
Delivery Girl: Circe

I don't own DC

Long wavy purple hair, olive-colored Mediterranean skin, long shapely legs, generous bountiful bust, a beautiful face, plump pouty lips, teal-colored eyes, and a voice like a soul singer, raspy but seductive... She strode through the tables smiling at the grinning patrons as they all took in the 'new girl'…

"Where did you find her?" Giganta asked curiously as the girl bent over in her green and gold dress, almost giving a few of the boys behind her a look under it. The large circular gold earrings on her ears clinking like bells.

"On the beach." Orders replied casually, Giganta blinked at her suspiciously.

"You were on a beach?" she asked skeptically. "Willingly?"

"I do have a life outside of this restaurant." Orders noted, "Not much of one, but I do." She replied simply as Giganta scoffed.

"Yeah well… you still found her pretty quick."

"Well, when I did, she was partying with spring breakers it wasn't that difficult to convince her." she replied calmly. "Especially when I told her she could be charging more for those blowjobs she was giving out…"

Giganta laughed, "Wherever you go you just FIND promiscuity, don't you?"

"It's a gift and a curse." Orders noted. "Circe!" she shouted as the new girl, purple-haired and pretty, gave her boss her full attention. "Take a break. You've been on shift for three hours." She noted as Circe playfully brushed off a table of attentive patrons and strutted back into the lounge.

"I can keep going." Circe declared confidently, she had a vague hint of a accent from somewhere in the Mediterranean, but it was hard to pick up.

She was born in Athens, and she lived there until she started talking, but by then her parents moved to Metropolis where she grew up into a healthy young woman… and for some insane reason decided to move to Gotham and attend Gotham University. And while she was well on her way to being a registered nurse… it is still fucking expensive. Almost every cent she ever earned working in her other jobs went to it… blowing a few guys during spring break for a few quick bucks kept her fed, and sharpened her 'knob polishing' skills… Of course… then Orders found her. While at first she was hesitant after listening to several of the other 'delivery girls', and finding out how lucrative, or at least tolerable, their lives are, she had to admit she was tempted.

"I know you can keep going." Orders noted dismissively. "But take a break." She then pulled up the regular camera. "Have you decided?" she asked as Circe sighed, blowing her long, recently dyed purple, bangs out of her pretty face. Putting her hands on her shapely hips as she seemed to think hard on it…

"You don't HAVE to." Giganta noted, "Sure most of us do but-"

But Circe waved a hand, "…No it's fine. I'll do it…" she came to a decision. "Sign me up."

"Great. Catwoman (I) declared as she appeared from the locker rooms and claimed the camera. "I was getting tired of waiting." She smiled, "To the couch." She said as Cheetah and Wonder Woman cleared the space, letting Circe lounge on the couch, posing like a Super model with her pouty lips and pushing out her bust. Catwoman took a few photos, apparently unable to decide which one she liked more, before returning to Orders. "Alright."

"Welcome aboard." Wonder Woman declared smiling as she went to work the floor.

"Well how hard can it be?" Circe smiled as Orders applied her photo to the delivery girls on the site.

"Not very…" Giganta admitted as Starfire grinned in the doorway.

"Ooooh Orders! There's a big party coming in! Frat boys! Drunken frat boys!" she added as Orders sighed.

"…I swear to god if you take ANY of them into your bathroom stall I am selling you to Daphne's favorite BDSM shop for a day…" she scowled. Giganta blinked at her.

"Can you do that? Legally I mean."

"No probably not but would that STOP her?" she then flicked her fingers at Circe. "Go help her, earn some tips before someone inevitably calls for you."

Circe strutted towards the door with the grace of a runway model. "You just put me up on the site. What are the odds?" she asked, as Giganta noted sagely.

"High. Very High…" she immediately turned to the phone as Circe went to go aid Starfire in seating and taking orders from the rowdy boys. "…Huh… it didn't ring."

"Well the consistent coincidences were bound to run out eventually." Orders noted. "…Go stand near that group, I don't want them to get too rowdy before we serve them." She noted, "I can't take their money if you throw them out too early." Giganta smirked and lumbered menacingly, but still very sexy in a big Amazonian way, to linger around the rowdy group as many of the other girls tried to 'encourage' tips out of them. They were drunk and horny, it was an easy payday.

Orders stared at the phone, frowning thoughtfully… then finally believing that the universe wasn't fucking with her today went to do a crossword puzzle at her counter to pass the time when her eyes flickered the second she had picked up her pen. "Mother of-" she caught herself and reached for the phone.

Time: 8:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"I'd like to order the… um Circe meal for delivery?"

"One greek gyro with garlic fries. Anything else?"

"Uh… delivered by… Circe? Please."

"Very well we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed, you will be charged on the completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Circe." Orders announced, "You have one." the new purple haired Superbabe skipped into the back, plucking bills from her raised boots as she smiled and slapped them on the counter. "Man I never imagined that shaking my tits and flirting would be so lucrative!" she smiled as Orders narrowed her purple eyes at her.

"Really? She asked sarcastically, knowing the answer.

"No, I always knew." She replied simply with a dismissive shrug, "…Don't tell my parents." She added nervously.

"I certainly have no intentions." Orders noted sourly, "…Not after I met Starfire's mother…" she shuddered, "…Anyway…" she said after getting off-topic and handing Circe the receipt. "Keep it simple, go be sexy, have some sex, and have fun." Circe raised an eyebrow at that as the food slid out of the kitchen on the counter.

"Just like that?" she replied with a nervous smile as Orders rolled her eyes.

"This is a REALLY simple job." Orders noted as Circe chuckled, picking up the bag. "You're already experienced you're just… escalating." She noted after a moment of thought.

"Right Right…" she mumbled, "How bad can it be? I'll be 'perfectly fine' according to you." She noted as Orders snorted.

"Don't take the highway it'll have traffic…" she smiled as Circe walked out to her moped. It was cheap and efficient, so it was perfect for her needs. She set the food between her feet and puttered out into the road… then after trying to take the highway she easily turned around and took another road. Orders was right… that's another point to believing in her 'powers'. She was still just a little skeptic.

Circe was a smart girl, and frugal to say the least, her upbringing and current life situation saw to that. And while the world may have supermen and wonder women, believing everyone had powers was a one way trip into a conman's pocket. Admittedly though Orders was constantly proving her powers and there was no way every girl in the restaurant was in on some secret joke...

It took her a little longer thanks to the turnaround she had to do but she arrived outside one of the many hotel street hotels, chuckling to herself as she attached her Moped to a streetlamp and hesitated just outside the building, checking the receipt. She assured herself it couldn't be this easy, but then again she steeled her resolve and wandered right in…

Circe, despite how silly she thought she looked in her uniform, was still a beautiful woman in an exotic dress. In other words it wasn't as elaborate as Wonder Woman, as stand out as the Seven Foot Giganta, or as eye drawing as Starfire's short skirt. Circe's costume was more dress than costume really… She got to the lobby elevators, a few curious gazes on her shapely young body when-

"Yo!" she jumped as an imposing black man wearing elaborate gold chains and rings approached her. He looked like a rapper from the 90s with a ball cap and overlarge T-shirt with 'Lil'Rich$' on it… she blinked at the shirt for a moment as he stared her up and down and smirked. "You the delivery girl?"

She blinked at him, and raised the bag smiling obviously at him as he nodded approvingly.

"Nice…" he poked the elevator button with a smirk, gazing at her bust. Pushed nicely together by the elaborate green and gold dress as he waited. "Follow me." He said, as the elevators hesitated and popped open. He half-waddled half strutted in and stood imposingly. Glaring at the other people waiting to use the elevator as she walked right in.

"So am I delivering to you?" she smiled as the door shut behind her. Leaving them the only two in the elevator.

"Naaaah…" he said grinning, "You're for the boss!" he then pointed to his shirt and 'Lil'Rich$' on it. Making finger guns like that should mean something to her. She knew it SHOULD, but it didn't…

"…Is he famous or something?" she asked as the cheerful look on the mans face fell slightly and he cringed.

"…Do me a favor girl, don't say things like that when you're blowing him?" he said exasperatedly under his breath as she chuckled.

"…I… don't think I'll be saying much with his dick in my mouth." She chuckled as he groaned, and coughed.

"…He's a rapper… a pretty famous one?"

"Oh… I don't listen to rap." She noted with a shrug. "…But I promise I wont hold that against him…" the elevator dinged on the upper levels, five from the top. And he led her out.

"Look all that matters is he needs to get LAID." He declared, as she rolled her teal eyes. "He's 19 and tearing up the charts and now he needs to tear up some nice warm pussy…"

"…Is this a manhood thing?" she replied with a cheeky grin, but he waved a hand.

"Naah… it's a rapper thing." He said confidently, standing by a door at the far end of the hallway. "Can't sing about tapping ass if he's never done it!" he replied, she made a rather confused face but brushed it off.

"Alright if you say so." she noted pointing at the room. "This it?"

"Yes ma'am." He replied, taking out a keycard and tapping the lock as it clicked.

"Oh wait. Hang on…" she reached forward, knocking on the door quickly. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:33 PM. Place: The Daytrip Hotel (Lil'Rich$'s room #2505)

"Special Delivery Service." She said.

"Oh… uh…" he stopped her from reaching for the door handle. "…He might be a little… paranoid? That you're secretly recording him."

"....Why?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"He's had issues with Paparazzi." He mumbled, "…Just humor him alright?" he said as she giggled to herself. And opened the door, walking right in.

First thing she noticed was how much NICER the hotel room was then her own apartment. You tend to notice things like that when you live in a repurposed walk-in closet and share a two-bedroom apartment with four other people. The luxurious carpet, the massive TV, the couch and armchair… the entire wall of glass viewing Gotham's skyline, which is rather nice when nothing is making it explode. She spied the bedroom, and a bed larger then HER room as she released a rather inviting and sensually.

"Helllllo?" her voice echoed briefly.

"Y-Yea… hold on." Came a reply… then a young man with brown sugar colored skin walked out of the bedroom… wearing a ski-mask, a golden dollar bill necklace and boxer shorts with dollar bills on them. He was very thin but had some muscle definition. He had a few tattoos, the most noteworthy ones was a large dollar bill on his right upper bicep, and M.O.N.E.Y on his right hand.

She giggled sweetly, waving a hand and shaking her head as he stood in his ski-mask and gold bling. "Sorry. A little unexpected." He frowned at her, his lips clearly visible, "Now now…" she grinned, tossing the bag of food on the nearby table and approaching him. "Wear whatever you like." She added, a bit more sensual and convincing as she approached, rubbing his thin chest with her hands.

While she wouldn't say she was a 'born slut' like some of the girls at the restaurant clearly were, but she was a quick… and very skillful study. "You want to wear a mask? That's fine…" she wrapped her arms around his neck as his eyes widened. "Now… how should I start?" He was fairly stuff, but finally his hands started to move and grab her slender waist. "Hmmn?" she cooed, gazing into his eyes. Her lips set in a thin, tight smile as she wiggled her hips subtly.

…VERY quick study.

"Oooh!" she gasped as he felt her ass, she laughed. "Alright now we're getting somewhere!" she cheered, "MMn! Bed… or… chair?" she teased, abruptly pulling from him, "Oh… decisions decisions…" she teased then took his hand, guiding him towards the couch before shoving him down onto it. "MMh!" she ran her hands over her body, stretching her arms in the air and pushing out her breasts, emphasizing her hips and her shapely legs. She stuck out her tongue and wagged it playfully before it shot back between her red lips.

"Damn you sexy…" he said stiffly as she frowned. Then leaned over, his eyes widening as she gazed into her cleavage. She rested her hands on the back of the couch, letting him get a good LONG look. The guy was a virgin, and she believed he should act like it.

"…I think you and I both know you don't really talk like that." he went rigid as she whispered it sensually in her ear. "I'm only here because you think that other people think that you need to have sex…" she declared as he fidgeted. "Now. We can pretend. Or we can DO it…" she said seductively, watching his boxers twitch briefly. "So… DO you want to have sex with me?"

"…Yeah." He mumbled, significantly less 'street' then he tried to sound usually.

"Good!" she giggled sweetly, pushing herself back up and swaying her hips side to side as his eyes followed. Her hands rising up to the top of her dress and hooking her hands into the stretch cups. Most superbabes costumes were stretchy, made things SO much easier. "Woo!" she teased, standing straight and pulling her top down as her breasts bounced free.

"Oh my god." He breathed as she shimmied her chest, bouncing them side to side as she continued to sway, waving her arms slowly around as she slid them down her sides and gripped the lower hem of her dress and pulled it up. She exposed her side tie black underwear, and promptly undid the ties as they fell away. She giggled as she continued to dance, the dress crumpled around her shapely waist. She giggled at his bulge then dropped to her knees on the pleasantly soft carpet.

"Now I might not need to take off my clothes but yours have to come-Fuck." She grunted as his 10-inch cock throbbed free. She sighed through her nose as it wobbled with silent pride. "Hooo-boy…" she smiled at him as she gripped his throbbing length, "Look at you! If your day job doesn't work out there's always porn!" She let her tongue slid out from her lips and ran it slowly along his length as he twitched. She smacked her lips loudly, before pressing her lips to his shaft leaving a fresh red lipstick print on it as he sighed.

She ran her hand up and down his length, stroking it firmly as she gazed at the thick slab of meat. Her silky grip making him shiver in pleasure, she rubbed his leg with her other hand as her fingers gently clawed his thigh. Sending shivers through him before her tongue tapped against him again. "Ahh-aah-mmmngh…" she ran her lips along his shaft firmly to the tip, smearing red lipstick along his length. Before slurping his tip, and opening wide…

To say she's seen a few dicks in her time as an amateur cock-sucker would be an understatement, and to say he was the biggest would not be too far from the truth, either way her jaw was going to hurt later. She slid down a third of the way down his shaft. "GLuugh-up!" before sliding back up, her lips tight around his shaft as she went down again.

Sloppily, slow, and steady, she sucked on his cock like the amateur pro she was. Salivating down his shaft as she bobbed her head. "MMmgh-mmmgnsluurp…" she winked at him as his eyes rolled, his hips now instinctively bucking up towards her head, but she held his hips down, the last thing she needed was him getting too eager and plugging her throat with dick. "MMgh! MMgh! Mmgh! MMgh!!" she sped up, gazing into his face as he went limp, his shaft quivering warningly in her hand as she pulled her head back to the tip and braced herself. "MMMGh!!"

Cum burst into her mouth as she moaned, gulping quickly as the gooey warmth oozed down her throat. "MMmgh-mMMmwah…" she gasped, pulling away and slurping the last drops from his tip as she smiled at him. "Mwah!" she pulled away, sitting on her legs as his cock went limp, twitching on his leg as she licked her lips. "Now I can keep doing that for… the rest of your hour…" she noted and his cock seemed to approve by twitching harder again. "Or I can do something WAY nicer…" she said, getting to her feet and rubbing her inner thighs with her hands, drawing his gaze to her pussy.

His cock stood rigidly as she smiled, slowly turning around and swaying her ass, before sitting on his lap. "Ooh…" he sighed excitedly, feeling his cock between her soft ass cheeks as she grinded and gyrated on his lap. Her movements were amateurish, she wasn't a stripper, but it was still an enticing affair as she slid back and forth on his lap. Getting brave he put his hands on her ass cheeks, squeezing her olive-skinned booty as she rested her hands on his knees.

"Alright… getting brave now…" she teased, feeling him pulsate between her ass, "And Brave boys get to play rough…" she bent forward, pushing her ass towards him and gripping his cock between her legs, guiding it toward her pussy as she steadied herself. He might not have been the first big cock she'd sucked but he would be the first one she'd taken inside… "You're going to stretch me out with this big thing!" she hissed, feeling him stretch her as his tip slipped inside. "Ahh-OoooHOO…" she dropped on his lap, taking him all in one go…

Which was a great decision and a terrible mistake. She shuddered wildly in pleasure as she clenched her teeth, her pussy clinging tightly to him as she raised herself up, gripping his knees tightly as he grabbed the crumpled costume at her waist, "Ahh… ahh… oooh… shit…" she gasped, eyes rolling up into her head as her body bounced up and down. "Oooh… OOho!" she was slow and steady, her ass cheeks clapping on his lap as he twitched with each drop.

"Haa… ahh-oooh my… ooooh!" he groaned, his length bulging inside her as she sped up.

"NNgh! Nngh! Nngh!! Shi-IIIT…" she hissed, her mouth opening wide as her body jiggled and bounced, her firm breasts bouncing up and down on her chest as her fingers sunk into his knees. "NNGh-aaaahh!" she gasped, slamming down and shaking as she moaned. "Haaa-aaahhhh-uck…" she gasped… then sighed. "Oooooh…" her body shuddered in orgasm as she laughed, brushing a sweaty strand of her recently purpled hair and wiggling on his lap as he twitched again…

"Feels so good…" he managed to mumble as she bit her bottom lip and began moving again.

"Ahh-ahh-haaa-aaah…" silently determined to get the kid off. "Come on baby…" she breathed, "Come! On!" she gyrated on his lap, feeling his cock rub around inside her as she shivered. "Get all up in that pussy!" she began bouncing again, "Ah-aah-aah-aah-AaaaAHHHh…" she slammed down on him, "OOooh…" feeling him pulsated.

"Uuugh!! Ugh-huuuuh…"

"Hooo…" she tossed her head, running her hands through her hair as she felt him pump his cum into her. "Oooh…" she closed her eyes, feeling his massive load stuff her as she smiled over her shoulder coyly. "Not bad huh?" she grinned, feeling him twitch as he began fondling her ass checks. "Pheew!" she laughed, shaking her hair out again before leaning forward…

PLOP! His cock slipped right out of her tight insides as she slid her ass up his stomach, gripping his cock and briefly slurping on his tip, leaving a small dollop of his cum on his chest as she popped off his body and strutted naked around the room. Stretching her arms and legs like she was in an aerobics video.

"MMN…" she glanced over her shoulder, shaking her rear lightly as she winked. "Well… how was that?"

"AWESOME." He declared proudly.

"MMm-hmmn!" she winked. "Hooo…" she turned, hands on her hips and crumpled dress as she smirked confidently. "So… are you good? Or do you want to try leading?" she asked strutting to the armchair, and bending over. Putting her hands on the arms and swaying her rear invitingly.

Lil'Rich$ stared at that ass like a young man who liked ass and had access to it. So he was up on his feet pretty quick, his massive pornstar dick twitching to life as he spread her ass cheeks himself. "MMn…" she moaned pushing herself back against him as he guided his length to her dripping pussy and pushed it in.

"OOoh!" she moaned appropriately as he pushed into her, mesmerized by the rippling of her ass cheeks as he bounced off it with her hips. "Ooh Shit! Getting! Deep!" she panted cheerfully, "AH! Uugh…" she slapped herself back against him as his hands slipped from her ass to her skirt. "Ooh-OH! Don't! Rip it!" she grinned playfully.

It would come out of her paycheck.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" she grunted, as his length pulsated warningly again. "Cum on baby! Come on!" she gasped as he pushed forward, slamming into her as he fell forward. "Ooooh!" she shivered against him as he fell on her back. "That a boooy…" she moaned erotically. "Let it all out."

"Haa-aahhh…" he sighed, pushing into her as he drained himself. Then pulled out abruptly with a groan. "Oooh… I think I liked it better when you did it." he sighed as she laughed.

"I bet you did!" she stood up, dripping cum down her leg. "Lazy jerk." She then threw him onto the chair. "Just because you got a big dick that makes you a big man?" she scolded, already climbing onto him and pushing her tits into his face.

"No!" he managed, muffled in her cleavage, going back from confident to nervous virgin as she slipped his half-hard length right back in, planting her legs against the chair arms as she bounced herself on his cock, "Haa-Ahh-aahh-OOooh…" gripping the back of the chair as his arms hooked around on her mid-back, her ass bouncing hard on his lap. "Ugh! Ughh… ooooh!"

He went limp beneath her as she rode him, his body shaking as she clenched her teeth, hissing through them as she threw her head back and gasped. "Aah-Aaagh!!" slamming her hips down and taking another shot of cum… only significantly more diminished as his cock shrunk and slipped free from her pussy, cum drooling over his length as she sighed. "OOoh…" she glanced briefly over her shoulders as the glass wall…

She had an odd feeling of being watched, but then she realized that that was half the fun. Besides those buildings were MILES away and what were the odds somebody was watching them right now?

"MMN!" she slid off the chair as he sighed contentedly, somewhere between space and nirvana as she chuckled. She was oddly proud of her work… she lightly patted his limp dick as she strutted away. "Hooo…" her eyes glanced at the clock, and she smiled. "Alright then… I hope you enjoyed yourself…" she declared. "I'm going to borrow your bathroom."

She got into the luxurious bath, then shut the door. "NNngh…" she groaned, "SHIT that dick was big!" she walked oddly into the shower. "I'm NEVER going to get used to that…" she grumbled, then laughed good naturedly, letting the costume fall to the floor.

Lil'Rich$ groaned and came out of his orgasm coma and glanced around for the hot piece of ass that got him off so spectacularly. He got up and walked dazedly around for a moment when the bathroom door popped open and she snapped the dress top over her breasts, smiling prettily at him with wet purple hair. "Okay!" she held out her hand, "This is the part where you pay for the 'delivery'" she said pleasantly, as he blinked.

"We're done?"

"Yeah baby we're done." She smiled, "Come on… or am I getting it from your bodyguard?"

"Uh… hold on…" he mumbled retrieving his boxes as his cock dangled between his leg as he walked into the bedroom. Awkwardly pulling his boxers back on as she watched… he retrieved some cash from a suitcase, then returned handing her a fistful of bills as her eyes widened.

…That was DEFINETELY more than a what she charged for a spring break blowjob.

She smiled and kissed his ski-mask forehead as she let her fingers flick through the bills. Enjoying the sound of the bills slapping together as she strutted away, "See you around sexy!" she cheered. Opening the door.

The bodyguard was snoring outside the room, arms crossed over his chest and his legs sticking out to the opposite wall as she kicked his sneakers. "SNORT! Wha-?" he blinked blearily before glancing at her. "Heeeey." He grinned getting to his feet as she winked, stuffing the bills into her boot.

"Hey. All done…" she declared, slapping his check. "He's all 'man' now…" she noted playfully, strutting to the elevator as he opened the door and walked in cheering with muffled words. She didn't really care anymore getting to and waiting for the elevator as it dinged open. Revealing some other people going about their evenings, staring at her elaborate costume/dress as she smiled playfully. "Evening." She grinned, the doors shutting behind her as more than a few of her elevator riders stared at her behind.

Time: 9:54 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Circe returned to the 'Happy first time' banner and a collective 'congratulations' and smirked up at it, "You guys just have that?" she asked playfully as Katie rolled it up.

"We've used it a lot." Grace noted sagely, as it was stuffed away in its usual spot.

Circe put the stack on the counter as Orders divided it up and pushed the rest back to her. She whistled softly. It was still way more than random blowjobs and that was only for an hour of work… plus the tips, and being paid hourly as a waitress? She'd be raking it in… she might be able to move out of that communal toilet she'd been living in with five other students.

"Something the matter Phoebe?" asked Orders casually as 'Circe' glanced up, staring at the bills for a longer moment then she thought.

"No, just calculating how many hours I'd need to work here to move into a single apartment." she smiled. "And maybe I can send money back to mom!"

"What, does she live in the old country?" asked Yaya playfully, walking in from the floor.

"No, she lives in Metropolis." Phoebe replied casually, "But I borrowed a lot of money from my parents this month… let's see…" she started to count, trying to do math in her head as Orders waved her down.

"…Hold on a moment. Veronica." Orders announced as the lusty redhead skipped into the room and smiled at Orders, her skirt bouncing with her revealing as usual, no underwear, however Orders will yell at her for that later. "Do math…" she pointed to Phoebe.

"Oooh!" Veronica giggled sweetly, "Okay!" she approached Phoebe. "Tell me what you need?" she said as Phoebe blinked.

"Uh…" she turned to Orders confused, from what she knew of Veronica and what she did… 'math' wasn't the first thing that came to her head right away.

"Veronica does everyone's taxes." Orders explained, staring at the friendly grinning Veronica. "…It's simpler that way."

"She does all our taxes?" Phoebe replied with surprising skepticism.

"She's a certified accountant." Orders noted admittedly as Veronica nodded

"Totally certified!" she replied happily. "So just tell me your numbers, what you want, and a time frame…" she said as Phoebe nodded.

"Sure, uh… do you want a piece of paper or-"

"No, I got it." Veronica replied simply, tapping her pretty head.


"When I said Veronica does all our taxes." Orders noted almost proudly. "I mean she does ALL our taxes… in her head. Sometimes at the same time, for FUN." Veronica just had a massive grin on her pretty face.

Phoebe stared at Veronica amazed. "…And you work here?" Phoebe replied with a smile.

"…I suck more dicks here." Veronica replied, very confused. "Why wouldn't I work here?" she added as Phoebe coughed.

"…You got me there…"

"Try not to think about it." Orders replied, "…You meet all sorts of people working for me." Orders replied as Phoebe and Veronica got to work on Phoebe's future. A very sexy and lucrative one indeed.

