
Catered Party: The Mighty Endowed, Silver Banshee, Killer Frost

I don't own DC

"We got a party!" cheered Big Barda as Orders rubbed her forehead grumbling quietly as she saw the night as the girls assembled for the payday. She put the phone on the hook glaring at Big Barda as most of the girls assembled.

"Who gets to go?" Wonder Woman asked as Orders waved them down.

"…Killer Frost, Mighty Endowed, and Silver Banshee…"

"Banshee?" asked a collection of the girls as Silver Banshee hopped to her punk clad feet.

"Feck Off BITCHES!" she approached the front desk with Mighty and Frost, grinning proudly as Orders snorted, then turned her attention to Killer Frost.

"Do I have to say you're the one in charge?" she asked as Killer Frost shrugged, Big Barda grinning.

"Probably, so Banshee can't deny her later."

"Feck off Big Bitch." Silver Banshee declared as Orders glared at her pointing at Frost with one hand and rubbed her forehead with the other.

"Killer Frost is in charge, don't fuck it up."

"Yeah Yeah…" Silver Banshee grumbled as three massive bags of food slid out across the counter in front of them. "…Shite." She replied with a laugh at the heavy bags as each girl took one, Killer Frost took the keys, and they all packed up the food into the van.

"You'd think they were actually having a party." Mighty Endowed noted with a nervous grin as Silver Banshee scoffed.

"Shotgun!" she declared, rushing to the passenger's seat as they got in the car and drove off.

Just outside of Gotham Heights was a small mansion, the streets outside were filled with dozens of parked cars, and outside were people dressed in average, everyday clothes… dancing, mingling, there were even a few party games going around. This was an ACTUAL party…

"Huh…" Silver Banshee glanced out the front windshield as Killer Frost parked the Superbabes van. "…Are we going to have to have sex with all of them?" she asked rather amusedly as Killer Frost checked the receipt, with Mighty glancing over her shoulder, curious and a bit nervous.

"…I know I've been 'training' but I don't think we could take all of them…" she noted hesitantly.

"…Veronica probably could, given enough time and willing participants." Killer Frost snarked but she held up the receipt. "Orders says find 'Aiden'. I think he placed the order so let's just get the food and walk to the front door…"

"Heh. Maybe the little shite's being extra greedy." Silver Banshee grinned, as they all exited the van to get the food. "Three sexy bitches all to himself…"

"It wouldn't be surprising…" Killer Frost noted as they walked in a line through the open front gates. "But it's only happened once since I started working here…" she said as a few of the people waved friendly to them, some complimenting their costumes… Most just staring at their bodies… particularly the mammary marvel that was Mighty.

"How'd that turn out?" asked Mighty curiously as they made their way to the front door of the mansion.

"Guy burnt himself out with Vixen, and awkwardly tried to keep it up for the other girls…" Killer Frost chuckled, "He paid for three girls for two hours when he could've just done the one…" she raised her hand with the other girls and they knocked.


Time: 9:24 PM. Place: Gotham Heights (Mansion Party)

"Special Delivery Service." They said as the crowd drowned out their catchphrase with music and partying.

A stiff older man in a tux opened the door and stared at them with a bushy mustache, inside the mansion were much quieter partygoers, still drinking but merely chatting and having a polite but drunken conversation as opposed to the outside where music was blaring and cheers from the impromptu game of volleyball were overwhelming.

"Greetings ladies." He said poshly, as he stepped aside and welcomed them in. "…May I take your delivery?" he asked.

"Fecking probably." Silver Banshee noted but Killer Frost elbowed her, a pair of servants collected the bags of food and promptly went back outside, walking over to a collection of tables filled with yet more party food. "…Huh."

"We are…" Killer Frost eyed the receipt again. "Looking for 'Aiden'?"

The butler nodded slowly, a curious look on his face but he shrugged. "I shall call for him."

"No need Bernard. I'm here. I expected them…" a young man with reddish brown hair and a rather youthful face approached. He dressed like the outside partiers but spoke like an inside partier. His eyes widened immediately upon getting a close-up view of Mighty's mighty cleavage, but he collected himself. "Please go back to distracting mother and sister he said bitterly as Bernard nodded.

"Very good sir."

"Sup." Silver Banshee noted as Bernard left them alone and he waved for them to follow him to a quiet study room of to the side. The partiers outside and the music blaring was somewhat muffled as he closed the door and excitedly looked at them all.

"Hey. Is the 'Delivery Service' REAL?" he asked quickly as Killer Frost raised a dyed icy blue eyebrow.


He grinned as Silver Banshee scoffed. "Alright then... Listen…" he said, checking the door as if afraid someone would enter unnoticed. "…Across the hall, there's a game room." He said, looking at Frost and Banshee, "And right now there are THREE guys in there…" Killer Frost smirked and Silver Banshee laughed as Mighty took a steadying breath.

"…And we're to entertain them?" Killer Frost said with a sensual purr as he coughed and frowned.

"…If you want… but the real goal? Is to tire them out. EXHAUST them…" he said as Silver Banshee laughed.

"Oh… no fecking problem." She added. "We'll suck them dry." She added grinning almost evilly as he nodded.

"They don't know I ordered you so you may have to… trick them into sex?" he said as the girls laughed.

"What the feck are you going on about?" Silver Banshee laughed dismissively.

"We don't have to trick ANYONE into having sex." Killer Frost declared confidently, running her hands down her own body for emphasis.

But he waved his hands. "Fine. Whatever just make it so they're exhausted."

"…Why?" Mighty asked suddenly as he blinked at her, stared at her, then managed to collect himself

"Because they're assholes." He replied coldly, as Silver Banshee laughed.

"Then why are they here?"

"Because they're assholes sleeping with my step-mother and step-sister. The recent models of gold-digging 'boy toys' that they've picked up."

"…Okay… but… why do we have to have sex with them?" Mighty noted as Silver Banshee shrugged.

"Who cares as long as he pays up?" she replied pointing to with her thumb Aiden and Killer Frost kinda agreed with her on that one.

"Because I intend to frame them for ordering you." He said simply as the girls eyed him, "And then I intend to blackmail my step-mother and step-sister into admitting it to my FATHER so he restricts their 'fun time money'. He said coldly, crossing his arms. "Or divorces them, I don't really care which as long as they stop bleeding my father dry so they can fuck over-priced gigolos."

"…Hang on this is some kinda freaky… what do they call it?" Silver Banshee grumbled. "it's one of those trope things Harley's always going on about."

"Grey Ghost Gambit." Killer Frost laughed, "Clever if it works… fine." She grinned at the other two. "Let's go to work girls."

"Oh… uh…" he suddenly reached around Mighty's waist, blushing as he held her to him. "…I'm uh… I'm going to keep her." he said pointing to Mighty as Killer Frost and Silver Banshee laughed, Mighty rolling her eyes as he gazed into her breasts. "…What?"

"Seriously?" Killer Frost grinned, "After all that build up?"

"…I just want to enjoy my own order…" he mumbled, "…I'm paying for it…"

"Whatever…" Silver Banshee cracked her knuckles, "Go have fun with her big tits we'll be done in an hour… just have the cash all ready."

"You can uh…" he mumbled, "Find us upstairs, the third room on the right… just knock when you're done."

They all left the study as Mighty fawned against him, the inside partiers too drunk to notice or simply didn't care stood or talked conversationally as Killer Frost and Silver Banshee strutted confidently through the hall to the obvious game room as Mighty and Aiden took a turn up the steps.

Killer Frost and Silver Banshee.

"Ah, it's always the tits…" Silver Banshee mumbled as they watched Mighty and Aiden disappear into the room, it could just barely be seen from their angle as Killer Frost shrugged.

"Well, ours are nice too."

"Yeah but they aren't fecking massive…" she said miming Mighty's size over her own breasts. "If I had girls like those I'd be selling like hotcakes. Killer Frost laughed, hand on the golden doorknob that led to the game room.

"…Two of us, three of them?"

"Yeah. Easy." Silver Banshee grinned, "…You take two all the time with those twin regulars of yours yeah?"

"Yep." Mumbled Frost as she opened the door and they both entered. "Easy."

A dashing dark-skinned Latin Adonis looked up from his shot, the three of them were playing pool… and suddenly Killer Frost was in her element. The other two were a pair of dark-haired twins, completely identical… they had a slight gothy, punk rocker look to them. The kind of guys that a rebelling teen girl might date to piss off their parents.

The Latin Adonis was dressed up like one of the servers that had taken their food… Silver Banshee assumed he was the one the step-mother was cheating with, and the twin punk rockers were the ones going after the daughter…

It's not necessarily relevant but she had that reversed… the daughter was banging the Adonis and the twins were switching off on the mother. Good try though Banshee.

"…Hello boys…" smiled Killer Frost grinning, approaching the rack of pool cues and taking one. "Oooh… is this a private game or can anyone play?"

Silver Banshee, a foul-mouthed psycho Irish bitch most of the time. Could look moderately pretty when she smiled… she strutted to a large velvet couch, the eyes of the twins following her punk undead looking girl ass as she dropped smugly on the couch, winking at them…

"…I suppose…" grinned the Adonis, standing up. "We could start again…" he said, eyeing Killer Frost's tight unitard body.

"MMMn… this is a PARTY though…" she said as she smirked, stroking the pool cue suggestively, leaning against it with her lips against it. "…And I want to make it… interesting…"

"Interesting how?" the Adonis asked, as he began to collect the balls.

"Us… against you boys." She smiled, "A bit of… STRIP pool."

The goth twins, young and impressionable were suddenly VERY interested in the girls taking off their clothes. The Adonis, tall, dark older, and handsome, had an odd look on his face for a moment, but it quickly vanished as Killer Frost smiled seductively at him… and he had the same interested look on his face, eying her up.

"And how do you play?" he asked interestedly as she sat her soft ass on the edge of the pool, grabbing a pair of balls on the table and once again, suggestively fondled them. Rolling them on the green felt with expert skill as she smirked at him.

…She used to do this shit ALL the time when she hustled pool. It's a real distraction… playing with a guy's balls.

"…Every time we scratch…" she said softly, "Or sink the wrong team's ball…" she said, "One of us has to strip." She said as Silver Banshee laughed.

"Oh, that's kinky…" she purred in her Irish accent.

"And uh…" one of the goth twins asked, his voice a little raspy. "What happens if nobody does?"

Killer Frost purred. "…Then the losers strip." She smiled, before licking her lips. "SOMEBODY's going to get naked…" she said knowingly. As the other twin, his voice just as raspy yanked the ball rack off the table as she smiled.

"I'm game."

"You two will just have to take turns…" she gestured to the twins. "I'll go first…" she smiled playfully, taking the chalk and SLOWLY twisting it on the cue tip, before taking her aim at the cue-ball, and POP!

It sunk straight into the corner pocket, missing the balls entirely "WHOOPS…" she smiled… "Silly me! It's been awhile…"

"And you've had a few." Giggled Banshee getting up, "I got you." She said smugly, then she slowly pulled off her black jacket, showing off her arms and cleavage in her half-shirt. "Don't let it happen again…" she purred, leaning on the table. As the twins stared eagerly at her body…

"No promises!" she smiled, glancing at the Adonis, who had been checking out her ass as she bent over the pool table. "…I don't suppose you'll let me take another shot?"

"…I don't see why not…" he said, still eyeing her leotard wrapped behind as she retrieved the ball.

"…How nice of you…"

Mighty Endowed

"You realize your plan is a little insane right?" Mighty asked as he led her to the room, opening the door as she 'bounced' right in ahead of him.

"A little… but consider this." He said, pointing left. "Outside party? Stepmother's. Inside Party. Stepsister's." he said, pointing right. Gesturing to outside and inside the house. "They also look like less attractive and elaborate versions of your friends." He said calmly as Mighty glanced around his fairly average but still somewhat affluent room. Kind of reminded her of a scaled-down version of James Hex's house… the rich old man who she may or may not keep the regular company of…

"Alright then." She noted, trying not to think about alternate versions of her coworkers, and turned around, "Ooh…" she gasped as he buried his face between her big breasts, she sighed, laughing exasperatedly. "Getting right to it?" he guided her backward towards his bed, she flopped onto the fluffy mattress with him on top of her ass he sighed, pushing his face deeper into her cleavage as he pushed her breasts against his youthful face.

"…I would like to be spoiled." He declared muffled into her tits as she laughed. "…Just a little while."

"MMmn…" she sighed softly, her legs sensually rubbing against his, her hands lifting his shirt slowly up his back as she purred in his ear. "I'll spoil you…" she whispered huskily as she felt his above-average sized length throb against her inner thighs. Not 'Raven approved' but 'Raven considered'…

Suddenly he was on his back as she rolled over him, smothering him with her tits as he moaned quietly beneath her, she laughed playfully, shaking her chest as she 'whapped' him with her heavy mammaries, he moaned into her cleavage, hands on her back and pushing her against him as her mane of strawberry blonde hair framed her face.

"…I can spoil you more?"

"…Mmmn-hmmn…" he moaned, kissing what cleavage he could from between her boob window as she smiled… and pushed off, straddling him as she slowly undid her suit… it fell away like a peeled banana as her big, wonderful breasts wobbled firmly from their bindings, her firm nipples and wide areole twitching excitedly as she fell back onto his face.

He trembled excitedly beneath her, a full-on smother of real massive breasts sending him to heaven as he rubbed her bare smooth back. "Much better?" she cooed, gasping softly as his lips found her nipples and he nursed off her, sucking and slurping pleasantly as her sensitive breasts informed the rest of her body that she LIKED how his tongue felt tending to her tits. "MMMngh!!" she cooed, putting her full weight onto him, licking her lips as she rubbed his reddish-brown hair. "Suck ALL you want… the other girls are going to need some time…" before feeling his cock throb against her leg again, "And you have me ALL to yourself…"

His covered tip found her soft mound through her uniform and she smiled, that was all just going to have to come off.

"Ah!" he gasped forlornly as she popped her tit out of his mouth and slid off the bed, "I wasn't… done." He stared as she stood on the floor, pushing the suit down the rest of the way, bouncing and jiggling her huge tits up and down as she did, hopping in place as she tossed her hair, before standing naked before him. Kicking away her suit next to her removed boots before falling back onto him, shoving her other tit into his mouth as he was immediately silenced, and happily nursing on her again…

"MMMn…" she patted his head. "Much better…" she giggled, smothering him fully again. They lied together on the bed, occasionally, she switched nipples, but he really did just want to be spoiled, his hands rubbed sensually on her naked body as she squeezed her tits slowly, pushing more of them into his suckling mouth as she cooed… his cock still poking at her shaven pussy. Something she had to maintain to provide the 'illusion' that she was a natural strawberry blonde…

But to be perfectly honest, while she would happily lie here and let him nurse on her until Silver Banshee and Killer Frost were done with his 'plan'… she was getting kinda bored… and horny. Her tits being an obvious sensitive erogenous zone. She wouldn't say he was driving her to a sex-crazed state, but she would rather pass the time a bit more entertainingly where they were both having fun instead of constantly switching her nipples in his mouth.


"Ah…" he gasped as saliva dripped from her well-sucked tits, her nipples trembling as she ran her hands over her curves.

"Okay… it's been fun." She began softly as he looked a little concerned. "…But how about I REALLY spoil you?" she asked rubbing his chest with her hands now as she pushed up his shirt…

"…How?" he asked, gazing longingly at her tits as she smiled getting off him.

"…Lie at the head of the bed…" she said, crawling on the bed as her big breasts swayed beneath her. He himself soon crawled to the head, "Lie on your back…" she said patiently as he did so, his erection more apparent as she grabbed his pants, and pulled them down… his cock wobbling free like a flagpole in high wind as she crawled next to him… then, lowering herself over him, she let her breasts rub over his face, down his chest, then lying on top of him in a nice and safe Sixty-Nine.

His hand wrapped around his shaft, slowly stroking him as she cupped his sack with the other hand. "Haaa…" he shuddered as she breathed heavily on his tip, before slipping out her tongue and sliding around the tip. "MMnn…" she wrapped her lips around his tip, suckling like he did not too long ago before, "Mwah!" she popped off, then dropped her lower body on his face, feeling his nose on her pussy as she purred, stroking him slowly. "It's only fair." She purred. "Just give it a LICK." She purred as his hands slid onto her ass, squeezed, then he ran his tongue along her pussy. "Ooooh just like that…" she replied, before opening her mouth and engulfing his cock. "MMMn-MMMN…" up and down, slowly, taking his length into her throat as she fondled his sack.

His cock pulsated between her lips as she wiggled her behind over his face, his tongue sliding in and out as she shuddered in pleasure, her big tits bouncing on his stomach as her head rolled up and down. Twisting and turning with her fist as it too slid up and down his shaft.

"Haa-AHHH…" he groaned as she sat on his face, her arousal dripping on his cheeks as she slid her head to the tip and rapidly rubbed her hand up and down, squeezing his sack as she SLURPED noisily. "Haa!"

"MMMn-MMN!!" she bobbed her head quickly on his tip as she stroked out his load, "MMngh… mmph…" His cock bulged in her stroking hand as she milked him, his thick salty load oozing onto her tongue as she licked his tip. "MMmn-mmn…" she pulled away, "MMph…" his cock limp in her hand as she tilted her head back and- "GULP!" her throat bobbed as his cock twitched and she shuddered. "Haaa…" she sighed, rolling off his face as he groaned with a grin on his lips.

She lied on her side, smiling erotically at him as she lifted her leg, exposing her pussy as she rubbed herself slowly, spreading her wet lower lips as she licked her cock stroking fingers with her tongue. "…When's the last time you had your balls drained like that?" she asked with a sensual purr. "Oh!" he was on her again, already sucking her tits as she laughed. "Oooh! Really?!" she giggled as he squeezed her huge tits greedily with his hands, his cock rubbing against her leg again as he ground his body against her, suckling on her nipples in turn as she cooed.

"Spoil me more…" he groaned eagerly as she laughed.

"I'll spoil you lots!" she replied, "MMnng! Suck my tits…" she purred as he happily did so. "MMmn…" she squeezed them together with her forearms, rubbing his head into them as she felt his cock throb against her. "…Put it in." she hissed softly, feeling his cock against her pussy.

"Mmngh?!" he asked with a mouthful of tit as she added.

"…You payed for it, play with it." she replied as he pushed his cock slowly into her, "Ahh, yes…" she cooed, wrapping a leg around him, pulling him in and out of her as he continued to play with her tits. "Ooh yeah… JUST like that… nice and slow… take your time." She cooed softly, "Nnngh!" she shuddered erotically, "Make me FEEL that dick…" she cooed as he slurped loudly on her nipples, sending another surge through her as he toyed with her sensitive tits.

He jammed deep into her with a quick thrust as she moaned, before rapidly slapping his hips against hers as she gasped and moaned, "Haa! Haa! Auh!! Oooh!! mmMN!!!" she shuddered as she squeezed her tits around his face as he kept pumping his hips. Feeling his cock throb inside her as he squeezed her breasts. "Haa!? Gonna… cum? Gonna cum inside me? While you have your face buried in my tits?!" she breathed, "Haa! HAa!!"

He pushed into her harder, her legs shaking as she squeezed him, "Haa!!"

She climaxed, clenching around his cock as he pushed it as DEEP as he could, pinning himself to her as she felt his hot breath between her cleavage as if he was trying to absorb himself into her. His hips bucking against her as he pumped her full of his load, "Ah yeah… AHHh…" she sighed erotically, as he ground his body against her. "MMMn!"

"Haaa…" he sighed, lying on top of her briefly, before lifting his face from her cleavage, pushing her big tits together, and promptly dove back down.

"Ha-ha-ha!" she laughed melodiously as he motorboated her tits, letting his tongue lolling like a maniac as she pushed herself up, writhing beneath him.

"God I love these TITS!!" he praised as she laughed again. Lovingly slurping her nipples into her mouth, licking and sucking them again as she cooed, "I could HAPPILY suck on them forever…"

"MMMn I might let you…" she purred erotically, lying her arms above her head as he greedily sucked on her nipples. She was nice and content now, a nice, good FUCKING really relaxed her nowadays. "OOoh!" she was suddenly pulled upright, she tossed her hair with a laugh as she sat on his lap, his hands on his ass as she pushed her tits together around his face and he began to lift her gently up and down, "Haa-Ahhh… mmmn…" she cooed, riding his lap.

…She wouldn't say that she was fat or anything but he clearly wasn't used to lifting a FULL grown woman with tits bigger than his head. So she helped him a bit. Hands set on his shoulders, arms pushing her tits together the way he obviously liked, around his face, she lifted herself up and down on his cock. "Haa-Ahh-Ahh-MMN!!" she panted as he throbbed inside her, awkwardly thrusting up his hips as she rolled her head back, "Haa-AHHH!!" her hips gyrating on his lap as his cock thrashed around inside her.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh fuck me!" she panted exotically, slamming her hips down as she came… then clenching around him he came with her, "Haaa-AHH!!"

"MMMPGh!!" his hands went back to her tits, for half a second she was starting to wonder if she was cutting off his air supply with the amount of time he spent in there… but he pulled away with a gasp, his cock twitching inside her as he once again let it all out. "Haa-damn it…" he sighed, resting on her tits like a pillow as she laughed, rubbing his head again.

"It felt good baby…" she replied calmingly as he grunted.

"No not that… I want more…" he groaned, rubbing his face into her tits.

"MMMn… who says you can't have more?" she growled erotically, "I said I'll spoil you… I'll give you as much as you want…" she replied sensually, rubbing his hair again as she felt his cock twitch inside her. "You bought me, baby make me work for it…" she growled softly as he squeezed her ass cheeks and-

"Oi… shite-head. We're done, so pay up…" Silver Banshee and Killer Frost walked into the room… Banshee's face-paint was smeared and running from quite a lot of sweat, and she wasn't wearing her shirt, just her jacket with the shirt slung over her shoulder and her breasts almost hanging out… Killer Frost was no less disheveled, but she at least looked presentable, but she carried her boots and gloves in one hand, the suit hastily pulled over her body.

"…Can it wait?" he asked as Mighty pulled his face back into his chest.

"…Yeah, we can wait…" Killer Frost replied lazily, checking a convenient clock mounted on the wall. They'll just have to charge him for two hours.

Little over an hour earlier.

CRACK. The balls slipped around the table as Killer Frost smacked the cue ball with less than her usual precision. Not sinking any balls on the first shot before Adonis took his turn, easily lining up a solid, and sinking it. Killer Frost, full of some professional pride at her pool game, sunk a few more before, "Whoops!"

She sunk the cue-ball and sighed. "Well, I guess it's my turn." She declared, and with the three less than reputable men watching… she unzipped her suit. Standing completely naked as if it was nothing, skipping out of it as it hit the floor, jiggling and wiggling girlishly as she pranced around.

"Could've started with your boots." Silver Banshee replied smugly with a grin.

"…Oh would you look at that?" she smiled as if just remembering she was still wearing boots. "…Next time." She replied calmly as if it really mattered anymore. But while naked she was significantly more distracting and attractive. Leaning against her pool cue in front of Adonis as he tried to make his less than expert shots.

"Hee… you're pretty shite." Silver Banshee grinned maliciously as Adonis missed his shot, but Killer Frost sunk her easily… but then.

"whoops." She then smirked at Silver Banshee as the goth twins stared at her. "Your turn?"

"My turn huh?" smirked Banshee, shaking her tight black leather-wrapped ass for the twins, "Alright…" Off came her top. Her big breasts freed as she tossed the shirt lazily on Goth twin number 2. She bounced them together with her arms, leaning on the pool table… "Well? Keep shooting."

But Adonis, significantly confident at first was just… not caring anymore. Clearly, these sultry, beautiful girls came for a GOOD time and they were just screwing with them now… and if he was taking a guess, a correct one, in fact. He imagined they just wanted to SCREW them… but he missed his next shot. And as if on cue.

"Whoops!" Killer Frost declared and Off went her boots, leaving her in only her gloves as she smiled sultrily.

"…Why don't you uh…" grinned Adonis toothily, eyeing her up and down. "Why don't you just take another shot?"

"Oh, how kind of you…" she said, pulling out the ball, "mmmn…" she rubbed it against her cheek, before rolling it across the pool table for Banshee, "Hey Banshee. Make this shot for me?"

"Sure." Smirked Silver Banshee, just slapping the cue ball into the closest pocket as Killer Frost added a rather bored.


Silver Banshee, bent forward, pushing her bare ass out to the goth twins as they gazed EAGERLY at her nice firm ass, all that roller derbying and ass-kicking really brought out the definition. She clapped her gloved hands on her ass cheeks before standing up, tossing her punk styled white hair and grinning her skull painted face off.

"…Alright are we done fecking teasing them?" she turned around, licking her black lips. "Look do you shites want to fuck or what?" she rubbed her pussy, leaning on the table and moaning as they lecherously stared with wide grins on their faces. "Cause I want to FUCK…" she snarled.

"SHIT yeah." Hissed Twin one getting eagerly to his feet and dropping his pants, which had silly chains on them and revealing his average sized dick. He approached Banshee who grinned smugly and put her boot on his chest, easily shoving him back to the couch.

"SIT! Fecker…" she snarled dropping from the table and approaching him, grabbing his throbbing cock as he moaned, stroking him slowly as she sneered into his face. "I'm fucking you, you're not fucking me…"

As Banshee toyed with her new 'friends' Killer Frost distracted Adonis by dropping to her knees, he managed out a surprised, "Oooh…" before resting first on hand on her head, then letting his cue hit the floor with a clatter as he rested his other hand on it… she removed his cock from his work pants, licking her lips before sliding her tongue along his shaft. He was uncircumcised, and not very 'special' in the size department…

But wrapping both hands around his cock she slipped her tongue beneath his 'hood' before wrapping her lips around it and sliding down his length. "MMN-mMMN!!"

"Ahh… yeah…" he sighed, guiding her head as he slowly pumped his hips back and forth. "MMMn… you wanted this all along huh?" he grinned lecherously, "Who am I to say no to head like this!?"

"MMMn-Hmmn…" her eyes twinkled playfully up at him as she let him guide her head up and down. "MMMnn…mmnaaahhh…" she pulled off his cock, flicking her tongue on his tip as he sighed. "…Like that?" she purred sensually as he groaned, pulling her head back to his tip as she slowly sucked on him again.

"Shit this is the best head I've ever had…" he sighed, resting a hand on the pool table. "Come on girl you came here wanting it… get some more…" He groaned softly, "Ah yeah… suck on it."


"Ugh!! UGH!!" he grunted, bucking wildly. "Cumming! Swallow it!" he held her head on his tip as he stroked himself, "Uugh!" Spraying her mouth, "Oooh you're a thirsty bitch aren't you?"

"MMMn-hmmn." She moaned playfully, nodding her head as she gulped his load quickly. "Ahhh…" she sighed, sticking out her empty tongue as he pulled from her lips. "…So thirsty…" she cooed, rubbing her pussy as she squatted on her heels. "…Gonna let me drink some more?" she purred, as his cock jumped back to life with a few quick throbs and she rubbed her cheek against his tip.

Silver Banshee straddled Goth twin #1, rubbing his cock with her fingerless gloves against her stomach as she licked her black lips again. "Hope you're ready shite-head. Cause I got a few itches to SCRATCH…" she clawed his shirt before lifting herself up and slamming down roughly on his lap. "FECK yeah…" she sneered, "Haa-Haa-HAaa…" the couch shuddered with the forceful droppings on her hips, "NNgh. FUCk me… NNGH! FUCK! ME!!" she grunted as Goth Twin #2 eagerly watched.

"Like that?" she sneered, slamming herself up and down on Twin #1. "Like being FUCKED by a real bitch?" she growled, laughing as he grabbed her hips, pulling her down on him harder, faster, pushing up into her body as she pushed him hard on the couch and leaned forward, "Hey. You…" she glared at Twin #2. "I got another hole that needs filling…" she growled hungrily, spreading her pale ass cheeks with her black fingerless gloved hands. "What?" she sneered mockingly at him. "…Never FUCKED a woman in the ass? What the feck are you waiting for?"

Twin #2 scrambled to get behind her, unsure of himself as she grabbed his shirt, "FUCK ME." She snarled as he pushed his cock into her ass… he might have been unsure before, but he was more than eager now. "Ugh! FUCK! YEAH! NNGH!!" she pushed herself upright as he reached around to squeeze her tits, her body rocking back and forth, "Yeah! FUCK! YEAH!!! Pound my fecking holes!!"

Slapping wildly in and out of her awkwardly, clearly they've never double penetrated ANY woman before, their thrusts were not in sync. But Silver Banshee's exotic wailing and wild gyrations made up for it. "UGH! FUCK! FUCK!! FECKING FUCK!! HARDER! Pin me down and FUCK me bitches!"

As if acting more on instincts than her instructions Twin #2 pinned her down against his brother, pushing on her back and yanking her punk silver hair as she hissed through her teeth, but tightened around them both, their cock throbbing and jamming inside her as she grunted and growled like an animal.

"NNHG!! NNGH!! That's it! Fucking make me FEEL your fecking DICKS!! Come! ON! Come! ON! CUM!! ON!!!" she shrieked, roaring her climax as they slammed deep into her holes and pumped her full of cum.

"Ooh!!" Killer Frost was lifted and dropped onto the pool table, smiling she leaned back and spread her legs as Adonis took his raging erection in hand and slipped between her spread legs, shoving his cock against her silky pussy as she gasped. "Ahh…"

"You like playing with balls don't you?"

"MMMn…" she fondled a few pool balls under her hands as she laughed. "I LOVE playing with balls. YEAH!" she hissed as he grabbed her hips and pulled her on his cock, the balls on the table shifting as she growled. "MMN! More." Pump. "More." Pump. "Come on!" she growled, gazing into his eyes as his hips began to buck faster, and faster. "Yeaaah…" she sighed, moaning as she rubbed her breasts, slowly falling back onto the green felt and lying across the pool table as the balls clacked and shifted as he pumped his hips. "Do it. Do it. Fuck me." She chanted rhythmically with his thrusts, her breasts bouncing on her chest as the pool table shifted under her, her legs flopping over the edge of the table as he kept thrusting into her.

"Like how my pussy feels around your dick?" she hissed, squeezing her tits as he let go of her waist, leaning forward and grabbing them herself, "haa!" she gasped as he moved faster and faster, the table rocking under her as he ground his body on top of her.

"Haaa-HAa!! Yeah! This pussy is… TIGHT! Ugh! Ugh! Gonna cum!!"

"Sink your balls into my holes!" she gasped, "Ugh Yeah!!"

"UGGGH!!!" he planted his cock deep into her, his sack quivering against her as he did just that, shooting his load into her center pocket.

"Yeah… you win sexy…" she cooed erotically, rubbing her body as he rammed his hips against her twice more. Grunting primally as she wiggled against him. "MMmmn…" he slipped slowly out of her.

"…That was the best." He praised, slapping her inner thigh as she laughed.

"Oooh… it's not over…" she then rolled over, squatting on the edge of the table and spreading her cheeks. "…I still got another 'pocket' to fill with balls…" she replied, her ass winking at him.

Some primal force commanded him to get balls deep into that ass… it was his cock. He pushed against her backdoor, "Haa-AHhh yeah…" she clenched her teeth as he slipped up her ass, "Get it ALL in there!" she snarled as he grabbed her hair with both hands, "Haa!" and began banging against her ass as she squealed.

Silver Banshee's ass was emptied of cock as she shuddered. "MMMngh! Ugh… that's how your really fuck a woman shite-heads…" she sneered, slipping her goo stuffed pussy off of twin #1 and spreading her ass with one hand, "Yeah… felt fucking good didn't it?" she grinned proudly as they laughed. "Good…" she swung her leg over Twin #1 and sat on his cock, reverse cowgirl, sliding up her gaped hole as she spread her pussy for Twin #2. "Well? Come on Shite-head…" she licked her lips as he breathed heavily, staring at her in awe. "I got another hole to fill…"

"You want more?" he replied with shock as she began to bounce on twin #1 if he had any complaints they were ignored or forgotten.

"Fill my FECKING pussy before I make you!" she growled hungrily, "Haa-Haa-Haa!" lying on twin #1 one as twin too grabbed her waist and slipped right in. "NNNhg! Yeah… Lucy knows her shite!" she growled, shaking in pleasure as she grabbed Twin #2 by the hair. "FUCK!" she barked, more like a command than an expletive. "Yeah! Fuck me! Just keep fucking me!" she moaned, lying down and rolling her hips up and down, or back and forth against them. "MMN! NNGh!!" she whimpered, shaking in pleasure as she was introduced thoroughly to the joys of being stuffed with dick…

"Harder! Harder! I want to be fucked all the god damn time!" she roared shaking in orgasm, spasming over the twins as they railed into her body now on instinct, driving themselves forward as she clawed at them, "Haa-! HAaaa!!! God-Damn it!!" she shrieked, climaxing hard as she thrashed out.

But both boys slammed into her body and promptly drained themselves, "Haa-AHHHGH!!" she clung to them, her toes curling as she felt their warm twin loads spurt into her body, mixing and mingling as they dropped onto her.

"Up my ass! Fuck me up my ass!!" Killer Frost pleaded as Adonis did regardless, yanking her icy-blue hair as she squealed, eyes wide and tearing from her yanked roots as his cock ravaged her asshole, her ass jiggling against his grunting, smacking hips as he let go of her hand and railed against her right ass cheek hard.


"Haa-AAAAagh!!!" he roared, pushing deep into her spasming body as he let her go, she dropped shaking to the felt and cooing as he pumped his hips against her ass, and slipped out with a pop. "FUCK yeah!" he declared proudly as she cooed on the table, raising his hand and smacking her left ass cheek with a satisfying crack, before dropping to the ground exhausted.

Silver Frost and Killer Banshee… wait… Killer Frost and Silver Banshee, a little disoriented, sweaty, make-up smeared and panting… push slowly off the table, and pulled off a twin respectively…

Silver Banshee left the dozing twins and leaned over the table. Shaking Killer Frost. "…Hey… you fecking good?"

"MMMn… Give me a minute…" she replied as Banshee retrieved her pants, then tossed on her jacket, just grabbing her shirt and slinging it over her shoulder. "MMMN… they out?" she asked, slipping off the table, dripping on the floor as she daintily retrieved her clothes.

"Looks like it…" Silver Banshee replied proudly, wiping her forehead with her hand and getting some make-up off. "Alright then…" she jerked her now white thumb to the door as Killer Frost pulled on her suit. "Let's get fecking paid…"


"Come on Mighty while I'm young and sexy…" Silver Banshee replied lazily, dropping on the bed as she spoiled Aiden some more.

"He's not done." She replied properly.

"Well, we are…" Killer Frost declared as Aiden pulled his face from Mighty's tits.

"…Well then I guess I should finish…" he replied, twitching in Mighty before burying his face back in her tits as she laughed. "…What should we do?"

"…Are you really fecking asking?" Silver Banshee replied as Killer Frost smirked and both women extracted the two from each other.

"Stand up fecker." She noted as she stood Aiden on his feet as Mighty knelt down. "Here's how you use tits like hers…"

And with some aid from Silver Banshee and Killer Frost. Mighty smiled up at him as Killer Frost wrapped her tits around him.

"Ooooh…" he sighed, leaning against the Sweaty Banshee as she pushed her hips against his.

"Come on fecker… or we'll have to charge you more…" Banshee whispered smugly as Killer Frost lifted and dropped Mighty's tits around his cock, Mighty squeezing them together as he rested his hands on her shoulders, thrusting his hips slowly with Silver Banshee's hip-thrusting guidance until she started to speed them up.

"Haa-Haaa… yes…" he groaned, shaking as Mighty cooed softly, Frost kneeling behind her to squeeze her tits faster, harder. Mighty Lifting them up and down with her knees as she pushed up and down from the floor. "God! Oh GOD!!"

"Cum all over my tits!" Mighty declared, "Oh Yes!" she smiled, gazing lovingly up at him as he just let it all out, spraying on Killer Frost's face as she rested her chin on Mighty's shoulder, spurting over Mighty's face, and then oozing onto her tits as Silver Banshee pulled him free, licking his ear and stroking him.

"THAT'S how you use her fecking tits…" she declared, slapping him lightly on the face.

Killer Frost and Mighty Endowed displayed her squeezed, cum covered tits for his pleasure before he dropped on the bed as Silver Banshee laughed. "Those are your tits now!" she declared, pinching Mighty's nipples playfully as she was 'pulled' to her feet by them.

"Ooow!" she hissed softly, covering her sticky nipples.

"Wait…" he said, raising a hand. "…I still… I still have time."

"Technically…" smiled Killer Frost prettily through his slight semen glaze.

"But you're fecked out bud." Silver Banshee smirked.

"Lick her clean…" he pointed lazily at Mighty. "You were VERY rude making shoot my load onto her tits… so clean her up."

"…Like you didn't fecking enjoy it." Silver Banshee declared as Mighty moaned. Silver Banshee and Killer Frost each took a tit gently in their hands and ran their tongues over Mighty's beautiful body as she writhed and moaned, shaking in pleasure as the Superbabes did exactly as ordered, Licked her clean…

Now Frost was the only one with jizz on her face. "Bathroom?" she asked as he pointed to a closed door.

"Right there…" he said.

"Good. Get the cash." Silver Banshee ordered as all three entered.

It took almost 20 minutes for them to clean up completely, the shower was elaborate but small and it was just not practical for three girls no matter how much shower fanservice would've been achieved. Smelling significantly cleaner, Silver Banshee oddly like Irish Spring, they matched out together before Mighty properly retrieved her clothes. Finding Aiden holding a stack of hundreds that would more than cover for his tab.

"Well nice doing business with you fecker." Silver Banshee replied, "Hope your freaky-deeky plan works out…"

"It will." He noted as Mighty's big breasts were continued in her suit once more. He sighed, staring at them. "It will…" he sighed again. "…Just one more?"

"Oh for fucks sake." Grumbled Silver Banshee as Mighty pushed her tits together and gave him once last motorboat for the road, giggling melodiously as she playfully tossed her head, letting him get REAL in there…

"Oh shut up, like you wouldn't want to bury your face in those pillows." Mighty laughed at Killer Frost's scoff, "Seriously I'm not even into girls and I want to bury my face in those." She added as she slipped on her furred boots. "Now come on."

Mighty patted Aiden's head and they all waved them off. They made their way through the quiet party and out into the wild as someone shouted.

"This food is great!" he cheered as the partiers gorged on the Superbabes food, ignoring the Superbabes themselves mostly as a pair of less attractive versions of 'Silver Banshee and Killer Frost' argued furiously with Bernard who seemed not only bored but not interested…

"Huh…" Mighty mumbled eying them and realizing they were the 'stepfamily' they really do look like you two…" she added as they got to the van.

"…Feck that shite." Silver Banshee declared as Killer Frost smiled as she eyed the 'silver banshee' mother. "…I definitely have a better arse… and Leslie definitely has better tits." She added scoffing at the 'Killer Frost' stepsister.

"Shotgun!" Declared Mighty, shoving past Silver Banshee into the passenger seat.

"…Fuck." Grumbled Banshee, getting in the back."

Time: 11:35 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I'm back bitches!" Ashley declared confidently strutting in as Rebecca gave out a disgruntled sarcastic.


"Yeah?" Joy asked curiously pulling on her rabbit mask as she walked out of the lockers.

Orders smacked herself in the face at the 'joke'. "Noooooo…" she mumbled as the two grinned at the unintentional joke and the partiers approached the counter, tossing the hundreds onto it as Orders divided it up accordingly.

Then frowned, counting again… then seemed to give Bessie a bigger portion as Leslie casually walked off and Ashley, who noticed, made her opinion as usual, loud.

"Hey! Why the hell did you give her more?" she asked as Bessie paused, but Orders waved her off.

"Because he overpaid, and I feel she did the most work…" she replied as Ashley frowned.

"Well then maybe we should split it?" she noted confidently as Orders glared at her, sighed then waved Bessie over.

"Tell you what." She said, slipping the extra hundred out. "Well make a bet… beat Leslie at pool and I'll give it to you."

"No fecking way I've seen that bitch play." Ashley declared as Leslie began chalking up her favorite pool cue regardless. "Not worth the effort."

"And that is why I gave it to Elizabeth…" she added. "…Unless of course Leslie, you have an opinion?"

"Nah… I'm good boss…" replied Leslie with a smile. Aiming the cue ball and cracking it easily across the table, sinking a pair of balls after breaking the group.

"Alright then. Piss off." Orders added as Ashley pouted. "…And go put your face on. I'm not paying you to look like punk bass player."

"Just an undead one." Ashley mumbled matching into the locker room as Rebecca laughed.

"…So… is his plan going to work?" asked Bessie as Orders shrugged.

"Who knows?" Orders noted, rubbing her forehead as her eyes flicked. "…You can ask him next week… he'll want to be SPOILED again…" Bessie blushed, as she wobbled off to the floor. "…I should have her take some lessons from Grace, she's a natural 'mother-er'…"

"Well yeah, have you seen her tits? She could mother the entire restaurant." Rebecca smirked as Orders sighed at her.

"Go work the floor." she grumbled exasperatedly, missing Giganta... just a little.

"You're no fun boss." Mumbled Rebecca going to do just that, "That was a good joke." she added indignantly.

