
Delivery Girl: Bumblebee Order #4

I don't own DC

"That is. Quite possibly. The cutest thing you've ever seen." Fire declared smiling half-heartedly as she and Ice stared at Hector the Dog lying on the floor besides Orders's counter. He stared with his good eye at the little black ball of fur as it jumped left and right before his muzzle, pawing playfully at his nose as Noir the Cat mewed cutely at him…

She wore a little collar around her neck with a tinkling tiny bell to keep track of her as Fire, Ice and Poison Ivy cooed lovingly… Ice recorded it on her phone with a particularly broad smile on her as always smiling face. They brought in the tiny kitten to show her off to the rest of the girls, they couldn't before now because Orders insisted she'd be as housebroken as possible first. And it just so happened Poison Ivy's sitter for Hector was out of town, so she brought him in as well.

Instant adorable.

Little Noir was FASCINATED with the big Hector, and Hector humored her. Her little fuzzy butt wagged in the air as she continued to valiantly swat her tiny paws against his aged (but not too aged) muzzle.

"Alright, that's enough…" Orders replied with a slight smile, "…Send the video to everyone, post it, I don't care, but get back to work…" she said patiently as Ice stopped recording her kitten playing with Hector, looking at Orders concernedly.

"…Are you going to watch my Noir?" she asked kindly as Orders sighed.

"I don't have to. Hector will watch her."

"Hector?" replied the three Superbabes skeptically surprised as, almost without warning, Noir the kitten dashed for the open back door as if suddenly realizing it was open.

"Merda!" Fire cursed as Ice squeaked horrified.

"Noir honey, no!"

However, with the reflexes that belied his size and species, Hector darted after the kitten, catching her carefully with his mouth like a mother cat just as she reached the backdoor and carrying her by the scruff of her neck back to the counter, her little legs flailing. Noir mewled pitifully but seemed uninjured as he dropped her right beside Orders's chair and THUMPED down in front of her. Confining her like a living furry wall to behind Orders's desk, her office, or the locker rooms.

"Hector will watch her." Orders repeated confidently as the kitten seemingly forgot her failed escape attempt and went back to playing 'swat the nose' with Hector. "Off you go." She said commandingly as Poison Ivy smiled at her boss.

"You know sometimes I think he's your dog more than mine." She said playfully as Hector seemingly grinned up at his 'mama' and wagged his tail happily. Orders however just snorted indignantly going back to her crosswords as Bumblebee came in from the back ready to start her shift, eyeing the big hunk of a furry dog in the middle of her way to the locker room, carefully stepping over him, avoiding the cat, and staring at them while walking backward into the locker room as Noir ignored her entirely and continued playing with Hector.

"Hey dog." She said lazily, "What's with the cat?"

"She's Noir, Ice's kitten. Say 'Hi'." Orders said dismissively as Bumblebee walked into the locker rooms to change.

"Hi cat?" replied Bumblebee from the locker rooms. "…I didn't know pets were allowed here."

"Hector's a mascot." Orders replied, eyeing the handsome dog as he gazed happily at her, tail wagging and ignoring Noir's little swats. "…Unofficially at any rate."

"So… do we have a pet night or something?" Bumblebee asked as she walked out in costume, the gossamer wings shimmering behind her and catching the attention of the adorable kitten who tried to attack her shimmering wings only to be distracted by a well-placed paw from Hector. Thumping her gently to the ground as she struggled free and swatted at his nose once again… good thing Noir had been mercifully declawed.

"No. We don't have a pet night." Orders declared, "The only pet I truly tolerate is Hector… and to some extent Veronica." She added snappily.

Bumblebee restrained her laughter and stepped over Hector again as she strutted towards the floor. "I suppose you do give Veronica her favorite treats all the time." She licked her lips notedly.

"It's not like I can summon deliveries on command." Orders noted as her eyes flashed and she shook her head. "Nhg… maybe I can." She reached for the phone.

Time: 8:09 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver-ngh…"






"We deliver food. Not women. You want her to come with the food? 10 orders of Bumblebee Honeycakes. Cash only.'




"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed assuming they haven't already been called for noise complaints. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address pleased."


Orders hung up the phone, stuck her finger in her ear, and twisted trying to somehow scrape out the high-pitched ringing she now heard. "I got one for you… have fun with that. Don't drink, snort, or swallow anything…" she paused as she heard herself, and Bumblebee gave her a knowing snarky smirk before quickly adding as a correction, "That doesn't come out of testicles."

Two large bags carrying slightly smaller but still large boxes slid across the counter as Bumblebee stared at them surprised. "…That's a lot of honey cakes."

"They're having a party…" Orders noted slipping in the receipt to one as Bumblebee hefted one, then the other, grunting slightly at the weight before she strutted out the backdoor hauling both to the company car, resting one on the hood as she got the door open and stacked one, then the other on the passenger's seat and buckled both in for good measure.

"Okay. Party…" She mumbled to herself, grinning as she sat her perfectly sculpted well trained gymnast ass in the driver's seat and sped the car off into the Gotham night.

She drove further and further up into Gotham, through the upper-east district as she drove further east until she saw green and ocean and an odd glow coming from an obvious beach and a packed parking lot. There must have been almost a hundred people partying it up on the beach. Most if not all were in swimsuits… She sat in the car as the thumping of loud music echoed through the car. It all seemed to be coming from a DJ on a stage set up at the far end of the beach… to the right was the ocean where some of the partiers were diving right in thoroughly making asses, of themselves.

To the left was a collection of obviously empty beach cabins. There was one that wasn't its occupant leaning on the railing of his porch framed by the light from his house, bobbing his head to the beat of the music and drinking what looked like a beer bottle from this distance as she grabbed the boxes of food, and got out of the car. Spying a table full of food and supplied with kegs and coolers of drinks she walked the 'parking lot' of broken asphalt and springing grass until her shoes stepped in fine sand.

The Wub-wubs matched her steps as she approached the table with her bags of food, doing very well not to get distracted as she felt… One. Two. Three. Four different hands each get a meaty grab of her tight black pants. Considering there were girls in bikinis or less dancing around drunkenly, she wondered how brave they'd be if her hands weren't carrying boxes of honey cakes.

She reached the table and rested the boxes on a few empty plates and glanced around, wondering who in this mass of partiers were the one, or ones, who ordered her. "Sweet! Cakes." Declared someone and the whole table was rushed by the more munchy driven of the partiers as she backed away from the table, feeling a hand on her ass again as she turned to find a guy in his swim trunks and a heart tattooed over his heart.

"These cakes are awesome!" declared a girl. They were Divya's recipe they better be.

Bumblebee however let Heart continue to fondle her ass as she chanced a question. "…Did you order honey?"

"YEP!" he replied loudly over the noise before gesturing towards a path between the beach houses. "RIGHT OVER HERE!" He added, although if anyone was paying attention to his shouting they didn't show it. Bumblebee, however, noticing no door close by took the opportunity to rap her knuckles on the table.


Time: 8:34 PM. Place: Upper-East Beach (Alleyway between beach houses)

"Special Delivery Service." She declared before strutting into the small path, following Heart into the dark alley like she was the slut in a horror movie… or Star Sapphire.

However, she reached the back of the house to find a private party of shapes, at least 7 or 8 guys grinning at her in the dark as she smiled at them all and felt one, two, three different hands clap across her ass cheeks as she licked her lips. "…Well I hope you boys have some things for me." She said playfully as she slowly swiveled her hips, her firm ass cheeks clapping as she felt a hand slid down her back and into her pants. "Ahh…" a finger already probing her asshole as more hands experimentally began to reach out, squeezing, rubbing caressing her body as the smell of weed and stale beer overwhelmed her senses.

Her hands felt around various bodies teasingly, feeling everything from muscles to beer bellies, tugging at waistbands until she stopped her playing and slid one into the pants of a lucky fellow, finding and jerking his cock with her hand as he moaned… he was nothing to be impressed about but that wasn't the point…

Those around them laughed as he moaned yanking down his pants as she swatted away hands left and right then got to her knees before him getting into the sand as she opened her mouth. "Ahh… haha…" licking around his tip as he rested a hand on her head, letting his fingers squeeze her afro as she was soon prodded by another cock against her cheek.

"ALRIGHT! LINE UP! WE ALL NEED A TURN!" declared 'heart' as the others cheered and hooted at Bumblebee's display, turning her head lightly to lick the wet tip that was poking her cheek while still stroking the first guy with her silky hand.

Her second dick was barely on her tongue before it was between her lips and in her throat. "Mmgnh MMnh. MMn…" curling her fingers around the first and stroking steadily as she bobbed her head up and down, feeling them caress her scalp as they groaned eagerly.

"This girl is something else!" one of them mumbled, "She is going at it!"

"MMn-hmmn…" she moaned, steadily moving her head, before quickly slipping off and giving her first dick attention as she felt someone's hands on both of her impressive breasts and giving them a squeeze as she cooed around the dick in her mouth. Fondling the second one's sack with her hand as she wrapped the other around her current oral occupant's back and pulled him forward. "MGH!?" she flinched as he burst into her mouth without warning.

However, she was a (self-described) pro and swallowed quickly, not a drop escaping her lips as he moaned. "Shit ooh…" he shuddered against her face, jerking his hips quickly back and forth before slipping from her lips. She put her hand just above his crotch and shoved him stumbling back in the sand before turning her head onto the other one.

"MMgh! MMgh! Mghh! MMngh!"

"Oh man! OOoh!" if she expected better, or more, she was unimpressed. His hands rested on her shoulders as he gave her a mouthful as well. She moaned, taking it like a champ as down it went into her stomach as he quickly pulled away.

"Mgh!" she suddenly held up her hands in a 'wait' gesture as she gulped every drop. "Mmng…" then grabbing her shirt she yanked it off to the 'oohs and aahs' of the surrounding crowd. She then fell onto her back, yanking off her pants as the sand clung to her body and tossed those away too getting naked as she licked her lips and smiled around her.

"Alright boys time in." she declared who's next?-OH." A cock was slapped onto her face as she smiled, already running her tongue along it as it quivered. She brushed her hands on his pants, lingering around his knees as she removed the stray grains of sand before gripping his girth and stroking as she sat stood on her knees.

She rested the tip on her tongue, swirling it around his glans as she stroked him expertly with her hands, jerking along his length as she panted and breathed. "Ugh… hah… shit!" she felt him pulsate in her hands as they continuously slid back and forth, drool trickling down from his tip onto his length or dripping into the sand. He rested his hand on her head, pulling her towards it as she quickly took the hint, and his dick, into her throat. "Ooh!"

"Mmn-mmn!..." she buried his cock into her throat and sniffed loudly. He smelled like the sea and beer. "MMn…" his cock wobbled in her throat as he gripped her head like a basketball before jerking her rapidly back and forth. She gazed up at him, her eyes spinning in her head as she slurped noisily on his cock.

"AAAh! AAagh… ooh…"

"MMn… mmngh…" he shuddered, jerking against her face as she blinked slowly, her lips feeling his shaft pulsate his wad into her mouth as she tasted his foul semen… then gulped it down greedily. "Ah…" she let her tongue hanging from her lips, saliva dripping down her tongue between her cleavage. "…Next?" she said with a soft coo, glancing around as she felt a hand press her mid-back and push her forward. "Oh?"

She took it in stride, planting her hands in the sand she rolled her hips, clapping her ass cheeks as she twerked up and down, getting so close to the ground that a trickle of her arousal, a long hot string of it, clung to the loose grains and jumped up like a bungee cord. Her lower body seemingly had a mind of its own, matching the wub-wubs of the music… it wasn't often she actually did this TO music on the job, might as well enjoy it. Her ass cheeks clapped together softly as she tilted her head back and let the slut out, the music moving through her as she gasped. "AH!"

As someone clapped her ass cheeks with his hand.

"Look at her go."


"Woo! Shake it girl!"

"Hee-hee!" she giggled, working it as commanded as many more hands clapped on her ass cheeks, one after the other. "Come on boys if you wanted to just watch me dance I could've done it in the open!"

"Not with those moves!" one snarked as the rest chuckled good-naturedly.

"My mouth is empty and I need more DICK." she growled through clenched teeth, "NNgh!" moaning erotically as her head was jerked abruptly forward and her demands were satisfied. "That's it come here." She opened wide and took cock into her throat as her hips continued to work.

"Oohh…" her oral occupant declared, sliding in and out of her mouth. "This is the best head I've ever had…"

"That's because black girls suck the best dick." declared another behind her.

"MMn-hmmn…" she moaned agreeably, jerking her head sloppily along the cock in her mouth, only to be drowned out by.

"WHOA! Dude!... not cool man."


"Man shut the fuck up!" replied the 'offending' voice as she felt a pair of big hands on her waist. "I can say that, aint that right honey?"

Before she could respond at all she felt a BIG tip against her pussy. "MMNGH!!" then she felt it much deeper. He must have been 10" long. "MMnnggh!!" shaking in pleasure as her tongue wiggled wildly on the dick in her mouth, his hand holding her in place as big dick rubbed her curvy waist.

"I'm just speaking the truth ain't I baby?" he hissed in her ear. "You're going to treat us all real nice. Aren't you baby?"

"mMngh! Mhm-hmn!!" she moaned as he began to move, pumping his big dick slowly in and out of her.

"A brother knows what a sista likes…" he chuckled, sinking his powerful hands into her waist and pulling his cock back until just the tip was inside her. Ignoring 'Heart's confused.


"Shut UP man! I'm getting my DICK WET." He replied indignantly before ramming into Bumblebee.

"MMMNGH! MGH! MNGH! MGN! MMG!!" her head jerking back and forth on the dick in her mouth as he groaned eagerly. Leroy railing into her body from behind, growling all sorts of 'encouragement'.

"Yeah! Yeah! You know you like it!" his hips slapping hard against her ass as she trembled around his cock, her wet pussy tightening like a vice around it. "That's it baby girl. Keep that wet ass pussy tight!"

"mMngh! Mngnh! Mnngh! Mngh!" slobbering greedily over the cock in her mouth was the only thing stopping her from squealing over the wub-wubs.

"Haahaaah!!" her mouth entertainment clung to her head, pushing against her face even as Leroy kept pounding away. "OOoh…"

"GMmgnbh!" this time she couldn't swallow it properly she was taking a baseball bat to her womb, saliva and cum dribbled down her chin into the sand before she could even get some of it into her stomach which was being pushed somewhere behind her right lung. "MMgh! MHG! Ah! AH! AH!" she gasped as he pulled away and freed her mouth up to make all sorts of cock hardening noises. "Oh SHIT! FUCK ME!!" she encouraged, her fingers tightening into fists as her tongue lolled from her mouth, "Ah-AH-AHH! Fuck my pussy! Fuck it! hard!"

"Ugh! Ugh!!" Leroy buried his cock into her, rolling his hips before smacking her ass hard. "Here it comes baby girl. Here comes ma baby! Gonna bust my nut!" he grabbed the back of her head, planted his feet and rapidly jackhammered into her body.

"Uuguuuuggggggh!!" her voice undulated in her throat as her organs where rearranged, her tongue lolling from her mouth and drooling as she shuddered and trembled, their smacking hips echoing over the wubs.

"Ungh! Ugh! That's my BABY…" she gasped breathlessly, shaking against him as he held her firmly to his waist, feeling his load throb into her body. "Oooh… hope you on the pill girl cause that is a LOAD…" he pulled his cock abruptly from her, a stream of cum oozed out of her like thick milk, soaking into the sand as he got up, walked around and slapped his big black dick against her face. "Clean me up girl I got pussy juice all over it." he grinned down at her.

She panted erotically, gazing up and him before she ran her tongue SLOWLY over his length. "…I had no idea you were black…" she mumbled as he grinned down at her.

"What my dick size didn't give it away?" he chuckled as she brushed her lips on it. Feeling more hands on her body.

"I thought you were just an asshole…" she grinned eagerly as the others laughed "…Doesn't mean you weren't a good fuck…" she wiggled her ass behind her, "Whose next?" Wordlessly… someone with BIG hands grabbed her upper arms and hauled her to her feet, before powerful arms hooked under her legs and bodily lifted her from the ground. "Oh fuck…" she whimpered, her legs spread wide apart as the arms hooked behind her head… it's a good thing she was so flexible.

"…Oh fuck…" she repeated as someone bigger than Leroy let his cock pop up from behind her smacking against her dripping slit. "What have you been feeding that thing?"

"Big girls." Replied a deep voice behind her as she felt his hands interlocking behind her head, locking her firmly in a full-nelson as his cock twitched against her. WHOMP. He suddenly dropped onto the ground, leaning against one of the houses as he lifted her up high.

"Nngh-oh-shit-oh-shit-oh-shit…" she chanted, gazing as his tip slid lower, and lower onto her body until she could no longer see it, only FEEL it, probing against her asshole. "Honey you're a big boy!" she declared, a little scared but inwardly enormously aroused. "Go slow! Please go slow!" she begged, only feeling him throb HARDER.

"Tatu you FUCK that ass like it's goin out of style!" declared Leroy, stroking himself as 'Tatu' braced her for penetration.

"Fuck YOU! ASSHOLE!" she squealed at Leroy, whether once again calling him an asshole or declaring to the world at large just what was being destroyed, who can say? "Oh shit! Oh! SHIT!" she hissed through her teeth, clawing Tatu's knees as her ass was stretched to it's limits… no amount of flexibility would save her from rectal destruction. Her toes, almost behind her head curled briefly until she went very stiff.

Tatu didn't FUCK her. He GROUND into her. His cock steadily slid in and out of her hole as she shuddered and trembled in his unbreakable grip. "Fuck-fuck-fuck!" she hissed after the third complete stroke of his dick, a steady and unwavering grind, shaking as it finally stopped hurting and started to drive her wild. "Just FUCK me already! I can't stand it!" she whined as another dropped to his knees in front of her as she gasped, feeling his throbbing erection against her dripping pussy. "Not what I MEANT!" she squealed as her brain broke.

Tatu continued his grinding slow pace, however the cock inside her front hole railed away at her body, slamming deep into her wet snatch as she tightened around both, feeling him grind his dick through her inner walls against Tatu's filling girth as she climaxed.

"HAaaaaaaah!!" shuddering between them she rolled her hips instinctively, taking her monstrous double penetration like the champ she was. "Ah-aaah! You like that?! You like that?!!" she yelped mindlessly, yelling at no one in particular. "You like fucking me!? Fucking my nasty pussy while my ass gets ruined?!"

"YEAH!" declared the one inside her, railing against her body as he squeezed at her tits.

"MMGH! MMNh! Gonna cum with my fucking ass!!" she declared as Tatu bottomed out into her hole. "Oooooh!!" she howled erotically, clamping down on both as the one in front pulled out of her and-

"Ahaa-aaah!! YES!"

Ropes of cum jet towards her face as he came on her, twitching as he stroked out his load on her fucked silly lips as he gasped for breath to the sound of-

"Come on man!"


"Bitch! You DO NOT cum on a girl when she's got a gang to bang man!" Leroy barked irately. "Shit! You do that when you're done!" he added smacking the guy in the face as the last of his cum missed her entirely and hit the sand.

"I did." He grinned proudly only to be shoved away by the group.

"Get out of here man!"


"I'm going to cum now." Tatu said almost meekly as she felt his grip tighten around her loosened body.

"Okay Honey." She said blankly, her mind a little… not here right now. Leave a message. "OH FUCK OH! FUCK! OOOH!! FUCK!!!"

Oh… fuck. Got it.

Her entire body SHOOK. And not just because she was cumming, because the force of Tatu actually fucking her sent aftershocks throughout her form. His hips ramming against her as he easily lifted her up and down, pounding, grinding… she was a broken doll on his dick.

"UGH!" He held her tight and he dominated her insides with his soldiers. Her stomach bulged and she could almost TASTE the cum he shot in her ass in her mouth… or maybe the cum from earlier slipped into her mouth as she let it hang open in bliss…

"Haah… haah…" she squeaked as he slowly pulled her off his cock and released his hands from the back of her head, letting her legs down and her forward as she squatted on them… still as a statue as her gaping ass vomited cum into the sand, and she fell forward.

"…Stick with big girls Tatu I think you broke her."


Bumblebee twitched, moaning in the sand as a pair of hands grabbed her waist and a cock slipped almost unnoticed into her slippery pussy. He wasn't tiny… she just wasn't able to notice anything. "THIS HOLES STILL GOOD!"

He hefted her from the sand and flung her towards the house where she pawed at it, unsteadily standing as he gripped her waist and slapped away at her body. "THIS PUSSY IS THE BEST!" He praised, smacking her ass again as she trembled. Lifting her right leg and got deeper into her body as her foot waved in the air like a surrender flag. Her face pressed against the wall as she grinned, her body to lost in orgasm-land to care about anything other than getting fucked.

"AAAH! AAH! HAAH!" he pushed his hips hard against her, forcing her sticky, sandy body against the wall as he deposited his load inside her. "HAH…" he pulled abruptly out of her as she felt a load spray her ass cheeks and back left thigh as her leg dropped back to the ground, she wobbled unsteadily… then knelt in the sand, trying to catch her breath before her head was tilted back.

"Here baby girl just for you!" Leroy declared, shooting a load onto her chest. "Shit yeah! I love nutting on girls like you!" just when she thought he was down, another and another took a turn, sending ropes over her body as she blearily smiled. Sticking out her tongue, and crossing her eyes in an excellent 'ahegao' face as more cum sprayed over her and flashing lights flickered around her.

"THIS IS AWESOME." Heart declared, spraying her face with his own feeble load as she wrapped her lips around him and sucked out the rest.

"Told you man. Black girls do it better." Declared Leroy.


"Look at this thot! She's still thirsty!" declared Leroy as she gave him a suckle. "Yeah I know you like the brothers…" he chuckled smugly. "WHOA!" He was hurled aside, easily, by Tatu as his slapped his baseball bat on her face, sighing contentedly as she stroked and slurped it in worship… despite the sand sticking to her hands. "The FUCK man!?" Leroy mumbled only to hear a-


"…Shit man the girls are wondering where we are! We have been gone for an hour! We got to clean this bitch up! Like now!" Bumblebee sniffed Tatu's urethra sensually, before shoving her tongue into it before it was suddenly gone. "No! Wait there coming here! Hide the bitch!" Leroy said quickly.

"Wha… oh!" she held her breath and closed her eyes as SAND was suddenly kicked over her body.

"LEROY! What is your black-ass doing over there! They're about to start the games!" shouted a sassy black woman with a great pair of breasts in a tiger bikini.

"Girl!... Dude stuff!" declared Leroy lamely.

"Don't you LIE to me motherfucker! Get your ass out here!"

"Yes, baby."

She glared at him. "Dumbass. Tatu you better get out here too Mimi was lookin all over for you! You're lucky those cakes are distracting her! Those things are fucking TASTY!" she replied as Leroy adjusted his pants and followed his girlfriend out of the alley. "…Motherfucker why do you smell like fish?"

Bumblebee still a little dazed sat up, the cum on her body now COVERED in sand. She looked like a kindergartener's art project… she blew sand from her lips and blinked around. "…Is there a shower around here?" she asked blearily.

"THERE'S A BEACH SHOWER JUST OVER THERE!" declared Heart as she stared at him skeptically, she grabbed her suit and wobbled upright.

"Alright then. Make sure you got the money when I get back." She said, wobbling around the corner of the house and spying the beach showers. Not a lot of privacy but at least it was out of sight. She hung her clothes on a nearby bush, a few feet away from the showers as she turned on one of the heads. "Motherfuck! Motherfuck! Mā de hǎo lěng!"

She forced her beautiful black body to stay under the freezing water as the surprisingly good pressure sprayed the cum sand off her face like a power washer. Shivering and shaking she rubbed her breasts with cold hardened nipples… she shivered even more when she turned around to get her back and felt the icy water spray into her still somewhat gaping asshole. "NNGh!" her teeth grinding together, and her eyes rolling slightly as she shivered once again for… completely obvious reasons. "Mmmn…"

She lost track of time under the water but it was long enough for her to get used to the cold. A couple of minutes. Four at most. She shook her head as she turned off the water, flicking droplets everywhere as she walked over to her suit on the bushes. "…Ah… damn it…" she mumbled, dripping water into the surrounding grass… this was probably going to suck.

She wobbled back into the light of the party, grunting angrily as her clothes clung to her awkwardly until she spotted Heart rocking out to wub-wubs, she approached him, tapping his shoulder as she held out her hand. "The delivery?"


"THE DELIVERY!" she repeated, loudly as he nodded, walking over to the refreshment table and retrieving a stack of bills from one of the honey cakes boxes… one was now very sticky. He handed it to her. "Order again!" she said, "…WE ALSO CATER!" she added as Heart went back to parting. "I was right this SUCKS…" she grumbled to herself, wobbling back to the car, turning the heater up to max, and heading back into Gotham. Hoping to be at least a little time by the time she gets there.

Time: 11:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I need to change and I need a shower!" Ola declared abruptly tossing the stack of bills onto the counter where they stuck comically thanks to the sticky honey, and she walked straight into the locker rooms after stepping over Hector

"Ugh…" grumbled Orders, taking the stack and looking at the goo sticking it to the counter and sighed disdainfully. "…Great…" a roll of papers towels rolled out of the kitchen as she wiped it up. "…Hector?" she pulled out the sticky bill and held it out to him. "…Treat?"

Hector opened his good eye at it, his paws firmly around a snoozing Noir using his paw as a pillow. He snorted dismissively as Noir's fur was rustled by the air and she mewled adorably awake. "I thought not." Orders replied softly as a cup of water followed and she dropped it in and began sorting. "Hmmn?"

Noir the cat leaped off Hector's back onto the counter, her little rear paws kicking the air on the side of it as she pulled herself over and leaped onto one stack of dollars. Then the other, wagging her tail in the air as Orders glared at her being adorable and cute.

"Awwwww." Zoey cooed, skipping into the lounge and smiling happily, "She likes you!" Noir pawed at Orders' hand as Orders tried to retrieve the larger of the stacks of cash. Maria, watching the sight of Noir keeping money out of Orders's reach tried VERY hard not to laugh.

"Hmph." Grunted Orders, glaring the kitten down. "Stop that…" she ordered.

But the kitten was too young and unintimidated by the purple-eyed woman. Since Noir had already conquered the great scary guard dog, the woman in comparison was tame. As a cat: she already owned everything the light touches… according to that movie her mommy watched yesterday.

"Zoey." Orders warned. "I want my money."

"Come here pretty kitty." Maria hefted Noir by the scruff of her neck as she mewled and rested her on her big brown sugar breasts as she sat down at the couch. She chuckled good-naturedly as the kitty tried to burrow between her cleavage. "Ha-ha-ha!" A favorite pastime of the kitten…

…Hell that was most of Maria's clientele…

"…I should charge for that." Orders mumbled disinterestedly, watching Maria giggle helplessly as Noir made herself comfortable. "Tickling is apparently a fetish."

"HA! Ha-ha!" Maria laughed, jiggling on the couch as Noir finally settled down.

Ola came back out, pristine and clean as she took her cut from the table and brushed away cat hairs from it as Hector sneezed. "Bless you."

"Woof." Mumbled Hector tiredly as Ola stared down at him. That dog was a lot smarter than he looked.

"Don't mind him he's tied from kitten sitting…" Orders noted, watching Maria's face contort and turn red with restrained chortling at Noir stuck her head out from between her breasts, mewling comfortable.

"…Well at least he can sit." Mumbled Ola, "…Fuck me." Orders' purple-eyes twinkled as she went to go lie down. A job well fucked, just like her.


Assume the butchering

Mā de hǎo lěng! = motherfuck that's cold!
