
In vino veritas

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That's what I like about Erdva, he's efficient. I told him to fix the ceiling - the arsehole found the materials somewhere and now he's flying under the ceiling replacing a crumpled panel.

- Erdva, what are you doing?

- You said to fix the ceiling.

- Yes, I did. And how's the labour process, proletarian?

- Almost finished. - he turned his back on me and jiggled his tools. The ceiling panels were on ordinary screws, so it wasn't hard to change them. Apparently the dorm superintendent had seen so much in the long history of the dormitory that almost all of the furnishings were designed to be repairable.

- Have you had the DNA test done yet?

- Yeah, they gave it to me at the hospital today. I'm afraid to open it. I don't know what it says.

- What do you mean, "wrong"?

- It's not what I'm expecting. What if--

- That's enough. You won't know anything that way. Besides, I didn't get a chance to tell you. Alessi came to see you.

- And you didn't say anything? - I jumped up from the sofa I'd sat down on and ran to the grocery bags.

- 'She said to tell you she'd be back in a couple of hours. - "Just?"

- An hour and a half ago.

- Bliiiiiiiin..." I groaned, and grabbing the groceries, went to the kitchen. At least I had to give the girl some tea. Erdva considered our conversation finished and went back up into the air to return to his work - repairing the ceiling. I thought it unnecessary to help him - I could, but there was no need, Erdva could do it.

I poured water into the kettle and put it on to boil, and went to the kitchen. I had my own kitchen, a small one, but it was my own, and it was cosy enough. I didn't have any quick-cooking food, so I had to cheat a little - make a salad, and bring a bottle of... wine. Local wine, made from local Alderaanian plants. But it's as good as any Earth wine. Wine is forbidden in the dormitory, forbidden at my age, but... am I a smuggler or am I out for a walk? It's easy to buy, easy to smuggle. So I got a couple of bottles of good wine, which I kept in my stash just in case. I reckon I could do with some now. One glass is enough for the organism.

A salad, and a bottle... that's how Alessi caught me. She stood in the middle of the room, seemingly frozen, though I realised that she was staring at Erdv, floating unaccustomedly from the ceiling. It's unusual for a squat astrodroid to behave that way at all. It's understandable, as is the fact that Alessi is looking right at me right now....

- Hello, Alessi!

- Ani! Where have you been? Oh, what's the occasion? I think work is only tomorrow... or did I miss something... - her intonation began to show a genuine feminine curiosity.

- No, it's nothing like that. - I looked at my guest - she was wearing a nice jumper and trousers, traditional and informal style.

- I stopped by a couple of hours ago, but your droid said you'd gone to the hospital. Ani..." a look of concern appeared on the miraluka's face, "if there's something wrong with your health, tell me. I was worried! - she feigned offence.

- It's nothing like that. I just ordered a DNA test to see what's wrong with me.

- Oh, so you wanted to unravel the mystery of your powers? How?

- I don't know, I haven't opened the envelope yet.

- Let me open it. - she said. Curiosity is clearly running high.

- Let's eat a little first.

- What have you got there? Wow, wine. Aren't you afraid that--

- Who cares? - I waved my hand away with the bottle clutched in it. Alessi thoughtfully intercepted the bottle and put it on the table.

- Then let's hurry up. - The girl bit her lip and started looking for cutlery. I had the set in the same hand as the salad bowl. Handing her something that looked like a fork, I smiled. Alessi had been preoccupied with maintaining her figure lately. Not that I'm against it, but dieting doesn't mean not eating at all. So if Alessi manages to feed herself, it's only to me.

- That's right, you'll starve yourself....

- Nfififo nefomomu

- Chew it first. And what do they teach you... - I smiled. Alessi ducked back into her plate at my words and remained proudly silent until she had chewed.

- I won't swallow anything, I said.

- Yes, you will. I'm worried about you - you don't eat much, you're always on your feet, you study almost as well as I do. Look, you're going to make yourself sick. Eat, eat, eat... Do you want some? - I nodded at the bottle.

- I don't know, what is it?

- Wine.

- I've never drunk wine. But... let me try it. - Alessi smiled conspiratorially, putting aside her fork.

As I poured the wine into glasses, I thought I'd open the envelope after the first one. And read it.

Raising our glasses, we drank together. The taste of the local wine was a little unfamiliar to me - what was poured in all sorts of cantinas in the outer ring worlds was much nicer to my heart, but not to my stomach. In general, smugglers are hearty people... but they drink like Russians.

- How's that?

- Mmm... I don't know. I'm not used to it.

- You don't have to get used to it. - I was getting a bit of a kick out of it, too, so I said:

- I've got the DNA test results here. Shall we read it?

- Let's read it. - I forcefully lifted the envelope and it jumped into my hand when I wanted it to.

- Here! - I gave the girl the envelope.

- But this is your test. No, no, no, no. It's not right. - She was stubborn.

- Here you go. I'm not going to keep you in suspense - I put the envelope in her hands, - read what's in it.

- All right... But what if it's something personal? - She didn't want to read it again.

- There's nothing I'm keeping from you. The only thing you already know is that I'm a Force-user. Go ahead.

- All right. - The girl agreed and began tearing the envelope enthusiastically. Inside was a datacard and a few sheets. Alessi leaned back on the back of the couch, putting the envelope and datacard next to each other, and began to read. Silently.

- Well, what is it?

- Nothing. Blah, blah, blah, blah, test, taken, directed, analysed... analysed... zised... heehee. - a lovely blush appeared on her cheeks, but not from embarrassment. Alcohol, even in such microscopic doses, was doing its job. The girl was a little tipsy.

- Any parents?

- There should be. Now. - Alessi took another sheet of paper, - here. So, parents... mother... wow... and father... wow.....

- Alessi..." I brazenly moved over to her, hugging her to be closer. When our cheeks were already touching and the girl blushed even more, I read. "Mother: human (appendix 5), father: Miraluka, (appendix 6).

- What's this about... I'm a half-breed?

- I knew it," Alessi sighed, "Don't be so upset. Nothing happened, right?

- No, I'm not upset. - I answered hastily. Yes, that's how silly fairy tales about the Immaculate Conception fall apart. It's a shame there weren't DNA tests on earth before.

As I sat there with a blank stare, Alessi shoved a glass into my hand, saying, "Here, drink this."

I obeyed, after which I put the document aside.

- Do you?

- No, I shouldn't.

- Then I won't. Eh... Shall I go somewhere? - I asked, getting up from the sofa.

- Really, I didn't want to sit in the dormitory on such a day.

I said let's go - let's go. Ali and I left the room, leaving Erdv alone again, and I, as a gentleman, gave the lady my hand, and then we directed our footsteps to the exit of the dormitory. I had no desire to meet the guards at the checkpoint, so I showed the girl where the service entrance was. But I had to go to the entrance to get my bike, where I usually leave it. Alessi climbed on the bike behind me, which made the low-powered butterfly sag slightly, and breathing in my ear said:

- Let's go... somewhere.

- Hmmm... do you know where?

- Well... I heard there's a college race tonight. Shall we go watch it?

- Let's go! Show me the way. - I closed my eyes (which usually frightened everyone who saw me driving), and using my second sight, I turned onto the road, or rather street, as the surface road was more of a non-functional piece of urban architecture.

The race was on the outskirts of the city, but we were a little tipsy and didn't realise that we had driven through almost all of Aldera.

A little outside the city, after a couple of kilometres of forest, there was a hotel, or a roadside café, in general, an establishment that served delicious food. Unlike most such cafes, this one didn't have a brightly glowing advert, so you wouldn't know what kind of lodge it was. "Butterfly," the repulsors buzzing, flew up to the car park, where we got off and listened. There were voices and engine noise coming from the side of the building.

- Do you hear that? They're over there. I heard that Forest Edge has a race every week, and they gather here every day.

- Hmm..." I looked at Alessi. The girl looked quite excited.

- Do you like racing?

- Well, not really.

- Then let's go! - I took her hand and led her round the building.

The backyard was indeed a large, football field-sized field, with hundreds of bikes and speeders. And...students. Young people crowded the entire area. The light from the headlights illuminated the whole clearing, so we could clearly see that there was a spontaneously formed racing circuit - a few bikes stood hardly in the centre of the clearing, surrounded by people. Predominantly people. I let Alessi's hand out of mine and decided to go and see what the youngsters were racing.

They didn't even pay attention to me, or if they did, they just grinned. Yes, what can you take from a first-year student?

- Hey, guys, could you enlighten the younger ones, what are you racing on nowadays?

- A few racers broke away from studying their steel horses and looked at me.

- Why not enlighten them? Today's race is on starhawk, basic.

- So you guys have the same bike?

- Yes. Otherwise it would just be a competition to see who can build the most poncey iron. It's a tricky race, though, so I'd prefer a marshmallow or a Shriker. The first one handles better, and the second one's got a lot of speed.

- I see. - I nodded, "Are only uni students allowed to participate?

- Participate - yes. It's free to watch, and anyone who wants to, it's not a pity for us. The droid-cameras were set up and there's already some excitement. What'd you ask, kid, you want in on this?

- Why wouldn't I? Just somebody sell me a bike.

The crowd around us had gone silent, so it was just me. In the headlights his face looked a little more expressive than it really is, or I'm imagining it, but his face showed only mockery.

- Kid, first of all, go to university, and then we'll see.

- I'm already a student. First year.

- And you have a pass, of course.

- Shcha... - I searched my pocket and found a plastic card of the pass, - here.

- Well... for real. Hey, Imp, student Sky... what's your name..." he leaned down, reading the surname, "Skywalker.

- So, is anyone going to sell the bike or not?

The answer I got was silence. A guy with either the name or the nickname "Imp" answered: "I think Juhi from Three Hundred and Seventh was selling his. I'll give him a whistle, he'll give me a lift.....

- Come on, don't be late. I'm dying to drive it.

The guy who blew the whistle came quickly. Or rather - came, but because of the pandemonium he had to play a mountain goat and constantly jump up and down to pass without hitting anyone. Alessi was suspiciously silent, and I was completely distracted by the new actor.

- Hey, Imp, Dank, what's up? - He said hello as he got off the bike.

- Take care, Juhi. I hear you want to sell your tarantas... - Dank started, and Imp continued for him:

- "There's a buyer. Come on, boys, we've got to get ready for the race. - Imp pulled Dank away from the conversation and turned his attention to the bike with an open bonnet. Indeed, I've taken people's minds off things....

- So you're the one who wants to buy the bike from me? Won't you crash? It's a beast of a machine.

- Yeah, I've heard that a hundred times. Does driving a jet pack count?

- No one counts for anything. So, are you gonna buy it? - First you gotta show me what you got. Put it under the headlights, cos it's too black.

- Just so you understand! By the way, it's the most popular colour! Look, if you know what I mean... - he waved his hand at his tarantas. I came closer and examined the construction with my usual force. I had to clean the bike's innards a little. On the front panel there was a primitive schematic representation of the eyes and beak of some bird. Apparently, this should, according to the owners of such tuned bikes, give them coolness in the eyes of female students. It's not much, but it works.

The foot stirrups were bent and I had to fix them. Thankfully, no one noticed my manipulation. The condition of the metal is fine as it is - not a rusty trough.

- I'll take it. How much do you want?

- Eight.

- Young man, are you talking about your bike? Eight?

- It's almost new! Eight, no less!

- A new one costs ten. And after the stirrups were bent, it's worth six. And that's still a very, very good price!

- What the hell are you talking about? What stirrups? - Juhi got nervous, - seven!

- I'll take it. - I took out a map and asked, - Got a computer?

- Yes, right away. - Juhi took a datapad out of the bike's luggage compartment and handed it to me. I quickly, with Juhi watching, transferred seven grand to his card.

- There, the bike's yours now. By the way, I'll need something to get home on... fuck it, I'll get a ride. - Juhi gave me a hand

- Thanks for the nice bike.

- You're welcome. You're welcome to crash. - "Joke" he said, and he turned around and walked away.

- Anakin, what are you doing?

- Alessi...don't you like it?

- But it's dangerous!

- I assure you, not at all. Almost not. - I dodged the girl's frivolous slap.

- You could crash. And anyway, you need a licence to buy a bike.

- Nobody asked me for one. So it's no big deal.

- Suit yourself. - Alessi turned her back. I had to get off the bike and come from behind and hug the girl:

- Well, you're not angry, are you? I promise nothing will happen to me. I promise. I'm gonna go find out where I can sign up for the race. You have no idea how tired my bike is.

- Your bike was the best bike ever. What about this one? - she looked at the hawk, "well... this one, too, but..."

- But what? Anyway, Alessi, I don't know about you, but racing is my weakness. And I won't be me if I don't win today. You'd better just bet on me.

- But I've got... - the girl started, but I shoved a credit card with the rest of the money in her hands, - take it. It's three thousand. That's enough. And I still have to find the race director.

Alessi took the card from me, and with a heavy sigh, muttered something about crazy boys and their iron flying toys.

* Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Spaceport Authority.

- What do you think of all this, Master?

- I think it's bad. - Qui-Gon stepped back against the wall, and remembering Naboo, decided not to sit down, and to keep his sword handy just in case.

- Something feels wrong here. It's like... there's something in the air.

- I agree, perhaps it's my intuition.

Just at that moment, a full man entered the Jedi's room. Flashing a half bald head, he smiled insincerely:

- It is good to see you, Jedi Master. To what do we owe your visit?

- The drug trade. I will warn you at once that it is useless for Jedi to lie, we can sense lies, so sit down and have some tea. Just as I didn't touch mine. - Said Qui-Gon, invitingly pointing to the chair next to him. The man was excited - both Jedi could sense it well, so until he finished his tea, no one said a word.

- So, Master...

- Sadias Nerenimos. Manager of transport infrastructure for the mines and quarries. - Said the man, clearly nervous, which did not escape the Jedi's perception.

- Spice is transported through your planet to the central worlds, do you know anything about it? - Qui-Gon asked bluntly, smiling with the edges of his lips, making Nerenimos even more nervous.

- N... no. I'm sorry, I can't help you here. - The official waved his hands.

* Alderaan, dormitory, three o'clock in the morning. *

- Hey frosty frosty frosty don't frosty me..." the teenager chuckled. Miraluka would have liked to close her eyes in a gesture of anguish, but Miraluka lacked those imperfect organs of sight, so she gave up with a heavy sigh.

- Nah. That song doesn't sound good at all in Toydarian. - The blond concluded and staggered back to his room. Alessi was not much more sober than her boyfriend, for she had declined the offer of a meal at the winners' table.

- Sadly... Daddy's a bastard. No, what a bastard. Mum always said I didn't have a dad. I guess I don't have the best memories. No, she should have told the Jedi that. - Anakin said in a slurred voice, waving his hand. He swayed, and Alessi immediately took him under her arm and gave him a shoulder to lean on, leading him down the corridor. Whatever Anakin was making any more noise, she thought it would be a good idea to talk. To her feminine good fortune, she managed to ask a question, the answer to which took Anakin all the way to his room.

- What's the big deal about your mum saying that to the Jedi?

- What do you mean what? Those Buddhist terrorists have some kind of prophecy out there. You know, that it's gonna be a thousand years of total bad luck, and then a messiah will come in all white and restore peace and prosperity and a new order for centuries... freaks. Fanatics. Yoda heard I was coming, he brainwashed everyone else, and now they think I'm the chosen one. Messiah, my arse. You know where all these balances are for me? I've seen them in a coffin and white slippers! I still want to live! But I've got it all worked out. Oh, yes, you did. They probably think I'm dead, so they're not looking for me. There was that time on Neimodia when Qui-Gon was sent to disable the shield... oh, never mind, that's another story. Some smuggler picked me up after the ship blew up. And that was that. Just me and Erdva, my steel friend.

- What about my family? What if they're worried? - Alessi asked, listening attentively to her drunken boyfriend.

- No, no, no," he waved his hand in front of him, "I left a note for my mum. I gave my sword to Padme.

- Padme? - Alessi was wary, sensing something wrong.

- Well, we met on Tatooine. And then we spent a lot of time together. She's a good girl, I'll give you that. And don't look at her like a queen, she's a good girl. I just don't like politicians.

- Anakin. I'm afraid to disappoint you, but you're in a department where politics is the only way out. - Miraluka dragged Skywalker to the door and, rummaging through his pockets, found a key card.

- Well, so loving it is one thing, but recognising it is another. People make politics. I mean, intelligent people. I, it turns out, hee hee, am not human... hee hee... Anyway, I won't be with her. I mean, she's cute, but we're not exactly the same person. I'm gonna terrorise her. And you..." Anakin had already entered the room, and now Alessi sat him down on the couch, "and you're prrrrrrrrrrrrreal. What are some queens compared to you.

Miraluka blushed at the unexpected compliment, and Anakin took advantage of it, kissing his girlfriend with a breath of wine vapour.

- Don't think I'm doing this for nothing... no-no! By the way, we Forsusers are good at sensing other sentient beings. You're so good," Skywalker smiled. Alessi didn't know what to say to him. So, is there somewhere to drink? - Anakin looked around the room with a hazy gaze. Then he closed his eyes altogether. Only he and Alessi knew the meaning of this manipulation. After a second's silence, a bottle appeared in front of the drunken teenager, floating in the air. Anakin, still holding on to Alessi, shook the bottle with his telekinesis, turned it upside down, but only a single drop dripped from the neck onto the carpet, leaving a stain on it. Anakin didn't bother to forcefully crush the bottle and tossed it precisely into the trash.

- That's how drinking ends. Well, where's Erdva... There he is!

- I'm here, Anakin. - squeaked out from behind the back of the couch.

- Wake me up tomorrow... no, today in six hours.

- I will. - replied Erdva, moving back out.

- Well Alessi, it's time for us all to go to sleep. - said Skywalker in Russian.

- What?

- Sleep. All of you, sleep. There's a test in seven hours.

Alessi didn't answer, only laid her boyfriend down on the couch, pulling off his outer clothes and switching off the light behind him.
