
Daily Special: Poison Ivy

I don't own DC

Lucy sighed softly to herself, helping to clean up the floor after a particularly loud night. And now Superbabes was closed for cleanup and rest: It'll open much later tonight. Violet rubbed her tired eyes as she drank a powerful cup of black coffee. "Why do we even have tequila?" she noted as Violet chuckled into her coffee cup.

"I don't know. Just because I guess…" she drank it and sighed, "I need to go home to my four-year-old before Kathy goes insane." She put her empty cup on the counter and walked away, "Bye girls."

"Adios." Replied Lucy sweetly as Grace walked out of the lounge towards the waitress station at the front of the restaurant with a fresh rectangular flat black box. An ink packet for stamp ink. Grace replaced the stamp ink at the front of the restaurant for frequent patrons. The ones that had those special little cards for those special little raffles.

Oh. Right. Orders started those 'Daily Special' things… whatever happened to those? Lucy frowned as Grace replaced the ink pad. "Are we still doing Daily Specials?"

"…I hope so. Orders hasn't told me to stop stamping the cards." Grace replied simply.

"…But we haven't done a raffle in forever." Lucy replied accurately as Grace shrugged.

"Well… the whole point of them is to sell meals and build up tickets. But it has been a while so we should have one any time now." Lucy pouted at that, but she shrugged it off and finished wiping down tables before she headed into the lounge to find Orders also ready to head home for the day… and finally just decided to ask.

"Whatever happened to that Daily Special thing you started?"

Orders purple eyes blinked at Lucy for a minute, then she tapped her counter thoughtfully with the index finger of her free hand and glanced at her computer. "…Huh… you know, considering it leaves me with a colossal headache, the horrific pain sort of made me forget about it… I guess it is time for another raffle…" she rubbed her eyes, "Ugh… fuck me." She then went to the website and announced a Daily Special raffle for tomorrow.

"I just wondered what happened to it, I didn't mean you should do one." Lucy replied as Orders waved her hand.

"Too late! It's done! Hope you're not busy the day after tomorrow…"

"I mean I'm not, but that's not the point here." Lucy added. She was one of the girls selectable for the Daily Special, a day where the winner got to pick a Superbabe of their choice and spend a whole 24 hours doing whatever they wished. "Don't you think you should tell the other girls or something?"

Orders stared at her, her purple eyes flashing, "…No." she replied frankly. "See you tomorrow, Lucia." She replied and headed out the back as Tasha smiled.

"You walked into that one. It's not so bad. When I did it the guy was passed out half the time…" she wiggled her big black ass, dancing playfully, "He couldn't handle all this all at once…" she teased as Lucy rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at Tasha's playful backside shaking. …

"Well, maybe I'll have a client that day. Did Orders think of that?" She didn't have a client that day she had one on Monday. But to be fair if the winner didn't pick Lucy for the Daily Special for tomorrow she'd probably end up in someone else's bed anyway with two guys she didn't quite know and their cocks buried in both her holes. It usually happens at least once a week and she's due.

"Probably." Rebecca noted, pushing a cart of food towards the kitchen. "Now come on. The faster we get this done the faster we can go home." she said, "Quit shaking that ass Tasha and start shaking a leg!"

"I can do both!" teased the sensual Vixen as she did just that, going back to cleaning as she used a broom as a makeshift stripper pole to the laughter of the other girls.

Later that night the Restaurant was PACKED with raffle contestants. Wonder Woman, Stargirl, and Zatanna collected all the tickets and applied them to the drawing bucket as Catwoman (I) slapped a lid on the bucket and shook it up, wiggling and jiggling as she swung it over her head and side to side until she slapped it down on the counter.

Orders made her way to the bucket, flanked by Giganta who smiled warningly at all the men, and a couple of women, in the crowd. Before putting her fingers to her lips, and whistling sharply. "TWEET!" that silenced the crowd as Orders smiled like the ringmaster she was.

"Welcome to the Daily Special raffle draw!" she said as the crowd cheered, some clapped their hands "Where you can win a whole 24 hours with the Superbabe of your choice. "Now! Let's get to what you came for, shall we? Is everybody ready?!" she rhetorically asked as some in the crowd gave an enthusiastic.


Orders, smiling and eyes flashing swirled her hand around the tickets… No. No. No. Maybe. No. No. FUCK NO. NO. HERE WE GO. She gripped the 'winning' ticket, then yanked it from the bucket over her head as the crowd went silent.

"And the winner of the Daily Special Raffle is!" she read the name. "Woods." She said confused, she saw the name in her head, but it only took her an extra moment to recognize the fact that 'Woods' was a last name, not a first…

Still, a young man raised his hand triumphantly and began to push through the disappointed crowd. "Here." 'Woods' said confidently as he pushed his way through.

He was blonde, but his skin had a distinct natural suntan, his hands were calloused, and his eyes were piercing blue… not to mention he clearly worked out. The girl he picked was going to like him. Orders curled a finger at him sternly and headed towards the lounge. "A round of drinks on the house in consolation!" she declared to the somewhat groaning crowd. Some already left… but the girls were extra flirty and managed to convince the rest to stay as Giganta followed 'Woods' into the back.

Orders walked around her counter, sitting at her desk. "Here." And giving him a small mat with pictures of the selectable Superbabes. All posing sexily, photographed by the Superbabes Camerawoman, Yaya. Batgirl, both Green Lanterns, (B) Vixen, Starfire, Catwoman II and Supergirl II, Poison Ivy, and a recent edition of Bumblebee.

Woods glanced over the placemat curiously, "…I can only pick the ones here?" he asked skeptically as Orders just smiled politely, the crowd began to get a little rowdier as the event became a regular packed Superbabes restaurant, some time to restart their ticket purchase.

"That's right." She replied as he pouted, glancing over the pictures disappointedly.

"…I can't pick the Black Canary?" he asked as Orders tapped the placemat notedly.

"Only the girls here." She replied firmly.

He glanced at the mat of pictures, clearly not happy to hear that but at least Orders now knew which one he would definitely Order if Black Canary was on a delivery shift. He finally raised his hand and tapped the green beauty Poison Ivy. "Her then."

Orders slipped the mat under her counter and became all business. "12:00 tomorrow. Noon is when your day with her starts, whether you're here or not. This goes on my time, not yours." She tapped her watch for emphasis, "The day after tomorrow, noon, is when you bring her back. Otherwise, my friend here…" she gestured to Giganta who winked playfully at him, "Will bring other friends of hers to your house and make a very painful scene. Do you understand?"

Woods eyed Giganta up and down as if actually debating whether he could take her in a fight. Even if by some miracle he could, he probably couldn't handle Big Barda and Silver Banshee at the same time. Giganta just winked at him again, as if encouraging him to try. He thought better of it very quickly. "I understand." He said finally.

"Good, now. Between Noon tomorrow and the day after? You can have as much fun as you like… she'll spend the WHOLE day with you. As long as you don't do anything 'freaky' or 'weird' it's fine. But if she says no… and it'll take a LOT for her to say no… you STOP. Understand?"


"Good. She'll be waiting up front tomorrow." She gave him a small document to sign, "Name and address." She said as he signed it, and walked out the back to whatever he used to get here.

"Got to tell Jessica that's she's going to be busy tomorrow." Giganta noted as Orders nodded.

"Yes. I suppose I will." Giganta stretched her powerful muscles before going onto the floor to go console a few lucky souls and get some of that sweet, sweet disappointment money as Orders picked up the phone, eyes flashing, and calling Poison Ivy.

The 24 hours… plus 10 minutes.

Time: 11:50 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes.)

"Okay. This is his favorite squeaky toy." She said putting down a rather adorable cartoon character toy on the counter, "This is his leash and collar." Placing both down, "Here is his dinner and breakfast tomorrow." She said putting down a big ziplock bag filled with two smaller zip lock bags, "And here is his doggy bowl." The bowl hit the counter with a clatter as Orders sighed.

Hector the Superbabe Dog rested his head happily on the Superbabe boss's lap, sitting beside her as his tail wagged delightedly. Orders glared at him, but absently scratched his head between his ears the way he liked as Poison Ivy deposited Hector's effects for the next twenty-four hours on Orders counter, dressed in blue shorts and a tight lighter blue T-shirt, and white sneakers.

Why was she doing this? Because someone needed to take care of Hector for the next twenty-four hours and Orders was nominated by Poison Ivy… the other girls found this to be HILARIOUS. "And finally don't let him have any treats after his night walk it upsets his tummy. Any Questions?" she asked sweetly, smiling at the very annoyed boss as she pushed the doggy accessories towards Big Barda who promptly repacked them the duffle bag Poison Ivy brought them in, trying very hard not to laugh.

"Yes. How did you manage to convince me to watch Hector?"

"You love Hector." Poison Ivy replied frankly, smiling cheerily as she shouldered her dark green backpack and winked at the Superbabes boss. "I want him to stay with someone he likes, and who will take care of him. He can't handle himself like my cat Bast."

"Wasn't Hector a stray for years?" asked Cheetah curiously, her tail flicking behind her as Poison Ivy SHUSHED the furry Superbabe. "You are such a dog mom."

"Shush! He's domesticated now!" Poison Ivy then knelt down and furiously squeezed Hector's smooshy face as he groaned happily. "You be a good boy for Auntie Orders! I'll see you tomorrow." She gave his head a kiss and patted his back as he went right back to Orders lap. "Bye girls!" she replied to the half-hearted chuckling farewells as she went to the front of Superbabes to wait for her ride.

Time: 12:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Outside Superbabes) 24 hours left.

She didn't have to wait long. Sitting outside against the building most people, rightly, gave the green woman a very wide birth. Even those that don't keep tabs on Supervillians (out of sight out of mind) or are unaware of the real Poison Ivy's on-again-off-again relationship with the rest of the world. (Which usually depended on the Real Harley Quinn's on-gain-off-again relationship) Avoiding Green Women in Gotham is normally just a generally good rule…

But eventually, after about 5 minutes a limousine slowly pulled up to the curb of Superbabes. That was as good a sign as any that it was her ride. She pushed off the wall just as a fit man in his 40's and dressed like a chauffer exited the driver's side door and walked around opening the back and wordlessly gesturing inside.

"Thank you." She smiled, patting his chest playfully before slipping right in. He cleared his throat almost shyly, then shut the door. She glanced around at the elaborate limo, but she was the only one inside and the privacy window was up. "Hmm?" she shuffled towards it as she heard the chauffer get back into the car, and with little warning, it drove off.

A normal person would be concerned trapped in a moving vehicle where she can't see outside and with no one to tell her what was going on. Luckily Poison Ivy is Green, a Superbabe, and works for a greedy, powerful clairvoyant who won't gamble. She was far from normal…

After a moment of driving, she raised her fist and resisted the urge to 'do the thing' as she knocked on the privacy window… eventually, it lowered revealing the chauffer glancing curiously at the rearview mirror. "Yes?" he said politely as she smiled prettily into the mirror.

"…Are you the lucky winner?" she purred curiously but had a very strong feeling he wasn't. Giganta told her he was young and good-looking, and while the Chauffer wasn't exactly cracking mirrors with his image he was clearly not 'young'.

"Young Master Richard was unable to… retrieve you himself." He replied stiffly, "So he sent me. Your employer made it very clear to him that it was 'her time'."

"Ah… that sounds like her. So, what's Richie doing?"

"He's tending to the grounds." Replied the chauffeur, "He takes great satisfaction in handling it himself…You'll see when we get there." He added with an accommodating smile as Poison Ivy leaned through the window. Her big green breasts hung over the edge as she watched the chauffeur with a smile as he tried to focus on the road and not her breasts.

He was only human and they were… satisfyingly big and a pleasant shade of green.

"Hmm…" she noted, watching the front window as he drove. "So what's your name?" she asked curiously as he smiled.

"I'm Jeeves Miss."

She eyed him wistfully for a minute, then giggled seductively. The seductive part was mostly unintentional she just did that sometimes. "Seriously?" she asked as Jeeves sighed, but managed a placating smile.

"Indeed." He said simply, "And… you are?" he asked, probably to be polite more than anything. He was well aware of what sort of woman she was, she had no doubt.

But she took a breath, and playfully replied without missing a beat, "Poison Ivy." She said. Jeeves raised a curious eyebrow in the mirror as she just smiled, "From now until noon tomorrow that is EXACTLY who I am…" she replied seductively, before adding in a whisper. "My boss is a real stickler for it." he chuckled understandingly as she smiled. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to change." She said, slipping back into the limo and grabbing her backpack.

Without even LOOKING at Jeeves, she declared playfully, "You can watch me change if you want, but you should keep your eyes on the road… or at least wait for a red light." She could almost hear Jeeves fumbling for the privacy button as the window went up, and her shirt went off.

Time: 12:40 PM. Remaining Time: 23 hours and 20 minutes.

The limo finally came to a stop. Jeeves got out of the car, and walked around to the side door and opened it. A long shapely green leg in matching green boots stepped out, and the beauty attached to it got out as well dressed in her sexy, leafy costume. She tossed her vibrantly red hair as she winked at a somewhat stunned Jeeves, not only was she dressed to a sexily accurate Poison Ivy, but she even had makeup on. Puckering her black lips in a playful kiss as she glanced around and whistled.

There were actual TREES surrounding her. Very exciting. In fact if not for the curving paved road and the sight of a small stately Gotham Manor in over the treeline at the end of it she might have actually been in a forest.

"…Ahem." Jeeves cleared his throat, trying not to fall deep into her green cleavage. "Welcome to Woods Manor…"

"…Are we still in Gotham?" she asked surprised turning around to find a large steel gate and stone wall and off in the far distance was the city skyline of Gotham.

"Technically only 10 of the hundred acres of the grounds are in Northern Gotham. For postal purposes." He replied as he gestured down the paved road. "The rest of which are located in other parts of-." but she interrupted him for practicality's sake.

"Neat." and as she followed him. "And why are we leaving the car?"

"Young Master Richard thought you might appreciate the flora." She snorted as he blinked at her surprised.

"I'm TERRIBLE with plants." She replied conspiratorially, as Jeeves took the lucrative opportunity to gaze her over.


"Yeah… this is mostly just a medical condition." She gestured to her shapely green body, "I couldn't keep a cactus alive." She replied with a knowing smile before putting a finger to her dick-sucking lips and wink, "…That's just between us though." She said in a whisper.

"Ahem. Indeed." He noted quietly, before gesturing. "The area in front of the manor maintains this rustic aesthetic." He declared giving her the full tour, "We often use it for fantastical charity events, There is a more elaborate garden behind the manor itself for private company, past that is the grounds keepers' quarters before we get into the untamed aspects of the grounds…"

And Poison Ivy promptly tuned him out, letting her mind wander. Normally… she'd be having sex as of 10 minutes ago at least. She glanced curiously around the shining forest of the 'Woods' grounds, aptly named apparently… it was nice in a scenic sort of way, she was a city girl, however… she imagined the real Poison Ivy would love a place like this but she was indifferent, it was nice… she'd still rather be doing her job.

"Your bag miss?"

"Hmm?" she blinked curiously, jumped back into reality as they stood outside the large manor itself. "So sorry what?"

"May I take your bag?" Jeeves repeated politely. She unslung her backpack and held it to him as he took it. "I'll place it in your room."

She raised an eyebrow at that. "…I have a room?"

"Indeed." He said, "I will guide you to it later." He replied as she chuckled.

"…You do know why I'm here right?" she said almost unsurely.

"…I am very aware of the implication. Yes." He nodded as she licked her lips thoughtfully. He fidgeted slightly at the sight.

"Well. Instead of putting it in 'my room' you might want to put it in…" she hesitated and quickly recalled the name, "Young Master Richard's. Room… just a thought, I think I'll be spending most of my day there…" she added as Jeeves sighed, smiled wistfully, then nodded.

"Well… very well, please explore the grounds as you wish I'm sure Young Master Richard will be finished momentarily.

"What's he doing?" she asked as Jeeves hesitated before entering the manor.

"He takes great pride in yard work, gardening is his hobby." He declared as she finally stepped off the beaten path and into the forest of trees before her.

"…Well, he'll certainly be sowing seeds today." She added with a playful chuckle to herself as Jeeves entered the manor.

Poison Ivy expected to be exploring the forest for some time but was pleasantly surprised to find a strapping blonde man in overalls, planting what seemed to be a fresh pile of soil, planting seeds and covering them with care before planting his shovel in a nearby wheelbarrow and getting to his feet, whipping his brow with his sweaty shirt as she approached.

"Lucky winner?" she declared as he glanced over his shoulder, and smirked.

"Ah. Good. I thought I heard the car… welcome to Woods Manor… Poison Ivy." He said as she grinned, and strutted across the ground towards the large mound of freshly dug earth.

"MMn-hmmn…" she stood before him, holding her arms behind her back coyly as she pushed out her breasts. He was her height but broad in shoulders, well used to hard work that one might not often find in a rich boy. "You know… normally boys are just aching for alone time with me, but you…" she teased, running her finger against his sweaty shirt as he smirked confidently. "-actually made me wait…"

"…Maybe that was the idea." He teased, with a rather smug smile as she chuckled. "You seem far more excited to be here than I am…" he replied as his firm hand, still covered slightly in dirt, reached around to grab a fistful soft green ass cheek as she gasped, giggling playfully. "…Are you really going to do whatever I want you to?" he grinned as she licked her lips.

"Oh yeah… until noon tomorrow…" she reminded playfully, "And you've already used up an hour being a naughty boy…" she pressed her body to his, feeling his growing erection in his overalls as her big breasts bulged. "If you had come to get me yourself we could've started already…" she pouted coyly.

He stared into her eyes for a moment, then he slipped an arm through the strap of his overalls, then the other and she FINALLY went to work. Grabbing his overalls she pulled them down, hitting the grass with her green knees as his cock jumped free towards her black lips. He was nothing to brag about in size, but he wasn't small…

She opened her mouth immediately on sight, then inhaled him into her mouth abruptly burying her face into his sweaty crotch. He rested his hand on the nearby, dirt-filled, wheelbarrow, and gripped her luxuriously red hair with his other hand. Pulling her head back and forth on his cock, thrusting his hips towards her face. "Haa… ahh yes… don't stop."

"MMmn-hmmn…" she moaned, burying her face into his crotch and letting her tongue slide out from her lips, flicking against his hanging ballsack as it quivered, readying itself in anticipation to release a nice heavy load of cum for her. Her hands clawed on his toned ass as he clutched tightly to her hair before abruptly yanking her up, then back down abruptly. Moving her head on his own as he moaned softly, muffled slightly by her own slurping moans.


"I said don't stop and then you stopped. Keep. Sucking…" he demanded firmly, "Haaa…" and enjoyed the results. Her breasts held between his muscled thighs as her head and neck did all the work, sliding back and forth rapidly as his head rolled back on his neck, his hips bucking to meet the thrust of her face.

"Mmgh. Mmgh. MMgh. Mmgh. Mmgh.. mmhg…" she felt his cock pulsating between her lips as he gasped for breath, steadily keeping her head moving as his rolled back to gaze up at the forest canopy.

"Haa-haa-haa-haaa… aahhhhh yes."

He ground his hips against her face as she buried it back into his crotch, her nose ruffling in his pubic hairs like a truffle pig as his shaft bulged between her lips and a torrent of thick sticky semen sprayed into her mouth.

"Gulp… gulp… gulp." She swallowed every rope down into her gullet without delay, gazing up at him with her wide green eyes as his fingers twisted tightly into her long red hair, threatening to yank a few strands out by the roots as he emptied his balls.

He planted his cock into her throat like a young sapling into the ground. Where it belonged. 'Watering' her stomach with his seed as he caressed her head with his fingers, enjoying the sensation of her warm, wet mouth as she cradled his length with her tongue. It slid firmly against his shaft, in and out between her bottom lip, tapping over and over against his ballsack as if trying to push some imaginary button to make sure he emptied everything out…

His tightened muscles, tense from his climax, finally loosened, and with them his grip on her head. And with her sudden freedom, she twisted her head as she went up and down on his softening dick, "Mmmn…mmngh…mmn." Gazing up at him as she caressed his firm tanlined ass, pulling his instinctively bucking hips towards her mouth and bobbing head.

"Haa… ha…" he sighed, as his cock wiggled between her lips until it was once again hardened. He pulled it free from her mouth as she gave him a pretty smile with her smeared black lips… his cock was dark now as well although several dark rings could be seen at certain lengths, especially at the base. His cock throbbed eagerly, bouncing off her green face as she smiled up at him, tongue darting out to lick against his twitching shaft as he grabbed her arm and yanked her upright.

She bounced easily to her feet, despite the size of her big green breasts she was lighter than she looked. His hands wandered her body experimentally, cupping her breasts, squeezing her ass as she fidgeted, twisting and squirming under them, smiling playfully as she emitted a moan or two encouragingly. Then flexed her arm slightly, to unzip her suit as it fell off her green body flopping to the ground below and blending into the grass as he felt her body directly.

"You really are green all over." He said, looking pleasantly surprised as she laughed, "…No paint… not markings…"

"MMN-hmmn. One hundred percent green girl…" she declared, pressing her naked body to his as he cupped her ass, "Ahh… MMn!" His hands resting on her ass cheeks as she bounced on the balls of her feet, up and down, rubbing her hardened green nipples against his chest as his calloused hands opened and closed her ass cheeks, squeezing firmly as she felt his cock rub against her crotch, brushing against her silky red pubic hairs as she tossed her head, feeling his fingers slid in between her cheeks to prod at her holes with his firm fingers. "Haa…Aahh…" she moaned into his face as her ass was pierced, in and out, before he pulled away completely.

He turned her around, feeling his cock jammed between her ass cheeks as he cupped her tits from behind before bucking his hips, thrusting her forward as she laughed and was promptly shoved towards a sturdy tree…

Her hands slapped against the back as she leaned forward, her big breasts swaying beneath her as he held her hips from behind, sliding his cock between her ass cheeks as she panted impatiently before he steadied himself. Sliding between her crack towards her pussy, feeling his bulging tip against her slit briefly before it abruptly rushed into her body. "HAaa-aaahYES…"

Her fingers clawed at the wood as her head rolled back from the constant thrust of Richard's hips, "Ughh-ugh-ugh-aah-aahh-aah!" her voice carrying and bouncing off the trees as his hips slapped hard against her green ass cheeks, rippling erotically to her encouraging moans. "Ooh yes. Yes. Yes… aah!" she gasped as his hands slid up her waist, cupping her bouncing breasts before pushing HARD into her body. "UGhh!"

She bit her bottom lip, shivering in pleasure as her arousal dripped down her thigh and watered the tree, he pushed her up against it as she climaxed, stifling her moans as he began bucking again, "MMGMh-mmgn-AAH!" she gasped as he SQUEEZED her heavy green breasts, "AH-aaah!"

"Ugh! UUGH!" he ground up against her, his hands sinking into her big tits, "They're so soft!" he hissed lustfully in her ear as she squeezed around his cock. "These big green tits."

"HAa! Aah!" she was ripped way from the tree, her hands slapping at his bucking thighs as he smacked against her ass cheeks again and again, speeding up rapidly as her breasts bounced in his hand,s "HA-aah-aahh-aaah-UUGH!!"

"AAAAH! AH!!" he squeezed her tightly from behind and emptied himself into her body. "Haaa-Damnit…" he cursed, laughing as he just kept cumming into her. She panted, shaking as her fingers clawed at his thighs.

"Haa-Haaa… mmn!" arousal dribbled down her thighs, dripping onto the grass as he slipped from her pussy. "MMn…" she strutted away from him as he gripped his cock, stroking it faintly as he watched her move…

She wobbled dangerously towards the tree he had fucked her again, turning around and leaning her back against it, grinning as she spread herself, letting a few droplets of his cum drip onto her fingers as her plentiful natural lubricant dribbled down into its roots. "Oooh… you fucked me so HARD…" she hissed sliding her sticky hands to her breasts. "…You a breasts man?"

"…My original intent was to order Black Canary." He replied as Poison Ivy giggled, sliding her hand back to her pussy, and slowly fingering herself as she continued to leak.

"MMMn… she does have some big SOFT titties… but so do I… and you get to play with them ALL day today." She squeezed them for emphasis, lifting them to her lips as she sucked on her nipples before he grabbed her wrists and yanked her away. "Ah!" she laughed as she was dragged to the wheelbarrow full of fresh dirt. "Wait." She managed to blink before squeaking in surprise as she was shoved onto it. "Ah!"

She fell between the two long wooden handles, right onto the mound of dirt. It was surprisingly soft, there were no clumps or rocks… apart from the fact that she knew it was dirt it felt more like fine sand. In fact, taking a handful she let it flow between her fingers, her green body now slightly stained brown. "…Huh." She then smiled, unable to resist, "I'm a dirty girl."

She gasped as Richard took her legs, and promptly spread them over the outside of the wooden handles and dragged her towards the end before he took his rock-hard cock in hand, and pushed it back to her pussy. "Haa-AH! Ahh!!!"

The blowjob got him going, pounding her against the tree got him warmed up. NOW was the fucking.

"Ugh! UNGH!" pounding her into the dirt it shifted and formed around her body, her hands clawing at his arms before his hands planted themselves on her tits, squeezing as she writhed under his thrusts.

"Haa-Ahh-Aah-MORE!" her legs flopping about with each deep thrust, her toes curling and brushing against the metal of the wheelbarrow as she gasped, "Aah! I'm a dirty girl!" she laughed again at her joke, before climaxing and feeling him throb inside her. "Haaa!"

He squeezed her tits hard, as she shuddered, hissing the words through his teeth, grinning. "You are a dirty girl, aren't you?"

"Oh I'm a dirty girl!" she smiled, "Haa-aah! Dirty girl! Filthy!" her hands swung up, hooking onto the front of the wheelbarrow as he began to POUND. HER. PUSSY! "A filthy! Fucking! SLUT! AH! UUGH!!" she roiled and writhed in the dirt of the wheelbarrow, biting her lip as his thrusts became steady, deep, determined… then gone. "Haa?!" far to lost in her orgasm to notice he pulled out of her, steading his fleshy rod… then released.

Not a drop got on the dirt…. That's accuracy right there…" she squirmed under the ropey rain of his seed, splashing onto her green tits and neck, and one reached her face… draping against her lips as she inhaled his 'earthy' scent, moaning tentatively as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue for more, but none came…

Slowly her tongue slipped back into his mouth as he breathed heavily, his cock limp as she wiggled in the dirt. Giggling slightly, "Oooh… it's actually rather snug." He chuckled.

"…Shouldn't being in nature be your thing?"

"I don't have any powers I'm just green." She replied, pushing herself off the dirt as several flecks dropped off her back and she frowned. "…Brown now, but green." She carefully got out of the wheelbarrow, walking awkwardly as she cupped his shaft, but no response. "MMmn… you seem to be empty right now. How about we take a break and you can fuck me later?"

He watched her oddly as she grabbed her costume. "…All… right." He noted hesitantly as she winked at him. He grabbed his overalls, and pulled them back on, "Let's get back to the manor then."

Time 2:10 PM. Time Remaining: 21 hours and 50 minutes.

Poison Ivy walked naked to the manor, covered in semen. Not an unusual occurrence for her. She glanced around curiously for a minute as Richard jogged out after her. "Ah-HA!" she declared confidently, finding what she was looking for.

A hose. With an adjustable spray nozzle! Instant Shower when one didn't want to be rude by dripping semen over expensive carpeting. Of course, it was going to be cold, obviously it was, but she was used to it. Sometimes the girls didn't have the luxury of waiting for the water to warm up or warm water at all.

Richard who had eventually jogged out after her, hesitated as she put her suit on a stone windowsill and turned on the water. She quickly checked the nozzle, twisting it until it was on 'gentle shower', before holding it over her head again and promptly 'did the shower thing'…

Cold hose water hardened her nipples but luckily the sun high in the sky warmed her body. Water soaked her red hair making it cling to her green skin as she ran her fingers through it, humming and smiling to herself as she closed her eyes, ignoring Richard's stare.

Watching showering Superbabes: Quickly becoming Gotham's second favorite pastime.

She rubbed her breasts, sprayed off his cum, and got all her little nooks and crannies, eventually switching the hose in her hand, getting her other arm before finally… having some fun. She stopped spraying her hair, humming to herself as she twisted the to 'cone' and held it to her crotch, "MMMN!" Water sprayed against her pussy, as she trembled, holding it firmly to her body as she masturbated. "Haa-MMmn-MMNN!" Clutching the hose with both hands, her mouth opened as she moaned erotically, writhing on the hose as she pushed her big green breasts together with her upper arms, jiggling enticingly as she shuddered. "Uuughhaaaah… Ah…" her fingers loosened on the trigger of the hose as she finished climaxing.. "Haa…" she smiled, dripping with water and arousal as she gave herself a final spray. "MMn…"

She tossed her head, swinging her red hair and tossing water. Before taking fistfuls and squeezing. "Hmmn-hmn-hmn…" she hummed, smiling at him as she brush water from her body… leaving a puddle of brown water around her feet. "I'll need a towel." She noted, then noticing that Richard was staring blankly she giggled. "I'll just walk right in." as she headed towards the front door.

Richard jumped, "What-wait!" he stopped, "…You can't walk around the manor with no clothes on." He noted sternly as she blinked.

"…Why not?" She knew the social reasons why not, but she'd already met Jeeves and he knew what she was. "Your butler knows I'm here."

"…Jeeves isn't the only one in the house." Richard replied, "There's the cleaning staff, the kitchen staff, my brother."

She stared at him and frowned. "…You ordered a Superbabe for the entire day in a full house of people? I'm kinky but I'm not… that kinky…" her frown deepened in thought… Was she that kinky? She might be open to checking…

"I didn't order you, I won you… technically." He added, "…It'll be fine you just can't walk around naked. Hold on." He said, leaving her naked outside as he ran in.

"…Hmph…" she noted, standing bare ass in front of a fancy manor waiting for the 'young master' to come back out with a towel…

…Did he say he had a brother here?

As she had that thought Richard returned, carrying a lush towel that he handed to her. She dried herself off, and reapplied her suit. "Better?" she asked, handing him the damp towel.

"Much. Please." He gestured towards the door as she hopped up the steps for maximum bounce.

If you have seen one manor, you've really seen them all. Although compared to outside inside was much more modern. Multiple rooms, dining room, study, stairs that inevitably lead to his bedroom. "So." she gestured, "Where in this house am I not allowed to go?" she smiled, pointing her hands like an air traffic controller all over the manor.

"Stay out of the kitchen, the servant's quarters, and the upstairs room with gunshots and swearing." He noted simply as she stared at him. "Go wherever you like." She frowned at him, opened her mouth, then closed it indignantly.

"…You do understand that I expected to be having sex right now."

"…We just had sex." He whispered slightly as she put her hands on her hips.

"Yeeaah. I don't think you get this '24 hours' thing. Do you?" she noted as he stared at her.

"…You can't possibly expect me to have sex with you for 24 hours straight." He asked as she laughed.

"No. I expect you to pass out. But then have sex with me when you wake up…" he smiled rather politely.

"…I don't think I have the stamina for that."

"Oh. Richie we can try…" she replied, pressing her body to him, rubbing his crotch as he sighed contentedly.

"…We could. Later. I have to take care of something right now. Explore the manor. Ask Jeeves if you need anything, your room is the first door on your right."

She smiled, "And where's your room." He stared at her and chuckled.

"On your left." He added as she winked at him, and he rushed off into the manor.

She pouted, watching him go before she began to climb the stairs… if she had known she wasn't going to be having a 24-hour fucking marathon, she would've brought Hector… she explored the upper floors very briefly but it was mostly guest rooms and some sort of mini-museum filled with 'works of art' and displays of fancy historical trinkets.

She eventually made her way to Richard's room. It was very Gotham Manor-like: a few bookcases, a big bed, more than a few house plants. She left the door open as she spotted her bag… and briefly thought that she should've brought a book. But at least there was a bookshelf to occupy her time… plucking one from the shelf… it was about plants. Gardening, more plants, a scientific book about plants… she chuckled.

"For a guy who wanted Black Canary you seem to be more of a fit for Poison ivy." She sighed to herself… then took one of the books labeled 'Northeast plants'. Pretty bare-bones but she wasn't expecting an action bestseller.

Time: 4:45 PM. Time remaining: 19 hours and 15 minutes.

At some point during her riveting reading of the Eastern Hornbeam, she fell asleep. Dozing quietly on the bed with the book open before her before she was rudely awakened by shouting.

"YEAH! FUCK YOU! Take it bitch!" she jumped, rubbing her eyes as she blinked about. It was coming across the room and was followed by artificial gunshots…

She lived in Gotham she knew what real ones sounded like unfortunately.

She groaned softly to her herself, vaguely recalling that Richard told her to stay away from the swearing and gunshots. But she was bored, and he wasn't here… so she went to look. The room the noise was coming from was just a few doors down from Richard's room, the door was open a crack and she daintily stepped across the carpet to peak, then smiled at the VAST difference.

Giant big screen TV, bean bags, couch, and some sort of shooting game was currently being played on the Z-BOX Ein. Unopened junk food bags littered the floor along with empty liters of Plateau Dew…

"Boom boom BOOM! Motherfuckers!" cheered a young man on the couch, at least he looked young. He decimated a trio of digital men on the screen with some skill but not a lot of humility apparently.

He looked similar but was clearly very different from Richard. His hair was long and dirty blonde, tied back out of his face by a ponytail and his headset, he had a scruffy face and wore what looked like a hockey jersey, to hide the fact that he was clearly a little overweight compared to his fit brother. "OOOOOOOOH!!"

He apparently won the game, getting to his feet as numerous complaints roared in over the speakers from his fellow gamers, "I know I know it HURTs to suck SO BAD!" he taunted into the mike. "Get gud!"

Which only seemed to piss everyone off more as he promptly muted the TV and laughed, chuckling as he watched a 'highlight' reel of his 'kills'.

She honestly wasn't a gamer and tended to tune out (B) Vixen when she talked about it, but she knew certain things. The name of his gaming system for one, and that Vixen was a 'Gamestation' girl… that was pretty much it.

She drummed her fingers on the door frame, watching him tentatively for a second. Before twisting her head, and glancing down the second-floor hallway and finding no-one… certainly not a handsome tanned man who should be enjoying his time with her.

"…Ahem!" she declared abruptly as the man turned his head, and jumped from his couch staring at her in shock. "…Do you know where your brother is?" she asked sweetly as he stared at her.

"P-Poison IVY?!" he declared horrified as he ripped his headset off his head and back towards his bed in the corner of the room. "Wh-what the hell?"

She chuckled, which might have sounded ominous if she didn't sway her hips. "Superbabe." She declared as he blinked, staring at her, "Not the real one." she added. "Seriously have you seen your brother?"

He blinked blankly at her, then snorted, laughing. "No shit! My brother ordered a Superbabe?! Shit." He laughed.

"He won a Superbabe." She replied, entering his room. "I'm supposed to spend the whole day with him… but he doesn't seem to understand the concept."

"Fucking SHIT you mean he's got you to play with and he's ignoring you?!" however, his game suddenly started up a new match. "Oh shit!" and he leaped onto the couch, grabbing his controller as she stared at him.

…Is everyone in this house insane? Here she was, perfectly ready to take dick as many times as someone desired and NOBODY was taking the opportunity! She frowned as he began paying more attention to his game than to her. Putting her hands on her hips, sniffing indignantly, she slid her hands to her chest and lifted her girls, to no real response… she dropped them and brushed her red hair behind her head… then dropped to her knees.

This was going to take some extreme measures.

She crawled on the floor in front of him as he focused on his game, his fingers dancing on the controller as he grinned happily at his dominance. "Yeah. Yeah. YEAH! SHIT!" he gasped as she pushed him back against the couch, "…Uh…" his mind went blank as the sexy green babe wiggled her plump ass behind her.

"…Let me explain something to you boys…" she purred, "When a sexy lady like me wants to fuck. You fuck them…" she declared as he stared at her like he couldn't believe his luck. "Allow me to demonstrate." she then yanked his pants down and grabbed his average-sized cock in one hand, and wrapped her lips around it. "MMGh!"

"SHiiiiit." He hissed through his teeth, struggling to play his game AND resisting her amazing head. "I'm gonna-NNGh!"

"Mmn-mmn…mmn-mmnh-mn…" she slid back and forth as he got harder and harder in her mouth, "MMgh-mn…" she winked up at him as his control dropped from his hands, hitting the couch with a clatter as he died in the game and didn't respawn.

"Haa-Aah…" melting into his couch, clenching his teeth as his hips lunged towards her face. "NNg-! Fuck!" he snarled, grabbing her head, "You slut!"

"MMGH! MMNH! MMNGH! MMNGH!" he jerked her head back and forth, hard, thrusting into her face as she slurped. "MGh! MNgh!"

"Ugh-UH!" he clenched his teeth, his eyes rolling up into his head as he bucked forward raised a hand high and SMACKED her green ass cheek.

"Mmrmgh!" she moaned, wiggling her rear as it jiggled from the blow.

"Ha-ha!" he laughed madly, then slapped her ass again, and again.

"MGh! MMnh!" diving between his legs over and over on his cock as he bucked his hips.

"Man that feels so fucking good!" he hissed, before smacking her ass again and now she wasn't sure if he was talking about her ass cheeks or her blowjob. "MMGh!" he clutched to her head, pulling her to the base as pre-cum spurted from his tip into her mouth.

"MMn-HMnn!" she wiggled her ass as her tongue swirled around him, he moaned, howling like a wounded animal as his cock bulged and spurted into her mouth.

"Ugh-UGHH!!!" his mouth opened wide as he ground his hips against her face, "UUGh!" cum rushing into her mouth as she gulped it quickly down.

"MMGh! MMngh…"

"Oh Suck it. Suck ma dick!" he hissed happily, shaking as she drained his load. "Oooh shit! I can't believe that Superbabe shit is real!" he trembled as he fell back against the couch, breathing heavily as she slowly pulled off his cock, letting it linger on her extended tongue before she flicked it away with a smile.

"VERY real." She purred, sitting on her knees as she caressed her big green tits, "Mmn…"

"Shit, how come you ain't doing this with my brother?" he hissed happily as she pouted.

"Because he's not here and left me all alone… but brothers like to share their toys, right?" she purred as his cock twitched between his legs.

"…Well shit, YEAH!" he said happily, grabbing her head, "If he's not going to use you I will!" he then pulled her back into his crotch as she laughed, squealing giddily as he rubbed her pretty face against his cock. "Suck my dick some more! Suck my fucking dick." he shuddered, moaning as she laughed.

"Hee-hee-hee!" and ran her tongue longingly against his shaft. "Ooooh I'll suck this fucking dick!" she purred, as it jumped up briefly, she caught it between her lips expertly and began slurping once more. "MMgh! MMnh! MMN!"

"Ooohooh! SHIT." He hissed, hand on her head as she bobbed in and out of his thighs, "Ugh… haa…aah-shit…"

"MMN-mmn-mmmn…" her ass wagging behind her as if tempting him to smack it again but he seemed content in just let her work. "MMGh… SLURP!"

"Aah… aah… you like sucking dick?"

"MMn-mwah!" she gasped off his cock, drooling onto the couch as his shaft twitched back towards her lips as she smiled. "I LOVE sucking dick… mmgh!"

"Keep sucking. Keep SUCKING…" he groaned as she rocked back and forth on her hands and knees, her tits bopping against the couch cushions. "Oooooh… UGH!!"

With an abrupt thrust, he pushed his cock into her mouth, "MGH…" she moaned, feeling the sudden shot of semen spray into her mouth as she gulped it down. He went slack on the couch, smiling wistfully as he breathed heavily…

"Haa…aahh that was the SHIT…" he grinned as she moaned around his limp cock… sliding off his shaft as it flopped from her lips and she smiled.

"MMmn… yummy." She licked her lips as he grinned, then reached for his controller. "…I'm right here and you'd rather play your game?" she pouted sensually, as he heisted.

"…I can play while you suck my dick…" he declared indignantly.

She snorted. "…I bet you can't make it through a whole match." She said as he grinned.

She lied on the couch, her head in his lap and her hand cupping his balls sack, "MMgh-mmmn-mmmngh…" bobbing in and out as he furiously played his game…

With her sucking on his cock it took all he had not to moan out mid-game, and he almost made it. Resting his hand abruptly on her head after 'sniping' an opponent, as he ejaculated once more into her mouth… and collapsed onto his couch twitching as she sat on her knees, tossing her hair as she tilted her head back and swallowed. "Uulp!" she smiled, "Ahhh…" sticking her tongue out playfully to him as his team won. "Told you."

"Tch." He grunted, before abruptly turning off his system and getting to his feet, "Shut up." He replied as she laughed sensually. "Nobody could focus with you sucking on them." He replied, gazing at her body as she smiled… then began to rub herself, his cock twitching as her hands caressed her big. Green. Tits…

"…Wanna play a REAL game?... it's called fuck the big titty green Superbabe.

He stared at her tits… then got to his feet, furiously stroking his cock as he grabbed at her arm, "Show me that ass!" he ordered commandingly as she crawled on the couch, then rested her hands on the back of it in the center, swaying her ass behind her as he smacked it, then yanked it aside to expose her soft silky pussy.

"MMMn-AH!" she gasped as he got two fistfuls of red hair and yanked, "Nngh!" pulling her head back as he climbed onto the couch awkwardly mounting behind her.

"I'm going raw up in this pussy!" he declared demandingly before slamming abruptly into her.

"Aah! HAaa! AAAGH!" she cried out as her hair was yanked at the roots, "Haaa-ah!" clenching her teeth and hissing through them as she laughed, "Haaa-ha-ha-!!"

"Yeah-yeah! You love it you slutty green whore!" SMACK! Cracking his hand on her ass before grabbing her hair again, "Fucking this green pussy!"

"Uhhaa-uaah-aaah!!" her undulating moans of pleasure echoed around the room. "Haa-agh-aaah! YESH! I love getting fucked!" she squealed, making him cry out as she clamped around his cock.

"Haa-aaha-aaah!!" he yanked her head back so hard she briefly lifted from the couch and was thrust forward with his hips, throwing her over the back. It was only by preservation instinct that she didn't hit the ground head first by throwing out her hands, he wasn't so lucky… well, he was because he was fucking Poison Ivy, but he wasn't because he didn't stop his fall.

He pushed her over the edge, but that meant that he was falling forward too, holding onto her hair as her weight pulled him forward and deeper, briefly, into her pussy where he promptly deposited his load before he was distracted by shooting the rest over the couch, and falling off the back with a loud.


"OOF!" he rolled onto the floor, bucking his hips as another shot of cum sprayed towards her hands as she panted for breath. "Agh! Fuck me!" he groaned in pain as she giggled.

"Ha-ha-ha…" she smiled, tossing her disheveled head as she, flexible, flipped off the couch, doing a half cartwheel and landing delicately on her feet as she wobbled slightly. "That was good…" she purred, spreading her pussy lips over him, and scooping his load to lick from her fingers… walking towards his door. "…Thanks for the good time…" she declared. Then left him confused on the floor, shutting the door behind her.

Time: 9:00 PM. Time remaining: 15 hours.

If she expected Richard to magically appear after she fucked his brother she was promptly disappointed. Jeeves eventually found her lounging in Richard's room, offering her dinner.

"And where is young master Richard now?" she asked as Jeeves cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"I'm afraid he's detained."

"Doing what?"

"Entertaining guests outside in the Garden." He replied as she opened her mouth, aghast.

"…Does he not know what he's supposed to be DOING RIGHT NOW?" she replied as Jeeves chuckled good-naturedly.

"…Young Master Richard is a busy man, especially when his father is out of town. He has however informed me to make sure you are uncomfortable."

"If he didn't want to actually spend his day with a Superbabe then why did he come to the raffle?!" she pouted as Jeeves cleared his throat.

"…It is to my understanding that he thought he could arrange this for a more opportune moment, however your employer was very clear on the unaltering of the time. He will be free later this evening."

Of course, that was 3 hours and a dinner ago. The kitchen staff were excellent cooks. But she spent the remainder of the evening in Richard's bedroom before showering in his bath and turning in early in his bed.

Richard had returned not long after she had fallen asleep. He had gotten into his room, stripped, bathed before he finally realized that Poison Ivy was in his bed… he could've sworn he told Jeeves to give her the first right guestroom… not only was she in his bed, but she was in the middle of his bed… nude, and sleeping on the sheets! How was he supposed to get under the covers without disturbing her?

…Yeah. That's the problem.

He gazed at her naked body, nude himself as he didn't retrieve his sleepwear… normally just underwear. But as he watched her big… green… tits… rising and falling steadily his cock rose with them. Up… down… up… down… Up. Up…still up…

He bit his bottom lip, stroking himself absently… then he couldn't take it anymore. He crawled onto his bed, gently spreading her legs and exposing her pussy. He crawled over her body, lining his cock up with her slit, then… "Ahh… haaa…" he sighed, enjoying her warm embrace as she cooed softly… then opened her eyes as there was a man shoving his cock inside her… it's hard to sleep through that.

No matter what those Sally Snowball videos imply.

She licked her lips, glancing down briefly before up at him, sultrily. "…Don't hold back now…" she whispered as he thrust into her. "HAa-AAH-AAH-Take me…" she cooed, lying on her back submissively as he constantly thrust into her. "Ah-Aah-take… me! Use me! Come! On! Aah-aah! It's what… I'm here for!" she whined "Aah-mmn!!" he covered her mouth, dropping onto her and hurling himself into her, over and over. "MMGh. MGH! MMGh! MMGH!!"

He slipped his arm under her back as she squirmed in orgasm, pulling her towards his thrusting shaft as her fists curled into the sheets, yanking and tugging as he mindlessly drove on, drooling, panting… burying himself into her green tits, salivating over her big fleshy mounds as his cock bulged warningly.

"I'm going to cum!" he hissed as she moaned excitedly, clamping down on him, "I'm cumming! Take my seed! MMGH!" wrapping his lips around her nipple, as he planted his hips against her and let it out. His thick load rushed into her body as her toes curled and her legs clenched up, scrapping up the sheets as she moaned erotically into his hand as it slowly slid off her face.

"MMmnnnnmh-aaaahhh…" her tongue lolled as she came, shaking in pleasure as he emptied his balls. Pushing her tits into his face absently as she panted for breath, "That a boy… fuck me…" she purred as he breathed into her cleavage contentedly. She let him rest for a moment, then she said what every tit man wants to hear from a big titty green girl. "…Want a titfuck?"

"MMgh…" he managed to extract himself from her breasts. "Yes."

She giggled as she playfully pushed him away, crawling towards the edge of the bed. "Sit right here…" she said as he shuffled to the edge and she slipped off, sitting on her knees as she took her tits, and dropped them onto his lap… she rolled them around slightly… until she found his cock sliding up between them. "MMmn-mmn!" she let saliva ooze from her lips, dribbling onto her sliding tits, then into her cleavage to lubricate his cock as she opened wide… cupping her breasts, then lifting them carefully up… and down.

Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap. Fap.

The steady drumbeat of her tits on his lap echoed around the room as she gazed up at him. Dreamily his head rolled on his neck, until his head hung back and he gazed up at the ceiling, leaning on his hands as she continuously bounced up and down, squeezing her big tits around his happy cock as it pulsated between her titties.

"AH. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah…" she panted, tongue hanging out and drooling thick globs of spit as he pushed his hips up to meet her chest. "Fuck them. Fuck me tittes…" she squeezed, "Cum ALL over my big green tits… paint them white with fucking cum." She hissed through her teeth. "I. want. You. To. cum. All. over… ME." She gasped, with each seismic drop of her tits. "Aaah!"

Thick, white, warm cum burst from her cleavage… but very briefly. One rope managed to escape but the consecutive dollops just oozed between her cleavage as she smiled prettily and squeezed out the last drops with a titty hug before lifting them off his lap…

His cock flopped exhaustedly onto the bed as she smiled, then let her titty hug go, her breasts bouncing elastically on her chest to show off the globs of cum between them. "Mmn…" he shivered slightly as she smiled and got to her feet. "…Now I need another bath. Want to watch?" she said casually, strutting towards the bathroom with him behind her, zombie-like.

She stepped into the ridiculously large shower and turned the water on again. But he followed in behind her. "Ahh…" she gasped as he fondled and caressed her body from behind, spreading her chest apart as he washed her sensually. She let his hands rove over her body as she applied suds and did so herself, moaning erotically as he focused on her tits… and she felt his cock rubbing against the back of her leg. He grabbed her arms by the wrists and abruptly turned her around, pushing her against the tiled wall as she gasped for breath…

She wasn't sure how long he pushed in and out of her, sliding into her pussy and pumping away eagerly into her body as she clenched her teeth, grinning happily at getting more dick… but even after her own quiet orgasm… he didn't cum…

He breathed exhaustedly, lying against her body as he enjoyed her warmth. She caressed his head but said nothing… contrary to what most women think, saying 'it happens to everybody' isn't productive. Best to just not say anything…

So that's what they both did… he pulled abruptly out of her, rinsing off with an uncomfortable erection as she did the same and quietly, she walked back into his bedroom… she either expected him to take care of it himself or just come to bed… but she gasped as he abruptly shoved her onto it. She instinctively raised her ass a little as he mounted her from behind, quickly pounding her prone as she gasped under him.

He grabbed her right wrists, pinning her down, and wrapping his calloused hand around her face, shoving his fingers into her mouth as he rapidly rammed into her, "Haa-aahammnahg-aah-aaha…" she slobbered and moaned incoherently, her eyes rolling in her sockets as she took cock… "HA-Aaah!" drooling onto his sheets as he did take care of it himself… by pounding it hard into her body

He slammed into her so hard when he finished she slid half a foot forward. He dropped onto her back, panting heavily like a dog as he twitched, and bucked, and shimmied… his seed flowing into her body as she squirmed beneath him…

Then he stopped moving, his breathing slowed, and his eyes shot as she slipped exhaustedly into sleep. "…Mmmn…. mmmn…mmm." she suckled on his fingers, still in her mouth, like a pacifier… before she too finally closed her eyes…

Time: 9:40 AM. Time Remaining: 2 hours. 20 minutes.

…Huh… There is something oddly soothing about having the cock of a man you don't know buried in your body. Her words, not mine. That was the best sleep Poison Ivy has had in a while… of course, the steady fuck session from yesterday probably helped… maybe that's why Lucy wakes up with men balls deep inside her so often…

However… the sudden awakening was less soothing.

"SHIT!" Richard justled her awake, ripping his cock from her body as he glance at his watch. "Damn-damn-DAMN." He mumbled, "I'm late for a meeting. "Jeeves!" he yanked on his dirty clothes that he wore to his 'small gathering in the garden' yesterday, they will have to do. "Jeeves!"

"Sir." Jeeves was at the door, dressed in his butler uniform, and to his credit, he seemed unaffected by Poison Ivy's nudity, perhaps it was the expectation of seeing her in the nude that helped.

"I need to go. I'll drive myself."

"Of course sir."

Poison ivy frowned as he hesitated, glancing at her almost dismissively. "Make sure she gets back to the restaurant before Noon."

"Yes sir. I'll take her myself…"

"I had a wonderful time." He said politely to her and dashed past the butler as she frowned.

"…Might I interest the miss in breakfast?" Jeeves asked pleasantly as she grabbed her costume from the floor.

"…Sure…" she said, but hesitated. "…I don't suppose his brother is still here?"

"Young Master Terrance is already on his way to his E-Sport tournament." He provided as she pouted and sighed.

"…Alright. What's for breakfast Jeeves?" she asked, slipping into her uniform, turning to face him smiling as he approached and helped her zip up.

"Pancakes." He provided pleasantly. "A traditional Woods breakfast. They're descended from a long line of lumberjacks." He added as she chuckled.

"Wow, this place is weird." She noted, and followed him to the kitchen, grabbing her bag as she went. She didn't expect to stay afterward… after she was done having pancakes and ignoring the awed stares of the other house staff she hadn't met, Jeeves escorted her outside.

"Wait here miss I'll bring the car around…" he then took a few steps down the stairs of the patio and paused… staring curiously out into the 'forest' before him. "…That's odd."

"What?" she asked curiously, following him down.

"…I don't recall the young master planting any apple trees." He said curiously and pointed, "…And I certainly don't remember that tree being there yesterday."

Poison Ivy blinked, following his finger. Sure, enough there was a healthy apple tree just poking its leaves over the forest canopy. "Well… maybe it's a surprise?" she said… although. If her sense of direction was correct… wasn't that the tree she was fucked against yesterday?

…Something to not think about later.

"Hmmn." Jeeves shook it off, "…Perhaps old age is getting to me." He said, before wandering off, disappearing, and returning a few minutes later with the limo, and opening the back for her.

"Thank you, Jeeves." She replied playfully "Always wanted to say that." she winked, as he chuckled in response and shut the door.

Time: 10:45 AM. Time Remaining: 1 hour and 15 minutes

They drove in relative silence back to Superbabes. Poison Ivy watched through the front window as the oddity of lush fantasy forests gave way to the familiarity of the concrete jungle. She sighed abruptly as they sat at a red light. Jeeves looked at her through the rearview.

"…Did you enjoy your visit miss?"

"…Honestly Jeeves, I was a little underwhelmed." She crawled over to the privacy window, and once again leaned through it distractingly, looking at the middle-aged butler sadly. "When we last did this 'Daily Special' thing my friend Vixen was plowed all day! I barely had any fun!" she pouted as he chuckled nervously. "The service was fantastic though. 5 stars."

"Thank you miss." He replied politely as the familiar restaurant soon came into view and she slipped back into the back of the limo… and the limo slipped right upfront, parking on the curve. Jeeves got out of the car, and walked around the back to the side door, and opened it up. "…Perhaps you could visit on your own time?"

"Pfft. No offense Jeeves? But your boys are a little… well they don't have their priorities straight…" she then stared at him as he stood outside the car. "…You know Jeeves." She began, slowly, and checked her phone. "…I still got about an hour left…" she said, and gazed at him with almost hypnotic eyes. "…How would you like a turn?"

"Miss!" he replied with a nervous chuckle, "…I'm old enough to be your father."

She just grinned.

Time: 10:59 AM. Time Remaining: little over an hour.

She panted excitedly as Jeeves shut the door behind him as she stripped him of his suit. A rude person might have told him to keep it one, but she stripped herself easily enough to make it fair as his hands immediately went to her big green breasts. "Aah! Ammmn!" biting her lower lip as he pinched her nipples and pushed her to the lush floor of the limo, his cock throbbing eagerly to pierce into her. "Aah!"

Squeezing her tits like milk udders he wrapped his lips around both her nipples and sucked loudly as she squealed, clutching at his wrists as he slurped greedily, letting go of her chest but holding her nipples with his mouth as his hands slid down her body to her legs before folding them up, "Ah! Yes! Come get me!" she wiggled as he abruptly buried his cock into her. "OOoooooOH!" she shuddered wildly, her body trembling as he began to immediately mating press her.

Wham. Wham. Wham. Wham. Wham. His face buried in her cleavage as his cock plunged awkwardly into her body, then he pulled his face from her breasts and fully engulfed her, pinning her down with his weight as his hips kept working. "Ah-AH-AH-AH-Ah!"

Her pussy oozed her arousal on the carpet as his hands slid under her ass, squeezing as he pulled her up to get as deep as he could, grinding hard against her and growling like a man who hadn't had pussy in YEARS.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" she panted greedily, gazing up into his eyes as they glazed over, focusing solely on his gratification, but luckily she got off on that. She got off on a LOT. "Show those boys how it's DONE!" her legs hooked on his arms, planted beside her like iron pillars as he kept pumping his hips, her hands clawing at his chest as her body spasming. "UUoooooh!" howling in release as she squirmed.

"I'm cumming! I'm gonna cum!" he declared, mouth hanging open as he pumped away.

"Use me! Do whatever you WANT!" her pussy tightened, and that finished it.

He fell onto her body as she gasped, his muscled tightened like iron cord as she grinned maniacally and her eyes rolled up into her head as he ground his hips into her, thrusting his hips hard against his body as he let his seed flow and there was a LOT.

"Oohooo…" she cooed, clawing his back faintly, "Oooh Jeeves… when was the last time you FUCKED a bitch?" she breathed playfully as he laughed, "Mmmn…" she wiggled, feeling his cock continue to pulsate thick ropes of long stored cum.

Her tongue coiled in his ear like a serpent, she breathed heavily, "You just let it all out… it's what I'm FOR." she hissed sensually in his ear… making his cock throb inside her. "You can fuck me until I'm sore… use me until you're done." He slowly pushed himself up as she cupped her breasts, his hips slowly bucking. "…Fuck me more…" she moaned, squeezing her tits firmly, "Oooh. Fuck me more!"

"Haa-haa…" he panted, then laughed disbelievingly as he clutched to her hair.

"MMMn!!" she moaned, as he pulled back, and slammed deep. "AAAH! Ahh-HA-AH!" her legs flopping as he thrust, and put his weight on her, hips bucking and rolling. "Haa-aha… Ha-ha-ha…" she laughed in his ear, and sighed contentedly… letting him have his fun. She's already had hers.

Time: 12:23 PM. Time remaining: 23 minutes overdue.

Orders glared at the limo. It stopped rocking about 5 minutes ago but still no Poison Ivy… then the door popped open and a sweating, disheveled butler scampered out, he had apparently dressed in a hurry… and considering he just finished up with Poison Ivy again 5 minutes ago: it wasn't an awful attempt. He cleared his throat and cleared the way for Jessica, dressed in a clean T-shirt and knee-length pants as she shuffled out of the back. "…Hi Orders." She said as Orders sniffed, and tilted her head towards the restaurant.

"In…" she said simply as Poison Ivy saluted, and winked at Jeeves, waving forlornly (or seductively) goodbye with the same hand.

"You look hungry." Declared Orders abruptly to the butler.

"Well actually I-"

"Come inside. Order something…" she said frankly. "…Buy a raffle ticket." She added as Jeeves cleared his throat. Orders ignored him… she of course knew he would take her 'advice' but she didn't feel like waiting on him. That's going to take another ten minutes.

Hector scratched his ear happily with his back paw as Jessica cooed at the sight of him, sliding quickly on her knees before him and smooshing his smooshy face as he moaned happily at her return. "Oooh! Who's my SWEETIE BOY! Where you a good boy for auntie Orders?" she cooed, "Were you?"

"Yes, he was." Orders replied honestly, "Never call me that again." she then whistled melodiously and waved her hand lazily towards her office as she sat in her chair. Hector abruptly trotted behind her into her office and soon the sound of squeaking was heard as he gnarled on his chew toy.

"Huh." Jessica smiled sweetly as Orders hefted a large paper Superbabes bag FILLED with cash onto the counter. "…Huh…" her smile lessened. "…Seriously boss consider checks." She slipped the Superbabes bag handles on her arm.

"Checks are for people who don't have money to pay." She replied confidently, "I do. Here's your cut." She whistled again as Hector trotted out of her office, squeaky toy in mouth. "Here's your dog. Go home. See you Monday…"

Jessica stroked Hector's head with her free hand and went to walk out the back to her car but paused and turned back to Orders. "…You know I've been meaning to go visit my aunt in Metropolis for a couple of days. Would you watch Hector then too?"

"Do I look like a dog sitter?" Orders grumbled, resting her head on her fist, and eyeing the handsome Hector as he wagged his tail happily. "…Yeah fine." she replied as Jessica left with Hector close behind, her eyes flicking to the floor as Jeeves was handed a future raffle ticket, and assigned to his seat by Jenny… and smirked.

…Maybe she'll hold the next raffle sooner than later… if the headache doesn't make her forget.


Did Poison Ivy's pussy juices turn a normal tree into an apple tree? Straight answer: Maybe.

Fun fact, originally Jessica's last name was going to be 'Woods'. But I thought that would be far too coincidental, so I picked something else... I was going to reveal it in this chapter but it seemed out of place.
