
0. Prologue

"Will you marry me?"

His soft, hesitant voice echoed in my mind, causing tears to blur my vision…

Just like how he made me cry on that day, he left me in tears on a day that was supposed to be our " wedding" day. What a cruel man you are, Eluoan.








"Young lady! We don't have any time to waste. So please don't be distracted. Almost all of the guests have come."

A young woman with brown hair who wore a maid's attire, spoke in a worried tone. 

Yeah. I mustn't lose my composure by dwelling on the past now. 

Since… I don't want to be treated like that anymore.

I gazed into the mirror, admiring the beauty of this body. Black hair that is darker than a moonless night, purple eyes as clear as crystal, pale skin, wine red lips- Aileas Reviee, she trully is breathtaking.

Once the maids were finished, I got up from my seat and walked towards the door.

A familiar cold face greeted me outside the room.

"I hope you won't act foolish and tarnish our reputation, my dear daughter. If you do so we will make sure to heal you again. After all, you are our dear lovely daughter who has a duty to fulfill."

As she spoke her smile sent shivers down my spine…

"Yes, your grace."

I bowed slightly. 

"Ohoho~ don't be that cold. Call me mother my dear Aileas."


Commoner female lead and royalty male lead. Story that is written by many authors. "Loving a Prince is hard" was one of them. 

Caitir was a lovely person who had a good heart. She was a fallen noble, one and only daughter of the Lewlynn family which was accused of treason. One day she met a golden haired prince. He wasn't that nice to her at first, but her kindness thawed the prince's frozen heart. 

Then did Caitir get bullied by someone? Of course there was one.  How can that kind of cliche novel not have villainess who does every bad deed to make poor female lead suffer?

Aileas Reviee was the eldest daughter of Duke Reviee whom is one of the patriarchs of main houses in the empire. And was the unfortunate character of "Loving a prince is hard", pushed to her death by her family. 

She was forced to commit sinful deeds and became villainess. Even the readers hated her despite knowing it wasn't her intention, believed she could have resisted her family but chose not to. And she deserves to die. 

But I pitied her. If she had someone to love her unconditionally she wouldn't have done those things. 

I know that because I experienced how much external validation can affect a person…


Pale white skin, short hair that barely reaches her shoulder, slim figure all looked fine but the only thing that made her not normal was her eyes. Which seemed to be "dead". 

For the last few years she had those eyes and not a single light, let alone an emotion shone in those eyes. 

As her keys unlocked the door, she entered a small house. Without removing her shoes, she went inside the kitchen, grabbing a cup and placing it on the counter. 

She poured water, then quickly stopped when the cup was overfilled and water flowed out. 

'What am I even trying to do?' 

With that thought, she chuckled, looking at her reflection on the glass table. 

"Yeah, I don't even have seizures now. So I could just stop taking those pills. Surely I won't die right? Even if I do, it'd be better." 

Hints of stepping sound directed to the bedroom, where is a bed for two and many pictures of a young couple hung. 

One of the pictures had a little name tag on the corner which says "Live a long and happy life, you love birds! From your dearest friends to Eluoan and Sera" 

Sera from the picture was that gloomy woman.

In contrast to reality, she appeared to be the happiest person in the world in those photos. Now, her soulless eyes were slowly closing as Sera lay down on her bed. 


The day when I decided not to take my pills, I had my seizures and died… but woke up in an unfamiliar place, an unfamiliar world, in the body of the villainess I pitied. 

In every novel I read, people who got transmigrated adapted quickly. So I thought I would too. But in reality I had so much denial and anxiety. It was hard to believe that I, Sera ceased to exist, I was now just a character from a novel. What made it worse was my seizures didn't stop- they still followed me throughout the universes. 

Like how much those gods! Those sons of bitches wanted me to suffer?!! 

It took me three whole months to regain my sanity. And I had no other choice but to live as Aily.