
Delivery Girl: Big Barda Order #4

I don't own DC

"Alright. Come on out…" mumbled Orders as the collective girls in the lounge watched fascinatedly as Mel and Tasha walked out of the locker rooms dressed in a tight, figure-flattering, baseball uniforms complete with blue ball cap. Mel carried a black bat, and Tasha had a catcher's mitt on her right hand as they began to pose and stretch like models.

"Looking good ladies." Supergirl (II) praised, as Tasha playfully stretched her arms behind her head and turned around sensually, revealing that it wasn't her name on the back over her number, as is tradition, but 'Vixen I'. She began shaking her big, beautiful ass from side to side in her tight ball-player pants, then squatted down like a catcher, but bounced her butt like a stripper.

"Wooo!" whistled Green Lantern (I) clapping good-naturedly at the little show they were putting on which quickly got the other girls to join in.

"Everyone who signed up to play baseball will get their uniforms soon enough." Orders replied, "But I thought you girls might like to have a preview." She added as Silver Banshee whistled lazily as Mel and Tasha started to be a bit sillier about their poses, moving far more jerkily and dramatically.

"Well they'll look sexy at least… how much did the Gigantor set you back?" she asked sardonically as Orders replied straight-faced.

"About one hour with Stargirl." She replied as a few of the girls giggled, "Alright. That's enough gawking, back to work. Knock it off you two…" she added as the two stopped goofing around, "You can take those home." she added as Mel spun the bat in her hands. "The rest of the uniforms will arrive later." She added as Big Barda walked in from the back with a yawn. "And Tasha the only stains I want to see on that uniform are dirt stains."

"Damn shame…" she teased, running her hands over her big ass cheeks as Big Barda glanced her over, "They are VERY figure flattering…"

"She does look good." Big Barda added conversationally jerking her thumb at her, before going to change.

"I stand by my statement." Orders replied as Tasha shrugged and grabbed her purse.

"…Well damn, now I need to change before my 'date'." She said as Mel went back into the lockers to change herself, "See you tomorrow, Orders." Then with a casual wave, she walked out the back to head home for a little 'night work'. Big Barda soon walked back out and leaned in the bouncer's spot against the counter.

"Wish I could play, but working here and at the Roller Derby I just don't have the time… or energy." She stretched, "You'll just have to make do with Ronnie-Bell as your heavy hitter." She smirked as Orders rolled her eyes.

"If anyone pitching to her had any sense, they'd walk her every time…" as Mel, now dressed casual, walked out of the locker rooms and leaned the bat on the wall behind Orders before waving goodbye to them with a yawn.

"I'm just saying." Big Barda replied as Orders purple-eyes flashed tellingly, Big Barda walking around to play with the smooth black bat and taking a few slow swings. "I can swing a pretty good average…"

"Uh-huh..." Orders replied, seeming to barely be paying attention, "Put that down before you take Stargirl's head off."

"Wha-oh." She stopped as the beautiful busty blonde, arriving for her shift, entered without any (non-clairvoyant) warning and stopped abruptly as Big Barda swung the bat. She stopped it half a foot away from the pretty blonde's head. "…Sorry about that…"

"Ne vous en faites pas." She said quickly with a nervous smile, but quickly scampered towards the locker rooms as Big Barda nervously laughed and put the bat back down against Orders counter

"Sorry Brielle!" she repeated before returning to her spot, only for Orders eyes to flash once more. She rubbed her forehead irately, then reached for the phone.

Time: 7:58 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes we deliver-Killer Frost and Raven are not working tonight."

"Ah come-what are the odds of that?!"

"We have a website."

"There's a website?!"

"Yes. One Big Barda meal for delivery."

"W-what? Wait. But I didn't order…"

"It's what you will order. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less and you will be charged on completion of the deliver, as you know, name and address please."

"But I-…What?"


"Here I got you one." Orders said to Big Barda, "He's a regular. Have fun." She held out the receipt as Big Barda laughed.

"Seriously? You practically just shoved me onto the poor guy." She replied taking the receipt as Orders glanced down at her crosswords today. "Want to come along and do it personally?" she added reading the receipt.

"I didn't feel like waiting for him to look up your picture and take several minutes to finally decide on picking you. I just cut out the middleman, this is a business after all and time is money." she said frankly as Big Barda's food slid out.

"Uh huh…" the big girl rolled her eyes and strutted towards the back, "I'll try not to break him."

"Have fun with that." Orders waved dismissively as Big Barda slipped into the company car and made her way off to Upper-east Gotham.

Seaside property, fancy homes, a pool in every back yard, fancy stone wall, and gate… we're back at the big dick Asian guy's house. Although Big Barda has never been here before. She parked right in front of the gate and got out, strutting to the buzzer on the wall and pushing it, letting her finger linger annoyingly for a longer than the necessary time before the gate opened and she smiled, approaching the front door of the large house.

She raised her fist and knocked hard upon it, declaring with a confident smile. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:22 PM. Place: Upper East Gotham (Guy with apparently too much money's house)

"Special Delivery Service." She waited for half a second, glancing around to spy a rather annoyed-looking older woman with a tiny dog walking around the company car and continuing on their evening walk before the house's front door opened.

"…You are a lot bigger than your picture would imply." She turned her head back around… then down to glance at the young Asian man, with barely any muscle on his lanky frame as he glanced at her in some awe. Curvy and muscular she was pretty much on display in the red Big Barda bikini.

"You think I'm a big girl you should check out Giganta." She held her hand, the one not holding his food, above her head at about 7ft before grinning she rested it on his head and shoved him playfully into the house. "Whoop!" with unsurprising agility and dexterity (she is a derby girl after all) she swung the door shut behind her with her booted foot and walked right in after him.

"So. I'm told you're a regular. Who's your usual girl?" she asked curiously, placing the bag of food nearby.

"I uh…" he watched her athletically muscular body strut curiously in his rich household. "Killer Frost… But I've also ordered Raven…" he added rather sheepishly as Big Barda chuckled.

"Ah… you know Frost is surprisingly popular… Oooh a pool." She leaned on the sliding doorframe glancing out at the very spot Killer Frost once entertained him. "Well kid, how shall we do this?" she smiled at him as he pouted.

"You know I'm 19 I'm not a kid." He added.

"Uh-huh." She replied grinning. Then she frowned thoughtfully, resting her hand on the sliding door handle absently. "…Hang on where does a 19-year-old kid get the money to constantly order Superbabes?"

"…Have you ever heard of Mifune Appliances?" he replied almost shyly.

"Yeah, we got a few of them at the restaurant." He sighed as she smirked, "…Family money?"

"Yeah… My grandfather started it" he mumbled sheepishly, "My Uncle runs the business and I get an allowance…" he then glanced around the house. "A big allowance."

"Hmmn." She nodded understandingly, "Well… don't want to let that go to waste now do we?" she shoved open the door and chuckled, turning to walk outside towards the pool as off came her top, and she stepped out of her boots before taking a quick start and leaping into the water with a triumphant laugh, snuffed by a cannonball.

Submerged in the water she slipped her thumbs into her bottoms and easily slid them off before letting them float away from her hand. They drifted away for a moment but quickly sunk… darn things absorbed water like a sponge.

Her feet hit the bottom of the pool and she shot up like a rocket and flipped her long black hair out of her face as she gasped for breath and slowly treaded water, floating on her back as her breasts pierced the surface. "MMN!" she flapped her arms and lunged across the water. She eyed him poolside watching her float.

"Well kid are you jumping in or do I have to come and get you?"

"It's Toshiro." He replied almost reluctantly as she hit the edge of the pool. Resting her hands on the pool edge she easily hauled her naked body out of the pool dripping with water from her curves as she brushed her dark hair from her face. Flexing and stretching subtly, she smiled and abruptly grabbed his shirt.

"Well Toshiro-" she yanked his shirt off his body with a quick tug, tossing it aside as she grinned at him. "I hope you don't like those pants."

"Wha?-WHOOOH!" Toshiro flew through the air, and hit the water with a splash as Big Barda tossed him into the pool. Coincidently he didn't really care about the pants as she leaped back into the water as he rose back to the surface.

She grinned at him and strutted around the pool to the wide steps at the far side then slowly took each step back into the water until she stood on the last step she sat down in the water and leaned back, spreading her powerful legs invitingly as she watched him. Then curled a finger at him, encouraging him to stop treading water and come towards her with a sultry gaze.

Toshiro slowly swam towards her but before he reached the steps she reached out, grabbing and dragging him onto them as he stood on the bottom step. "…I don't hate these pants." He managed to get out blushing as she chuckled.

"Well do you like pusssy?" she replied tugging down his wet shorts and letting them sink to his ankles. "Because I-Huh…" she hesitated as his Raven-approved cock jumped free from his wet pants. "…Shit Raven must like you." She mumbled and wrapped her hand around it as he hissed.

"W-why do you girls keep saying that?" he mumbled with a subtle hiss, bucking his hips forward in her stroking hand as he rested his hands on her shoulders. "Ha… haaa…" his length twitching eagerly as she smirked up at him.

"Because she's a size queen." She said frankly, "Haa-mmmn mmmn… hmnn…" she took his tip into her mouth, bobbing slowly up and down, moving her head with her fist as she slid her head back and forth. "MMn. MMn. Mwaaah." She grinned up at him as she slipped off his wet length and stroked him. "There you go… nice and hard." She grinned, firmly stroking his throbbing erection before she lied backward. Spreading her legs she lay on the top step and raised her hips up above the water's surface as she spread herself. "Come on kiddo, let me feel that dick."

"Stop treating me like a kid." He growled… like a shiba inu… those are more adorable than anything.

"Ha-ha!" she laughed as he rested his hands on her tits and she gyrated her hips slowly, feeling his erection against her lower lips. "Make me. I'm not a size queen slut who swoons over big dick." she clenched her teeth, feeling his engorged tip push against her lower lips and stretch her apart. "NNgh! Ha-Haaa-ha…" she laughed, panting erotically as he bucked his hips back and forth, the water sloshing around his legs.

"Haa-haaa-Ah… ah-aha…" she panted erotically as she lay in the water. His hands sunk into her breasts, squeezing them tightly as she writhed under his thrusts, "Uh-ugh…" feeling him stretch her insides as his raven-approved cock pounded away at her. "Ugh-HHaaa!" she clawed beneath the water briefly as she orgasmed on his mindless thrusts.

"Ahh-Aahh-aah-aa!" he fell forward onto her body still thrusting away before she wrapped her arms and legs around him. "Ugh-Aah-bluuugh!" sliding off the step her ass hit the second, then they both fell into the water sinking to the bottom as she bucked her hips on his cock instinctively, feeling him bulge inside her, feeling his warm cum flood inside her as the chill of the pool at night submerged them.

"Blluugah! Bluugh!" he feebly slapped her powerful body as she came out of her orgasm. Grabbing his arm and planting her feet she lunged to the surface quickly. Jumping off his cock and dragging him to the surface. "Hwaaah!" he gasped for air as she laughed lightly.

"Wooo… sorry bout that kiddo…" she teased as he seemed more focused on sucking in fresh air than reacting to her ribbing. "Not bad though…" she added, stroking his cock beneath the water, "Oooh… that's the spirit." She grinned as he squeezed her ass, and wrapped her lips around her right nipple. She easily stood in the water, he sort of hung off her body, floating in front of her as she took the opportunity to brush her hair back, and wipe her eyes of loose water. "MMn…" feeling his erection grow against her thighs. "Ready for round two?"

He frowned up at her with his mouth full of tit before popping off. he let go of her body and bobbed slightly in the water before grabbing her hips and turning her. Or at least attempting to she had maybe fifty pounds of solid muscle on him and his lanky frame and they were in water… but she WAS here to give him a good time…

She turned around and waded through the water to bend over on the steps, swaying her ass behind her as she glanced over her shoulder at him, "Well? Come on kiddo…" he frowned at her, "What?" she replied teasingly as he climbed up behind her, pushing her forward as she adjusted herself on the steps. Kneeling on the second step as she swiveled her hips, "Feeling to tuckered out to play-?" she froze slightly as she felt him spread her ass cheeks with his hands and press his tip to her ass, "Oh shit-FUCK…" she hissed through her teeth as she trembled in pain and pleasure feeling his big dick slid easily up her ass, "Aagh-shit-shit-SHIT…" she hissed as he immediately began to ram against her body. "Tch-teaching me a lesson are you?" she squirmed, grinding her teeth as her ass stretched to accommodate him. "Aah-Aaah-Aaah!!"

"Stop! Treating! Me! Like! A KID!" he grunted, reaching out to grab her wet black hair and yanking back as she bellowed erotically.

"Haaawaaaah…" she moaned, eyes rolling up into her head as her hand slipped beneath the water to furiously finger herself. "Ugh! HHa-UUAgh!!" her legs spread further and further apart until her ass was half in the water, "Ugh! Ugh! UGHhh"

Toshiro swatted her ass cheek with his free hand as he rode her like a rodeo rider, pumping his hips and yanking her back by the hair. Double fisting her long locks he yanked one last time and buried his shaft up inside her. She felt his cock bulge against her inner walls as she was once again warmed by his cum, only now instead of the cold pool, it was the chilled night air against her skin.

"Haa-aaahhh…" Toshiro sighed, bucking his hips against her firm ass as he gasped for breath then let go of her hair.

"Oooh…" Big Barda shook her head, letting her eyes roll slightly as she trembled and felt him slowly pull out… well, sort off, no longer holding onto her body, and at an odd angle he slid out of her ass and plopped into the water. "Haaa…" she felt her ass gaping for a moment then sealing shut with his exit, his gooey load deep inside her as she adjusted herself and began to plant her feet on the step for balance. "Nnngh…" she gritted her teeth, shaking slightly as she stood naked on the pool step then stretched her arms and body straight up as Toshiro floated contentedly in the water.

Standing on her tiptoes she twisted her athletically powerful body for a few moments then turned around. "Oooh ho. You think your cute with surprise anal, huh?" she grabbed his floating ankle and dragged him back abruptly, a wave of water cascading out of the pool with the force.

"Ugp-!" he managed to squeak before she pushed him beneath the water and grabbed him, by the arms, abruptly yanking him back out. "Cough!" he spitted water from his mouth at her chest as she hefted him onto her shoulder and smacked him on the ass. "AH!" she laughed as she felt his cock against her chest twitch.

"I might not crush your pelvis like some giant girls but you're definitely want to take some painkillers when I'm done riding you." She carried him squirming on her shoulder towards one of the lounge chairs as she tossed him onto it. His cock upright and wagging in the air as she crawled over her, her dark hair hanging over her face like some iconic Japanese ghost. Stringy and wet it tickled up his chest like jellyfish tendrils before she tossed it out of her face, flinging away water and whipping her toned back before she stood over his cock and dropped down onto it.


"MMN!" she writhed erotically on his lap slapping her hands on his lanky chest and keeping him down as she rocked her hips back and forth, gyrating and rolling on his lap as his big dick squirmed around inside her, rubbing up against her walls and throbbing eagerly as he panted.

"Haa-aahh-aah!" he groaned as she put her weight on his chest and rose her hips up and down smacking wetly against his as she bounced off his lap. His hips now bucking up against her, or perhaps bouncing off the lounge chair from the force of her dropping hips as his hands clawed against her iron bar-like arms. "I'm going to cum!" he groaned through gritted teeth, pushing up against her as she slammed him back down on the lounge chair.

"Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah… AAAH…" she slammed her hips down on him. Feeling him cum inside her one last time as she tossed her head, "Ha-ha… wooo…" she sat on his lap, sitting upright as she patted her firm stomach before slowly wiggling off his cock. Cum dripping from her back down onto his drooping cock as she got off of him completely, he lay on the chair and twitched occasionally, a drop of pre-cum oozing from the tip of his cock as he groaned.

"You are welcome." She winked confidently but walked with a slight limp, stumbling slightly as she grabbed her top. "Now where did I-right…" she mumbled glancing into the pool as she knelt at the edge, leaning forward to look into it. "…Darn it." she grumbled as the pool lights seemed to be off. "Where did they go-oooh! Ugh! Ugh!" she glanced over her shoulder with Toshio straddling her from behind and bucking his hips, feeling his cock get harder and harder inside her as he mindlessly pumped his hips.

"Oh-okay… ahh-ahh… that you're still going… is… impressive!" she bit her bottom lip as she came, "MMMmn!!" her wet hair swinging over the water as she was pumped into from behind. "Ha-ah!" normally her body was tight and honed but the numerous orgasms were taking their toll and she became like jello. He slid his hands to her wrists and bucked wildly into her from behind as he yanked them back, her breasts swaying beneath her as she grunted like an animal. "Ugh-ghha-aah!"

"Ha-aha-aah-aah…" Toshiro grunted, gritting his teeth and pushing hard into her from behind as he gasped for breath. "Haa! UGH!!" he let go of her arms and gave her a hard thrust that sent her into the pool, luckily not hitting anything as she rolled in an underwater summersault. She recovered herself and let her feet hit the bottom of the pool jumping up as he sat on the edge of the pool. Manspreading as he stroked his cock and reached out for her dark hair. "Come here!" he moaned quickly as she leaned her head towards his cock, brushing her wet hair from her face again but keeping her hands behind her head as she opened wide and bobbed her head rapidly on the tip of his throbbing length. "Haa-haa… Ahh." He threw his head back and jerked his cock from her lips accidentally.

"Haaa-aah…" she moaned slovenly, letting her tongue loll against his cock as cum sprayed off his tip, "cum all over me." She hissed as ropes sprayed onto her forehead, lips, nose… "Ahh-guck…" he slid his tip back into her mouth and pulled her head to the base of his cock. He groaned quietly before he quickly let her shoot back up, and deposited his FINAL load on her chest.

"Haa… haaa…" he slipped his limp tip feebly back into her mouth before slowly flopping on his back. His legs dangling in the water she rested her hands on his knees and bobbed her head slowly back and forth for the remainder of his proper time. Devotedly sucking on his dick as he squirmed exhaustedly. "Don't stop…" he groaned. "…I really just wanted a blowjob." He added feebly as Big Barda continued to suck on his limp dick… then finally with one hard SLURP she popped off his cock with a gasp.

"Oh. You should order Huntress. GREAT at blowjobs…" she added as his cock twitched, "Well… not that I've ever gotten any from her so… allegedly." She waded in the pool, glancing around. Now that she wasn't distracted by teenaged dick, she managed to spot a slightly red blob at the bottom of the pool and dove for it. She reached the bottom, grabbed her Big Barda briefs, then shoot back to the surface, grinning triumphantly, "Ha! Found them!" she then crawled out of the pool. "Uup…!" she paused, feeling her legs trembling. "Oooh-ho… little shit." She hissed under her breath.

Thank god Ashley wasn't here, or she'd never hear the end of it… and Ash already talks too much.

She got to her feet, shaking slightly as she glanced around for her top, then spotting it easily thanks to the light from the house she picked it up and walked over to Toshiro, holding her top in her mouth she squeezed the pool water from her bottoms onto his face as he sat up sputtering.

"Up! I'm-oh… right…" she smirked at him. Her face was still covered in his surprisingly thick jizz.

"Yeah, I need an actual shower Toshi, where is one?"

"Two doors then on your right." He said pointing as he got to his feet, watching her toned naked body strut back into the house.

"…I don't suppose you got one of those Mifune Shower wands? I LOVE those things, my brother Alan has one, it's a hit with ALL the ladies he eventually manages to invite home."

"Yes…" mumbled Toshiro reluctantly as she walked dripping through the house, he sighed again at her wet footprints, luckily the Mifune Roomba will fix that. she then tossed him her wet Big Barda bottoms.

"Great toss that in the dryer for like 10 minutes please." She replied before heading right to the bathroom. Big Barda soaked herself in the shower and thoroughly used the Mifune Shower wand while she could. Fresh and clean she walked out of the shower to find Toshiro holding a wad of fresh bills and her bottoms daintily between his fingers as she chuckled putting on her top.

"You spend the last hour pounding me raw and you're squeamish around my costume?" she ruffled his hair and snatched them from his hand, he sighed as he put them on.

"Will you stop treating me like a kid?"

"I'm calling you Toshi aren't I?" she replied dismissively, before taking his money and winking at him. "Lighten up! You've already banged three different Superbabes." She smirked, "…Most guys pick one and stick with em."

"I keep trying." He replied under his breath as Big Barda laughed and strutted out.

"Yep! I'll tell Huntress to get her dick-sucking lips ready for you." She added as Toshiro mumbled goodbye under his breath, watching her big shapely ass as she shut his front door behind her and made her way back to the car. Still awkwardly parked outside his gate… she hesitated by the driver's side door before absently patting her still a little damp ass before retrieving a towel from the trunk, laying it out on the seat and getting in before driving back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:02 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I'm back, did you miss me?" she asked walking into the back and tossing the wad of bills onto the counter as Orders' hand slapped on it, sliding it off the top of the counter as she sorted it.

"Mmph." Orders replied non-committedly as Rebecca grinned.

"Did you know that that kid is related to Mifune Appliances?" she said conversationally, leaning her slightly dryer backside on the counter as she took the bouncer position.

"Yes. Obviously." Orders replied putting Rebecca's cut back on the counter. then jerked her thumb over her shoulder to a couple of boxes. "Mind hauling those into the locker rooms? They're the rest of the baseball uniforms, they just dropped them off…"

Rebecca scoffed, easily hauling the boxes into the locker rooms. "Why didn't you just let them drop them of in there?"

"I didn't want them to catch Ola changing…" she said as Rebecca came back out.

"Good call… speaking of baseball uniforms why did you put the costume names on them? Why not, you know, the girls' last names?" she smirked as Orders' purple eyes flicked up to her briefly.

"…Why spoil the illusion?" she noted cryptically, before grabbing the black bat, and holding the leather-wrapped end of it to Rebecca. "Take this."

"What for?" Rebecca asked taking the bat as a loud bang and a scream echoed from the floor.

"Hey hey! Bitches! Looking fine!" an audible smack followed by a french cursing Brielle was overshadowed by pompous laughter and a "Table for five!" declared by someone drunk, stupid, and about to visit the hospital.

"That's why." Orders said frankly as Rebecca smiled sweetly, shouldered the bat like a strolling Harley Quinn, and went back to work.


Why yes, I did name repeating big dicked Asian customer after Toshiro Mifune... because why not? He's kept showing up and will probably keep showing up. And I like Toshiro Mifune... oh and Brielle says 'Don't worry about it' in the only french sentence.

The Baseball thing gets mentioned again I'll probably do something more concrete about that later. Originally I was going to put the girl's play real last names on their uniforms... but a lot of them didn't have last names (At the time). So I spent some time thinking those up, I now have a list to inevitably introduce and put in the roster
