe with the amount of water and cock deterring her. However Malcom's knees buckled and he slumped to the floor, mouth open and gargling water as he groaned. Batgirl flicked the red hair out of her face, standing up and blocking poor Malcom from the shower water. Humming as it flowed down her back and leaped off the curve of her ass like a waterfall.

Soon however she had enough and left Malcom to his devices, drying off, and then pulling her suit back on. She yawned and walked out of the bathroom as Malcom opened his mouth and drank as much water as he could before dragging himself to his feet, and groaning as he rinsed himself. Eventually turning the heat up and leaning against the wall…

…Eventually, he got out, he wasn't sure how long he was in the shower but he lumbered slowly out of it. He glanced over the couch and was somewhat surprised to find her on her back and dozing softly. It would've been adorably if he didn't already understand that she was a sex fiend. Stiff, tired, sore, but oddly content he dragged his feet towards his room, shut his door, and flopped awkwardly onto the bed. Crawling the rest of the way he planted his face into his pillow… stretched, and went right back to sleep.

Time: 10:44 AM. Remaining Time: 1 hour 16 minutes.

"…How long do you think she's going to sleep like that?" asked Dale curiously standing side by side with Tucker as they stared at Batgirl sleeping defenselessly on the couch. Their eyes were practically glued to her big breasts rising and falling as she mumbled dreamily. Dale managed to make coffee, grinding his own beans and everything, and Batgirl hardly stirred.

"…No idea." Tucker whispered, still gazing at her shapely form. "…Don't really care though." He added as Dale nodded in agreement. "…Better question is why hasn't Malcom come out of his room yet? That guy's awake at 7:00 on the dot every morning since I've met him." Dale just shrugged. "…You know." he added as Dale sipped his coffee. "…When he brought her here? Yesterday? He said that she blew him in the car."

Dale snorted coffee, coughing as he patted his chest. "What?"

"Yeah. He's never made a joke like that."

"Malcom's never lied about anything in his entire life." Dale replied, then a curious look crossed his face. "…You know. I heard about this rumor." He said, "Friend of a friend of a friend's uncle's boss sort of stuff? That Superbabes is kinda… sketchy."

"It's a skin restaurant where you tip your waitresses like strippers. I'd say it's sketchy."

"Nah… not like that I mean-" but whatever he 'meant' he was distracted as Batgirl finally moved by rolling over, moaning seductively as her big Pawg booty wobbled ever so tantalizingly into view as they both stared at her ass. "…What was I talking about?"

"No idea dude. Shush." Tucker whispered lazily.

After a moment of quiet, lecherous contemplation Dale declared rather reluctantly. "We can't just stand here all day looking at her ass." He mumbled.

"That is literally in her job description. We totally can." Tucker replied as Dale elbowed him and seemed to break the ass of Batgirl's magical hold on them both.

"Brunch?" Dale declared as they both went to the kitchen to fend for themselves. 10 minutes after arguing they decided on eggs, bacon and toast, mostly because Tucker didn't want to walk back to the convenience store for anything else. However just as the bacon was crisped Malcom finally stumbled out of his bedroom.

"Morning sunshine." Declared Tucker as Malcom jumped, he looked exhausted even after (apparently) sleeping for an extra 3 hours. "…You look awful." He stared at them blankly, getting a 'thousand-yard stare' down pretty good.

"She's relentless." Tucker scoffed then sighed.

"Again with this? Man, I already respect you, you don't have to try and brag about having sex with a super hot cosplaying chick." Although he sounded like he didn't respect Malcom at all. Dale was too focused on the eggs to really care.

Malcom just groaned and snagged a piece of bacon. Chewing half-heartedly as Batgirl yawned, rising up from the couch and stretching her arms. Dale burnt a bit of the eggs watching her with Malcom and Tucker. She shifted in place on the couch, before getting up… half-marching half stretching as she walked towards the kitchen to the smell of breakfast…

"Hey." She declared as the boys all mumbled awkwardly. She sniffed, "Mmn… who's cooking?" she asked, although she could clearly see.

"Would you like breakfast?" asked Dale. "Scrambled? Over easy?" Batgirl scratched her neck thoughtfully before snagging a bit of bacon.

"…Mmn…" she checked the clock. "…No. It's pretty close to the end… thanks. I'll get something at Superbabes they know what I like…" she added as Malcom seemingly sighed with relief. "I just need a ride back."

"I'll take you." Malcom mumbled, "Just… let me wake up in the shower first." He said heading to the shower.

"Cool." Batgirl replied watching Dale and Tucker cook.

"So…" Tucker noted. "Did you…" he paused then suddenly he had to ask the question that had honestly been burning inside him for the whole 'day'. "Is this awkward? For you? Spending a whole day with strangers?"

"…No." Batgirl replied casually, "Compared to the rest of the stuff I do, this is just a regular day in my life." She added as the boys stared at her. "…The lack of a milkshake bothers me. But that's really more my problem than yours…"

"You really like Milkshakes huh?" replied Tucker with a laugh as the toast finished and he went to tend to it.

"Hmn…" replied Batgirl non-committedly. Milkshakes were just a good substitute. Like Jenny or Jae-Hwa sucking on lollipops when they don't want to smoke… it all apparently went to her hips anyway.

"So… you had fun? Spending a day with a bunch of creeps?" Dale joked.

"My boss wouldn't let me spend a day with 'creeps.'… She'd wouldn't let me spend an hour with them. Well, sometimes she does, but she's pretty good about it." Batgirl said to their confusion. "…Honestly this was fun… I think I'll bother Tasha about 'gaming' when I get back to work." She added as if they knew who 'Tasha' was.

Malcom got out of the bathroom. Dressed lightly but politely as he retrieved the jalopy keys. Tucker and Dale ate and chatted with Batgirl as he cleared his throat. He had about 20 minutes to get Batgirl back to Superbabes. "Okay. Ready to go?" he asked as Tucker cleared his throat and gestured to Batgirl.

"Dude. I think you should apologize for all the jokes you said about her." Batgirl blinked mildly confused at him as Malcom stared.

"What jokes?" he replied, legitimately confused as Tucker corrected sternly.

"You saying she gave you head in the car man, she's far too cool for you to joke about that." Dale sighed, rolling his eyes exasperatedly… however…

"That wasn't a joke. I totally sucked his cock in the car." She declared bluntly: like a hammer.

And looking like they were just smacked with one. "......What?" Tucker and Dale said together, staring at her in awe.

"Yeah. What did you think the 24 hours were for?" she replied getting off the chair to a somewhat mortified Malcom. "You can do whatever you want. I'm actually surprised you guys didn't take advantage of that. I would've sucked your dicks too." She declared casually. For anyone BUT Batgirl this wasn't a normal conversation.

Tucker and Dale stared at her, both flicking simultaneously back and forth between her and Malcom. "What?" they said together once again as she began walking to the door.

"Oh well. Maybe next time you guys can order me for delivery or something. Or win the raffle again, I'll put in a good word with Orders." She added as Malcom slowly walked to the door, opening it for her. "See you guys around." She said with a wave as Malcom walked her out.

Dale and Tucker sat staring at the door, mouths open. "…The fuck did we miss?" Tucker asked as Dale feebly shrugged. "…And don't even think about it dude, I WILL tell Madison!"

Time: 11:56 AM. Remaining Time: 4 minutes.

The Jalopy puttered to a stop as Batgirl's head pulled out of Malcom's lap and he slammed his head on the steering wheel. "Haa…" sighed Batgirl, slurping his cum down and licking her lips as he groaned. She helped him with his pants. "I had fun Malcom Coal." She said frankly. "…Next time don't be so stiff." She added almost kindly as he couldn't help but laugh…

"Next time?"

"Sure…" she said already slipping out of the car, leaning back into the window, her ass distracting passersby. "…Start your cards now." She said, pressing her fingers to her lips, and blowing him a kiss as she grabbed her bag from the backseat and strutted towards Superbabes. Malcom, after parking the car soon did the same, going in for a quick meal.

Orders yawned broadly, reclining in her chair as Jackie walked in through the back door and towards the locker rooms. "Hey." She declared as Orders shot to her feet, stretching as she retrieved the fat stack of bills under the counter that was for Jackie's cut.

"You're early."

"Yeah. I think he wanted to get rid of me quickly after I told his friends I would've sucked them off." Orders sighed rubbing her purple eyes exasperatedly, "…I think he was embarrassed."

Tasha chuckled good-naturedly from the pool table, leaning on a pool stick like a stripper pole. "Oh? You passed up other dicks? That's surprising."

Jackie back in her civvies walked out of the lockers and helped Orders stuff her duffle bag with her recently earned 'raffle winnings'. "…Good point. Maybe I should have." She said conversationally. "…Hey Tasha. What's a good gaming console?" she asked as Tasha stared at her surprised.

"…I'm partial to the Gamestation myself. But good luck getting a 5 without stabbing someone. The Zbox-180 was a good model but we're two generations on at this point…" noticing the vacant look on Jackie's face, she smiled. "Gamestation girl. Get a Gamestation."

"…I'll just take you along. That'll solve my problems." Jackie replied as Tasha just smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, it would now go home." Orders yawned as Jackie stared at her.

"…I need a ride." Jackie replied, but as if on cue.

"Hey Jackie." Sierra in tight jean shorts and a tight cleavage displaying tanktop leaned in the doorway of the back door. "Tom's in the car, let's go." Jackie shouldered the bag and waved to Orders but hesitated, holding her hand out over the counter as a vanilla shake slid across it.

"Bye Orders. I'd like those guys again if you can arrange it." she said casually as Orders grumbled.

"Again: I'm Clairvoyant. NOT. a genie!" she shouted irately after her.

"So did you have fun?" Sierra asked as they walked to Tom's car parked next to a familiar Jalopy.

"Yeah. Is Tom driving?" asked Jackie slurping noisily.

"Yep. We're going on a date after I take you home." Sierra said chipperly. "…Why?" she asked sultrily as Jackie slurped her shake and hummed softly.

"…I'm thirsty."

"Ah… front seat then." She said with a grin, happily taking the back seat.

"Hey, Jackie." Tom greeted as she sat in the front seat.


He pulled the car out of the stall, about to head back to their apartment as the car suddenly made an abrupt stop as Tom squeaked out "Whoa!? Hey!!! JACKIE, COME ON!" to Sierra's pretty laughter.

